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Bug 13413
Koha::Log - an attempt to have sane logging in Koha
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bug_13413: Koha::Log - logging for Koha
bug13413-KohaLog---logging-for-Koha.patch (text/plain), 13.05 KB, created by
Srdjan Jankovic
on 2015-03-02 01:46:02 UTC
bug_13413: Koha::Log - logging for Koha
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Srdjan Jankovic
2015-03-02 01:46:02 UTC
13.05 KB
>From 8ea4354744544e1510c41cf627ba7ba4b72ac78c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 >From: Srdjan <srdjan@catalyst.net.nz> >Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 11:56:42 +1300 >Subject: [PATCH] bug_13413: Koha::Log - logging for Koha > >--- > Koha/Log.pm | 405 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ > debian/control | 2 + > t/Koha_Log.t | 77 +++++++++++ > 3 files changed, 484 insertions(+) > create mode 100644 Koha/Log.pm > create mode 100755 t/Koha_Log.t > >diff --git a/Koha/Log.pm b/Koha/Log.pm >new file mode 100644 >index 0000000..78b8183 >--- /dev/null >+++ b/Koha/Log.pm >@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@ >+package Koha::Log; >+ >+# Copyright 2014 Catalyst IT >+# >+# This file is part of Koha. >+# >+# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it >+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by >+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or >+# (at your option) any later version. >+# >+# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but >+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of >+# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the >+# GNU General Public License for more details. >+# >+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License >+# along with Koha; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>. >+ >+use Modern::Perl; >+use Log::Contextual qw(set_logger with_logger); >+use Exporter::Declare; >+use base 'Log::Contextual'; >+ >+exports qw(with_debug with_logger create_logger set_default_logger); >+ >+=head1 NAME >+ >+Koha::Log - Logging for Koha >+ >+=head1 SYNOPSIS >+ >+ # Main script >+ use Koha::Log; >+ # optionally >+ Koha::Log::set_default_logger('File', {filename => $LOG_FILE}); >+ >+ log_error { "Error" }; >+ log_warn { "Warn" }; >+ log_info { "Info" }; >+ >+ # Some module >+ use Koha::Log; >+ log_error { "Error" }; >+ >+=head1 DESCRIPTION >+ >+ This is a combination of Log::Contextual and customised Log:Dispatcher >+ Why? >+ 1. Because it uses code blocks to log, so complex debugging can be left in >+ without any performance penalty >+ 2. Some useful things can be done >+ >+ Out of the box it logs to STDERR >+ >+=head1 LOG LEVELS >+ >+ We support log levels of debug info warn error fatal >+ Not sure how useful is fatal; >+ trace level is TODO >+ >+ Log functions are log_I<level> >+ >+=head1 Log::Contextual FUNCTIONS >+ >+By default, log_* functions are exported. For the full list see C<Log::Contextual> >+ >+=cut >+ >+my $default_logger; >+ >+sub arg_default_logger { >+ return $_[1] || ($default_logger ||= create_logger()); >+} >+sub arg_levels { [qw(debug trace info warn error fatal)] } >+sub default_import { ':log' } >+ >+=head1 FUNCTIONS >+ >+=head2 create_logger( Sink1 => {params}, Sink2 => {params} ) >+ >+ If no sinks are given, Stderr is assumed >+ >+=head3 Sinks >+ >+Sinks are C<Log::Dispatch::*> module names, eg File, Syslog etc >+We added two more: >+ C<Stdout> which is a shortcut for Screen stderr => 0 >+ C<Stderr> which is a shortcut for Screen stderr => 1 >+ >+ Default sink parameters: >+ C<min_level> - if env KOHA_DEBUG is set to true valu then 'debug' else 'info' >+ C<name> - lower case sink module name >+ >+ Filename rules for C<File>) sink: >+ Filenames with absolute paths are honoured >+ otherwise files are placed in koha config logdir >+ >+ Default C<facility> parameter for C<Syslog>) sink is I<user> >+ >+=cut >+ >+sub create_logger { >+ my %sink_defs = @_ ? @_ : (Stderr => {}); >+ my $logger = Koha::Log::Dispatch->new; >+ while (my ($sink, $params) = each %sink_defs) { >+ $logger->add_sink($sink, $params); >+ } >+ return $logger; >+} >+ >+=head1 DEFAULT LOGGER FUNCTIONS >+ >+Following functions operate on the default logger. >+Default logger should be used most of the time. >+ >+=head2 set_default_logger( Sink1 => {params}, Sink2 => {params} ) >+ >+ Calls C<create_logger()> and sets it as the default. >+ Should probably be used only in the main script. >+ >+=cut >+ >+sub set_default_logger { >+ $default_logger = create_logger(@_); >+ set_logger($default_logger); >+} >+ >+sub restore_default_logger { >+ set_logger($default_logger); >+} >+ >+=head2 add_sink( Sink, {params}, $force ) >+=head2 remove_sink( sink_name ) >+=head2 with_debug { code...} Sink1 [ => {params}], Sink2 ... >+ >+ C<Koha::Log::Dispatch> method proxies, called on the default logger >+ >+=cut >+ >+sub add_sink { >+ $default_logger->add_sink(@_); >+} >+ >+sub remove_sink { >+ my ($sink_name) = @_; >+ $default_logger->remove( lc $sink_name ); >+} >+ >+sub with_debug (&@) { >+ my $code = \&{shift @_}; >+ $default_logger->with_debug($code, @_); >+} >+ >+package Koha::Log::Dispatch; >+ >+=head1 LOGGER CLASS >+ >+C<create_logger()> returns a loger class based on C<Log::Dispatch> >+ >+=cut >+ >+use Modern::Perl; >+use Carp; >+use Class::Load 'load_class'; >+ >+use C4::Context; >+ >+use base 'Log::Dispatch'; >+ >+my %ALL_LOGGER_PARAMS = ( >+ newline => 1, >+ min_level => $ENV{KOHA_DEBUG} ? 'debug' : 'info', >+); >+ >+my %LOGGER_PARAMS = ( >+ Stdout => {stderr => 0}, >+ Stderr => {stderr => 1}, >+ Syslog => {facility => 'user'}, >+); >+ >+=head1 LOGGER METHODS >+ >+=head2 outputs() >+ >+ Returns hashref {sink_name => sink_object...} >+ >+=cut >+ >+sub outputs { >+ my $self = shift; >+ return $self->{outputs}; >+} >+ >+=head2 set_level(log_level, @sink_names) >+ >+ Sets (minimum) log level for all named sinks (outputs) >+ If no named sinks are specified, all associated sinks are affected. >+ >+=cut >+ >+sub set_level { >+ my $self = shift; >+ my $level = shift or croak "No level specified"; >+ >+ my @outputs = @_ ? map ($self->output($_), @_) : values (%{ $self->outputs }); >+ $_->{min_level} = $_->_level_as_number($level) foreach @outputs; >+} >+ >+=head2 get_levels() >+ >+ Returns hashref {sink_name => log_level...} >+ >+=cut >+ >+sub get_levels { >+ my $self = shift; >+ >+ my @outputs = @_ ? map ($self->output($_), @_) : values (%{ $self->outputs }); >+ return { map { $_->name => $_->min_level } @outputs }; >+} >+ >+=head2 add_sink( Sink, {params}, $force ) >+ >+ Creates a C<Log::Dispatch::Sink> object, and calls C<add()> >+ If sink with the name altready exists it returns, unless $force is true, >+ in which case existing sink is replaced with a new one. >+ >+=cut >+ >+sub add_sink { >+ my $self = shift; >+ my ($sink, $params, $force) = @_; >+ >+ my $sink_params = $LOGGER_PARAMS{$sink} || {}; >+ my $sink_name = $params->{name} ||= lc $sink; >+ >+ if ( $self->output($sink_name) ) { >+ return unless $force; >+ $self->remove( $sink_name ); >+ } >+ >+ $params ||= {}; >+ if (my $filename = $params->{filename}) { >+ $params->{filename} = C4::Context->config("logdir") . "/$filename" >+ unless $filename =~ m!^[/.]!o; >+ } >+ >+ $sink = 'Screen' if $sink eq 'Stdout' || $sink eq 'Stderr'; >+ my $sink_class = "Log::Dispatch::$sink"; >+ load_class $sink_class; >+ $self->add( $sink_class->new( %ALL_LOGGER_PARAMS, %$sink_params, %$params ) ); >+ return $sink_name; >+} >+ >+=head2 with_debug( code_ref, Sink1 [ => {params}], Sink2 ... ) >+ >+ Executes code within a debug context >+ If Sink => params are given, those are used for debug logging in addition >+ to eny existing sinks with debug level. Otherwise all associated sinks >+ (outputs) are upgraded temporarily to debug level. >+ >+ See B<ADVANCED USAGE> below >+ >+=cut >+ >+sub with_debug { >+ my $self = shift; >+ my $code = shift; >+ >+ my $current_levels = $self->get_levels; >+ >+ my @sink; >+ my @extra_logger; >+ if (@_) { >+ while (my $sink = shift @_) { >+ # next if ref $sink; >+ my $params = {}; >+ $params = shift @_ if ref $_[0]; >+ my $sink_name = $params->{name} || lc $sink; >+ unless ($self->output($sink_name)) { >+ $params->{min_level} = 'debug'; >+ $self->add_sink($sink, $params); >+ push @extra_logger, $sink_name; >+ } >+ push @sink, $sink_name; >+ } >+ } >+ else { >+ @sink = keys %$current_levels; >+ } >+ $self->set_level('debug', @sink); >+ $code->(); >+ $self->remove($_) foreach @extra_logger; >+ while (my ($name, $level) = each %$current_levels) { >+ $self->set_level($level, $name); >+ } >+} >+ >+ >+=head1 USAGE >+ >+ The simplest example: >+ >+ use Koha::Log; >+ do things(); >+ log_info { "This will show in STDERR" }; >+ log_debug { "This will not show in STDERR" }; >+ >+ A less simple example: >+ >+ use Koha::Log qw(:log set_default_logger) >+ my %sinks = ( >+ 'File' => {filename => 'my.log'}, >+ ); >+ set_default_logger(%sinks); >+ >+ # In a module down below >+ use Koha::Log; >+ do things(); >+ log_info { "This will show in my.log" }; >+ log_debug { "This will not show in my.log" }; >+ >+ An example with multiple sinks: >+ >+ use Koha::Log qw(:log set_default_logger) >+ my %sinks = ( >+ 'Stderr' => {min_level => 'debug'}, >+ 'Syslog' => {}, >+ 'File' => {filename => 'my.log'}, >+ ); >+ set_default_logger(%sinks); >+ >+ # In a module down below >+ use Koha::Log; >+ do things(); >+ log_info { "This will show everywhere" }; >+ log_debug { "This will show in STDERR" }; >+ >+ Enable debug messages: >+ KOHA_DEBUG=1 some_koha_script.pl >+ >+ or in Apache: >+ SetEnv KOHA_DEBUG=1 >+ >+=cut >+ >+=head1 ADVANCED USAGE >+ >+ Enable debug messages just for a piece of code: >+ >+ use Koha::Log qw(:log set_default_logger) >+ my %sinks = ( >+ 'File' => {filename => 'my.log'}, >+ ); >+ set_default_logger(%sinks); >+ >+ # In a module down below >+ use Koha::Log qw(:log with_debug) >+ do things(); >+ log_debug { "This will not show" }; >+ ... >+ with_debug { >+ do other_things(); >+ log_debug {"This will show"}; >+ }; >+ >+ This will make the block surounded by with_debug {} output debug to my.log >+ Alternatively: >+ >+ with_debug { >+ do other_things(); >+ log_debug {"This will show"}; >+ } 'Stderr'; >+ >+ will leave my.log at 'info' level, and output debug (and other log levels) to STDERR. >+ >+ Special logging: >+ >+ use Koha::Log qw(:log set_default_logger) >+ my %sinks = ( >+ 'File' => {filename => 'my.log'}, >+ ); >+ set_default_logger(%sinks); >+ >+ # In a module down below >+ use Koha::Log qw(:log create_logger with_logger) >+ do things(); >+ log_warn { "This will show in my.log" }; >+ ... >+ my $special_logger = create_logger('File' => {filename => 'my_special.log}); >+ with_logger $special_logger => sub { >+ log_warn { "This will show in my_special.log" }; >+ }; >+ >+ This will make the block surounded by with_debug {} output debug to my.log >+ >+=head1 TO DO >+ >+ * Add support for Email and possibly other sinks >+ * Integrate C4::Log >+ >+=cut >+ >+1; >diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control >index 96a6650..f16bbab 100644 >--- a/debian/control >+++ b/debian/control >@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ Build-Depends: libalgorithm-checkdigits-perl, > liblocale-currency-format-perl, > liblocale-maketext-lexicon-perl, > liblocale-po-perl, >+ liblog-contextual-perl, > liblwp-protocol-https-perl|libwww-perl (<6.02), libio-socket-ssl-perl, > libmail-sendmail-perl, > libmarc-charset-perl, >@@ -263,6 +264,7 @@ Depends: libalgorithm-checkdigits-perl, > liblocale-currency-format-perl, > liblocale-maketext-lexicon-perl, > liblocale-po-perl, >+ liblog-contextual-perl, > liblwp-protocol-https-perl|libwww-perl (<6.02), libio-socket-ssl-perl, > libmail-sendmail-perl, > libmarc-charset-perl, >diff --git a/t/Koha_Log.t b/t/Koha_Log.t >new file mode 100755 >index 0000000..2446a78 >--- /dev/null >+++ b/t/Koha_Log.t >@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ >+#!/usr/bin/perl >+ >+use strict; >+use warnings; >+use autodie; >+ >+use Test::More tests => 6; >+use Test::Output; >+ >+my $LOG_FILE = '/tmp/koha_log_test.log'; >+my $DEBUG_LOG_FILE = '/tmp/koha_log_debug.log'; >+my $SPECIAL_LOG_FILE = '/tmp/koha_log_special.log'; >+ >+BEGIN { >+ use_ok('Koha::Log', ":log", "with_logger", "with_debug", "create_logger", "set_default_logger"); >+} >+ >+my %sinks = ( >+ 'Stderr' => {}, >+ 'Stdout' => {min_level => 'debug'}, >+ 'Syslog' => {}, >+ 'File' => {filename => $LOG_FILE}, >+); >+ >+remove_log_files(); >+ >+set_default_logger(%sinks); >+ >+my $expect = join '', map "$_\n", "Error", "Warn", "Info", "Koha::Log::Test::test()"; >+my $expect_debug = join '', map "$_\n", "Debug1", "Debug2", "Debug3"; >+ >+stdout_is { stderr_is { >+ log_error { "Error" }; >+ log_warn { "Warn" }; >+ log_info { "Info" }; >+ >+ Koha::Log::Test::test(); >+ >+ log_debug {"Debug1"}; >+ with_debug { >+ log_debug {"Debug2"}; >+ } 'Stderr', 'File', {filename => $DEBUG_LOG_FILE, name => 'debug'}; >+ log_debug {"Debug3"}; >+ >+ my $special_logger = create_logger('File' => {filename => $SPECIAL_LOG_FILE}); >+ with_logger $special_logger => sub { >+ log_info { "Special" }; >+ }; >+ >+ log_info { "Last" }; >+} $expect."Debug2\n"."Last\n", "logged to stderr" } $expect.$expect_debug."Last\n", "logged to stdout"; >+ >+check_log($LOG_FILE, $expect."Last\n"); >+check_log($DEBUG_LOG_FILE, "Debug2\n"); >+check_log($SPECIAL_LOG_FILE, "Special\n"); >+ >+remove_log_files(); >+ >+sub check_log { >+ my ($file, $content) = @_; >+ >+ open (my $log, "<", $file); >+ my $logged = join '', <$log>; >+ is ($logged, $content, "logged to file $file"); >+} >+ >+sub remove_log_files { >+ -f $_ && unlink $_ foreach $LOG_FILE, $DEBUG_LOG_FILE, $SPECIAL_LOG_FILE; >+} >+ >+package Koha::Log::Test; >+ >+use Koha::Log; >+ >+sub test { >+ log_info { "Koha::Log::Test::test()" }; >+} >-- >1.9.1
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