Bugzilla – Attachment 161419 Details for
Bug 34979
System preferences missing from sysprefs.sql
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Bug 34979: Sort sysprefs.sql alphabetically
Bug-34979-Sort-sysprefssql-alphabetically.patch (text/plain), 76.26 KB, created by
Martin Renvoize (ashimema)
on 2024-01-25 14:30:40 UTC
Bug 34979: Sort sysprefs.sql alphabetically
MIME Type:
Martin Renvoize (ashimema)
2024-01-25 14:30:40 UTC
76.26 KB
>From cddae67f74491ac081460f1a9ad7805a34f57aa1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 >From: Katrin Fischer <katrin.fischer.83@web.de> >Date: Sat, 6 Jan 2024 21:59:17 +0000 >Subject: [PATCH] Bug 34979: Sort sysprefs.sql alphabetically > >This doesn't add or remove any entries, but only changes >the sequence of entries to be alphabetic again, compared >to: > >SELECT variable FROM systempreferences ORDER BY variable; > >Signed-off-by: David Nind <david@davidnind.com> >Signed-off-by: Victor Grousset/tuxayo <victor@tuxayo.net> >Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <martin.renvoize@ptfs-europe.com> >--- > installer/data/mysql/mandatory/sysprefs.sql | 106 ++++++++++---------- > 1 file changed, 53 insertions(+), 53 deletions(-) > >diff --git a/installer/data/mysql/mandatory/sysprefs.sql b/installer/data/mysql/mandatory/sysprefs.sql >index 7295744c4c0..2f897dc001b 100644 >--- a/installer/data/mysql/mandatory/sysprefs.sql >+++ b/installer/data/mysql/mandatory/sysprefs.sql >@@ -26,15 +26,15 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` > ('AggressiveMatchOnISSN','0', NULL,'If enabled, attempt to match aggressively by trying all variations of the ISSNs in the imported record as a phrase in the ISSN fields of already cataloged records when matching on ISSN with the record import tool','YesNo'), > ('AllFinesNeedOverride','1','0','If on, staff will be asked to override every fine, even if it is below noissuescharge.','YesNo'), > ('AllowAllMessageDeletion','0','','Allow any Library to delete any message','YesNo'), >+('AllowCheckoutNotes', '0', NULL, 'Allow patrons to submit notes about checked out items.','YesNo'), > ('AllowFineOverride','0','0','If on, staff will be able to issue books to patrons with fines greater than noissuescharge.','YesNo'), > ('AllowHoldDateInFuture','0','','If set a date field is displayed on the Hold screen of the Staff Interface, allowing the hold date to be set in the future.','YesNo'), > ('AllowHoldItemTypeSelection','0','','If enabled, patrons and staff will be able to select the itemtype when placing a hold','YesNo'), > ('AllowHoldPolicyOverride','0',NULL,'Allow staff to override hold policies when placing holds','YesNo'), > ('AllowHoldsOnDamagedItems','1','','Allow hold requests to be placed on damaged items','YesNo'), > ('AllowHoldsOnPatronsPossessions','1',NULL,'Allow holds on records that patron have items of it','YesNo'), >-('AllowCheckoutNotes', '0', NULL, 'Allow patrons to submit notes about checked out items.','YesNo'), >-('AllowItemsOnHoldCheckoutSIP','0','','Do not generate RESERVED warning when checking out items reserved to someone else via SIP. This allows self checkouts for those items.','YesNo'), > ('AllowItemsOnHoldCheckoutSCO','0','','Do not generate RESERVE_WAITING and RESERVED warning in the SCO module when checking out items reserved to someone else. This allows self checkouts for those items.','YesNo'), >+('AllowItemsOnHoldCheckoutSIP','0','','Do not generate RESERVED warning when checking out items reserved to someone else via SIP. This allows self checkouts for those items.','YesNo'), > ('AllowMultipleCovers','0','1','Allow multiple cover images to be attached to each bibliographic record.','YesNo'), > ('AllowMultipleIssuesOnABiblio',1,'Allow/Don\'t allow patrons to check out multiple items from one biblio','','YesNo'), > ('AllowNotForLoanOverride','0','','If ON, Koha will allow the librarian to loan a not for loan item.','YesNo'), >@@ -60,11 +60,11 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` > ('AnonymousPatron','0',NULL,'Set the identifier (borrowernumber) of the anonymous patron. Used for suggestion and checkout history privacy',''), > ('ApplyFrameworkDefaults', 'new', 'new|duplicate|changed|imported', 'Configure when to apply framework default values - when cataloguing a new record, or when editing a record as new (duplicating), or when changing framework, or when importing a record', 'multiple'), > ('ArticleRequests', '0', NULL, 'Enables the article request feature', 'YesNo'), >-('ArticleRequestsOpacHostRedirection', '0', NULL, 'Enables redirection from child to host when requesting articles on the Opac', 'YesNo'), > ('ArticleRequestsLinkControl', 'calc', 'always|calc', 'Control display of article request link on search results', 'Choice'), > ('ArticleRequestsMandatoryFields', '', NULL, 'Comma delimited list of required fields for bibs where article requests rule = ''yes''', 'multiple'), > ('ArticleRequestsMandatoryFieldsItemOnly', '', NULL, 'Comma delimited list of required fields for bibs where article requests rule = ''item_only''', 'multiple'), > ('ArticleRequestsMandatoryFieldsRecordOnly', '', NULL, 'Comma delimited list of required fields for bibs where article requests rule = ''bib_only''', 'multiple'), >+('ArticleRequestsOpacHostRedirection', '0', NULL, 'Enables redirection from child to host when requesting articles on the Opac', 'YesNo'), > ('ArticleRequestsSupportedFormats', 'PHOTOCOPY', 'PHOTOCOPY|SCAN', 'List supported formats between vertical bars', 'free'), > ('AudioAlerts','0','','Enable circulation sounds during checkin and checkout in the staff interface. Not supported by all web browsers yet.','YesNo'), > ('AuthDisplayHierarchy','0','','Display authority hierarchies','YesNo'), >@@ -85,12 +85,11 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` > ('AutoCreateAuthorities','0',NULL,'Automatically create authorities that do not exist when cataloging records.','YesNo'), > ('AutoCreditNumber', '', '', 'Automatically generate a number for account credits', 'Choice'), > ('AutoEmailNewUser','0',NULL,'Send an email to newly created patrons.','YesNo'), >-('AutoShareWithMana','subscription','','defines datas automatically shared with mana','multiple'), >+('AutoLinkBiblios','0',NULL,'If enabled, link biblio to authorities on creation and edit','YesNo'), > ('AutoLocation','0',NULL,'If ON, IP authentication is enabled, blocking access to the staff interface from unauthorized IP addresses','YesNo'), > ('AutomaticCheckinAutoFill','0',NULL,'Automatically fill the next hold with an automatic check in.','YesNo'), >-('AutomaticItemReturn','1',NULL,'If ON, Koha will automatically set up a transfer of this item to its homebranch','YesNo'), >-('AutoLinkBiblios','0',NULL,'If enabled, link biblio to authorities on creation and edit','YesNo'), > ('AutomaticConfirmTransfer','0',NULL,'Defines whether transfers should be automatically confirmed at checkin if modal dismissed','YesNo'), >+('AutomaticItemReturn','1',NULL,'If ON, Koha will automatically set up a transfer of this item to its homebranch','YesNo'), > ('autoMemberNum','0','','If ON, patron number is auto-calculated','YesNo'), > ('AutoRemoveOverduesRestrictions','no','no|when_no_overdue|when_no_overdue_causing_debarment', 'Defines if and on what conditions OVERDUES debarments should automatically be lifted when overdue items are returned by the patron.','Choice'), > ('AutoRenewalNotices','cron','cron|preferences|never','How should Koha determine whether to end autorenewal notices','Choice'), >@@ -99,6 +98,7 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` > ('AutoSelfCheckAllowed','0','','For corporate and special libraries which want web-based self-check available from any PC without the need for a manual staff login. Most libraries will want to leave this turned off. If on, requires self-check ID and password to be entered in AutoSelfCheckID and AutoSelfCheckPass sysprefs.','YesNo'), > ('AutoSelfCheckID','','','Staff ID with circulation rights to be used for automatic web-based self-check. Only applies if AutoSelfCheckAllowed syspref is turned on.','free'), > ('AutoSelfCheckPass','','','Password to be used for automatic web-based self-check. Only applies if AutoSelfCheckAllowed syspref is turned on.','free'), >+('AutoShareWithMana','subscription','','defines datas automatically shared with mana','multiple'), > ('AutoSwitchPatron', '0', '', 'Auto switch to patron', 'YesNo'), > ('Babeltheque','0','','Turn ON Babeltheque content - See babeltheque.com to subscribe to this service','YesNo'), > ('Babeltheque_url_js','','','Url for Babeltheque javascript (e.g. http://www.babeltheque.com/bw_XX.js)','Free'), >@@ -127,14 +127,14 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` > ('BrowseResultSelection','0',NULL,'Enable/Disable browsing search results fromt the bibliographic record detail page in staff interface','YesNo'), > ('BundleLostValue','5',NULL,'Sets the LOST AV value that represents "Missing from bundle" as a lost value','Free'), > ('BundleNotLoanValue','3',NULL,'Sets the NOT_LOAN AV value that represents "Added to bundle" as a not for loan value','Free'), >-('CalculateFinesOnReturn','1','','Switch to control if overdue fines are calculated on return or not','YesNo'), > ('CalculateFinesOnBackdate','1','','Switch to control if overdue fines are calculated on return when backdating','YesNo'), >+('CalculateFinesOnReturn','1','','Switch to control if overdue fines are calculated on return or not','YesNo'), > ('CalculateFundValuesIncludingTax', '1', NULL, 'Include tax in the calculated fund values (spent, ordered) for all supplier configurations', 'YesNo'), > ('CalendarFirstDayOfWeek','0','0|1|2|3|4|5|6','Select the first day of week to use in the calendar.','Choice'), >+('CancelOrdersInClosedBaskets', '0', NULL, 'Allow/Do not allow cancelling order lines in closed baskets.', 'YesNo'), > ('CanMarkHoldsToPullAsLost','do_not_allow','do_not_allow|allow|allow_and_notify','Add a button to the "Holds to pull" screen to mark an item as lost and notify the patron.','Choice'), > ('canreservefromotherbranches','1','','With Independent branches on, can a user from one library place a hold on an item from another library','YesNo'), > ('CardnumberLength', '', '', 'Set a length for card numbers with a maximum of 32 characters.', 'Free'), >-('CancelOrdersInClosedBaskets', '0', NULL, 'Allow/Do not allow cancelling order lines in closed baskets.', 'YesNo'), > ('casAuthentication','0','','Enable or disable CAS authentication','YesNo'), > ('casLogout','0','','Does a logout from Koha should also log the user out of CAS?','YesNo'), > ('casServerUrl','https://localhost:8443/cas','','URL of the cas server','Free'), >@@ -153,10 +153,11 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` > ('CircControlReturnsBranch','ItemHomeLibrary','ItemHomeLibrary|ItemHoldingLibrary|CheckInLibrary','Specify the agency that controls the return policy','Choice'), > ('CircSidebar','1',NULL,'Activate or deactivate the navigation sidebar on all Circulation pages','YesNo'), > ('CirculateILL','0','','If enabled, it is possible to circulate ILL items from within ILL','YesNo'), >-('ClaimsBccCopy','0','','Bcc the ClaimAcquisition and ClaimIssues alerts','YesNo'), > ('ClaimReturnedChargeFee', 'ask', 'ask|charge|no_charge', 'Controls whether or not a lost item fee is charged for return claims', 'Choice'), > ('ClaimReturnedLostValue', '', '', 'Sets the LOST AV value that represents "Claims returned" as a lost value', 'Free'), > ('ClaimReturnedWarningThreshold', '', '', 'Sets the number of return claims past which the librarian will be warned the patron has many return claims', 'Integer'), >+('ClaimsBccCopy','0','','Bcc the ClaimAcquisition and ClaimIssues alerts','YesNo'), >+('ClaimsLog','1',NULL,'If ON, log all notices sent','YesNo'), > ('CleanUpDatabaseReturnClaims', '', '', 'Sets the age of resolved return claims to delete from the database for cleanup_database.pl', 'Integer' ), > ('CoceHost', '', NULL, 'Coce server URL', 'Free'), > ('CoceProviders', '', 'aws,gb,ol', 'Coce providers', 'multiple'), >@@ -171,6 +172,7 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` > ('CookieConsentedJS', '', NULL, 'Add Javascript code that will run if cookie consent is provided (e.g. tracking code).', 'Free'), > ('CreateAVFromCataloguing', '1', '', 'Ability to create authorized values from the cataloguing module', 'YesNo'), > ('CronjobLog','0',NULL,'If ON, log information from cron jobs.','YesNo'), >+('CSVDelimiter',',',';|tabulation|,|/|\\|#||','Define the default separator character for exporting reports','Choice'), > ('CumulativeRestrictionPeriods',0,NULL,'Cumulate the restriction periods instead of keeping the highest','YesNo'), > ('CurbsidePickup', '0', NULL, 'Enable curbside pickup', 'YesNo'), > ('CurrencyFormat','US','US|FR|CH','Determines the display format of currencies. eg: \'36000\' is displayed as \'360 000,00\' in \'FR\' or \'360,000.00\' in \'US\'.','Choice'), >@@ -191,10 +193,10 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` > ('DefaultHoldExpirationdateUnitOfTime','days','days|months|years','Which unit of time is used when setting the default expiration date. ','choice'), > ('DefaultHoldPickupLocation','loggedinlibrary','loggedinlibrary|homebranch|holdingbranch','Which branch should a hold pickup location default to. ','choice'), > ('DefaultLanguageField008','','','Fill in the default language for field 008 Range 35-37 of MARC21 records (e.g. eng, nor, ger, see <a href=\"http://www.loc.gov/marc/languages/language_code.html\">MARC Code List for Languages</a>)','Free'), >-('DefaultLongOverdueSkipLostStatuses', '', NULL, 'Skip these lost statuses by default in longoverdue.pl', 'Free'), > ('DefaultLongOverdueChargeValue', '', NULL, "Charge a lost item to the borrower's account when the LOST value of the item changes to n.", 'integer'), > ('DefaultLongOverdueDays', '', NULL, "Set the LOST value of an item when the item has been overdue for more than n days.", 'integer'), > ('DefaultLongOverdueLostValue', '', NULL, "Set the LOST value of an item to n when the item has been overdue for more than defaultlongoverduedays days.", 'integer'), >+('DefaultLongOverdueSkipLostStatuses', '', NULL, 'Skip these lost statuses by default in longoverdue.pl', 'Free'), > ('DefaultPatronSearchFields', 'firstname|middle_name|surname|othernames|cardnumber|userid',NULL,'Pipe separated list defining the default fields to be used during a patron search using the "standard" option. If empty Koha will default to "firstname|surname|othernames|cardnumber|userid". Additional fields added to this preference will be added as search options in the dropdown menu on the patron search page.','free'), > ('DefaultPatronSearchMethod','starts_with','Choose which search method to use by default when searching with PatronAutoComplete','starts_with|contains','Choice'), > ('DefaultSaveRecordFileID','biblionumber','biblionumber|controlnumber','Defines whether the advanced cataloging editor will use the bibliographic record number or control number field to populate the name of the save file','Choice'), >@@ -203,7 +205,6 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` > ('DefaultToLoggedInLibraryCircRules', '0', NULL , 'If enabled, circ rules editor will default to the logged in library''s rules, rather than the ''all libraries'' rules.', 'YesNo'), > ('DefaultToLoggedInLibraryNoticesSlips', '0', NULL , 'If enabled,slips and notices editor will default to the logged in library''s rules, rather than the ''all libraries'' rules.', 'YesNo'), > ('DefaultToLoggedInLibraryOverdueTriggers', '0', NULL , 'If enabled, overdue status triggers editor will default to the logged in library''s rules, rather than the ''default'' rules.', 'YesNo'), >-('CSVDelimiter',',',';|tabulation|,|/|\\|#||','Define the default separator character for exporting reports','Choice'), > ('Display856uAsImage','OFF','OFF|Details|Results|Both','Display the URI in the 856u field as an image, the corresponding staff interface XSLT option must be on','Choice'), > ('DisplayClearScreenButton','no','no|issueslip|issueqslip','If set to ON, a clear screen button will appear on the circulation page.','Choice'), > ('displayFacetCount','0',NULL,NULL,'YesNo'), >@@ -218,10 +219,10 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` > ('EDIFACT','0',NULL,'Enables EDIFACT acquisitions functions','YesNo'), > ('EdifactInvoiceImport', 'automatic', 'automatic|manual', "If on, don't auto-import EDI invoices, just keep them in the database with the status 'new'", 'Choice'), > ('EdifactLSQ', 'location', 'location|ccode', 'Map EDI sequence code (GIR+LSQ) to Koha Item field', 'Choice'), >+('ElasticsearchCrossFields', '1', '', 'Enable "cross_fields" option for searches using Elastic search.', 'YesNo'), > ('ElasticsearchIndexStatus_authorities', '0', 'Authorities index status', NULL, NULL), > ('ElasticsearchIndexStatus_biblios', '0', 'Biblios index status', NULL, NULL), > ('ElasticsearchMARCFormat', 'ISO2709', 'ISO2709|ARRAY', 'Elasticsearch MARC format. ISO2709 format is recommended as it is faster and takes less space, whereas array is searchable.', 'Choice'), >-('ElasticsearchCrossFields', '1', '', 'Enable "cross_fields" option for searches using Elastic search.', 'YesNo'), > ('EmailAddressForPatronRegistrations', '', '', ' If you choose EmailAddressForPatronRegistrations you have to enter a valid email address: ', 'free'), > ('EmailAddressForSuggestions','','',' If you choose EmailAddressForSuggestions you have to enter a valid email address: ','free'), > ('EmailFieldPrecedence','email|emailpro|B_email','','Ordered list of patron email fields to use when AutoEmailPrimaryAddress is set to first valid','multiple'), >@@ -234,24 +235,24 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` > ('EnableAdvancedCatalogingEditor','0','','Enable the Rancor advanced cataloging editor','YesNo'), > ('EnableBorrowerFiles','0',NULL,'If enabled, allows librarians to upload and attach arbitrary files to a borrower record.','YesNo'), > ('EnableExpiredPasswordReset', '0', NULL, 'Enable ability for patrons with expired password to reset their password directly', 'YesNo'), >+('EnableItemGroupHolds','0','','Enable item groups holds feature','YesNo'), >+('EnableItemGroups','0','','Enable the item groups feature','YesNo'), > ('EnableOpacSearchHistory','1','YesNo','Enable or disable opac search history',''), > ('EnablePointOfSale','0',NULL,'Enable the point of sale feature to allow anonymous transactions with the accounting system. (Requires UseCashRegisters)','YesNo'), >-('EnableSearchHistory','0','','Enable or disable search history','YesNo'), >-('EnableItemGroups','0','','Enable the item groups feature','YesNo'), >-('EnableItemGroupHolds','0','','Enable item groups holds feature','YesNo'), >+('EnableSearchHistory','0','','Enable or disable search history','YesNo'),, > ('EnhancedMessagingPreferences','1','','If ON, allows patrons to select to receive additional messages about items due or nearly due.','YesNo'), > ('EnhancedMessagingPreferencesOPAC', '1', NULL, 'If ON, show patrons messaging setting on the OPAC.', 'YesNo'), > ('ERMModule', '0', NULL, 'Enable the e-resource management module', 'YesNo'), >-('ERMProviders', 'local', 'local|ebsco', 'Set the providers for the ERM module', 'Choice'), > ('ERMProviderEbscoApiKey', '', '', 'API key for EBSCO', 'free'), > ('ERMProviderEbscoCustomerID', '', '', 'Customer ID for EBSCO', 'free'), >+('ERMProviders', 'local', 'local|ebsco', 'Set the providers for the ERM module', 'Choice'), >+('ExcludeHolidaysFromMaxPickUpDelay', '0', NULL, 'If ON, reserves max pickup delay takes into accountthe closed days.', 'YesNo'), > ('expandedSearchOption','0',NULL,'If ON, set advanced search to be expanded by default','YesNo'), > ('ExpireReservesAutoFill','0',NULL,'Automatically fill the next hold with a automatically canceled expired waiting hold.','YesNo'), > ('ExpireReservesAutoFillEmail','', NULL,'Send email notification of hold filled from automatically expired/cancelled hold to this address. If not defined, Koha will fallback to the library reply-to address','Free'), > ('ExpireReservesMaxPickUpDelay','0','','Enabling this allows holds to expire automatically if they have not been picked by within the time period specified in ReservesMaxPickUpDelay','YesNo'), > ('ExpireReservesMaxPickUpDelayCharge','0',NULL,'If ExpireReservesMaxPickUpDelay is enabled, and this field has a non-zero value, than a borrower whose waiting hold has expired will be charged this amount.','free'), > ('ExpireReservesOnHolidays', '1', NULL, 'If false, reserves at a library will not be canceled on days the library is not open.', 'YesNo'), >-('ExcludeHolidaysFromMaxPickUpDelay', '0', NULL, 'If ON, reserves max pickup delay takes into accountthe closed days.', 'YesNo'), > ('ExportCircHistory', 0, NULL, "Display the export circulation options", 'YesNo' ), > ('ExportRemoveFields','',NULL,'List of fields for non export in circulation.pl (separated by a space)','Free'), > ('ExtendedPatronAttributes','1',NULL,'Use extended patron IDs and attributes','YesNo'), >@@ -273,23 +274,23 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` > ('GenerateAuthorityField667', 'Machine generated authority record', NULL, 'When BiblioAddsAuthorities and AutoCreateAuthorities are enabled, use this as a default value for the 667$a field of MARC21 records', 'free'), > ('GenerateAuthorityField670', 'Work cat.', NULL, 'When BiblioAddsAuthorities and AutoCreateAuthorities are enabled, use this as a default value for the 670$a field of MARC21 records', 'free'), > ('GoogleJackets','0',NULL,'if ON, displays jacket covers from Google Books API','YesNo'), >-('GoogleOpenIDConnect', '0', NULL, 'if ON, allows the use of Google OpenID Connect for login', 'YesNo'), > ('GoogleOAuth2ClientID', '', NULL, 'Client ID for the web app registered with Google', 'Free'), > ('GoogleOAuth2ClientSecret', '', NULL, 'Client Secret for the web app registered with Google', 'Free'), >+('GoogleOpenIDConnect', '0', NULL, 'if ON, allows the use of Google OpenID Connect for login', 'YesNo'), > ('GoogleOpenIDConnectAutoRegister', '0',NULL,' Google OpenID Connect logins to auto-register patrons.','YesNo'), > ('GoogleOpenIDConnectDefaultBranch', '','','This branch code will be used to create Google OpenID Connect patrons.','Textarea'), > ('GoogleOpenIDConnectDefaultCategory','','','This category code will be used to create Google OpenID Connect patrons.','Textarea'), > ('GoogleOpenIDConnectDomain', '', NULL, 'Restrict Google OpenID Connect to this domain (or subdomains of this domain). Leave blank for all Google domains', 'Free'), >+('hide_marc','0',NULL,'If ON, disables display of MARC fields, subfield codes & indicators (still shows data)','YesNo'), > ('hidelostitems','0','','If ON, disables display of\"lost\" items in OPAC.','YesNo'), > ('HidePatronName','0','','If this is switched on, patron\'s cardnumber will be shown instead of their name on the holds and catalog screens','YesNo'), >-('hide_marc','0',NULL,'If ON, disables display of MARC fields, subfield codes & indicators (still shows data)','YesNo'), > ('HoldFeeMode','not_always','any_time_is_placed|not_always|any_time_is_collected','Set the hold fee mode','Choice'), > ('HoldsAutoFill','0',NULL,'If on, librarian will not be asked if hold should be filled, it will be filled automatically','YesNo'), > ('HoldsAutoFillPrintSlip','0',NULL,'If on, hold slip print dialog will be displayed automatically','YesNo'), > ('HoldsLog','0',NULL,'If ON, log create/cancel/suspend/resume actions on holds.','YesNo'), > ('HoldsNeedProcessingSIP', '0', NULL, 'Require staff to check-in before hold is set to waiting state', 'YesNo' ), >-('HoldsQueueSkipClosed', '0', NULL, 'If enabled, any libraries that are closed when the holds queue is built will be ignored for the purpose of filling holds.', 'YesNo'), > ('HoldsQueuePrioritizeBranch','homebranch','holdingbranch|homebranch','Decides if holds queue builder patron home library match to home or holding branch','Choice'), >+('HoldsQueueSkipClosed', '0', NULL, 'If enabled, any libraries that are closed when the holds queue is built will be ignored for the purpose of filling holds.', 'YesNo'), > ('HoldsSplitQueue','nothing','nothing|branch|itemtype|branch_itemtype','In the staff interface, split the holds view by the given criteria','Choice'), > ('HoldsSplitQueueNumbering', 'actual', 'actual|virtual', 'If the holds queue is split, decide if the actual priorities should be displayed', 'Choice'), > ('HoldsToPullStartDate','2',NULL,'Set the default start date for the Holds to pull list to this many days ago','Integer'), >@@ -317,13 +318,11 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` > ('IndependentBranches','0',NULL,'If ON, increases security between libraries','YesNo'), > ('IndependentBranchesPatronModifications','0', NULL, 'Show only modification request for the logged in branch','YesNo'), > ('IndependentBranchesTransfers','0', NULL, 'Allow non-superlibrarians to transfer items between libraries','YesNo'), >+('intranet_includes','includes',NULL,'The includes directory you want for specific look of Koha (includes or includes_npl for example)','Free'), > ('IntranetAddMastheadLibraryPulldown','0', NULL, 'Add a library select pulldown menu on the staff header search','YesNo'), >-('IntranetCatalogSearchPulldown','0', NULL, 'Show a search field pulldown for \"Search the catalog\" boxes','YesNo'), >-('OnSiteCheckouts','0','','Enable/Disable the on-site checkouts feature','YesNo'), >-('OnSiteCheckoutsForce','0','','Enable/Disable the on-site for all cases (Even if a user is debarred, etc.)','YesNo'), >-('OnSiteCheckoutAutoCheck','0','','Enable/Do not enable onsite checkout by default if last checkout was an onsite checkout','YesNo'), > ('IntranetBiblioDefaultView','normal','normal|marc|isbd|labeled_marc','Choose the default detail view in the staff interface; choose between normal, labeled_marc, marc or isbd','Choice'), > ('intranetbookbag','1','','If ON, enables display of Cart feature in the intranet','YesNo'), >+('IntranetCatalogSearchPulldown','0', NULL, 'Show a search field pulldown for \"Search the catalog\" boxes','YesNo'), > ('IntranetCirculationHomeHTML', '', NULL, 'Show the following HTML in a div on the bottom of the reports home page', 'Free'), > ('IntranetCoce','0', NULL, 'If on, enables cover retrieval from the configured Coce server in the staff interface', 'YesNo'), > ('intranetcolorstylesheet','','50','Define the color stylesheet to use in the staff interface','free'), >@@ -337,7 +336,6 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` > ('intranetstylesheet','','50','Enter a complete URL to use an alternate layout stylesheet in Intranet','free'), > ('IntranetUserCSS','',NULL,'Add CSS to be included in the intranet in an embedded <style> tag.','free'), > ('IntranetUserJS','','70|10','Custom javascript for inclusion in Intranet','Textarea'), >-('intranet_includes','includes',NULL,'The includes directory you want for specific look of Koha (includes or includes_npl for example)','Free'), > ('ISBD','#100||{ 100a }{ 100b }{ 100c }{ 100d }{ 110a }{ 110b }{ 110c }{ 110d }{ 110e }{ 110f }{ 110g }{ 130a }{ 130d }{ 130f }{ 130g }{ 130h }{ 130k }{ 130l }{ 130m }{ 130n }{ 130o }{ 130p }{ 130r }{ 130s }{ 130t }|<br/><br/>\r\n#245||{ 245a }{ 245b }{245f }{ 245g }{ 245k }{ 245n }{ 245p }{ 245s }{ 245h }|\r\n#246||{ : 246i }{ 246a }{ 246b }{ 246f }{ 246g }{ 246n }{ 246p }{ 246h }|\r\n#242||{ = 242a }{ 242b }{ 242n }{ 242p }{ 242h }|\r\n#245||{ 245c }|\r\n#242||{ = 242c }|\r\n#250| - |{ 250a }{ 250b }|\r\n#254|, |{ 254a }|\r\n#255|, |{ 255a }{ 255b }{ 255c }{ 255d }{ 255e }{ 255f }{ 255g }|\r\n#256|, |{ 256a }|\r\n#257|, |{ 257a }|\r\n#258|, |{ 258a }{ 258b }|\r\n#260| - |{ 260a }{ 260b }{ 260c }|\r\n#300| - |{ 300a }{ 300b }{ 300c }{ 300d }{ 300e }{ 300f }{ 300g }|\r\n#306| - |{ 306a }|\r\n#307| - |{ 307a }{ 307b }|\r\n#310| - |{ 310a }{ 310b }|\r\n#321| - |{ 321a }{ 321b }|\r\n#340| - |{ 3403 }{ 340a }{ 340b }{ 340c }{ 340d }{ 340e }{ 340f }{ 340h }{ 340i }|\r\n#342| - |{ 342a }{ 342b }{ 342c }{ 342d }{ 342e }{ 342f }{ 342g }{ 342h }{ 342i }{ 342j }{ 342k }{ 342l }{ 342m }{ 342n }{ 342o }{ 342p }{ 342q }{ 342r }{ 342s }{ 342t }{ 342u }{ 342v }{ 342w }|\r\n#343| - |{ 343a }{ 343b }{ 343c }{ 343d }{ 343e }{ 343f }{ 343g }{ 343h }{ 343i }|\r\n#351| - |{ 3513 }{ 351a }{ 351b }{ 351c }|\r\n#352| - |{ 352a }{ 352b }{ 352c }{ 352d }{ 352e }{ 352f }{ 352g }{ 352i }{ 352q }|\r\n#362| - |{ 362a }{ 351z }|\r\n#440| - |{ 440a }{ 440n }{ 440p }{ 440v }{ 440x }|.\r\n#490| - |{ 490a }{ 490v }{ 490x }|.\r\n#800| - |{ 800a }{ 800b }{ 800c }{ 800d }{ 800e }{ 800f }{ 800g }{ 800h }{ 800j }{ 800k }{ 800l }{ 800m }{ 800n }{ 800o }{ 800p }{ 800q }{ 800r }{ 800s }{ 800t }{ 800u }{ 800v }|.\r\n#810| - |{ 810a }{ 810b }{ 810c }{ 810d }{ 810e }{ 810f }{ 810g }{ 810h }{ 810k }{ 810l }{ 810m }{ 810n }{ 810o }{ 810p }{ 810r }{ 810s }{ 810t }{ 810u }{ 810v }|.\r\n#811| - |{ 811a }{ 811c }{ 811d }{ 811e }{ 811f }{ 811g }{ 811h }{ 811k }{ 811l }{ 811n }{ 811p }{ 811q }{ 811s }{ 811t }{ 811u }{ 811v }|.\r\n#830| - |{ 830a }{ 830d }{ 830f }{ 830g }{ 830h }{ 830k }{ 830l }{ 830m }{ 830n }{ 830o }{ 830p }{ 830r }{ 830s }{ 830t }{ 830v }|.\r\n#500|<br/><br/>|{ 5003 }{ 500a }|\r\n#501|<br/><br/>|{ 501a }|\r\n#502|<br/><br/>|{ 502a }|\r\n#504|<br/><br/>|{ 504a }|\r\n#505|<br/><br/>|{ 505a }{ 505t }{ 505r }{ 505g }{ 505u }|\r\n#506|<br/><br/>|{ 5063 }{ 506a }{ 506b }{ 506c }{ 506d }{ 506u }|\r\n#507|<br/><br/>|{ 507a }{ 507b }|\r\n#508|<br/><br/>|{ 508a }{ 508a }|\r\n#510|<br/><br/>|{ 5103 }{ 510a }{ 510x }{ 510c }{ 510b }|\r\n#511|<br/><br/>|{ 511a }|\r\n#513|<br/><br/>|{ 513a }{513b }|\r\n#514|<br/><br/>|{ 514z }{ 514a }{ 514b }{ 514c }{ 514d }{ 514e }{ 514f }{ 514g }{ 514h }{ 514i }{ 514j }{ 514k }{ 514m }{ 514u }|\r\n#515|<br/><br/>|{ 515a }|\r\n#516|<br/><br/>|{ 516a }|\r\n#518|<br/><br/>|{ 5183 }{ 518a }|\r\n#520|<br/><br/>|{ 5203 }{ 520a }{ 520b }{ 520u }|\r\n#521|<br/><br/>|{ 5213 }{ 521a }{ 521b }|\r\n#522|<br/><br/>|{ 522a }|\r\n#524|<br/><br/>|{ 524a }|\r\n#525|<br/><br/>|{ 525a }|\r\n#526|<br/><br/>|{\\n510i }{\\n510a }{ 510b }{ 510c }{ 510d }{\\n510x }|\r\n#530|<br/><br/>|{\\n5063 }{\\n506a }{ 506b }{ 506c }{ 506d }{\\n506u }|\r\n#533|<br/><br/>|{\\n5333 }{\\n533a }{\\n533b }{\\n533c }{\\n533d }{\\n533e }{\\n533f }{\\n533m }{\\n533n }|\r\n#534|<br/><br/>|{\\n533p }{\\n533a }{\\n533b }{\\n533c }{\\n533d }{\\n533e }{\\n533f }{\\n533m }{\\n533n }{\\n533t }{\\n533x }{\\n533z }|\r\n#535|<br/><br/>|{\\n5353 }{\\n535a }{\\n535b }{\\n535c }{\\n535d }|\r\n#538|<br/><br/>|{\\n5383 }{\\n538a }{\\n538i }{\\n538u }|\r\n#540|<br/><br/>|{\\n5403 }{\\n540a }{ 540b }{ 540c }{ 540d }{\\n520u }|\r\n#544|<br/><br/>|{\\n5443 }{\\n544a }{\\n544b }{\\n544c }{\\n544d }{\\n544e }{\\n544n }|\r\n#545|<br/><br/>|{\\n545a }{ 545b }{\\n545u }|\r\n#546|<br/><br/>|{\\n5463 }{\\n546a }{ 546b }|\r\n#547|<br/><br/>|{\\n547a }|\r\n#550|<br/><br/>|{ 550a }|\r\n#552|<br/><br/>|{ 552z }{ 552a }{ 552b }{ 552c }{ 552d }{ 552e }{ 552f }{ 552g }{ 552h }{ 552i }{ 552j }{ 552k }{ 552l }{ 552m }{ 552n }{ 562o }{ 552p }{ 552u }|\r\n#555|<br/><br/>|{ 5553 }{ 555a }{ 555b }{ 555c }{ 555d }{ 555u }|\r\n#556|<br/><br/>|{ 556a }{ 506z }|\r\n#563|<br/><br/>|{ 5633 }{ 563a }{ 563u }|\r\n#565|<br/><br/>|{ 5653 }{ 565a }{ 565b }{ 565c }{ 565d }{ 565e }|\r\n#567|<br/><br/>|{ 567a }|\r\n#580|<br/><br/>|{ 580a }|\r\n#581|<br/><br/>|{ 5633 }{ 581a }{ 581z }|\r\n#584|<br/><br/>|{ 5843 }{ 584a }{ 584b }|\r\n#585|<br/><br/>|{ 5853 }{ 585a }|\r\n#586|<br/><br/>|{ 5863 }{ 586a }|\r\n#020|<br/><br/><label>ISBN: </label>|{ 020a }{ 020c }|\r\n#022|<br/><br/><label>ISSN: </label>|{ 022a }|\r\n#222| = |{ 222a }{ 222b }|\r\n#210| = |{ 210a }{ 210b }|\r\n#024|<br/><br/><label>Standard No.: </label>|{ 024a }{ 024c }{ 024d }{ 0242 }|\r\n#027|<br/><br/><label>Standard Tech. Report. No.: </label>|{ 027a }|\r\n#028|<br/><br/><label>Publisher. No.: </label>|{ 028a }{ 028b }|\r\n#013|<br/><br/><label>Patent No.: </label>|{ 013a }{ 013b }{ 013c }{ 013d }{ 013e }{ 013f }|\r\n#030|<br/><br/><label>CODEN: </label>|{ 030a }|\r\n#037|<br/><br/><label>Source: </label>|{ 037a }{ 037b }{ 037c }{ 037f }{ 037g }{ 037n }|\r\n#010|<br/><br/><label>LCCN: </label>|{ 010a }|\r\n#015|<br/><br/><label>Nat. Bib. No.: </label>|{ 015a }{ 0152 }|\r\n#016|<br/><br/><label>Nat. Bib. Agency Control No.: </label>|{ 016a }{ 0162 }|\r\n#600|<br/><br/><label>Subjects--Personal Names: </label>|{\\n6003 }{\\n600a}{ 600b }{ 600c }{ 600d }{ 600e }{ 600f }{ 600g }{ 600h }{--600k}{ 600l }{ 600m }{ 600n }{ 600o }{--600p}{ 600r }{ 600s }{ 600t }{ 600u }{--600x}{--600z}{--600y}{--600v}|\r\n#610|<br/><br/><label>Subjects--Corporate Names: </label>|{\\n6103 }{\\n610a}{ 610b }{ 610c }{ 610d }{ 610e }{ 610f }{ 610g }{ 610h }{--610k}{ 610l }{ 610m }{ 610n }{ 610o }{--610p}{ 610r }{ 610s }{ 610t }{ 610u }{--610x}{--610z}{--610y}{--610v}|\r\n#611|<br/><br/><label>Subjects--Meeting Names: </label>|{\\n6113 }{\\n611a}{ 611b }{ 611c }{ 611d }{ 611e }{ 611f }{ 611g }{ 611h }{--611k}{ 611l }{ 611m }{ 611n }{ 611o }{--611p}{ 611r }{ 611s }{ 611t }{ 611u }{--611x}{--611z}{--611y}{--611v}|\r\n#630|<br/><br/><label>Subjects--Uniform Titles: </label>|{\\n630a}{ 630b }{ 630c }{ 630d }{ 630e }{ 630f }{ 630g }{ 630h }{--630k }{ 630l }{ 630m }{ 630n }{ 630o }{--630p}{ 630r }{ 630s }{ 630t }{--630x}{--630z}{--630y}{--630v}|\r\n#648|<br/><br/><label>Subjects--Chronological Terms: </label>|{\\n6483 }{\\n648a }{--648x}{--648z}{--648y}{--648v}|\r\n#650|<br/><br/><label>Subjects--Topical Terms: </label>|{\\n6503 }{\\n650a}{ 650b }{ 650c }{ 650d }{ 650e }{--650x}{--650z}{--650y}{--650v}|\r\n#651|<br/><br/><label>Subjects--Geographic Terms: </label>|{\\n6513 }{\\n651a}{ 651b }{ 651c }{ 651d }{ 651e }{--651x}{--651z}{--651y}{--651v}|\r\n#653|<br/><br/><label>Subjects--Index Terms: </label>|{ 653a }|\r\n#654|<br/><br/><label>Subjects--Facted Index Terms: </label>|{\\n6543 }{\\n654a}{--654b}{--654x}{--654z}{--654y}{--654v}|\r\n#655|<br/><br/><label>Index Terms--Genre/Form: </label>|{\\n6553 }{\\n655a}{--655b}{--655x }{--655z}{--655y}{--655v}|\r\n#656|<br/><br/><label>Index Terms--Occupation: </label>|{\\n6563 }{\\n656a}{--656k}{--656x}{--656z}{--656y}{--656v}|\r\n#657|<br/><br/><label>Index Terms--Function: </label>|{\\n6573 }{\\n657a}{--657x}{--657z}{--657y}{--657v}|\r\n#658|<br/><br/><label>Index Terms--Curriculum Objective: </label>|{\\n658a}{--658b}{--658c}{--658d}{--658v}|\r\n#050|<br/><br/><label>LC Class. No.: </label>|{ 050a }{ / 050b }|\r\n#082|<br/><br/><label>Dewey Class. No.: </label>|{ 082a }{ / 082b }|\r\n#080|<br/><br/><label>Universal Decimal Class. No.: </label>|{ 080a }{ 080x }{ / 080b }|\r\n#070|<br/><br/><label>National Agricultural Library Call No.: </label>|{ 070a }{ / 070b }|\r\n#060|<br/><br/><label>National Library of Medicine Call No.: </label>|{ 060a }{ / 060b }|\r\n#074|<br/><br/><label>GPO Item No.: </label>|{ 074a }|\r\n#086|<br/><br/><label>Gov. Doc. Class. No.: </label>|{ 086a }|\r\n#088|<br/><br/><label>Report. No.: </label>|{ 088a }|','70|10','ISBD','Textarea'), > ('IssueLog','1',NULL,'If ON, log checkout activity','YesNo'), > ('IssueLostItem','alert','Defines what should be done when an attempt is made to issue an item that has been marked as lost.','alert|confirm|nothing','Choice'), >@@ -352,7 +350,6 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` > ('KohaManualLanguage','en','en|ar|cs|de|es|fr|it|pt_BR|tr|zh_TW','What is the language of the online manual you want to use?','Choice'), > ('LabelMARCView','standard','standard|economical','Define how a MARC record will display','Choice'), > ('language','en',NULL,'Set the default language in the staff interface.','Languages'), >-('ClaimsLog','1',NULL,'If ON, log all notices sent','YesNo'), > ('LibraryName','','','Define the library name as displayed on the OPAC',''), > ('LibraryThingForLibrariesEnabled','0','','Enable or Disable Library Thing for Libraries Features','YesNo'), > ('LibraryThingForLibrariesID','','','See:http://librarything.com/forlibraries/','free'), >@@ -383,17 +380,17 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` > ('MarcFieldForModifierName','',NULL,'Where to store the name of the record''s last modifier','Free'), > ('MarcFieldsToOrder','',NULL,'Set the mapping values for a new order line created from a MARC record in a staged file. In a YAML format.','textarea'), > ('MarcItemFieldsToOrder','',NULL,'Set the mapping values for new item records created from a MARC record in a staged file. In a YAML format.','textarea'), >-('MarkLostItemsAsReturned','batchmod,moredetail,cronjob,additem,pendingreserves,onpayment','claim_returned|batchmod|moredetail|cronjob|additem|pendingreserves|onpayment','Mark items as returned when flagged as lost','multiple'), > ('MARCOrgCode','OSt','','Define MARC Organization Code for MARC21 records - http://www.loc.gov/marc/organizations/orgshome.html','free'), > ('MARCOverlayRules','0',NULL,'Use the MARC record overlay rules system to decide what actions to take for each field when modifying records.','YesNo'), >+('MarkLostItemsAsReturned','batchmod,moredetail,cronjob,additem,pendingreserves,onpayment','claim_returned|batchmod|moredetail|cronjob|additem|pendingreserves|onpayment','Mark items as returned when flagged as lost','multiple'), >+('MaxComponentRecords', '300', '','Max number of component records to display','Integer'), > ('MaxFine',NULL,'','Maximum fine a patron can have for all late returns at one moment. Single item caps are specified in the circulation rules matrix.','Integer'), >+('maxItemsInSearchResults','20',NULL,'Specify the maximum number of items to display for each result on a page of results','free'), > ('MaxItemsToDisplayForBatchDel','1000',NULL,'Display up to a given number of items in a single item deletionbatch.','Integer'), > ('MaxItemsToDisplayForBatchMod','1000',NULL,'Display up to a given number of items in a single item modification batch.','Integer'), > ('MaxItemsToProcessForBatchMod','1000',NULL,'Process up to a given number of items in a single item modification batch.','Integer'), >-('maxItemsInSearchResults','20',NULL,'Specify the maximum number of items to display for each result on a page of results','free'), > ('MaxOpenSuggestions','',NULL,'Limit the number of open suggestions a patron can have at once','Integer'), > ('maxoutstanding','5','','maximum amount withstanding to be able make holds','Integer'), >-('OPACFineNoRenewalsBlockAutoRenew','0','','Block/Allow auto renewals if the patron owe more than OPACFineNoRenewals','YesNo'), > ('maxRecordsForFacets','20',NULL,NULL,'Integer'), > ('maxreserves','50','','Define maximum number of holds a patron can place','Integer'), > ('MaxSearchResultsItemsPerRecordStatusCheck','20','','Max number of items per record for which to check transit and hold status','Integer'), >@@ -431,21 +428,25 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` > ('numSearchRSSResults','50',NULL,'Specify the maximum number of results to display on a RSS page of results','Integer'), > ('OAI-PMH','0',NULL,'if ON, OAI-PMH server is enabled','YesNo'), > ('OAI-PMH:archiveID','KOHA-OAI-TEST',NULL,'OAI-PMH archive identification','Free'), >-('OAI-PMH:AutoUpdateSets','0','','Automatically update OAI sets when a bibliographic or item record is created or updated','YesNo'), > ('OAI-PMH:AutoUpdateSetEmbedItemData', '0', '', 'Embed item information when automatically updating OAI sets. Requires OAI-PMH:AutoUpdateSets syspref to be enabled', 'YesNo'), >+('OAI-PMH:AutoUpdateSets','0','','Automatically update OAI sets when a bibliographic or item record is created or updated','YesNo'), > ('OAI-PMH:ConfFile','',NULL,'If empty, Koha OAI Server operates in normal mode, otherwise it operates in extended mode.','File'), > ('OAI-PMH:DeletedRecord','persistent','Koha\'s deletedbiblio table will never be deleted (persistent), might be deleted (transient), or will never have any data in it (no)','transient|persistent|no','Choice'), > ('OAI-PMH:MaxCount','50',NULL,'OAI-PMH maximum number of records by answer to ListRecords and ListIdentifiers queries','Integer'), >+('OnSiteCheckoutAutoCheck','0','','Enable/Do not enable onsite checkout by default if last checkout was an onsite checkout','YesNo'), >+('OnSiteCheckouts','0','','Enable/Disable the on-site checkouts feature','YesNo'), >+('OnSiteCheckoutsForce','0','','Enable/Disable the on-site for all cases (Even if a user is debarred, etc.)','YesNo'), > ('OPACAcquisitionDetails','0','','Show the acquisition details at the OPAC','YesNo'), >+('OpacAdditionalStylesheet','','','Define an auxiliary stylesheet for OPAC use, to override specified settings from the primary opac.css stylesheet. Enter the filename (if the file is in the server\'s css directory) or a complete URL beginning with http (if the file lives on a remote server).','free'), > ('OpacAddMastheadLibraryPulldown','0','','Adds a pulldown menu to select the library to search on the opac masthead.','YesNo'), >+('OpacAdvancedSearchTypes','itemtypes','itemtypes|ccode','Select which set of fields are available as limits on the OPAC advanced search page','Choice'), > ('OpacAdvSearchMoreOptions','pubdate,itemtype,language,subtype,sorting,location','Show search options for the expanded view (More options)','pubdate|itemtype|language|subtype|sorting|location','multiple'), > ('OpacAdvSearchOptions','pubdate,itemtype,language,sorting,location','Show search options','pubdate|itemtype|language|subtype|sorting|location','multiple'), >-('OpacAdvancedSearchTypes','itemtypes','itemtypes|ccode','Select which set of fields are available as limits on the OPAC advanced search page','Choice'), > ('OPACAllowHoldDateInFuture','0','','If set, along with the AllowHoldDateInFuture system preference, OPAC users can set the date of a hold to be in the future.','YesNo'), > ('OpacAllowPublicListCreation','1',NULL,'If set, allows opac users to create public lists','YesNo'), > ('OpacAllowSharingPrivateLists','0',NULL,'If set, allows opac users to share private lists with other patrons','YesNo'), >-('OPACAllowUserToChooseBranch','1','1','Allow the user to choose the branch they want to pickup their hold from','YesNo'), > ('OPACAllowUserToChangeBranch','','Pending, In-Transit, Suspended','Allow users to change the library to pick up a hold for these statuses:','multiple'), >+('OPACAllowUserToChooseBranch','1','1','Allow the user to choose the branch they want to pickup their hold from','YesNo'), > ('OPACAmazonCoverImages','0','','Display cover images on OPAC from Amazon Web Services','YesNo'), > ('OPACAuthorIdentifiers','0','','Display author identifiers on the OPAC detail page','YesNo'), > ('OpacAuthorities','1',NULL,'If ON, enables the search authorities link on OPAC','YesNo'), >@@ -456,8 +457,8 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` > ('OpacBrowseSearch', '0',NULL, "Elasticsearch only: add a page allowing users to 'browse' all items in the collection",'YesNo'), > ('OpacCatalogConcerns', '0', NULL, 'Allow logged in OPAC users to report catalog concerns', 'YesNo'), > ('OpacCloud','0',NULL,'If ON, enables subject cloud on OPAC','YesNo'), >-('OpacAdditionalStylesheet','','','Define an auxiliary stylesheet for OPAC use, to override specified settings from the primary opac.css stylesheet. Enter the filename (if the file is in the server\'s css directory) or a complete URL beginning with http (if the file lives on a remote server).','free'), > ('OpacCoce','0', NULL, 'If on, enables cover retrieval from the configured Coce server in the OPAC', 'YesNo'), >+('OPACComments','1','','If ON, enables patron reviews of bibliographic records in the OPAC','YesNo'), > ('OPACCustomCoverImages','0',NULL,'If enabled, the custom cover images will be displayed at the OPAC. CustomCoverImagesURL must be defined.','YesNo'), > ('OPACdefaultSortField','relevance','relevance|popularity|call_number|pubdate|acqdate|title|author','Specify the default field used for sorting','Choice'), > ('OPACdefaultSortOrder','dsc','asc|dsc|za|az','Specify the default sort order','Choice'), >@@ -467,6 +468,8 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` > ('OPACFallback', 'prog', 'bootstrap|prog', 'Define the fallback theme for the OPAC interface.', 'Themes'), > ('OpacFavicon','','','Enter a complete URL to an image to replace the default Koha favicon on the OPAC','free'), > ('OPACFineNoRenewals','100','','Fine limit above which user cannot renew books via OPAC','Integer'), >+('OPACFineNoRenewalsBlockAutoRenew','0','','Block/Allow auto renewals if the patron owe more than OPACFineNoRenewals','YesNo'), >+('OPACFineNoRenewalsIncludeCredits','1',NULL,'If enabled the value specified in OPACFineNoRenewals should include any unapplied account credits in the calculation','YesNo'), > ('OPACFinesTab','1','','If OFF the patron fines tab in the OPAC is disabled.','YesNo'), > ('OPACFRBRizeEditions','0','','If ON, the OPAC will query one or more ISBN web services for associated ISBNs and display an Editions tab on the details pages','YesNo'), > ('OpacHiddenItems','','','This syspref allows to define custom rules for hiding specific items at the OPAC. See http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/OpacHiddenItems for more information.','Textarea'), >@@ -474,11 +477,11 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` > ('OpacHiddenItemsHidesRecord','1','','Hide biblio record when all its items are hidden because of OpacHiddenItems','YesNo'), > ('OpacHighlightedWords','1','','If Set, then queried words are higlighted in OPAC','YesNo'), > ('OPACHoldingsDefaultSortField','first_column','first_column|homebranch|holdingbranch','Default sort field for the holdings table at the OPAC','choice'), >+('OpacHoldNotes','0','','Show hold notes on OPAC','YesNo'), >+('OPACHoldRequests','1',NULL,'If ON, globally enables patron holds on OPAC','YesNo'), > ('OPACHoldsHistory','0','','If ON, enables display of Patron Holds History in OPAC','YesNo'), > ('OPACHoldsIfAvailableAtPickup','1','','Allow patrons to place a hold at pickup locations (libraries) where the item is available','YesNo'), > ('OPACHoldsIfAvailableAtPickupExceptions','','','List the patron categories not affected by OPACHoldsIfAvailableAtPickup if off','Free'), >-('OpacHoldNotes','0','','Show hold notes on OPAC','YesNo'), >-('OPACHoldRequests','1',NULL,'If ON, globally enables patron holds on OPAC','YesNo'), > ('OPACISBD','#100||{ 100a }{ 100b }{ 100c }{ 100d }{ 110a }{ 110b }{ 110c }{ 110d }{ 110e }{ 110f }{ 110g }{ 130a }{ 130d }{ 130f }{ 130g }{ 130h }{ 130k }{ 130l }{ 130m }{ 130n }{ 130o }{ 130p }{ 130r }{ 130s }{ 130t }|<br/><br/>\r\n#245||{ 245a }{ 245b }{245f }{ 245g }{ 245k }{ 245n }{ 245p }{ 245s }{ 245h }|\r\n#246||{ : 246i }{ 246a }{ 246b }{ 246f }{ 246g }{ 246n }{ 246p }{ 246h }|\r\n#242||{ = 242a }{ 242b }{ 242n }{ 242p }{ 242h }|\r\n#245||{ 245c }|\r\n#242||{ = 242c }|\r\n#250| - |{ 250a }{ 250b }|\r\n#254|, |{ 254a }|\r\n#255|, |{ 255a }{ 255b }{ 255c }{ 255d }{ 255e }{ 255f }{ 255g }|\r\n#256|, |{ 256a }|\r\n#257|, |{ 257a }|\r\n#258|, |{ 258a }{ 258b }|\r\n#260| - |{ 260a }{ 260b }{ 260c }|\r\n#300| - |{ 300a }{ 300b }{ 300c }{ 300d }{ 300e }{ 300f }{ 300g }|\r\n#306| - |{ 306a }|\r\n#307| - |{ 307a }{ 307b }|\r\n#310| - |{ 310a }{ 310b }|\r\n#321| - |{ 321a }{ 321b }|\r\n#340| - |{ 3403 }{ 340a }{ 340b }{ 340c }{ 340d }{ 340e }{ 340f }{ 340h }{ 340i }|\r\n#342| - |{ 342a }{ 342b }{ 342c }{ 342d }{ 342e }{ 342f }{ 342g }{ 342h }{ 342i }{ 342j }{ 342k }{ 342l }{ 342m }{ 342n }{ 342o }{ 342p }{ 342q }{ 342r }{ 342s }{ 342t }{ 342u }{ 342v }{ 342w }|\r\n#343| - |{ 343a }{ 343b }{ 343c }{ 343d }{ 343e }{ 343f }{ 343g }{ 343h }{ 343i }|\r\n#351| - |{ 3513 }{ 351a }{ 351b }{ 351c }|\r\n#352| - |{ 352a }{ 352b }{ 352c }{ 352d }{ 352e }{ 352f }{ 352g }{ 352i }{ 352q }|\r\n#362| - |{ 362a }{ 351z }|\r\n#440| - |{ 440a }{ 440n }{ 440p }{ 440v }{ 440x }|.\r\n#490| - |{ 490a }{ 490v }{ 490x }|.\r\n#800| - |{ 800a }{ 800b }{ 800c }{ 800d }{ 800e }{ 800f }{ 800g }{ 800h }{ 800j }{ 800k }{ 800l }{ 800m }{ 800n }{ 800o }{ 800p }{ 800q }{ 800r }{ 800s }{ 800t }{ 800u }{ 800v }|.\r\n#810| - |{ 810a }{ 810b }{ 810c }{ 810d }{ 810e }{ 810f }{ 810g }{ 810h }{ 810k }{ 810l }{ 810m }{ 810n }{ 810o }{ 810p }{ 810r }{ 810s }{ 810t }{ 810u }{ 810v }|.\r\n#811| - |{ 811a }{ 811c }{ 811d }{ 811e }{ 811f }{ 811g }{ 811h }{ 811k }{ 811l }{ 811n }{ 811p }{ 811q }{ 811s }{ 811t }{ 811u }{ 811v }|.\r\n#830| - |{ 830a }{ 830d }{ 830f }{ 830g }{ 830h }{ 830k }{ 830l }{ 830m }{ 830n }{ 830o }{ 830p }{ 830r }{ 830s }{ 830t }{ 830v }|.\r\n#500|<br/><br/>|{ 5003 }{ 500a }|\r\n#501|<br/><br/>|{ 501a }|\r\n#502|<br/><br/>|{ 502a }|\r\n#504|<br/><br/>|{ 504a }|\r\n#505|<br/><br/>|{ 505a }{ 505t }{ 505r }{ 505g }{ 505u }|\r\n#506|<br/><br/>|{ 5063 }{ 506a }{ 506b }{ 506c }{ 506d }{ 506u }|\r\n#507|<br/><br/>|{ 507a }{ 507b }|\r\n#508|<br/><br/>|{ 508a }{ 508a }|\r\n#510|<br/><br/>|{ 5103 }{ 510a }{ 510x }{ 510c }{ 510b }|\r\n#511|<br/><br/>|{ 511a }|\r\n#513|<br/><br/>|{ 513a }{513b }|\r\n#514|<br/><br/>|{ 514z }{ 514a }{ 514b }{ 514c }{ 514d }{ 514e }{ 514f }{ 514g }{ 514h }{ 514i }{ 514j }{ 514k }{ 514m }{ 514u }|\r\n#515|<br/><br/>|{ 515a }|\r\n#516|<br/><br/>|{ 516a }|\r\n#518|<br/><br/>|{ 5183 }{ 518a }|\r\n#520|<br/><br/>|{ 5203 }{ 520a }{ 520b }{ 520u }|\r\n#521|<br/><br/>|{ 5213 }{ 521a }{ 521b }|\r\n#522|<br/><br/>|{ 522a }|\r\n#524|<br/><br/>|{ 524a }|\r\n#525|<br/><br/>|{ 525a }|\r\n#526|<br/><br/>|{\\n510i }{\\n510a }{ 510b }{ 510c }{ 510d }{\\n510x }|\r\n#530|<br/><br/>|{\\n5063 }{\\n506a }{ 506b }{ 506c }{ 506d }{\\n506u }|\r\n#533|<br/><br/>|{\\n5333 }{\\n533a }{\\n533b }{\\n533c }{\\n533d }{\\n533e }{\\n533f }{\\n533m }{\\n533n }|\r\n#534|<br/><br/>|{\\n533p }{\\n533a }{\\n533b }{\\n533c }{\\n533d }{\\n533e }{\\n533f }{\\n533m }{\\n533n }{\\n533t }{\\n533x }{\\n533z }|\r\n#535|<br/><br/>|{\\n5353 }{\\n535a }{\\n535b }{\\n535c }{\\n535d }|\r\n#538|<br/><br/>|{\\n5383 }{\\n538a }{\\n538i }{\\n538u }|\r\n#540|<br/><br/>|{\\n5403 }{\\n540a }{ 540b }{ 540c }{ 540d }{\\n520u }|\r\n#544|<br/><br/>|{\\n5443 }{\\n544a }{\\n544b }{\\n544c }{\\n544d }{\\n544e }{\\n544n }|\r\n#545|<br/><br/>|{\\n545a }{ 545b }{\\n545u }|\r\n#546|<br/><br/>|{\\n5463 }{\\n546a }{ 546b }|\r\n#547|<br/><br/>|{\\n547a }|\r\n#550|<br/><br/>|{ 550a }|\r\n#552|<br/><br/>|{ 552z }{ 552a }{ 552b }{ 552c }{ 552d }{ 552e }{ 552f }{ 552g }{ 552h }{ 552i }{ 552j }{ 552k }{ 552l }{ 552m }{ 552n }{ 562o }{ 552p }{ 552u }|\r\n#555|<br/><br/>|{ 5553 }{ 555a }{ 555b }{ 555c }{ 555d }{ 555u }|\r\n#556|<br/><br/>|{ 556a }{ 506z }|\r\n#563|<br/><br/>|{ 5633 }{ 563a }{ 563u }|\r\n#565|<br/><br/>|{ 5653 }{ 565a }{ 565b }{ 565c }{ 565d }{ 565e }|\r\n#567|<br/><br/>|{ 567a }|\r\n#580|<br/><br/>|{ 580a }|\r\n#581|<br/><br/>|{ 5633 }{ 581a }{ 581z }|\r\n#584|<br/><br/>|{ 5843 }{ 584a }{ 584b }|\r\n#585|<br/><br/>|{ 5853 }{ 585a }|\r\n#586|<br/><br/>|{ 5863 }{ 586a }|\r\n#020|<br/><br/><label>ISBN: </label>|{ 020a }{ 020c }|\r\n#022|<br/><br/><label>ISSN: </label>|{ 022a }|\r\n#222| = |{ 222a }{ 222b }|\r\n#210| = |{ 210a }{ 210b }|\r\n#024|<br/><br/><label>Standard No.: </label>|{ 024a }{ 024c }{ 024d }{ 0242 }|\r\n#027|<br/><br/><label>Standard Tech. Report. No.: </label>|{ 027a }|\r\n#028|<br/><br/><label>Publisher. No.: </label>|{ 028a }{ 028b }|\r\n#013|<br/><br/><label>Patent No.: </label>|{ 013a }{ 013b }{ 013c }{ 013d }{ 013e }{ 013f }|\r\n#030|<br/><br/><label>CODEN: </label>|{ 030a }|\r\n#037|<br/><br/><label>Source: </label>|{ 037a }{ 037b }{ 037c }{ 037f }{ 037g }{ 037n }|\r\n#010|<br/><br/><label>LCCN: </label>|{ 010a }|\r\n#015|<br/><br/><label>Nat. Bib. No.: </label>|{ 015a }{ 0152 }|\r\n#016|<br/><br/><label>Nat. Bib. Agency Control No.: </label>|{ 016a }{ 0162 }|\r\n#600|<br/><br/><label>Subjects--Personal Names: </label>|{\\n6003 }{\\n600a}{ 600b }{ 600c }{ 600d }{ 600e }{ 600f }{ 600g }{ 600h }{--600k}{ 600l }{ 600m }{ 600n }{ 600o }{--600p}{ 600r }{ 600s }{ 600t }{ 600u }{--600x}{--600z}{--600y}{--600v}|\r\n#610|<br/><br/><label>Subjects--Corporate Names: </label>|{\\n6103 }{\\n610a}{ 610b }{ 610c }{ 610d }{ 610e }{ 610f }{ 610g }{ 610h }{--610k}{ 610l }{ 610m }{ 610n }{ 610o }{--610p}{ 610r }{ 610s }{ 610t }{ 610u }{--610x}{--610z}{--610y}{--610v}|\r\n#611|<br/><br/><label>Subjects--Meeting Names: </label>|{\\n6113 }{\\n611a}{ 611b }{ 611c }{ 611d }{ 611e }{ 611f }{ 611g }{ 611h }{--611k}{ 611l }{ 611m }{ 611n }{ 611o }{--611p}{ 611r }{ 611s }{ 611t }{ 611u }{--611x}{--611z}{--611y}{--611v}|\r\n#630|<br/><br/><label>Subjects--Uniform Titles: </label>|{\\n630a}{ 630b }{ 630c }{ 630d }{ 630e }{ 630f }{ 630g }{ 630h }{--630k }{ 630l }{ 630m }{ 630n }{ 630o }{--630p}{ 630r }{ 630s }{ 630t }{--630x}{--630z}{--630y}{--630v}|\r\n#648|<br/><br/><label>Subjects--Chronological Terms: </label>|{\\n6483 }{\\n648a }{--648x}{--648z}{--648y}{--648v}|\r\n#650|<br/><br/><label>Subjects--Topical Terms: </label>|{\\n6503 }{\\n650a}{ 650b }{ 650c }{ 650d }{ 650e }{--650x}{--650z}{--650y}{--650v}|\r\n#651|<br/><br/><label>Subjects--Geographic Terms: </label>|{\\n6513 }{\\n651a}{ 651b }{ 651c }{ 651d }{ 651e }{--651x}{--651z}{--651y}{--651v}|\r\n#653|<br/><br/><label>Subjects--Index Terms: </label>|{ 653a }|\r\n#654|<br/><br/><label>Subjects--Facted Index Terms: </label>|{\\n6543 }{\\n654a}{--654b}{--654x}{--654z}{--654y}{--654v}|\r\n#655|<br/><br/><label>Index Terms--Genre/Form: </label>|{\\n6553 }{\\n655a}{--655b}{--655x }{--655z}{--655y}{--655v}|\r\n#656|<br/><br/><label>Index Terms--Occupation: </label>|{\\n6563 }{\\n656a}{--656k}{--656x}{--656z}{--656y}{--656v}|\r\n#657|<br/><br/><label>Index Terms--Function: </label>|{\\n6573 }{\\n657a}{--657x}{--657z}{--657y}{--657v}|\r\n#658|<br/><br/><label>Index Terms--Curriculum Objective: </label>|{\\n658a}{--658b}{--658c}{--658d}{--658v}|\r\n#050|<br/><br/><label>LC Class. No.: </label>|{ 050a }{ / 050b }|\r\n#082|<br/><br/><label>Dewey Class. No.: </label>|{ 082a }{ / 082b }|\r\n#080|<br/><br/><label>Universal Decimal Class. No.: </label>|{ 080a }{ 080x }{ / 080b }|\r\n#070|<br/><br/><label>National Agricultural Library Call No.: </label>|{ 070a }{ / 070b }|\r\n#060|<br/><br/><label>National Library of Medicine Call No.: </label>|{ 060a }{ / 060b }|\r\n#074|<br/><br/><label>GPO Item No.: </label>|{ 074a }|\r\n#086|<br/><br/><label>Gov. Doc. Class. No.: </label>|{ 086a }|\r\n#088|<br/><br/><label>Report. No.: </label>|{ 088a }|','70|10','OPAC ISBD','Textarea'), > ('OpacItemLocation','callnum','callnum|ccode|location|library','Show the shelving location of items in the opac','Choice'), > ('OpacKohaUrl','1',NULL,'Show \'Powered by Koha\' text on OPAC footer.',NULL), >@@ -489,8 +492,8 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` > ('OPACLocalCoverImages','0','1','Display local cover images on OPAC search and details pages.','YesNo'), > ('OpacLocationBranchToDisplay','holding','holding|home|both','In the OPAC, under location show which branch for Location in the record details.','Choice'), > ('OpacLocationOnDetail','holding','holding|home|both|column','In the OPAC detail, display the shelving location on its own column or under a library columns.', 'Choice'), >-('OPACMandatoryHoldDates', '', '|start|end|both', 'Define which hold dates are required on OPAC reserve form', 'Choice'), > ('OpacMaintenance','0','','If ON, enables maintenance warning in OPAC','YesNo'), >+('OPACMandatoryHoldDates', '', '|start|end|both', 'Define which hold dates are required on OPAC reserve form', 'Choice'), > ('OpacMaxItemsToDisplay','50','','Max items to display at the OPAC on a biblio detail','Integer'), > ('OpacMetaDescription','','','This description will show in search engine results (160 characters).','Textarea'), > ('OPACMySummaryHTML','','70|10','Enter the HTML that will appear in a column on the \'my summary\' and \'my checkout history\' tabs when a user is logged in to the OPAC. Enter {BIBLIONUMBER}, {TITLE}, {AUTHOR}, or {ISBN} in place of their respective variables in the HTML. Leave blank to disable.','Textarea'), >@@ -500,9 +503,11 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` > ('OPACNumbersPreferPhrase','0',NULL,'Control the use of phr operator in callnumber and standard number OPAC searches','YesNo'), > ('OPACnumSearchResults','20',NULL,'Specify the maximum number of results to display on a page of results','Integer'), > ('OPACnumSearchResultsDropdown', 0, NULL, 'Enable option list of number of results per page to show in OPAC search results','YesNo'), >+('OPACOpenURLItemTypes', '', NULL, 'Show the OpenURL link only for these item types', 'Free'), > ('OpacPasswordChange','1',NULL,'If ON, enables patron-initiated password change in OPAC (disable it when using LDAP auth)','YesNo'), > ('OPACPatronDetails','1','','If OFF the patron details tab in the OPAC is disabled.','YesNo'), > ('OPACpatronimages','0',NULL,'Enable patron images in the OPAC','YesNo'), >+('OPACPlayMusicalInscripts','0','','If displayed musical inscripts, play midi conversion on the OPAC record details page.','YesNo'), > ('OpacPrivacy','0',NULL,'if ON, allows patrons to define their privacy rules (checkout history)','YesNo'), > ('OpacPublic','1',NULL,'Turn on/off public OPAC','YesNo'), > ('opacreadinghistory','1','','If ON, enables display of Patron Circulation History in OPAC','YesNo'), >@@ -511,6 +516,8 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` > ('OPACReportProblem', 0, NULL, 'Allow patrons to submit problem reports for OPAC pages to the library or Koha Administrator', 'YesNo'), > ('OpacResetPassword','0','','Shows the ''Forgot your password?'' link in the OPAC','YesNo'), > ('OPACResultsLibrary', 'homebranch', 'homebranch|holdingbranch', 'Defines whether the OPAC displays the holding or home branch in search results when using XSLT', 'Choice'), >+('OPACResultsMaxItems','1','','Maximum number of available items displayed in search results','Integer'), >+('OPACResultsMaxItemsUnavailable','0','','Maximum number of unavailable items displayed in search results','Integer'), > ('OPACResultsUnavailableGroupingBy','branch','branch|substatus|branchonly','Group OPAC XSLT results by branch and substatus, or substatus only, or branch only','Choice'), > ('OPACSearchForTitleIn','<a href=\"https://worldcat.org/search?q={TITLE}\" target=\"_blank\">Other Libraries (WorldCat)</a>\n<a href=\"https://scholar.google.com/scholar?q={TITLE}\" target=\"_blank\">Other Databases (Google Scholar)</a>\n<a href=\"https://www.bookfinder.com/search/?author={AUTHOR}&title={TITLE}&st=xl&ac=qr\" target=\"_blank\">Online Stores (Bookfinder.com)</a>\n<a href=\"https://openlibrary.org/search?author=({AUTHOR})&title=({TITLE})\" target=\"_blank\">Open Library (openlibrary.org)</a>','70|10','Enter the HTML that will appear in the \'Search for this title in\' box on the detail page in the OPAC. Enter {TITLE}, {AUTHOR}, or {ISBN} in place of their respective variables in the URL. Leave blank to disable \'More Searches\' menu.','Textarea'), > ('OpacSeparateHoldings','0',NULL,'Separate current branch holdings from other holdings (OPAC)','YesNo'), >@@ -521,7 +528,7 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` > ('OPACShowCheckoutName','0','','Displays in the OPAC the name of patron who has checked out the material. WARNING: Most sites should leave this off. It is intended for corporate or special sites which need to track who has the item.','YesNo'), > ('OPACShowHoldQueueDetails','none','none|priority|holds|holds_priority','Show holds details in OPAC','Choice'), > ('OPACShowMusicalInscripts','0','','Display musical inscripts on the OPAC record details page when available.','YesNo'), >-('OPACPlayMusicalInscripts','0','','If displayed musical inscripts, play midi conversion on the OPAC record details page.','YesNo'), >+('OPACShowOpenURL', '0', NULL, 'Enable display of OpenURL links in OPAC search results and detail page', 'YesNo'), > ('OpacShowRecentComments','0',NULL,'If ON a link to recent comments will appear in the OPAC masthead','YesNo'), > ('OPACShowSavings', '', 'checkouthistory|summary|user', 'Show on the OPAC the total amount a patron has saved by using a library instead of purchasing, based on replacement prices', 'multiple'), > ('OPACShowUnusedAuthorities','1','','Show authorities that are not being used in the OPAC.','YesNo'), >@@ -546,12 +553,9 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` > ('OPACXSLTResultsDisplay','default','','Enable XSL stylesheet control over results page display on OPAC','Free'), > ('OpenLibraryCovers','0',NULL,'If ON Openlibrary book covers will be show','YesNo'), > ('OpenLibrarySearch','0',NULL,'If Yes Open Library search results will show in OPAC','YesNo'), >+('OpenURLImageLocation', '', NULL, 'Location of image for OpenURL links', 'Free'), > ('OpenURLResolverURL', '', NULL, 'URL of OpenURL Resolver', 'Free'), > ('OpenURLText', '', NULL, 'Text of OpenURL links (or image title if OpenURLImageLocation is defined)', 'Free'), >-('OpenURLImageLocation', '', NULL, 'Location of image for OpenURL links', 'Free'), >-('OPACFineNoRenewalsIncludeCredits','1',NULL,'If enabled the value specified in OPACFineNoRenewals should include any unapplied account credits in the calculation','YesNo'), >-('OPACShowOpenURL', '0', NULL, 'Enable display of OpenURL links in OPAC search results and detail page', 'YesNo'), >-('OPACOpenURLItemTypes', '', NULL, 'Show the OpenURL link only for these item types', 'Free'), > ('OrderPdfFormat','pdfformat::layout3pages','Controls what script is used for printing (basketgroups)','','free'), > ('OrderPriceRounding','','|nearest_cent','Local preference for rounding orders before calculations to ensure correct calculations','Choice'), > ('OverDriveCirculation','0','Enable client to see their OverDrive account','','YesNo'), >@@ -569,6 +573,7 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` > ('PatronAutoComplete','1','Try|Don\'t try','to guess the patron being entered while typing a patron search for circulation or patron search. Only returns the first 10 results at a time.','YesNo'), > ('PatronDuplicateMatchingAddFields','surname|firstname|dateofbirth', NULL,'A list of fields separated by "|" to deduplicate patrons when created','Free'), > ('patronimages','0',NULL,'Enable patron images for the staff interface','YesNo'), >+('PatronQuickAddFields', '', NULL , 'A list of fields separated by "|" to be displayed along with mandatory fields in the patron quick add form if chosen at patron entry', 'Free' ), > ('PatronRemovalDelay','',NULL,'Delay for removing anonymized patrons', 'Integer'), > ('PatronRestrictionTypes','0',NULL,'Specify type of patron restriction being applied', 'YesNo'), > ('PatronSelfModificationBorrowerUnwantedField','',NULL,'Name the fields you don\'t want to display when a patron is editing their information via the OPAC.','free'), >@@ -584,7 +589,6 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` > ('PatronSelfRegistrationPrefillForm','1',NULL,'Display password and prefill login form after a patron has self registered','YesNo'), > ('PatronSelfRegistrationVerifyByEmail','0',NULL,'If enabled, any patron attempting to register themselves via the OPAC will be required to verify themselves via email to activate their account.','YesNo'), > ('PatronsPerPage','20','20','Number of Patrons Per Page displayed by default','Integer'), >-('PatronQuickAddFields', '', NULL , 'A list of fields separated by "|" to be displayed along with mandatory fields in the patron quick add form if chosen at patron entry', 'Free' ), > ('PhoneNotification','0',NULL,'If ON, enables generation of phone notifications to be sent by plugins','YesNo'), > ('PrefillGuaranteeField', 'phone,email,streetnumber,address,city,state,zipcode,country', NULL, 'Prefill these fields in guarantee member entry form from guarantor patron record', 'Multiple'), > ('PrefillItem','0','','When a new item is added, should it be prefilled with last created item values?','YesNo'), >@@ -614,11 +618,11 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` > ('RecallsLog','1',NULL,'If ON, log create/cancel/expire/fulfill actions on recalls','YesNo'), > ('RecallsMaxPickUpDelay','7',NULL,'Define the maximum time a recall can be awaiting pickup','Integer'), > ('RecordLocalUseOnReturn','0',NULL,'If ON, statistically record returns of unissued items as local use, instead of return','YesNo'), >-('Reference_NFL_Statuses','1|2',NULL,'Contains not for loan statuses considered as available for reference','Free'), > ('RedirectGuaranteeEmail', '0', NULL, 'Enable the ability to redirect guarantee email messages to guarantor.', 'YesNo'), >+('Reference_NFL_Statuses','1|2',NULL,'Contains not for loan statuses considered as available for reference','Free'), > ('RefundLostOnReturnControl','CheckinLibrary','CheckinLibrary|ItemHomeBranch|ItemHoldingBranch','If a lost item is returned, choose which branch to pick rules for refunding.','Choice'), >-('RenewAccruingItemWhenPaid','0','','If enabled, when the fines on an item accruing is paid off, attempt to renew that item. If the syspref "RenewalPeriodBase" is set to "due date", renewed items may still be overdue','YesNo'), > ('RenewAccruingItemInOpac','0','','If enabled, when the fines on an item accruing is paid off in the OPAC via a payment plugin, attempt to renew that item. If the syspref "RenewalPeriodBase" is set to "due date", renewed items may still be overdue','YesNo'), >+('RenewAccruingItemWhenPaid','0','','If enabled, when the fines on an item accruing is paid off, attempt to renew that item. If the syspref "RenewalPeriodBase" is set to "due date", renewed items may still be overdue','YesNo'), > ('RenewalLog','0','','If ON, log information about renewals','YesNo'), > ('RenewalPeriodBase','date_due','date_due|now','Set whether the renewal date should be counted from the date_due or from the moment the Patron asks for renewal ','Choice'), > ('RenewalSendNotice','0','',NULL,'YesNo'), >@@ -638,18 +642,15 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` > ('RESTOAuth2ClientCredentials','0',NULL,'If enabled, the OAuth2 client credentials flow is enabled for the REST API.','YesNo'), > ('RESTPublicAnonymousRequests','1',NULL,'If enabled, the API will allow anonymous access to public routes that don\'t require authenticated access.','YesNo'), > ('RESTPublicAPI','1',NULL,'If enabled, the REST API will expose the /public endpoints.','YesNo'), >-('RestrictedPageLocalIPs','',NULL,'Beginning of IP addresses considered as local (comma separated ex: "127.0.0,127.0.2")','Free'), > ('RestrictedPageContent','',NULL,'HTML content of the restricted page','TextArea'), >+('RestrictedPageLocalIPs','',NULL,'Beginning of IP addresses considered as local (comma separated ex: "127.0.0,127.0.2")','Free'), > ('RestrictedPageTitle','',NULL,'Title of the restricted page (breadcrumb and header)','Free'), > ('RestrictionBlockRenewing','0',NULL,'If patron is restricted, should renewal be allowed or blocked','YesNo'), >-('OPACResultsMaxItems','1','','Maximum number of available items displayed in search results','Integer'), >-('OPACResultsMaxItemsUnavailable','0','','Maximum number of unavailable items displayed in search results','Integer'), > ('RetainCatalogSearchTerms', '1', NULL, 'If enabled, searches entered into the catalog search bar will be retained', 'YesNo'), > ('RetainPatronsSearchTerms', '1', NULL, 'If enabled, searches entered into the checkout and patrons search bar will be retained', 'YesNo'), > ('ReturnBeforeExpiry','0',NULL,'If ON, checkout will be prevented if returndate is after patron card expiry','YesNo'), > ('ReturnLog','1',NULL,'If ON, enables the circulation (returns) log','YesNo'), > ('ReturnpathDefault','',NULL,'Use this email address as return path or bounce address for undeliverable emails','Free'), >-('OPACComments','1','','If ON, enables patron reviews of bibliographic records in the OPAC','YesNo'), > ('RisExportAdditionalFields', '', NULL , 'Define additional RIS tags to export from MARC records in YAML format as an associative array with either a marc tag/subfield combination as the value, or a list of tag/subfield combinations.', 'textarea'), > ('RoundFinesAtPayment','0', NULL,'If enabled any fines with fractions of a cent will be rounded to the nearest cent when payments are coll ected. e.g. 1.004 will be paid off by a 1.00 payment','YesNo'), > ('RoutingListAddReserves','0','','If ON the patrons on routing lists are automatically added to holds on the issue.','YesNo'), >@@ -676,9 +677,9 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` > ('SendAllEmailsTo','',NULL,'All emails will be redirected to this email if it is not empty','free'), > ('SeparateHoldings','0',NULL,'Separate current branch holdings from other holdings','YesNo'), > ('SeparateHoldingsBranch','homebranch','homebranch|holdingbranch','Branch used to separate holdings','Choice'), >-('SerialsSearchResultsLimit', NULL, NULL, 'Serials search results limit', 'integer'), > ('SerialsDefaultEMailAddress', '', NULL, 'Default email address used as reply-to for notices sent by the serials module.', 'Free'), > ('SerialsDefaultReplyTo', '', NULL, 'Default email address that serials notices are sent from.', 'Free'), >+('SerialsSearchResultsLimit', NULL, NULL, 'Serials search results limit', 'integer'), > ('SessionRestrictionByIP','1','Check for change in remote IP address for session security. Disable only when remote IP address changes frequently.','','YesNo'), > ('SessionStorage','mysql','mysql|Pg|tmp','Use database or a temporary file for storing session data','Choice'), > ('ShelfBrowserUsesCcode','1','0','Use the item collection code when finding items for the shelf browser.','YesNo'), >@@ -686,15 +687,14 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` > ('ShelfBrowserUsesLocation','1','1','Use the item location when finding items for the shelf browser.','YesNo'), > ('ShowAllCheckins', '0', '', 'Show all checkins', 'YesNo'), > ('ShowComponentRecords', 'nowhere', 'nowhere|staff|opac|both','In which record detail pages to show list of the component records, as linked via 773','Choice'), >-('MaxComponentRecords', '300', '','Max number of component records to display','Integer'), > ('ShowHeadingUse', '0', NULL, 'Show whether authority record contains an established heading that conforms to descriptive cataloguing rules, and can therefore be used as a main/added entry, or subject, or series title', 'YesNo'), > ('showLastPatron','0','','If ON, enables the last patron feature in the intranet','YesNo'), > ('showLastPatronCount', '10', '', 'How many patrons should showLastPatron remember', 'Integer'), > ('ShowPatronImageInWebBasedSelfCheck','0','','If ON, displays patron image when a patron uses web-based self-checkout','YesNo'), > ('ShowReviewer','full','none|full|first|surname|firstandinitial|username','Choose how a commenter\'s identity is presented alongside comments in the OPAC','Choice'), > ('ShowReviewerPhoto','1','','If ON, photo of reviewer will be shown beside comments in OPAC','YesNo'), >-('SIP2SortBinMapping','',NULL,'Use the following mappings to determine the sort_bin of a returned item. The mapping should be on the form \"branchcode:item field:item field value:sort bin number\", with one mapping per line.','free'), > ('SIP2AddOpacMessagesToScreenMessage','1','','If enabled, patron OPAC messages will be included in the SIP2 screen message','YesNo'), >+('SIP2SortBinMapping','',NULL,'Use the following mappings to determine the sort_bin of a returned item. The mapping should be on the form \"branchcode:item field:item field value:sort bin number\", with one mapping per line.','free'), > ('SkipHoldTrapOnNotForLoanValue','',NULL,'If set, Koha will never trap items for hold with this notforloan value','Integer'), > ('SlipCSS','',NULL,'Slips CSS url.','free'), > ('SMSSendDriver','','','Sets which SMS::Send driver is used to send SMS messages.','free'), >@@ -770,12 +770,12 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` > ('UNIMARCAuthorityField100','afrey50 ba0',NULL,'Define the contents of UNIMARC authority control field 100 position 08-35','Textarea'), > ('UNIMARCAuthorsFacetsSeparator',', ',NULL,'UNIMARC authors facets separator','short'), > ('UNIMARCField100Language','fre',NULL,'UNIMARC field 100 default language','short'), >-('UpdateItemWhenLostFromHoldList','',NULL,'This is a list of values to update an item when it is marked as lost from the holds to pull screen','Free'), > ('UniqueItemFields','barcode','','Pipe-separated list of fields that should be unique (used in acquisition module for item creation). Fields must be valid SQL column names of items table','Free'), > ('UnseenRenewals','0','','Allow renewals to be recorded as "unseen" by the library, and count against the patrons unseen renewals limit.','YesNo'), > ('UnsubscribeReflectionDelay','',NULL,'Delay for locking unsubscribers', 'Integer'), > ('UpdateItemLocationOnCheckin', '', 'NULL', 'This is a list of value pairs.\n Examples:\n\nPROC: FIC - causes an item in the Processing Center location to be updated into the Fiction location on check in.\nFIC: GEN - causes an item in the Fiction location to be updated into the General stacks location on check in.\n_BLANK_:FIC - causes an item that has no location to be updated into the Fiction location on check in.\nFIC: _BLANK_ - causes an item in location FIC to be updated to a blank location on check in.\n_ALL_:FIC - causes all items to be updated into the Fiction location on check in.\nPROC: _PERM_ - causes an item that is in the Processing Center to be updated to it''s permanent location.\n\nGeneral rule: if the location value on the left matches the item''s current location, it will be updated to match the location value on the right.\nNote: PROC and CART are special values, for these locations only can location and permanent_location differ, in all other cases an update will affect both. Items in the CART location will be returned to their permanent location on checkout.\n\nThe special term _BLANK_ may be used on either side of a value pair to update or remove the location from items with no location assigned.\nThe special term _ALL_ is used on the left side of the colon (:) to affect all items.\nThe special term _PERM_ is used on the right side of the colon (:) to return items to their permanent location.', 'Free'), > ('UpdateItemLocationOnCheckout', '', 'NULL', 'This is a list of value pairs.\n Examples:\n\nPROC: FIC - causes an item in the Processing Center location to be updated into the Fiction location on check out.\nFIC: GEN - causes an item in the Fiction location to be updated into the General stacks location on check out.\n_BLANK_:FIC - causes an item that has no location to be updated into the Fiction location on check out.\nFIC: _BLANK_ - causes an item in location FIC to be updated to a blank location on check out.\n_ALL_:FIC - causes all items to be updated into the Fiction location on check out.\nPROC: _PERM_ - causes an item that is in the Processing Center to be updated to it''s permanent location.\n\nGeneral rule: if the location value on the left matches the item''s current location, it will be updated to match the location value on the right.\nNote: PROC and CART are special values, for these locations only can location and permanent_location differ, in all other cases an update will affect both. Items in the CART location will be returned to their permanent location on checkout.\n\nThe special term _BLANK_ may be used on either side of a value pair to update or remove the location from items with no location assigned.\nThe special term _ALL_ is used on the left side of the colon (:) to affect all items.\nThe special term _PERM_ is used on the right side of the colon (:) to return items to their permanent location.', 'Free'), >+('UpdateItemWhenLostFromHoldList','',NULL,'This is a list of values to update an item when it is marked as lost from the holds to pull screen','Free'), > ('UpdateNotForLoanStatusOnCheckin', '', 'NULL', 'This is a list of item types and value pairs.\nExamples:\n_ALL_:\n -1: 0\n\nCR:\n 1: 0\n\nWhen an item is checked in, if its item type matches CR then when the value on the left (1) matches the items not for loan value it will be updated to the value on the right.\n\nThe special term _ALL_ is used on the left side of the colon (:) to affect all item types. This does not override all other rules\n\nEach item type needs to be defined on a separate line on the left side of the colon (:).\nEach pair of not for loan values, for that item type, should be listed on separate lines below the item type, each indented by a leading space.', 'Free'), > ('UpdateNotForLoanStatusOnCheckout', '', 'NULL', 'This is a list of value pairs. When an item is checked out, if the not for loan value on the left matches the items not for loan value it will be updated to the right-hand value. E.g. ''-1: 0'' will cause an item that was set to ''Ordered'' to now be available for loan. Each pair of values should be on a separate line.', 'Free'), > ('UpdateTotalIssuesOnCirc','0',NULL,'Whether to update the totalissues field in the biblio on each circ.','YesNo'), >@@ -784,8 +784,8 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, ` > ('URLLinkText','',NULL,'Text to display as the link anchor in the OPAC','free'), > ('UsageStats', 2, NULL, 'Share anonymous usage data on the Hea Koha community website.', 'integer'), > ('UsageStatsCountry', '', NULL, 'The country where your library is located, to be shown on the Hea Koha community website', 'Choice'), >-('UsageStatsID', '', NULL, 'This preference is part of Koha but it should not be deleted or updated manually.', 'Free'), > ('UsageStatsGeolocation', '', NULL, 'Geolocation of the main library.', 'Free'), >+('UsageStatsID', '', NULL, 'This preference is part of Koha but it should not be deleted or updated manually.', 'Free'), > ('UsageStatsLastUpdateTime', '', NULL, 'This preference is part of Koha but it should not be deleted or updated manually.', 'Free'), > ('UsageStatsLibrariesInfo', '0', NULL, 'Share libraries information', 'YesNo'), > ('UsageStatsLibraryName', '', NULL, 'The library name to be shown on Hea Koha community website', 'Free'), >-- >2.43.0
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