[patch] Bug 15006: Add timeout and strikes to raw_transport
Bug-15006-Add-timeout-and-strikes-to-rawtransport.patch (text/plain), 2.75 KB, created by Marcel de Rooy on 2016-07-01 10:15:55 UTC
Creator: Marcel de Rooy
Created: 2016-07-01 10:15:55 UTC
Size: 2.75 KB
Actions: View | Diff | Splinter Review
Attachments on bug 15006: 45039 | 45583 | 45594 | 52477 | 52478 | 52479 | 52480 | 52784 | 52785 | 52786 | 52787 | 52849 | 52850 | 52851 | 52852 | 52853 | 53009 | 53010 | 53011 | 53012 | 53013 | 53014 | 53132 | 53133 | 53134 | 53135 | 53309 | 53310 | 53311 | 53312 | 53355 | 53356 | 53357 | 53358 | 53359 | 53360 | 53363 | 53364 | 53365 | 53366 | 53367 | 53368 | 53369