Bugzilla – Attachment 177829 Details for
Bug 39106
Improve the auto-rebase script to retrieve patches from bugzilla
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Bug 39106: The auto-rebase script - Add --bugzilla
Bug-39106-The-auto-rebase-script---Add---bugzilla.patch (text/plain), 7.41 KB, created by
Jonathan Druart
on 2025-02-12 10:09:52 UTC
Bug 39106: The auto-rebase script - Add --bugzilla
MIME Type:
Jonathan Druart
2025-02-12 10:09:52 UTC
7.41 KB
>From 31c92af6af884c6ed5b283376052be9415331fcb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 >From: Jonathan Druart <jonathan.druart@bugs.koha-community.org> >Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2025 11:05:23 +0100 >Subject: [PATCH] Bug 39106: The auto-rebase script - Add --bugzilla > >Julian wrote a script a while ago to retrieve patches from bugzilla >and checkout the good commit to make sure the patches will apply cleanly. > >This change reuses the same logic for the auto-rebase script. > >Test plan: >0. > a. You will need to install REST::Client using cpanm: > `cpanm REST::Client` > b. You need the --confirm flag from git-bz, see https://gitlab.com/koha-community/git-bz/-/issues/14 >1. Pick a bug number with patches that does not apply on current main >2. Use the auto_rebase script with the --bugzilla option >3. Enjoy >--- > misc/devel/auto_rebase.pl | 118 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------- > 1 file changed, 84 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-) > >diff --git a/misc/devel/auto_rebase.pl b/misc/devel/auto_rebase.pl >index ede46b931d4..fd1bd7d8f53 100755 >--- a/misc/devel/auto_rebase.pl >+++ b/misc/devel/auto_rebase.pl >@@ -8,17 +8,20 @@ use List::Util qw( first ); > use Getopt::Long; > use Pod::Usage; > use Try::Tiny; >+use REST::Client; >+use JSON qw( decode_json ); > $Term::ANSIColor::AUTOLOCAL = 1; > > my $git_dir = '.'; > my $target_branch = 'main'; >-my ( $new_branch, $nb_commits, $help ); >+my ( $new_branch, $nb_commits, $bug_number, $help ); > > GetOptions( > 'git-dir=s' => \$git_dir, > 'target-branch=s' => \$target_branch, > 'new-branch=s' => \$new_branch, > 'n=s' => \$nb_commits, >+ 'bugzilla=s' => \$bug_number, > 'help|?' => \$help, > ) or pod2usage(2); > >@@ -54,7 +57,13 @@ try { > exit 2; > }; > >-my ($source_branch) = $git->RUN( 'symbolic-ref', '--short', 'HEAD' ); >+my $source_branch; >+if ($bug_number) { >+ $source_branch = "bug_$bug_number"; >+ switch_branch($source_branch); >+} else { >+ ($source_branch) = $git->RUN( 'symbolic-ref', '--short', 'HEAD' ); >+} > > # Bug 38664 is "Tidy the whole codebase" > my @tidy_commits = grep { m{\|Bug 38664: } } $git->RUN( 'log', '--format=%h|%s', $target_branch ); >@@ -66,27 +75,63 @@ my ($tidy_commit) = split '\|', $tidy_commits[0]; > my ($commit_before_tidy) = split '\|', $tidy_commits[-1]; > $commit_before_tidy .= '^1'; > >-# Do not do anything if we have the tidy commits in the git log >-if ( $git->branch( $source_branch, '--contains', $tidy_commit ) ) { >- say GREEN "No need to rebase, your branch already contains the tidy commits!"; >- exit; >-} >- > my $tmp_src_branch = "$source_branch-tmp"; > $new_branch ||= "$source_branch-rebased"; > > say BLUE "Creating a temporary branch '$tmp_src_branch'..."; >-try { >- $git->checkout( '-b', $tmp_src_branch ); >-} catch { >- say MAGENTA $_->error; >- say RED sprintf "Cannot create and checkout branch '%s'.", $tmp_src_branch; >- if ( $_->error =~ m{already exists} ) { >- say RED "Delete it and try again."; >- say sprintf "\t\$ git branch -D %s", $tmp_src_branch; >+switch_branch($tmp_src_branch); >+ >+if ($bug_number) { >+ say BLUE sprintf "Guessing a date to use from bugzilla's bug %s", $bug_number; >+ my $client = REST::Client->new( >+ { >+ host => 'https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/rest', >+ } >+ ); >+ >+ $client->GET("/bug/$bug_number/attachment?include_fields=is_patch,is_obsolete,creation_time,summary"); >+ my $response = decode_json( $client->responseContent ); >+ >+ my $time; >+ foreach my $attachment ( @{ $response->{bugs}->{$bug_number} } ) { >+ next if ( $attachment->{is_obsolete} ); >+ next if ( !$attachment->{is_patch} ); >+ >+ $time = $attachment->{creation_time}; >+ last; > } >- exit 2; >-}; >+ >+ unless ($time) { >+ say RED sprintf "No non-obsolete patch found on bug %s", $bug_number; >+ exit 2; >+ } >+ say GREEN sprintf "First patch from this bug was applied at %s", $time; >+ >+ my ($commit) = $git->rev_list( '-n', 1, '--before', $time, $target_branch ); >+ unless ($commit) { >+ say RED sprintf "No commit found before %s on '%s'", $time, $target_branch; >+ exit 2; >+ } >+ >+ say BLUE "Resetting HEAD to where origin/main was at $time (commit $commit)"; >+ $git->reset( '--hard', $commit ); >+ try { >+ say BLUE "Applying patches using git bz"; >+ $git->bz( 'apply', $bug_number, '--confirm' ); >+ } catch { >+ say MAGENTA $_->error; >+ say RED "Cannot apply the patches cleanly"; >+ say BLUE >+ "You can continue git-bz operation without this script. Once all the patches are applied retry without --bugzilla."; >+ exit 2; >+ } >+} >+ >+# Do not do anything if we have the tidy commits in the git log >+if ( $git->branch( $tmp_src_branch, '--contains', $tidy_commit ) ) { >+ say GREEN "No need to rebase, your branch already contains the tidy commits!"; >+ exit; >+} > > # Rebase the branch up to before the tidy work > unless ( $git->branch( $source_branch, '--contains', $commit_before_tidy ) ) { >@@ -109,17 +154,7 @@ unless ( $git->branch( $source_branch, '--contains', $commit_before_tidy ) ) { > > # Create a new branch > say BLUE "Creating a new branch '$new_branch' starting at the end of the tidy commits..."; >-try { >- $git->checkout( '-b', $new_branch, $tidy_commit ); >-} catch { >- say MAGENTA $_->error; >- say RED sprintf "Cannot create and checkout branch '%s'.", $new_branch; >- if ( $_->error =~ m{already exists} ) { >- say RED "Delete it and try again."; >- say sprintf "\t\$ git branch -D %s", $new_branch; >- } >- exit 2; >-}; >+switch_branch( $new_branch, $tidy_commit ); > > # Get the list of commits from the source branch > say BLUE "Getting commit list from branch '$tmp_src_branch'..."; >@@ -215,6 +250,21 @@ sub get_commit_info { > return ( $author, $date, $message ); > } > >+sub switch_branch { >+ my ( $branch, $commit ) = @_; >+ try { >+ $git->checkout( '-b', $branch, $commit || () ); >+ } catch { >+ say MAGENTA $_->error; >+ say RED sprintf "Cannot create and checkout branch '%s'.", $branch; >+ if ( $_->error =~ m{already exists} ) { >+ say RED "Delete it and try again."; >+ say sprintf "\t\$ git branch -D %s", $branch; >+ } >+ exit 2; >+ }; >+} >+ > =head1 NAME > > auto_rebase.pl - Automate rebasing and resolving conflicts during Git rebases. >@@ -228,6 +278,7 @@ auto_rebase.pl [options] > --target-branch Target branch to rebase onto (default: main) > --new-branch The resulting branch (default: ${source-branch}-rebased) > -n The number of commits to pick for rebase from the source branch >+ --bugzilla Pull patches from bugzilla > --help Show this help message > > =head1 DESCRIPTION >@@ -240,11 +291,6 @@ The source branch is the branch that is currently checked out. > > =head1 EXAMPLES > >-First you need to retrieve this script from the main branch, do not place it under misc/devel/auto_rebase.pl or you will get an error (`The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by checkout`). >- >- git show origin/main:misc/devel/auto_rebase.pl > auto_rebase.pl >- chmod +x auto_rebase.pl >- > Rebase onto 'main' in the current repository: > > ./auto_rebase.pl >@@ -261,6 +307,10 @@ Rebase onto 'main' the last 42 commits of the current branch > > ./auto_rebase.pl -n 42 > >+Rebase onto 'main' the patches from bugzilla's bug 42424 >+ >+ ./auto_rebase.pl --bugzilla 42424 >+ > =head1 AUTHOR > > Jonathan Druart <jonathan.druart@bugs.koha-community.org> >-- >2.34.1
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