[patch] Bug 37812: (QA follow-up) Add watchers for warning and confirmation prop and initialise modals with bootstrap methods on changes in Dialog.vue
Bug-37812-QA-follow-up-Add-watchers-for-warning-an.patch (text/plain), 4.86 KB, created by Paul Derscheid on 2024-09-19 17:07:34 UTC
Creator: Paul Derscheid
Created: 2024-09-19 17:07:34 UTC
Size: 4.86 KB
Actions: View | Diff | Splinter Review
Attachments on bug 37812: 170956 | 171252 | 171253 | 171604 | 171605 | 171625 | 171641 | 171651 | 171690 | 171691 | 171692 | 171693 | 171694 | 171695 | 171696 | 171697 | 171702 | 171703 | 171704 | 171705 | 171706 | 171707 | 171708 | 171758 | 171780 | 171781 | 171786