[patch] Bug 10486 - Allow external Z39.50 targets to be searched from the OPAC
Bug-10486---Allow-external-Z3950-targets-to-be-sea.patch (text/plain), 172.49 KB, created by Jesse Weaver on 2014-02-13 23:18:02 UTC
Creator: Jesse Weaver
Created: 2014-02-13 23:18:02 UTC
Size: 172.49 KB
Actions: View | Diff | Splinter Review
Attachments on bug 10486: 19142 | 19143 | 19226 | 19227 | 19680 | 21687 | 21734 | 22084 | 22540 | 23109 | 23112 | 23113 | 24036 | 24206 | 24207 | 24208 | 25235 | 25236 | 25979 | 26002 | 26017 | 26129 | 26804 | 26988 | 27275 | 27276 | 27438 | 27439 | 27440 | 27559 | 27756 | 27781 | 27783 | 27785 | 27786 | 27787 | 27788 | 27789 | 27790