[patch] Bug 11577: Add auto_renew flags to the database
Bug-11577-Add-autorenew-flags-to-the-database.patch (text/plain), 3.84 KB, created by Holger Meißner on 2014-07-01 08:52:54 UTC
Creator: Holger Meißner
Created: 2014-07-01 08:52:54 UTC
Size: 3.84 KB
Actions: View | Diff | Splinter Review
Attachments on bug 11577: 28425 | 28426 | 28427 | 28428 | 28429 | 28430 | 28431 | 28432 | 28433 | 28434 | 28454 | 28595 | 28596 | 28597 | 28598 | 28599 | 28600 | 28601 | 28602 | 28603 | 28604 | 29393 | 29394 | 29395 | 29396 | 29397 | 29398 | 29399 | 29400 | 29401 | 29402 | 29966 | 29967 | 29968 | 29969 | 29970 | 29971 | 29972 | 29973 | 29974 | 29975 | 30248 | 30249 | 30250 | 30251 | 30252 | 30253 | 30254 | 30255 | 30256 | 30257 | 30258 | 30692 | 30693 | 30694 | 30695 | 30696 | 30697 | 30698 | 30699 | 30700 | 30701 | 30702 | 31076 | 31077 | 31078 | 31079 | 31080 | 31081 | 31082 | 31083 | 31084 | 31085 | 31086 | 31198 | 31199 | 31200 | 31201 | 31202 | 31203 | 31204 | 31205 | 31206 | 31207 | 31208 | 31209 | 31640 | 31641 | 31642 | 31643 | 31644 | 31645 | 31646 | 31647 | 31648 | 31649 | 31650 | 31651 | 31652 | 31653 | 31654 | 31655 | 31656 | 31657 | 31658 | 31659 | 31660 | 31661 | 31662 | 31663 | 57734