[patch] BUG 23426 This patch adds fine items (AV) to patron information response in SIP2 In addition the active currency we be part of the response (BH) This also fixes the number of items in the response which are specified in BP and BQ in the request
BUG-23426-This-patch-adds-fine-items-AV-to-patron-.patch (text/plain), 5.78 KB, created by Jan Kissig on 2024-04-25 09:47:25 UTC
Creator: Jan Kissig
Created: 2024-04-25 09:47:25 UTC
Size: 5.78 KB
Actions: View | Diff | Splinter Review
Attachments on bug 23426: 91992 | 165507 | 165508 | 165509 | 165654 | 166240 | 169272 | 170931 | 172383 | 172384 | 174232 | 174233 | 174234 | 174464 | 174465 | 174479