[patch] [SIGNED-OFF] Bug 14060: Add the datepicker class to dateofbirth
SIGNED-OFF-Bug-14060-Add-the-datepicker-class-to-d.patch (text/plain), 1.42 KB, created by Owen Leonard on 2016-08-30 13:06:40 UTC
Creator: Owen Leonard
Created: 2016-08-30 13:06:40 UTC
Size: 1.42 KB
Actions: View | Diff | Splinter Review
Attachments on bug 14060: 38484 | 38540 | 38541 | 44542 | 44543 | 44544 | 45282 | 46224 | 54606 | 54607 | 54608 | 54609 | 54610 | 54902 | 54903 | 54904 | 54905 | 54906 | 54907 | 55001 | 55002 | 55012 | 55013 | 55014 | 55015 | 55016 | 55017 | 55018 | 55019 | 55165 | 55246 | 55247 | 55248 | 55249 | 55250 | 55251 | 55252 | 55253 | 55254 | 55255 | 55256