[patch] Bug 38010: Add a contracts table to the vendor show component
Bug-38010-Add-a-contracts-table-to-the-vendor-show.patch (text/plain), 8.27 KB, created by Matt Blenkinsop on 2024-11-07 13:33:02 UTC
Creator: Matt Blenkinsop
Created: 2024-11-07 13:33:02 UTC
Size: 8.27 KB
Actions: View | Diff | Splinter Review
Attachments on bug 38010: 174119 | 174120 | 174121 | 174122 | 174123 | 174124 | 174125 | 174126 | 174128 | 174129 | 174130 | 174131 | 174132 | 174133 | 174134 | 174135 | 174136 | 174137 | 174138 | 174139 | 174140 | 174141 | 174142 | 174143 | 174144 | 174145 | 174146 | 174147 | 174148 | 174151 | 174152 | 174153 | 174154 | 174155 | 174156 | 174157 | 174158 | 174159 | 174160 | 174161 | 174162 | 174163 | 174164 | 174165 | 174166 | 174167 | 174168 | 174169 | 174170 | 174171 | 174172 | 174173 | 174174 | 174175 | 174176 | 174177 | 174178 | 174179 | 174194 | 174196 | 174197 | 174198 | 174199 | 174200 | 174201 | 174202 | 174203 | 174204 | 174205 | 174206 | 174207 | 174208 | 174209 | 174210 | 174211 | 174212 | 174213 | 174214 | 174215 | 174216 | 174217 | 174218 | 174220 | 174221 | 174222 | 174223 | 174224 | 174225 | 174226 | 174248 | 174266 | 174267 | 174269 | 174270 | 174273 | 174327 | 174328 | 174329 | 174330 | 174331 | 174332 | 174333 | 174334 | 174335 | 174336 | 174337 | 174338 | 174339 | 174340 | 174341 | 174342 | 174343 | 174344 | 174345 | 174346 | 174347 | 174348 | 174349 | 174350 | 174351 | 174352 | 174353 | 174354 | 174355 | 174356 | 174357 | 174358 | 174359 | 174360 | 174603