Bugzilla – Attachment 162471 Details for
Bug 33418
Allow setting overlay_framework for connexion imports
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Bug 33418: Add overlay_framework option to connexion scripts
Bug-33418-Add-overlayframework-option-to-connexion.patch (text/plain), 11.61 KB, created by
Brendan Lawlor
on 2024-02-26 19:26:52 UTC
Bug 33418: Add overlay_framework option to connexion scripts
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Brendan Lawlor
2024-02-26 19:26:52 UTC
11.61 KB
>From 1f04f931db59e2a954508953ed40e0eaf96c52e4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 >From: Nick Clemens <nick@bywatersolutions.com> >Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2023 12:49:59 +0000 >Subject: [PATCH] Bug 33418: Add overlay_framework option to connexion scripts > >This patch adds the option to specify a framework to be used when overlaying records from webservices/connexion > >To test: >1 - vim /etc/koha/sites/kohadev/connexion.cnf >2 - Set content: > host: > port: 8888 > koha:http://localhost:8081 > log:/var/log/koha/kohadev/connexion.log > match:ISBN > user:kohauser > password:kohapass > overlay_action:replace > nomatch_action:create_new > item_action:always_add > import_mode:direct > framework:BKS > overlay_framework: > debug:1 >3 - Save the sample file from this bug into your kohaclone (or copy and paste into a file your koha test site can reach) >4 - On the command line: > perl misc/bin/connexion_import_daemon.pl -c /etc/koha/sites/kohadev/connexion.cnf >5 - In another terminal: > cat bug_33418.test | nc -v localhost 8888 >6 - It should report success and a biblionumber >7 - In Koha: Cataloguing->Manage staged MARC record >8 - View the most recent batch with file name (webservice) >9 - Confirm it was imported, no match >10 - Click 'View' under the 'Record' column >11 - Confirm record loads correctly and 'MARC framework' detail is 'Books, Booklets, Workbooks' >12 - On the terminal repeat the command: > cat bug_33418.test | nc -v localhost 8888 >13 - It should succed >14 - View the new batch, confirm the record matched this time >15 - View the record details, confirm framework is now 'default' >16 - On the first terminal hit Ctrl+C to stop the daemon >16 - Edit connexion.cnf and change: > import_mode:stage > framework:ACQ > overlay_framework:IR >17 - Restart daemon: > perl misc/bin/connexion_import_daemon.pl -c /etc/koha/sites/kohadev/connexion.cnf >18 - Delete the record created above >19 - On the second terminal repeat the command: > cat bug_33418.test | nc -v localhost 8888 >20 - Confirm the batch is created, but not imported >21 - In terminal: > perl misc/cronjobs/import_webservice_batch.pl --framework=ACQ --overlay_framework=BKS >22 - Confirm batch imported, and record in ACQ framework >23 - In terminal: > cat bug_33418.test | nc -v localhost 8888 > perl misc/cronjobs/import_webservice_batch.pl --framework=ACQ --overlay_framework=BKS >24 - Confirm batch added, record matched, record imported, and record now in Books framework >25 - Stop the deamon, edit connexion.cnf: > import_mode:direct >26 - Start the daemon, and on other terminal repeat: > cat bug_33418.test | nc -v localhost 8888 >27 - Confirm record in Binders framework >28 - Set record framework to Books >29 - Stop daemon, edit cnf and remove 'overlay_framework' setting >30 - Start daemon and cat the file again >31 - Confirm the record remains in Books framework > >Signed-off-by: Brendan Lawlor <blawlor@clamsnet.org> >--- > misc/bin/connexion_import_daemon.pl | 57 ++++++++++------- > misc/cronjobs/import_webservice_batch.pl | 80 +++++++++++++++++++----- > svc/import_bib | 16 +++-- > 3 files changed, 107 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-) > >diff --git a/misc/bin/connexion_import_daemon.pl b/misc/bin/connexion_import_daemon.pl >index c7e06c3a7d..40bff5d965 100755 >--- a/misc/bin/connexion_import_daemon.pl >+++ b/misc/bin/connexion_import_daemon.pl >@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ GetOptions( > 'help|?' => \$help, > ); > >-if($help || !$config){ >+if ( $help || !$config ) { > print <<EOF > $0 --config=my.conf > Parameters : >@@ -55,11 +55,13 @@ Config file format: > password - koha user password, authentication > match - marc_matchers.code: ISBN or ISSN > overlay_action - import_batches.overlay_action: replace, create_new or ignore >+ overlay_framework - if overlaying records - move to a new framework, if blank will use default >+ if not included it will use the framework of the existing record > nomatch_action - import_batches.nomatch_action: create_new or ignore > item_action - import_batches.item_action: always_add, > add_only_for_matches, add_only_for_new or ignore > import_mode - stage or direct >- framework - to be used if import_mode is direct >+ framework - to be used if import_mode is direct, if blank, will use default > connexion_user - User sent from connexion client > connexion_password - Password sent from connexion client > >@@ -69,7 +71,7 @@ Config file format: > All process related parameters (all but ip and port) have default values as > per Koha import process. > EOF >-; >+ ; > exit; > } > >@@ -353,29 +355,38 @@ sub handle_request { > } > > my $base_url = $self->{koha}; >- my $resp = $ua->post( $base_url.IMPORT_SVC_URI, >- {'nomatch_action' => $self->{params}->{nomatch_action}, >- 'overlay_action' => $self->{params}->{overlay_action}, >- 'match' => $self->{params}->{match}, >- 'import_mode' => $self->{params}->{import_mode}, >- 'framework' => $self->{params}->{framework}, >- 'item_action' => $self->{params}->{item_action}, >- 'xml' => $data}); >+ my $resp = $ua->post( >+ $base_url . IMPORT_SVC_URI, >+ { >+ 'nomatch_action' => $self->{params}->{nomatch_action}, >+ 'overlay_action' => $self->{params}->{overlay_action}, >+ 'match' => $self->{params}->{match}, >+ 'import_mode' => $self->{params}->{import_mode}, >+ 'framework' => $self->{params}->{framework}, >+ 'overlay_framework' => $self->{params}->{overlay_framework}, >+ 'item_action' => $self->{params}->{item_action}, >+ 'xml' => $data >+ } >+ ); > > my $status = $resp->code; >- if ($status == HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED || $status == HTTP_FORBIDDEN) { >- my $user = $self->{user}; >+ if ( $status == HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED || $status == HTTP_FORBIDDEN ) { >+ my $user = $self->{user}; > my $password = $self->{password}; >- $resp = $ua->post( $base_url.AUTH_URI, { userid => $user, password => $password } ); >- $resp = $ua->post( $base_url.IMPORT_SVC_URI, >- {'nomatch_action' => $self->{params}->{nomatch_action}, >- 'overlay_action' => $self->{params}->{overlay_action}, >- 'match' => $self->{params}->{match}, >- 'import_mode' => $self->{params}->{import_mode}, >- 'framework' => $self->{params}->{framework}, >- 'item_action' => $self->{params}->{item_action}, >- 'xml' => $data}) >- if $resp->is_success; >+ $resp = $ua->post( $base_url . AUTH_URI, { userid => $user, password => $password } ); >+ $resp = $ua->post( >+ $base_url . IMPORT_SVC_URI, >+ { >+ 'nomatch_action' => $self->{params}->{nomatch_action}, >+ 'overlay_action' => $self->{params}->{overlay_action}, >+ 'match' => $self->{params}->{match}, >+ 'import_mode' => $self->{params}->{import_mode}, >+ 'framework' => $self->{params}->{framework}, >+ 'overlay_framework' => $self->{params}->{overlay_framework}, >+ 'item_action' => $self->{params}->{item_action}, >+ 'xml' => $data >+ } >+ ) if $resp->is_success; > } > unless ($resp->is_success) { > $self->log("Unsuccessful request", $resp->request->as_string, $resp->as_string); >diff --git a/misc/cronjobs/import_webservice_batch.pl b/misc/cronjobs/import_webservice_batch.pl >index d5dcdc78f7..e65bcc136d 100755 >--- a/misc/cronjobs/import_webservice_batch.pl >+++ b/misc/cronjobs/import_webservice_batch.pl >@@ -22,31 +22,77 @@ use warnings; > use utf8; > > use Getopt::Long qw( GetOptions ); >+use Pod::Usage qw( pod2usage ); >+ > use Koha::Script -cron; > use C4::ImportBatch qw( BatchCommitRecords GetStagedWebserviceBatches ); > >-my ($help, $framework); >+=head1 NAME >+ >+import_webservice_batch.pl - Find batches staged by webservice and import them. >+ >+=head1 SYNOPSIS >+ >+import_webservice_batch.pl [--framework=<frameworkcode> --overlay_framework=<frameworkcode>] >+ >+Options: >+ >+ --help brief help message >+ --framework specify frameworkcode for new records >+ --overlay_framework specify frameworkcode when overlaying records >+ >+=head1 OPTIONS >+ >+=over 8 >+ >+=item B<--help> >+ >+Print a brief help message and exits. >+ >+=item B<--framework> >+ >+Specify frameworkcode for new records. Uses default if not specified. >+ >+=item B<--overlay_framework> >+ >+Specify frameworkcode when overlaying records. Current framework is preserved if not specified. >+ >+=back >+ >+=head1 DESCRIPTION >+ >+This script is designed to import batches staged by webservices (e.g. connexion). >+ >+=head1 USAGE EXAMPLES >+ >+C<import_webservice_batch.pl> - Imports the batches using default framework >+ >+C<import_webservice_batch.pl> -f=<frameworkcode> Imports the batches adding new records into specified framework, not adjusting framework of matched records >+ >+C<import_webservice_batch.pl> -f=<frameworkcode> -o=<frameworkcode> Imports the batches adding new records into specified framework, overlaying matched records to specified framework >+ >+=cut >+ >+my ( $help, $man, $framework, $overlay_framework ); > > GetOptions( >- 'help|?' => \$help, >- 'framework=s' => \$framework, >+ 'help|?' => \$help, >+ 'man' => \$man, >+ 'f|framework=s' => \$framework, >+ 'o|overlay_framework=s' => \$overlay_framework, > ); > >-if($help){ >- print <<EOF >-$0 --framework=myframework >-Parameters : >---help|? This message >---framework default "" >-EOF >-; >- exit; >-} >+pod2usage(1) if $help; >+ >+pod2usage( -verbose => 2 ) if $man; > > my $batch_ids = GetStagedWebserviceBatches() or exit; > > $framework ||= ''; >-BatchCommitRecords({ >- batch_id => $_, >- framework => $framework >-}) foreach @$batch_ids; >+BatchCommitRecords( >+ { >+ batch_id => $_, >+ framework => $framework, >+ overlay_framework => $overlay_framework, >+ } >+) foreach @$batch_ids; >diff --git a/svc/import_bib b/svc/import_bib >index d5727e6589..27de935d50 100755 >--- a/svc/import_bib >+++ b/svc/import_bib >@@ -58,8 +58,9 @@ sub import_bib { > > my $result = {}; > >- my $import_mode = delete $params->{import_mode} || ''; >- my $framework = delete $params->{framework} || ''; >+ my $import_mode = delete $params->{import_mode} || ''; >+ my $framework = delete $params->{framework} || ''; >+ my $overlay_framework = $params->{overlay_framework}; > > if (my $matcher_code = delete $params->{match}) { > $params->{matcher_id} = C4::Matcher::GetMatcherId($matcher_code); >@@ -92,10 +93,13 @@ sub import_bib { > my $number_of_matches = BatchFindDuplicates($batch_id, $matcher); > > # XXX we are ignoring the result of this; >- BatchCommitRecords({ >- batch_id => $batch_id, >- framework => $framework >- }) if lc($import_mode) eq 'direct'; >+ BatchCommitRecords( >+ { >+ batch_id => $batch_id, >+ framework => $framework, >+ overlay_framework => $overlay_framework >+ } >+ ) if lc($import_mode) eq 'direct'; > > my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh(); > my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT matched_biblionumber FROM import_biblios WHERE import_record_id =?"); >-- >2.30.2
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bug 33418