[patch] Bug 9011 - Add the ability to store the last patron to return an item
Bug-9011---Add-the-ability-to-store-the-last-patro.patch (text/plain), 6.13 KB, created by Kyle M Hall (khall) on 2014-06-18 11:14:38 UTC
Creator: Kyle M Hall (khall)
Created: 2014-06-18 11:14:38 UTC
Size: 6.13 KB
Actions: View | Diff | Splinter Review
Attachments on bug 9011: 13258 | 15117 | 15200 | 16666 | 16763 | 16773 | 18676 | 20180 | 20181 | 20329 | 20342 | 20343 | 20344 | 22577 | 22578 | 22579 | 25866 | 25867 | 25868 | 25869 | 25870 | 25871 | 25872 | 25873 | 28923 | 28924 | 28925 | 29301 | 29745 | 29749 | 29750 | 29930 | 29931 | 30979 | 30993 | 30994 | 30995 | 30996 | 30997 | 30998 | 30999 | 32430 | 32431 | 32432 | 32433 | 32434 | 32435 | 32436 | 32437 | 32438 | 32439 | 32440 | 32441 | 32442 | 32443 | 32977 | 37113 | 37114 | 37115 | 37116 | 37117 | 38441 | 38442 | 38443 | 38444 | 38445 | 39812 | 39813 | 39814 | 39815 | 39816