[patch] Bug 10612 - Add ability to delete patrons with batch patron modification tool - QA Followup - Move member deletion related calls to DelMember
Bug-10612---Add-ability-to-delete-patrons-with-bat.patch (text/plain), 6.76 KB, created by Kyle M Hall (khall) on 2013-09-25 14:18:48 UTC
Creator: Kyle M Hall (khall)
Created: 2013-09-25 14:18:48 UTC
Size: 6.76 KB
Actions: View | Diff | Splinter Review
Attachments on bug 10612: 19766 | 19767 | 21081 | 21444 | 21445 | 21446 | 22837 | 22838 | 28779 | 28780 | 36311 | 36313 | 36314 | 36315 | 41289 | 41363 | 41364 | 41365 | 46239 | 46279 | 46280 | 46834 | 47153 | 47224 | 47225 | 47226 | 47255 | 47259 | 47393 | 47394 | 47395 | 47396 | 47478 | 48833 | 48881 | 48888 | 48890 | 48891 | 48892 | 49596 | 49597 | 49607 | 49694 | 49740 | 49741 | 49766 | 49767 | 49768 | 49769 | 49770