Bugzilla – Attachment 161301 Details for
Bug 35506
selenium/regressions.t is failing randomly
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Bug 35506: [ALTERNATIVE PATCH] Move the checkouts table load delay logic out of document ready
Bug-35506-Move-the-checkouts-table-load-delay-logi.patch (text/plain), 58.22 KB, created by
Jonathan Druart
on 2024-01-23 15:05:47 UTC
Bug 35506: [ALTERNATIVE PATCH] Move the checkouts table load delay logic out of document ready
MIME Type:
Jonathan Druart
2024-01-23 15:05:47 UTC
58.22 KB
>From 061cf5f837a7073dc282e68f01fab90f78f8c2f0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 >From: Jonathan Druart <jonathan.druart@bugs.koha-community.org> >Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2024 16:04:32 +0100 >Subject: [PATCH] Bug 35506: Move the checkouts table load delay logic out of > document ready > >--- > koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/js/checkouts.js | 1198 +++++++++--------- > 1 file changed, 600 insertions(+), 598 deletions(-) > >diff --git a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/js/checkouts.js b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/js/checkouts.js >index bebe9866795..1614d978d41 100644 >--- a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/js/checkouts.js >+++ b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/js/checkouts.js >@@ -1,478 +1,187 @@ > /* global __ */ > >-$(document).ready(function() { >- var loadIssuesTableDelayTimeoutId; >- >- var barcodefield = $("#barcode"); > >- var onHoldDueDateSet = false; >- >- var onHoldChecked = function() { >- var isChecked = false; >- $('input[data-on-reserve]').each(function() { >- if ($(this).is(':checked')) { >- isChecked=true; >+ function RefreshIssuesTable() { >+ var table = $('#issues-table').DataTable(); >+ var renewchecked = $('input[name=renew]:checked').map(function(){ >+ return this.value; >+ }).get(); >+ var checkinchecked = $('input[name=checkin]:checked').map(function(){ >+ return this.value; >+ }).get(); >+ table.ajax.reload( function() { >+ $('#RenewChecked, #CheckinChecked').prop('disabled' , true ); >+ if ( renewchecked.length ) { >+ $('#RenewChecked').prop('disabled' , false ); >+ renewchecked.forEach( function(checked) { >+ $('.renew[value="'+checked+'"]').prop('checked' , true ); >+ }); >+ } >+ if ( checkinchecked.length ) { >+ $('#CheckinChecked').prop('disabled' , false ); >+ checkinchecked.forEach( function(checked) { >+ $('.checkin[value="'+checked+'"]').prop('checked' , true ); >+ }); > } >+ var checkout_count = table.page.info().recordsTotal; >+ $('.checkout_count').text(checkout_count); > }); >- return isChecked; >- }; >+ } > >- var showHideOnHoldRenewal = function() { >- // Display the date input >- if (onHoldChecked()) { >- $('#newonholdduedate').show() >- } else { >- $('#newonholdduedate').hide(); >- } >- }; >+ function LoadIssuesTable() { >+ $('#issues-table-loading-message').hide(); >+ $('#issues-table').show(); >+ $('#issues-table-actions').show(); >+ var msg_loading = __('Loading... you may continue scanning.'); >+ issuesTable = KohaTable("issues-table", { >+ "oLanguage": { >+ "sEmptyTable" : msg_loading, >+ "sProcessing": msg_loading, >+ }, >+ "bAutoWidth": false, >+ "dom": '<"table_controls"B>rt', >+ "aoColumns": [ >+ { >+ "mDataProp": function( oObj ) { >+ return oObj.sort_order; >+ } >+ }, >+ { >+ "mDataProp": function( oObj ) { >+ if ( oObj.issued_today ) { >+ return "<strong>" + __("Today's checkouts") + "</strong>"; >+ } else { >+ return "<strong>" + __("Previous checkouts") + "</strong>"; >+ } >+ } >+ }, >+ { >+ "mDataProp": "date_due", >+ "bVisible": false, >+ }, >+ { >+ "iDataSort": 2, // Sort on hidden unformatted date due column >+ "mDataProp": function( oObj ) { >+ let date_due_formatted = $datetime(oObj.date_due, { as_due_date: true, no_tz_adjust: true }); >+ var due = oObj.date_due_overdue >+ ? "<span class='overdue'>" + date_due_formatted + "</span>" >+ : date_due_formatted; > >- // Handle the select all/none links for checkouts table columns >- $("#CheckAllRenewals").on("click",function(){ >- $("#UncheckAllCheckins").click(); >- $(".renew:visible").prop("checked", true); >- $('#RenewChecked').prop('disabled', !$('.renew:checked').length ); >- showHideOnHoldRenewal(); >- return false; >- }); >- $("#UncheckAllRenewals").on("click",function(){ >- $(".renew:visible").prop("checked", false); >- $('#RenewChecked').prop('disabled', !$('.renew:checked').length ); >- showHideOnHoldRenewal(); >- return false; >- }); >+ due = "<span id='date_due_" + oObj.itemnumber + "' class='date_due'>" + due + "</span>"; > >- $("#CheckAllCheckins").on("click",function(){ >- $("#UncheckAllRenewals").click(); >- $(".checkin:visible").prop("checked", true); >- $('#CheckinChecked').prop('disabled', !$('.checkin:checked').length ); >- return false; >- }); >- $("#UncheckAllCheckins").on("click",function(){ >- $(".checkin:visible").prop("checked", false); >- $('#CheckinChecked').prop('disabled', !$('.checkin:checked').length ); >- return false; >- }); >+ if ( oObj.lost && oObj.claims_returned ) { >+ due += "<span class='lost claims_returned'>" + oObj.lost.escapeHtml() + "</span>"; >+ } else if ( oObj.lost ) { >+ due += "<span class='lost'>" + oObj.lost.escapeHtml() + "</span>"; >+ } > >- $("#newduedate").on("change", function() { >- if (!onHoldDueDateSet) { >- $('#newonholdduedate input').val($('#newduedate').val()); >- } >- }); >+ if ( oObj.damaged ) { >+ due += "<span class='dmg'>" + oObj.damaged.escapeHtml() + "</span>"; >+ } > >- $("#newonholdduedate").on("change", function() { >- onHoldDueDateSet = true; >- }); >+ var patron_note = " <span class='patron_note_" + oObj.itemnumber + "'></span>"; >+ due +="<br>" + patron_note; > >- // Don't allow both return and renew checkboxes to be checked >- $(document).on("change", '.renew', function(){ >- if ( $(this).is(":checked") ) { >- $( "#checkin_" + $(this).val() ).prop("checked", false); >- } >- $('#CheckinChecked').prop('disabled', !$('.checkin:checked').length ); >- $('#RenewChecked').prop('disabled', !$('.renew:checked').length ); >- }); >- $(document).on("change", '.checkin', function(){ >- if ( $(this).is(":checked") ) { >- $( "#renew_" + $(this).val() ).prop("checked", false); >- } >- $('#CheckinChecked').prop('disabled', !$('.checkin:checked').length ); >- $('#RenewChecked').prop('disabled', !$('.renew:checked').length ); >- }); >+ return due; >+ } >+ }, >+ { >+ "mDataProp": function ( oObj ) { >+ let title = "<span id='title_" + oObj.itemnumber + "' class='strong'><a href='/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=" >+ + oObj.biblionumber >+ + "'>" >+ + (oObj.title ? oObj.title.escapeHtml() : '' ); > >- // Display on hold due dates input when an on hold item is >- // selected >- $(document).on('change', '.renew', function(){ >- showHideOnHoldRenewal(); >- }); >+ $.each(oObj.subtitle, function( index, value ) { >+ title += " " + value.escapeHtml(); >+ }); > >- $("#output_format > option:first-child").attr("selected", "selected"); >- $("select[name='csv_profile_id']").hide(); >- $(document).on("change", '#issues-table-output-format', function(){ >- if ( $(this).val() == 'csv' ) { >- $("select[name='csv_profile_id']").show(); >- } else { >- $("select[name='csv_profile_id']").hide(); >- } >- }); >+ title += " " + oObj.part_number + " " + oObj.part_name; > >- // Clicking the table cell checks the checkbox inside it >- $(document).on("click", 'td', function(e){ >- if(e.target.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'td'){ >- $(this).find("input:checkbox:visible").each( function() { >- $(this).click(); >- }); >- } >- }); >+ if ( oObj.enumchron ) { >+ title += " <span class='item_enumeration'>(" + oObj.enumchron.escapeHtml() + ")</span>"; >+ } > >- // Handle renewals and returns >- $("#CheckinChecked").on("click",function(){ >+ title += "</a></span>"; > >- let refresh_table = true; >- $(".checkin:checked:visible").each(function() { >- itemnumber = $(this).val(); >+ if ( oObj.author ) { >+ title += " " + __("by _AUTHOR_").replace( "_AUTHOR_", " " + oObj.author.escapeHtml() ); >+ } > >- $(this).replaceWith("<img id='checkin_" + itemnumber + "' src='" + interface + "/" + theme + "/img/spinner-small.gif' />"); >+ if ( oObj.itemnotes ) { >+ var span_class = "text-muted"; >+ if ( flatpickr.formatDate( new Date(oObj.issuedate), "Y-m-d" ) == ymd ){ >+ span_class = "circ-hlt"; >+ } >+ title += "<span class='divider-dash'> - </span><span class='" + span_class + " item-note-public'>" + oObj.itemnotes.escapeHtml() + "</span>"; >+ } > >- params = { >- itemnumber: itemnumber, >- borrowernumber: borrowernumber, >- branchcode: branchcode, >- exempt_fine: $("#exemptfine").is(':checked') >- }; >+ if ( oObj.itemnotes_nonpublic ) { >+ var span_class = "text-danger"; >+ if ( flatpickr.formatDate( new Date(oObj.issuedate), "Y-m-d" ) == ymd ){ >+ span_class = "circ-hlt"; >+ } >+ title += "<span class='divider-dash'> - </span><span class='" + span_class + " item-note-nonpublic'>" + oObj.itemnotes_nonpublic.escapeHtml() + "</span>"; >+ } > >- $.post({ >- url: "/cgi-bin/koha/svc/checkin", >- data: params, >- success: function( data ) { >- id = "#checkin_" + data.itemnumber; >+ var onsite_checkout = ''; >+ if ( oObj.onsite_checkout == 1 ) { >+ onsite_checkout += " <span class='onsite_checkout'>(" + __("On-site checkout") + ")</span>"; >+ } > >- content = ""; >- if ( data.returned ) { >- content = __("Checked in"); >- $(id).parent().parent().addClass('ok'); >- $('#date_due_' + data.itemnumber).html( __("Checked in") ); >- if ( data.patronnote != null ) { >- $('.patron_note_' + data.itemnumber).html( __("Patron note") + ": " + data.patronnote); >+ if ( oObj.recalled == 1 ) { >+ title += "<span class='divider-dash'> - </span><span class='circ-hlt item-recalled'>" + __("This item has been recalled and the due date updated") + ".</span>"; > } >- } else { >- content = __("Unable to check in"); >- $(id).parent().parent().addClass('warn'); >- refresh_table = false; >- } > >- $(id).replaceWith( content ); >- }, >- dataType: "json", >- async: false, >- }); >- }); >- // Refocus on barcode field if it exists >- if ( $("#barcode").length ) { >- $("#barcode").focus(); >- } >+ title += " " >+ + "<a href='/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/moredetail.pl?biblionumber=" >+ + oObj.biblionumber >+ + "&itemnumber=" >+ + oObj.itemnumber >+ + "#" >+ + oObj.itemnumber >+ + "'>" >+ + (oObj.barcode ? oObj.barcode.escapeHtml() : "") >+ + "</a>" >+ + onsite_checkout > >- if ( refresh_table ) { >- RefreshIssuesTable(); >- } >- $('#RenewChecked, #CheckinChecked').prop('disabled' , true ); >- // Prevent form submit >- return false; >- }); >- $("#RenewChecked").on("click",function(){ >- let refresh_table = true; >- $(".confirm:checked:visible").each(function() { >- itemnumber = $(this).val(); >- id = "#checkin_" + itemnumber; >- materials = $(this).data('materials'); >- >- $(this).replaceWith("<span class='confirm' id='checkin_" + itemnumber + "'>" + __("Confirm") + " (<span>" + materials + "</span>): <input type='checkbox' class='checkin' name='checkin' value='" + itemnumber +"'></input></span>"); >- $(id).parent().parent().addClass('warn'); >- }); >- >- $(".renew:checked:visible").each(function() { >- var override_limit = $("#override_limit").is(':checked') ? 1 : 0; >- >- var isOnReserve = $(this).data().hasOwnProperty('onReserve'); >- >- var itemnumber = $(this).val(); >- >- $(this).parent().parent().replaceWith("<img id='renew_" + itemnumber + "' src='" + interface + "/" + theme + "/img/spinner-small.gif' />"); >- >- var params = { >- itemnumber: itemnumber, >- borrowernumber: borrowernumber, >- branchcode: branchcode, >- override_limit: override_limit >- }; >- >- if (UnseenRenewals) { >- var ren = $("#renew_as_unseen_checkbox"); >- var renew_unseen = ren.length > 0 && ren.is(':checked') ? 1 : 0; >- params.seen = renew_unseen === 1 ? 0 : 1; >- } >- >- // Determine which due date we need to use >- var dueDate = isOnReserve ? >- $("#newonholdduedate input").val() : >- $("#newduedate").val(); >- >- if (dueDate && dueDate.length > 0) { >- params.date_due = dueDate >- } >- >- $.post({ >- url: "/cgi-bin/koha/svc/renew", >- data: params, >- success: function( data ) { >- var id = "#renew_" + data.itemnumber; >- >- var content = ""; >- if ( data.renew_okay ) { >- content = __("Renewed, due:") + " " + data.date_due; >- $('#date_due_' + data.itemnumber).replaceWith( data.date_due ); >- } else { >- content = __("Renew failed:") + " "; >- if ( data.error == "no_checkout" ) { >- content += __("not checked out"); >- } else if ( data.error == "too_many" ) { >- content += __("too many renewals"); >- } else if ( data.error == "too_unseen" ) { >- content += __("too many consecutive renewals without being seen by the library"); >- } else if ( data.error == "on_reserve" ) { >- content += __("on hold"); >- } else if ( data.error == "restriction" ) { >- content += __("Not allowed: patron restricted"); >- } else if ( data.error == "overdue" ) { >- content += __("Not allowed: overdue"); >- } else if ( data.error == 'no_open_days' ) { >- content += __('Unable to find an open day'); >- } else if ( data.error ) { >- content += data.error; >- } else { >- content += __("reason unknown"); >- } >- refresh_table = false; >+ return title; >+ }, >+ "sType": "anti-the" >+ }, >+ { >+ "mDataProp": function ( oObj ) { >+ return oObj.recordtype_description.escapeHtml(); > } >- >- $(id).replaceWith( content ); >- }, >- dataType: "json", >- async: false, >- }); >- }); >- >- // Refocus on barcode field if it exists >- if ( $("#barcode").length ) { >- $("#barcode").focus(); >- } >- >- if ( refresh_table ) { >- RefreshIssuesTable(); >- } >- // Prevent form submit >- return false; >- }); >- >- $("#RenewAll").on("click",function(){ >- $("#CheckAllRenewals").click(); >- $("#UncheckAllCheckins").click(); >- showHideOnHoldRenewal(); >- $("#RenewChecked").click(); >- $('#RenewChecked').prop('disabled' , true ); >- // Prevent form submit >- return false; >- }); >- >- var ymd = flatpickr.formatDate(new Date(), "Y-m-d"); >- >- $('#issues-table-load-immediately').change(function(){ >- if ( this.checked && typeof issuesTable === 'undefined') { >- $('#issues-table-load-now-button').click(); >- } >- barcodefield.focus(); >- }); >- $('#issues-table-load-now-button').click(function(){ >- if ( loadIssuesTableDelayTimeoutId ) clearTimeout(loadIssuesTableDelayTimeoutId); >- LoadIssuesTable(); >- barcodefield.focus(); >- return false; >- }); >- >- if ( Cookies.get("issues-table-load-immediately-" + script) == "true" ) { >- if ( LoadCheckoutsTableDelay ) { >- loadIssuesTableDelayTimeoutId = setTimeout( function(){ LoadIssuesTable() }, LoadCheckoutsTableDelay * 1000); >- } else { >- LoadIssuesTable(); >- } >- $('#issues-table-load-immediately').prop('checked', true); >- } else { >- $('#issues-table-load-delay').hide(); >- } >- $('#issues-table-load-immediately').on( "change", function(){ >- Cookies.set("issues-table-load-immediately-" + script, $(this).is(':checked'), { expires: 365, sameSite: 'Lax' }); >- }); >- >- function RefreshIssuesTable() { >- var table = $('#issues-table').DataTable(); >- var renewchecked = $('input[name=renew]:checked').map(function(){ >- return this.value; >- }).get(); >- var checkinchecked = $('input[name=checkin]:checked').map(function(){ >- return this.value; >- }).get(); >- table.ajax.reload( function() { >- $('#RenewChecked, #CheckinChecked').prop('disabled' , true ); >- if ( renewchecked.length ) { >- $('#RenewChecked').prop('disabled' , false ); >- renewchecked.forEach( function(checked) { >- $('.renew[value="'+checked+'"]').prop('checked' , true ); >- }); >- } >- if ( checkinchecked.length ) { >- $('#CheckinChecked').prop('disabled' , false ); >- checkinchecked.forEach( function(checked) { >- $('.checkin[value="'+checked+'"]').prop('checked' , true ); >- }); >- } >- var checkout_count = table.page.info().recordsTotal; >- $('.checkout_count').text(checkout_count); >- }); >- } >- >- function LoadIssuesTable() { >- $('#issues-table-loading-message').hide(); >- $('#issues-table').show(); >- $('#issues-table-actions').show(); >- var msg_loading = __('Loading... you may continue scanning.'); >- issuesTable = KohaTable("issues-table", { >- "oLanguage": { >- "sEmptyTable" : msg_loading, >- "sProcessing": msg_loading, >- }, >- "bAutoWidth": false, >- "dom": '<"table_controls"B>rt', >- "aoColumns": [ >+ }, > { >- "mDataProp": function( oObj ) { >- return oObj.sort_order; >+ "mDataProp": function ( oObj ) { >+ return oObj.itemtype_description.escapeHtml(); > } > }, > { >- "mDataProp": function( oObj ) { >- if ( oObj.issued_today ) { >- return "<strong>" + __("Today's checkouts") + "</strong>"; >- } else { >- return "<strong>" + __("Previous checkouts") + "</strong>"; >- } >+ "mDataProp": function ( oObj ) { >+ return ( oObj.collection ? oObj.collection.escapeHtml() : '' ); > } > }, > { >- "mDataProp": "date_due", >+ "mDataProp": function ( oObj ) { >+ return ( oObj.location ? oObj.location.escapeHtml() : '' ); >+ } >+ }, >+ { >+ "mDataProp": function ( oObj ) { >+ return (oObj.homebranch ? oObj.homebranch.escapeHtml() : '' ); >+ } >+ }, >+ { >+ "mDataProp": "issuedate", > "bVisible": false, > }, > { >- "iDataSort": 2, // Sort on hidden unformatted date due column >+ "iDataSort": 10, // Sort on hidden unformatted issuedate column > "mDataProp": function( oObj ) { >- let date_due_formatted = $datetime(oObj.date_due, { as_due_date: true, no_tz_adjust: true }); >- var due = oObj.date_due_overdue >- ? "<span class='overdue'>" + date_due_formatted + "</span>" >- : date_due_formatted; >- >- due = "<span id='date_due_" + oObj.itemnumber + "' class='date_due'>" + due + "</span>"; >- >- if ( oObj.lost && oObj.claims_returned ) { >- due += "<span class='lost claims_returned'>" + oObj.lost.escapeHtml() + "</span>"; >- } else if ( oObj.lost ) { >- due += "<span class='lost'>" + oObj.lost.escapeHtml() + "</span>"; >- } >- >- if ( oObj.damaged ) { >- due += "<span class='dmg'>" + oObj.damaged.escapeHtml() + "</span>"; >- } >- >- var patron_note = " <span class='patron_note_" + oObj.itemnumber + "'></span>"; >- due +="<br>" + patron_note; >- >- return due; >- } >- }, >- { >- "mDataProp": function ( oObj ) { >- let title = "<span id='title_" + oObj.itemnumber + "' class='strong'><a href='/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=" >- + oObj.biblionumber >- + "'>" >- + (oObj.title ? oObj.title.escapeHtml() : '' ); >- >- $.each(oObj.subtitle, function( index, value ) { >- title += " " + value.escapeHtml(); >- }); >- >- title += " " + oObj.part_number + " " + oObj.part_name; >- >- if ( oObj.enumchron ) { >- title += " <span class='item_enumeration'>(" + oObj.enumchron.escapeHtml() + ")</span>"; >- } >- >- title += "</a></span>"; >- >- if ( oObj.author ) { >- title += " " + __("by _AUTHOR_").replace( "_AUTHOR_", " " + oObj.author.escapeHtml() ); >- } >- >- if ( oObj.itemnotes ) { >- var span_class = "text-muted"; >- if ( flatpickr.formatDate( new Date(oObj.issuedate), "Y-m-d" ) == ymd ){ >- span_class = "circ-hlt"; >- } >- title += "<span class='divider-dash'> - </span><span class='" + span_class + " item-note-public'>" + oObj.itemnotes.escapeHtml() + "</span>"; >- } >- >- if ( oObj.itemnotes_nonpublic ) { >- var span_class = "text-danger"; >- if ( flatpickr.formatDate( new Date(oObj.issuedate), "Y-m-d" ) == ymd ){ >- span_class = "circ-hlt"; >- } >- title += "<span class='divider-dash'> - </span><span class='" + span_class + " item-note-nonpublic'>" + oObj.itemnotes_nonpublic.escapeHtml() + "</span>"; >- } >- >- var onsite_checkout = ''; >- if ( oObj.onsite_checkout == 1 ) { >- onsite_checkout += " <span class='onsite_checkout'>(" + __("On-site checkout") + ")</span>"; >- } >- >- if ( oObj.recalled == 1 ) { >- title += "<span class='divider-dash'> - </span><span class='circ-hlt item-recalled'>" + __("This item has been recalled and the due date updated") + ".</span>"; >- } >- >- title += " " >- + "<a href='/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/moredetail.pl?biblionumber=" >- + oObj.biblionumber >- + "&itemnumber=" >- + oObj.itemnumber >- + "#" >- + oObj.itemnumber >- + "'>" >- + (oObj.barcode ? oObj.barcode.escapeHtml() : "") >- + "</a>" >- + onsite_checkout >- >- return title; >- }, >- "sType": "anti-the" >- }, >- { >- "mDataProp": function ( oObj ) { >- return oObj.recordtype_description.escapeHtml(); >- } >- }, >- { >- "mDataProp": function ( oObj ) { >- return oObj.itemtype_description.escapeHtml(); >- } >- }, >- { >- "mDataProp": function ( oObj ) { >- return ( oObj.collection ? oObj.collection.escapeHtml() : '' ); >- } >- }, >- { >- "mDataProp": function ( oObj ) { >- return ( oObj.location ? oObj.location.escapeHtml() : '' ); >- } >- }, >- { >- "mDataProp": function ( oObj ) { >- return (oObj.homebranch ? oObj.homebranch.escapeHtml() : '' ); >- } >- }, >- { >- "mDataProp": "issuedate", >- "bVisible": false, >- }, >- { >- "iDataSort": 10, // Sort on hidden unformatted issuedate column >- "mDataProp": function( oObj ) { >- return $datetime(oObj.issuedate, { no_tz_adjust: true }); >+ return $datetime(oObj.issuedate, { no_tz_adjust: true }); > } > }, > { >@@ -574,180 +283,473 @@ $(document).ready(function() { > + __("Can no longer be auto-renewed - number of checkout days exceeded") > + "</span>"; > >- span_style = "display: none"; >- span_class = "renewals-allowed"; >- } else if ( oObj.can_renew_error == "auto_too_much_oweing" ) { >- msg += "<span class='renewals-disabled'>" >- + __("Automatic renewal failed, patron has unpaid fines") >- + "</span>"; >+ span_style = "display: none"; >+ span_class = "renewals-allowed"; >+ } else if ( oObj.can_renew_error == "auto_too_much_oweing" ) { >+ msg += "<span class='renewals-disabled'>" >+ + __("Automatic renewal failed, patron has unpaid fines") >+ + "</span>"; >+ >+ span_style = "display: none"; >+ span_class = "renewals-allowed"; >+ } else if ( oObj.can_renew_error == "auto_account_expired" ) { >+ msg += "<span class='renewals-disabled'>" >+ + __("Automatic renewal failed, account expired") >+ + "</span>"; >+ >+ span_style = "display: none"; >+ span_class = "renewals-allowed"; >+ } else if ( oObj.can_renew_error == "onsite_checkout" ) { >+ // Don't display something if it's an onsite checkout >+ } else if ( oObj.can_renew_error == "item_denied_renewal" ) { >+ content += "<span class='renewals-disabled'>" >+ + __("Renewal denied by syspref") >+ + "</span>"; >+ >+ span_style = "display: none"; >+ span_class = "renewals-allowed"; >+ } else { >+ msg += "<span class='renewals-disabled'>" >+ + oObj.can_renew_error >+ + "</span>"; >+ >+ span_style = "display: none"; >+ span_class = "renewals-allowed"; >+ } >+ >+ var can_force_renew = ( oObj.onsite_checkout == 0 ) && >+ ( oObj.can_renew_error != "on_reserve" || (oObj.can_renew_error == "on_reserve" && AllowRenewalOnHoldOverride)) >+ ? true : false; >+ var can_renew = ( oObj.renewals_remaining > 0 && ( !oObj.can_renew_error || oObj.can_renew_error == "too_unseen" )); >+ content += "<span>"; >+ if ( can_renew || can_force_renew ) { >+ content += "<span style='padding: 0 1em;'>" + oObj.renewals_count + "</span>"; >+ content += "<span class='" + span_class + "' style='" + span_style + "'>" >+ + "<input type='checkbox' "; >+ if ( oObj.date_due_overdue && can_renew ) { >+ content += "checked='checked' "; >+ } >+ if (oObj.can_renew_error == "on_reserve") { >+ content += "data-on-reserve "; >+ } >+ content += "class='renew' id='renew_" + oObj.itemnumber + "' name='renew' value='" + oObj.itemnumber +"'/>" >+ + "</span>"; >+ } >+ content += msg; >+ if ( can_renew || can_force_renew ) { >+ content += "<span class='renewals-info'>("; >+ content += __("%s of %s renewals remaining").format(oObj.renewals_remaining, oObj.renewals_allowed); >+ if (UnseenRenewals && oObj.unseen_allowed) { >+ content += __(" and %s of %s unseen renewals remaining").format(oObj.unseen_remaining, oObj.unseen_allowed); >+ } >+ content += ")</span>"; >+ } >+ if(oObj.auto_renew){ >+ content += "<span class='renewals-info'>("; >+ content += __("Scheduled for automatic renewal"); >+ content += ")</span>"; >+ } >+ >+ return content; >+ } >+ }, >+ { >+ "bSortable": false, >+ "bVisible": AllowCirculate ? true : false, >+ "mDataProp": function ( oObj ) { >+ if ( oObj.can_renew_error == "recalled" ) { >+ return "<a href='/cgi-bin/koha/recalls/request.pl?biblionumber=" + oObj.biblionumber + "'>" + __("Recalled") + "</a>"; >+ } else if ( oObj.can_renew_error == "on_reserve" ) { >+ return "<a href='/cgi-bin/koha/reserve/request.pl?biblionumber=" + oObj.biblionumber + "'>" + __("On hold") + "</a>"; >+ } else if ( oObj.materials ) { >+ return "<input type='checkbox' class='confirm' id='confirm_" + oObj.itemnumber + "' name='confirm' value='" + oObj.itemnumber + "' data-materials='" + oObj.materials.escapeHtml() + "'></input>"; >+ } else { >+ return "<input type='checkbox' class='checkin' id='checkin_" + oObj.itemnumber + "' name='checkin' value='" + oObj.itemnumber +"'></input>"; >+ } >+ } >+ }, >+ { >+ "bVisible": ClaimReturnedLostValue ? true : false, >+ "bSortable": false, >+ "mDataProp": function ( oObj ) { >+ let content = ""; >+ >+ if ( oObj.return_claim_id ) { >+ content = '<span class="badge">' + oObj.return_claim_created_on_formatted + '</span>'; >+ } else if ( ClaimReturnedLostValue ) { >+ content = '<a class="btn btn-default btn-xs claim-returned-btn" data-itemnumber="' + oObj.itemnumber + '"><i class="fa fa-exclamation-circle"></i> ' + __("Claim returned") + '</a>'; >+ } else { >+ content = '<a class="btn btn-default btn-xs" disabled="disabled" title="ClaimReturnedLostValue is not set, this feature is disabled"><i class="fa fa-exclamation-circle"></i> ' + __("Claim returned") + '</a>'; >+ } >+ return content; >+ } >+ }, >+ { >+ "bVisible": exports_enabled == 1 ? true : false, >+ "bSortable": false, >+ "mDataProp": function ( oObj ) { >+ var s = "<input type='checkbox' name='itemnumbers' value='" + oObj.itemnumber + "' style='visibility:hidden;' />"; >+ >+ s += "<input type='checkbox' class='export' id='export_" + oObj.biblionumber + "' name='biblionumbers' value='" + oObj.biblionumber + "' />"; >+ return s; >+ } >+ } >+ ], >+ "fnFooterCallback": function ( nRow, aaData, iStart, iEnd, aiDisplay ) { >+ var total_charge = 0; >+ var total_fine = 0; >+ var total_price = 0; >+ for ( var i=0; i < aaData.length; i++ ) { >+ total_charge += aaData[i]['charge'] * 1; >+ total_fine += aaData[i]['fine'] * 1; >+ total_price += aaData[i]['price'] * 1; >+ } >+ $("#totaldue").html(total_charge.format_price() ); >+ $("#totalfine").html(total_fine.format_price() ); >+ $("#totalprice").html(total_price.format_price() ); >+ }, >+ "bPaginate": false, >+ "bProcessing": true, >+ "bServerSide": false, >+ "sAjaxSource": '/cgi-bin/koha/svc/checkouts', >+ "fnServerData": function ( sSource, aoData, fnCallback ) { >+ aoData.push( { "name": "borrowernumber", "value": borrowernumber } ); >+ >+ $.getJSON( sSource, aoData, function (json) { >+ fnCallback(json) >+ } ); >+ }, >+ "rowGroup":{ >+ "dataSrc": "issued_today", >+ "startRender": function ( rows, group ) { >+ if ( group ) { >+ return __("Today's checkouts"); >+ } else { >+ return __("Previous checkouts"); >+ } >+ } >+ }, >+ "fnInitComplete": function(oSettings, json) { >+ // Build a summary of checkouts grouped by itemtype >+ var checkoutsByItype = json.aaData.reduce(function (obj, row) { >+ obj[row.type_for_stat] = (obj[row.type_for_stat] || 0) + 1; >+ return obj; >+ }, {}); >+ var ul = $('<ul>'); >+ Object.keys(checkoutsByItype).sort().forEach(function (itype) { >+ var li = $('<li>') >+ .append($('<strong>').html(itype || __("No itemtype"))) >+ .append(': ' + checkoutsByItype[itype]); >+ ul.append(li); >+ }) >+ $('<details>') >+ .addClass('checkouts-by-itemtype') >+ .append($('<summary>').html( __("Number of checkouts by item type") )) >+ .append(ul) >+ .insertBefore(oSettings.nTableWrapper) >+ }, >+ }, table_settings_issues_table); >+ >+ if ( $("#issues-table").length ) { >+ $("#issues-table_processing").position({ >+ of: $( "#issues-table" ), >+ collision: "none" >+ }); >+ } >+ } >+ >+ >+ var loadIssuesTableDelayTimeoutId; >+ var barcodefield = $("#barcode"); >+ >+ $('#issues-table-load-now-button').click(function(){ >+ if ( loadIssuesTableDelayTimeoutId ) clearTimeout(loadIssuesTableDelayTimeoutId); >+ LoadIssuesTable(); >+ barcodefield.focus(); >+ return false; >+ }); >+$(document).ready(function() { >+ >+ var onHoldDueDateSet = false; >+ >+ var onHoldChecked = function() { >+ var isChecked = false; >+ $('input[data-on-reserve]').each(function() { >+ if ($(this).is(':checked')) { >+ isChecked=true; >+ } >+ }); >+ return isChecked; >+ }; >+ >+ var showHideOnHoldRenewal = function() { >+ // Display the date input >+ if (onHoldChecked()) { >+ $('#newonholdduedate').show() >+ } else { >+ $('#newonholdduedate').hide(); >+ } >+ }; >+ >+ // Handle the select all/none links for checkouts table columns >+ $("#CheckAllRenewals").on("click",function(){ >+ $("#UncheckAllCheckins").click(); >+ $(".renew:visible").prop("checked", true); >+ $('#RenewChecked').prop('disabled', !$('.renew:checked').length ); >+ showHideOnHoldRenewal(); >+ return false; >+ }); >+ $("#UncheckAllRenewals").on("click",function(){ >+ $(".renew:visible").prop("checked", false); >+ $('#RenewChecked').prop('disabled', !$('.renew:checked').length ); >+ showHideOnHoldRenewal(); >+ return false; >+ }); >+ >+ $("#CheckAllCheckins").on("click",function(){ >+ $("#UncheckAllRenewals").click(); >+ $(".checkin:visible").prop("checked", true); >+ $('#CheckinChecked').prop('disabled', !$('.checkin:checked').length ); >+ return false; >+ }); >+ $("#UncheckAllCheckins").on("click",function(){ >+ $(".checkin:visible").prop("checked", false); >+ $('#CheckinChecked').prop('disabled', !$('.checkin:checked').length ); >+ return false; >+ }); >+ >+ $("#newduedate").on("change", function() { >+ if (!onHoldDueDateSet) { >+ $('#newonholdduedate input').val($('#newduedate').val()); >+ } >+ }); >+ >+ $("#newonholdduedate").on("change", function() { >+ onHoldDueDateSet = true; >+ }); >+ >+ // Don't allow both return and renew checkboxes to be checked >+ $(document).on("change", '.renew', function(){ >+ if ( $(this).is(":checked") ) { >+ $( "#checkin_" + $(this).val() ).prop("checked", false); >+ } >+ $('#CheckinChecked').prop('disabled', !$('.checkin:checked').length ); >+ $('#RenewChecked').prop('disabled', !$('.renew:checked').length ); >+ }); >+ $(document).on("change", '.checkin', function(){ >+ if ( $(this).is(":checked") ) { >+ $( "#renew_" + $(this).val() ).prop("checked", false); >+ } >+ $('#CheckinChecked').prop('disabled', !$('.checkin:checked').length ); >+ $('#RenewChecked').prop('disabled', !$('.renew:checked').length ); >+ }); >+ >+ // Display on hold due dates input when an on hold item is >+ // selected >+ $(document).on('change', '.renew', function(){ >+ showHideOnHoldRenewal(); >+ }); >+ >+ $("#output_format > option:first-child").attr("selected", "selected"); >+ $("select[name='csv_profile_id']").hide(); >+ $(document).on("change", '#issues-table-output-format', function(){ >+ if ( $(this).val() == 'csv' ) { >+ $("select[name='csv_profile_id']").show(); >+ } else { >+ $("select[name='csv_profile_id']").hide(); >+ } >+ }); >+ >+ // Clicking the table cell checks the checkbox inside it >+ $(document).on("click", 'td', function(e){ >+ if(e.target.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'td'){ >+ $(this).find("input:checkbox:visible").each( function() { >+ $(this).click(); >+ }); >+ } >+ }); >+ >+ // Handle renewals and returns >+ $("#CheckinChecked").on("click",function(){ >+ >+ let refresh_table = true; >+ $(".checkin:checked:visible").each(function() { >+ itemnumber = $(this).val(); >+ >+ $(this).replaceWith("<img id='checkin_" + itemnumber + "' src='" + interface + "/" + theme + "/img/spinner-small.gif' />"); >+ >+ params = { >+ itemnumber: itemnumber, >+ borrowernumber: borrowernumber, >+ branchcode: branchcode, >+ exempt_fine: $("#exemptfine").is(':checked') >+ }; >+ >+ $.post({ >+ url: "/cgi-bin/koha/svc/checkin", >+ data: params, >+ success: function( data ) { >+ id = "#checkin_" + data.itemnumber; >+ >+ content = ""; >+ if ( data.returned ) { >+ content = __("Checked in"); >+ $(id).parent().parent().addClass('ok'); >+ $('#date_due_' + data.itemnumber).html( __("Checked in") ); >+ if ( data.patronnote != null ) { >+ $('.patron_note_' + data.itemnumber).html( __("Patron note") + ": " + data.patronnote); >+ } >+ } else { >+ content = __("Unable to check in"); >+ $(id).parent().parent().addClass('warn'); >+ refresh_table = false; >+ } >+ >+ $(id).replaceWith( content ); >+ }, >+ dataType: "json", >+ async: false, >+ }); >+ }); >+ // Refocus on barcode field if it exists >+ if ( $("#barcode").length ) { >+ $("#barcode").focus(); >+ } >+ >+ if ( refresh_table ) { >+ RefreshIssuesTable(); >+ } >+ $('#RenewChecked, #CheckinChecked').prop('disabled' , true ); >+ // Prevent form submit >+ return false; >+ }); >+ $("#RenewChecked").on("click",function(){ >+ let refresh_table = true; >+ $(".confirm:checked:visible").each(function() { >+ itemnumber = $(this).val(); >+ id = "#checkin_" + itemnumber; >+ materials = $(this).data('materials'); >+ >+ $(this).replaceWith("<span class='confirm' id='checkin_" + itemnumber + "'>" + __("Confirm") + " (<span>" + materials + "</span>): <input type='checkbox' class='checkin' name='checkin' value='" + itemnumber +"'></input></span>"); >+ $(id).parent().parent().addClass('warn'); >+ }); >+ >+ $(".renew:checked:visible").each(function() { >+ var override_limit = $("#override_limit").is(':checked') ? 1 : 0; >+ >+ var isOnReserve = $(this).data().hasOwnProperty('onReserve'); > >- span_style = "display: none"; >- span_class = "renewals-allowed"; >- } else if ( oObj.can_renew_error == "auto_account_expired" ) { >- msg += "<span class='renewals-disabled'>" >- + __("Automatic renewal failed, account expired") >- + "</span>"; >+ var itemnumber = $(this).val(); > >- span_style = "display: none"; >- span_class = "renewals-allowed"; >- } else if ( oObj.can_renew_error == "onsite_checkout" ) { >- // Don't display something if it's an onsite checkout >- } else if ( oObj.can_renew_error == "item_denied_renewal" ) { >- content += "<span class='renewals-disabled'>" >- + __("Renewal denied by syspref") >- + "</span>"; >+ $(this).parent().parent().replaceWith("<img id='renew_" + itemnumber + "' src='" + interface + "/" + theme + "/img/spinner-small.gif' />"); > >- span_style = "display: none"; >- span_class = "renewals-allowed"; >- } else { >- msg += "<span class='renewals-disabled'>" >- + oObj.can_renew_error >- + "</span>"; >+ var params = { >+ itemnumber: itemnumber, >+ borrowernumber: borrowernumber, >+ branchcode: branchcode, >+ override_limit: override_limit >+ }; > >- span_style = "display: none"; >- span_class = "renewals-allowed"; >- } >+ if (UnseenRenewals) { >+ var ren = $("#renew_as_unseen_checkbox"); >+ var renew_unseen = ren.length > 0 && ren.is(':checked') ? 1 : 0; >+ params.seen = renew_unseen === 1 ? 0 : 1; >+ } > >- var can_force_renew = ( oObj.onsite_checkout == 0 ) && >- ( oObj.can_renew_error != "on_reserve" || (oObj.can_renew_error == "on_reserve" && AllowRenewalOnHoldOverride)) >- ? true : false; >- var can_renew = ( oObj.renewals_remaining > 0 && ( !oObj.can_renew_error || oObj.can_renew_error == "too_unseen" )); >- content += "<span>"; >- if ( can_renew || can_force_renew ) { >- content += "<span style='padding: 0 1em;'>" + oObj.renewals_count + "</span>"; >- content += "<span class='" + span_class + "' style='" + span_style + "'>" >- + "<input type='checkbox' "; >- if ( oObj.date_due_overdue && can_renew ) { >- content += "checked='checked' "; >- } >- if (oObj.can_renew_error == "on_reserve") { >- content += "data-on-reserve "; >- } >- content += "class='renew' id='renew_" + oObj.itemnumber + "' name='renew' value='" + oObj.itemnumber +"'/>" >- + "</span>"; >- } >- content += msg; >- if ( can_renew || can_force_renew ) { >- content += "<span class='renewals-info'>("; >- content += __("%s of %s renewals remaining").format(oObj.renewals_remaining, oObj.renewals_allowed); >- if (UnseenRenewals && oObj.unseen_allowed) { >- content += __(" and %s of %s unseen renewals remaining").format(oObj.unseen_remaining, oObj.unseen_allowed); >- } >- content += ")</span>"; >- } >- if(oObj.auto_renew){ >- content += "<span class='renewals-info'>("; >- content += __("Scheduled for automatic renewal"); >- content += ")</span>"; >- } >+ // Determine which due date we need to use >+ var dueDate = isOnReserve ? >+ $("#newonholdduedate input").val() : >+ $("#newduedate").val(); > >- return content; >- } >- }, >- { >- "bSortable": false, >- "bVisible": AllowCirculate ? true : false, >- "mDataProp": function ( oObj ) { >- if ( oObj.can_renew_error == "recalled" ) { >- return "<a href='/cgi-bin/koha/recalls/request.pl?biblionumber=" + oObj.biblionumber + "'>" + __("Recalled") + "</a>"; >- } else if ( oObj.can_renew_error == "on_reserve" ) { >- return "<a href='/cgi-bin/koha/reserve/request.pl?biblionumber=" + oObj.biblionumber + "'>" + __("On hold") + "</a>"; >- } else if ( oObj.materials ) { >- return "<input type='checkbox' class='confirm' id='confirm_" + oObj.itemnumber + "' name='confirm' value='" + oObj.itemnumber + "' data-materials='" + oObj.materials.escapeHtml() + "'></input>"; >- } else { >- return "<input type='checkbox' class='checkin' id='checkin_" + oObj.itemnumber + "' name='checkin' value='" + oObj.itemnumber +"'></input>"; >- } >- } >- }, >- { >- "bVisible": ClaimReturnedLostValue ? true : false, >- "bSortable": false, >- "mDataProp": function ( oObj ) { >- let content = ""; >+ if (dueDate && dueDate.length > 0) { >+ params.date_due = dueDate >+ } > >- if ( oObj.return_claim_id ) { >- content = '<span class="badge">' + oObj.return_claim_created_on_formatted + '</span>'; >- } else if ( ClaimReturnedLostValue ) { >- content = '<a class="btn btn-default btn-xs claim-returned-btn" data-itemnumber="' + oObj.itemnumber + '"><i class="fa fa-exclamation-circle"></i> ' + __("Claim returned") + '</a>'; >+ $.post({ >+ url: "/cgi-bin/koha/svc/renew", >+ data: params, >+ success: function( data ) { >+ var id = "#renew_" + data.itemnumber; >+ >+ var content = ""; >+ if ( data.renew_okay ) { >+ content = __("Renewed, due:") + " " + data.date_due; >+ $('#date_due_' + data.itemnumber).replaceWith( data.date_due ); >+ } else { >+ content = __("Renew failed:") + " "; >+ if ( data.error == "no_checkout" ) { >+ content += __("not checked out"); >+ } else if ( data.error == "too_many" ) { >+ content += __("too many renewals"); >+ } else if ( data.error == "too_unseen" ) { >+ content += __("too many consecutive renewals without being seen by the library"); >+ } else if ( data.error == "on_reserve" ) { >+ content += __("on hold"); >+ } else if ( data.error == "restriction" ) { >+ content += __("Not allowed: patron restricted"); >+ } else if ( data.error == "overdue" ) { >+ content += __("Not allowed: overdue"); >+ } else if ( data.error == 'no_open_days' ) { >+ content += __('Unable to find an open day'); >+ } else if ( data.error ) { >+ content += data.error; > } else { >- content = '<a class="btn btn-default btn-xs" disabled="disabled" title="ClaimReturnedLostValue is not set, this feature is disabled"><i class="fa fa-exclamation-circle"></i> ' + __("Claim returned") + '</a>'; >+ content += __("reason unknown"); > } >- return content; >+ refresh_table = false; > } >- }, >- { >- "bVisible": exports_enabled == 1 ? true : false, >- "bSortable": false, >- "mDataProp": function ( oObj ) { >- var s = "<input type='checkbox' name='itemnumbers' value='" + oObj.itemnumber + "' style='visibility:hidden;' />"; > >- s += "<input type='checkbox' class='export' id='export_" + oObj.biblionumber + "' name='biblionumbers' value='" + oObj.biblionumber + "' />"; >- return s; >- } >- } >- ], >- "fnFooterCallback": function ( nRow, aaData, iStart, iEnd, aiDisplay ) { >- var total_charge = 0; >- var total_fine = 0; >- var total_price = 0; >- for ( var i=0; i < aaData.length; i++ ) { >- total_charge += aaData[i]['charge'] * 1; >- total_fine += aaData[i]['fine'] * 1; >- total_price += aaData[i]['price'] * 1; >- } >- $("#totaldue").html(total_charge.format_price() ); >- $("#totalfine").html(total_fine.format_price() ); >- $("#totalprice").html(total_price.format_price() ); >+ $(id).replaceWith( content ); > }, >- "bPaginate": false, >- "bProcessing": true, >- "bServerSide": false, >- "sAjaxSource": '/cgi-bin/koha/svc/checkouts', >- "fnServerData": function ( sSource, aoData, fnCallback ) { >- aoData.push( { "name": "borrowernumber", "value": borrowernumber } ); >+ dataType: "json", >+ async: false, >+ }); >+ }); > >- $.getJSON( sSource, aoData, function (json) { >- fnCallback(json) >- } ); >- }, >- "rowGroup":{ >- "dataSrc": "issued_today", >- "startRender": function ( rows, group ) { >- if ( group ) { >- return __("Today's checkouts"); >- } else { >- return __("Previous checkouts"); >- } >- } >- }, >- "fnInitComplete": function(oSettings, json) { >- // Build a summary of checkouts grouped by itemtype >- var checkoutsByItype = json.aaData.reduce(function (obj, row) { >- obj[row.type_for_stat] = (obj[row.type_for_stat] || 0) + 1; >- return obj; >- }, {}); >- var ul = $('<ul>'); >- Object.keys(checkoutsByItype).sort().forEach(function (itype) { >- var li = $('<li>') >- .append($('<strong>').html(itype || __("No itemtype"))) >- .append(': ' + checkoutsByItype[itype]); >- ul.append(li); >- }) >- $('<details>') >- .addClass('checkouts-by-itemtype') >- .append($('<summary>').html( __("Number of checkouts by item type") )) >- .append(ul) >- .insertBefore(oSettings.nTableWrapper) >- }, >- }, table_settings_issues_table); >+ // Refocus on barcode field if it exists >+ if ( $("#barcode").length ) { >+ $("#barcode").focus(); >+ } > >- if ( $("#issues-table").length ) { >- $("#issues-table_processing").position({ >- of: $( "#issues-table" ), >- collision: "none" >- }); >+ if ( refresh_table ) { >+ RefreshIssuesTable(); >+ } >+ // Prevent form submit >+ return false; >+ }); >+ >+ $("#RenewAll").on("click",function(){ >+ $("#CheckAllRenewals").click(); >+ $("#UncheckAllCheckins").click(); >+ showHideOnHoldRenewal(); >+ $("#RenewChecked").click(); >+ $('#RenewChecked').prop('disabled' , true ); >+ // Prevent form submit >+ return false; >+ }); >+ >+ var ymd = flatpickr.formatDate(new Date(), "Y-m-d"); >+ >+ $('#issues-table-load-immediately').change(function(){ >+ if ( this.checked && typeof issuesTable === 'undefined') { >+ $('#issues-table-load-now-button').click(); >+ } >+ barcodefield.focus(); >+ }); >+ >+ if ( Cookies.get("issues-table-load-immediately-" + script) == "true" ) { >+ if ( LoadCheckoutsTableDelay ) { >+ loadIssuesTableDelayTimeoutId = setTimeout( function(){ LoadIssuesTable() }, LoadCheckoutsTableDelay * 1000); >+ } else { >+ LoadIssuesTable(); > } >+ $('#issues-table-load-immediately').prop('checked', true); >+ } else { >+ $('#issues-table-load-delay').hide(); > } >+ $('#issues-table-load-immediately').on( "change", function(){ >+ Cookies.set("issues-table-load-immediately-" + script, $(this).is(':checked'), { expires: 365, sameSite: 'Lax' }); >+ }); > > // Don't load relatives' issues table unless it is clicked on > var relativesIssuesTable; >-- >2.34.1
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bug 35506