[patch] Bug 9352 : More specific indexing of UNIMARC 7XX fields and 511 (DOM)
Bug-9352--More-specific-indexing-of-UNIMARC-7XX-fi.patch (text/plain), 34.25 KB, created by Paul Poulain on 2014-10-09 15:49:14 UTC
Creator: Paul Poulain
Created: 2014-10-09 15:49:14 UTC
Size: 34.25 KB
Actions: View | Diff | Splinter Review
Attachments on bug 9352: 14438 | 14439 | 15228 | 15229 | 17165 | 20677 | 21788 | 31031 | 31143 | 31151 | 31314 | 31380 | 31385 | 31386 | 31387 | 32097 | 32098 | 32099