[patch] Bug 14874 - Add ability to search for patrons by date of birth from checkout and patron quick searches
Bug-14874---Add-ability-to-search-for-patrons-by-d.patch (text/plain), 7.46 KB, created by Nick Clemens (kidclamp) on 2016-06-30 15:19:26 UTC
Creator: Nick Clemens (kidclamp)
Created: 2016-06-30 15:19:26 UTC
Size: 7.46 KB
Actions: View | Diff | Splinter Review
Attachments on bug 14874: 51503 | 51504 | 51505 | 51652 | 51653 | 51654 | 51971 | 51972 | 52079 | 52998 | 52999 | 53000 | 53001 | 55589 | 55899 | 55912 | 55913 | 55919 | 55920 | 56027 | 56028 | 57009