[patch] Bug 12803 - Add ability to skip closed libraries when generating the holds queue
Bug-12803---Add-ability-to-skip-closed-libraries-w.patch (text/plain), 10.54 KB, created by Mark Tompsett on 2016-03-03 04:10:27 UTC
Creator: Mark Tompsett
Created: 2016-03-03 04:10:27 UTC
Size: 10.54 KB
Actions: View | Diff | Splinter Review
Attachments on bug 12803: 31057 | 31060 | 31061 | 31062 | 31063 | 31630 | 31631 | 32046 | 32271 | 43509 | 43510 | 43511 | 43512 | 43610 | 43779 | 43833 | 43979 | 45569 | 45570 | 45571 | 45572 | 45573 | 45574 | 45575 | 45576 | 45638 | 45643 | 45644 | 46888 | 46889 | 46890 | 46891 | 46892 | 46893 | 46894 | 46895 | 47246 | 47247 | 48574 | 48575