[patch] Bug 36372: provide an interface to set the source of a record from the staff interface
Bug-36372-provide-an-interface-to-set-the-source-o.patch (text/plain), 8.32 KB, created by Janusz Kaczmarek on 2024-07-22 09:57:51 UTC
Creator: Janusz Kaczmarek
Created: 2024-07-22 09:57:51 UTC
Size: 8.32 KB
Actions: View | Diff | Splinter Review
Attachments on bug 36372: 166161 | 168054 | 168195 | 168338 | 168339 | 168340 | 168430 | 168510 | 168511 | 168512 | 168897 | 168898 | 168899 | 168900 | 168902 | 169268 | 169269 | 169270 | 169271 | 169542 | 169831 | 172369 | 172370 | 172371 | 176743 | 176744