[patch] Bug 11395: The modification template should be changed on the list view
Bug-11395-The-modification-template-should-be-chan.patch (text/plain), 7.90 KB, created by Tomás Cohen Arazi (tcohen) on 2015-02-10 13:54:37 UTC
Creator: Tomás Cohen Arazi (tcohen)
Created: 2015-02-10 13:54:37 UTC
Size: 7.90 KB
Actions: View | Diff | Splinter Review
Attachments on bug 11395: 23502 | 23503 | 23504 | 23505 | 23506 | 23507 | 23508 | 23592 | 24634 | 26072 | 26981 | 28978 | 28999 | 29000 | 29001 | 29002 | 29003 | 29004 | 29056 | 29509 | 29569 | 31344 | 32181 | 32182 | 32184 | 32239 | 32240 | 32241 | 32242 | 32243 | 32244 | 32245 | 32246 | 32247 | 32248 | 32249 | 33145 | 33146 | 33147 | 33148 | 33149 | 33150 | 33151 | 33152 | 33153 | 33154 | 33155 | 34393 | 34394 | 34395 | 34396 | 34397 | 34398 | 34399 | 34400 | 34401 | 34402 | 34552 | 34553 | 34554 | 34555 | 34556 | 34557 | 34558 | 34559 | 34560 | 34561 | 34562 | 35783 | 35784 | 35785 | 35786 | 35787 | 35788 | 35789 | 35790 | 35791 | 35792 | 36295 | 36296 | 36297 | 36298 | 36299 | 36300 | 36301 | 36302 | 36303 | 36304