[patch] [PASSED-QA] Bug 5786 - Move AllowOnShelfHolds and OPACItemHolds system prefs to the Circulation Matrix
PASSED-QA-Bug-5786---Move-AllowOnShelfHolds-and-OP.patch (text/plain), 70.66 KB, created by Kyle M Hall (khall) on 2015-03-05 16:00:58 UTC
Creator: Kyle M Hall (khall)
Created: 2015-03-05 16:00:58 UTC
Size: 70.66 KB
Actions: View | Diff | Splinter Review
Attachments on bug 5786: 4706 | 4751 | 4755 | 6898 | 7018 | 7034 | 7044 | 11116 | 11137 | 11184 | 11185 | 11190 | 11903 | 11992 | 12323 | 12440 | 12441 | 15648 | 34080 | 34534 | 34535 | 34536 | 35545 | 35546 | 35547 | 35548 | 35550 | 35567 | 35568 | 35596 | 35597 | 35598 | 35599 | 36383 | 36384 | 36405 | 36617 | 36618 | 36619 | 37253 | 37263 | 37292 | 37373