[patch] SQL code in the .pl files removed. New .pm and .t files created.
SQL-code-in-the-pl-files-removed-New-pm-and-t-file.patch (text/plain), 12.98 KB, created by simith.doliveira on 2014-12-16 18:28:39 UTC
Creator: simith.doliveira
Created: 2014-12-16 18:28:39 UTC
Size: 12.98 KB
Actions: View | Diff | Splinter Review
Attachments on bug 8753: 21502 | 21512 | 21521 | 21849 | 22175 | 22430 | 24586 | 24780 | 24781 | 24846 | 24853 | 24854 | 24855 | 24862 | 24906 | 24907 | 24908 | 25038 | 25039 | 25051 | 29111 | 33175 | 33176 | 34472 | 36819 | 37492 | 39049 | 39144 | 39165 | 39166 | 39167 | 39168 | 39827 | 41181 | 41192 | 41193 | 41455 | 41686 | 41687 | 41688 | 41706 | 43017 | 43183 | 43576 | 44305 | 44306 | 44307 | 44308 | 44309 | 44310 | 44311 | 44323 | 44324 | 44325 | 44326 | 44327 | 44329 | 44330 | 45209 | 45210 | 45211 | 45212 | 45213 | 45214 | 45215 | 45223 | 45224 | 45225 | 45226 | 45227 | 45228 | 45229 | 45230 | 46379 | 47164 | 47165 | 47166 | 47167 | 47168 | 47169 | 47170 | 47171 | 47357 | 47366