[patch] Bug 13918 - Add waiting expiration date to opac list of holds for user
Bug-13918---Add-waiting-expiration-date-to-opac-li.patch (text/plain), 13.80 KB, created by Kyle M Hall (khall) on 2015-03-26 13:52:57 UTC
Creator: Kyle M Hall (khall)
Created: 2015-03-26 13:52:57 UTC
Size: 13.80 KB
Actions: View | Diff | Splinter Review
Attachments on bug 13918: 37271 | 37272 | 40033 | 40035 | 41862 | 41863 | 41864 | 41865 | 41945 | 41946 | 41947 | 41948 | 42652 | 42653 | 42654 | 42655 | 42656 | 42745 | 42746 | 42747 | 42748 | 42749 | 42779 | 42780 | 42781 | 42782 | 42783 | 43429 | 43430 | 43431 | 43432 | 43433 | 43438 | 43502 | 43503 | 43504 | 43505 | 43506 | 43507 | 46130 | 46131 | 46132 | 46133 | 46134 | 46135