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Bug 14567
Add an elasticsearch driven browse interface to the OPAC
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Bug 14567: backend code for browse interface
Bug-14567-backend-code-for-browse-interface.patch (text/plain), 20.43 KB, created by
Nick Clemens (kidclamp)
on 2016-10-12 12:26:28 UTC
Bug 14567: backend code for browse interface
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Nick Clemens (kidclamp)
2016-10-12 12:26:28 UTC
20.43 KB
>From c80ed423ed2567dd9ef9b894d5a04475950cb9c8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 >From: Robin Sheat <robin@catalyst.net.nz> >Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2015 17:14:09 +1200 >Subject: [PATCH] Bug 14567: backend code for browse interface > >This is an interface for quick and efficient browsing through records. > >It presents a page at /cgi-bin/koha/opac-browse.pl that allows you to >enter the prefix of an author, title, or subject and it'll give you a >list of the options that match that. You can then scroll through these >and select the one you're after. Selecting it provides a list of records >that match that particular search. >--- > Koha/Schema/Result/SearchField.pm | 6 + > Koha/Schema/Result/SearchMarcMap.pm | 6 + > Koha/SearchEngine/Elasticsearch/Browse.pm | 184 ++++++++++++++++++++++++ > Koha/SearchEngine/Elasticsearch/QueryBuilder.pm | 101 ++++++++++++- > Koha/SearchEngine/Elasticsearch/Search.pm | 43 +++++- > opac/opac-browse.pl | 136 ++++++++++++++++++ > t/Koha_SearchEngine_Elasticsearch_Browse.t | 68 +++++++++ > 7 files changed, 534 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-) > create mode 100644 Koha/SearchEngine/Elasticsearch/Browse.pm > create mode 100755 opac/opac-browse.pl > create mode 100755 t/Koha_SearchEngine_Elasticsearch_Browse.t > >diff --git a/Koha/Schema/Result/SearchField.pm b/Koha/Schema/Result/SearchField.pm >index 09a3b6f..9028ce4 100644 >--- a/Koha/Schema/Result/SearchField.pm >+++ b/Koha/Schema/Result/SearchField.pm >@@ -119,4 +119,10 @@ __PACKAGE__->has_many( > > __PACKAGE__->many_to_many("search_marc_maps", "search_marc_to_fields", "search_marc_map"); > >+ >+# Created by DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader v0.07042 @ 2015-07-24 15:59:15 >+# DO NOT MODIFY THIS OR ANYTHING ABOVE! md5sum:pd5chYwH+KRhI2O8/e7bSg >+ >+ >+# You can replace this text with custom code or comments, and it will be preserved on regeneration > 1; >diff --git a/Koha/Schema/Result/SearchMarcMap.pm b/Koha/Schema/Result/SearchMarcMap.pm >index 03bc943..ce4e43d 100644 >--- a/Koha/Schema/Result/SearchMarcMap.pm >+++ b/Koha/Schema/Result/SearchMarcMap.pm >@@ -127,4 +127,10 @@ __PACKAGE__->has_many( > > __PACKAGE__->many_to_many("search_fields", "search_marc_to_fields", "search_field"); > >+ >+# Created by DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader v0.07042 @ 2015-07-24 15:59:15 >+# DO NOT MODIFY THIS OR ANYTHING ABOVE! md5sum:/6VCm/kMfCjtmD4Kx3HGMA >+ >+ >+# You can replace this text with custom code or comments, and it will be preserved on regeneration > 1; >diff --git a/Koha/SearchEngine/Elasticsearch/Browse.pm b/Koha/SearchEngine/Elasticsearch/Browse.pm >new file mode 100644 >index 0000000..ba5134f >--- /dev/null >+++ b/Koha/SearchEngine/Elasticsearch/Browse.pm >@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@ >+package Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch::Browse; >+ >+# Copyright 2015 Catalyst IT >+# >+# This file is part of Koha. >+# >+# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the >+# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software >+# Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later >+# version. >+# >+# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY >+# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR >+# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. >+# >+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along >+# with Koha; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., >+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. >+ >+=head1 NAME >+ >+Koha::SearchEngine::ElasticSearch::Browse - browse functions for Elasticsearch >+ >+=head1 SYNOPSIS >+ >+ my $browser = >+ Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch::Browse->new( { index => 'biblios' } ); >+ my $results = $browser->browse( >+ 'prefi', 'title', >+ { >+ results => '500', >+ fuzziness => 2, >+ } >+ ); >+ foreach my $r (@$results) { >+ push @hits, $r->{text}; >+ } >+ >+=head1 DESCRIPTION >+ >+This provides an easy interface to the "browse" functionality. Essentially, >+it does a fast prefix search on defined fields. The fields have to be marked >+as "suggestible" in the database when indexing takes place. >+ >+=head1 METHODS >+ >+=cut >+ >+use base qw(Koha::ElasticSearch); >+use Modern::Perl; >+ >+use Catmandu::Store::ElasticSearch; >+ >+use Carp; >+use Data::Dumper; >+ >+Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch::Browse->mk_accessors(qw( store )); >+ >+=head2 browse >+ >+ my $results = $browser->browse($prefix, $field, \%options); >+ >+Does a prefix search for C<$prefix>, looking in C<$field>. Options are: >+ >+=over 4 >+ >+=item count >+ >+The number of results to return. For Koha browse purposes, this should >+probably be fairly high. Defaults to 500. >+ >+=item fuzziness >+ >+How much allowing for typos and misspellings is done. If 0, then it must match >+exactly. If unspecified, it defaults to '1', which is probably the most useful. >+Otherwise, it is a number specifying the Levenshtein edit distance relative to >+the string length, according to the following lengths: >+ >+=over 4 >+ >+=item 0..2 >+ >+must match exactly >+ >+=item 3..5 >+ >+C<fuzziness> edits allowed >+ >+=item >5 >+ >+C<fuzziness>+1 edits allowed >+ >+=back >+ >+In all cases the maximum number of edits allowed is two (an elasticsearch >+restriction.) >+ >+=head3 Returns >+ >+This returns an arrayref of hashrefs. Each hashref contains a "text" element >+that contains the field as returned. There may be other fields in that >+hashref too, but they're less likely to be important. >+ >+The array will be ordered as returned from Elasticsearch, which seems to be >+in order of some form of relevance. >+ >+=cut >+ >+sub browse { >+ my ($self, $prefix, $field, $options) = @_; >+ >+ my $params = $self->get_elasticsearch_params(); >+ $self->store( >+ Catmandu::Store::ElasticSearch->new( >+ %$params, >+ ) >+ ) unless $self->store; >+ >+ my $query = $self->_build_query($prefix, $field, $options); >+ my $results = $self->store->bag->search(%$query); >+ return $results->{suggest}{suggestions}[0]{options}; >+} >+ >+=head2 _build_query >+ >+ my $query = $self->_build_query($prefix, $field, $options); >+ >+Arguments are the same as for L<browse>. This will return a query structure >+for elasticsearch to use. >+ >+=cut >+ >+sub _build_query { >+ my ( $self, $prefix, $field, $options ) = @_; >+ >+ $options = {} unless $options; >+ my $f = $options->{fuzziness} // 1; >+ my $l = length($prefix); >+ my $fuzzie; >+ if ( $l <= 2 ) { >+ $fuzzie = 0; >+ } >+ elsif ( $l <= 5 ) { >+ $fuzzie = $f; >+ } >+ else { >+ $fuzzie = $f + 1; >+ } >+ $fuzzie = 2 if $fuzzie > 2; >+ >+ my $size = $options->{count} // 500; >+ my $query = { >+ # this is an annoying thing, if we set size to 0 it gets rewritten >+ # to 10. There's a bug somewhere in one of the libraries. >+ size => 1, >+ suggest => { >+ suggestions => { >+ text => $prefix, >+ completion => { >+ field => $field . '__suggestion', >+ size => $size, >+ fuzzy => { >+ fuzziness => $fuzzie, >+ } >+ } >+ } >+ } >+ }; >+ return $query; >+} >+ >+1; >+ >+__END__ >+ >+=head1 AUTHOR >+ >+=over 4 >+ >+=item Robin Sheat C<< <robin@catalyst.net.nz> >> >+ >+=back >+ >+=cut >diff --git a/Koha/SearchEngine/Elasticsearch/QueryBuilder.pm b/Koha/SearchEngine/Elasticsearch/QueryBuilder.pm >index 46609c0..ba15443 100644 >--- a/Koha/SearchEngine/Elasticsearch/QueryBuilder.pm >+++ b/Koha/SearchEngine/Elasticsearch/QueryBuilder.pm >@@ -51,7 +51,97 @@ use Data::Dumper; # TODO remove > > =head2 build_query > >- my $simple_query = $builder->build_query("hello", %options) >+ my $query = $builder->build_query($search, %options); >+ >+C<$search> is an arrayref where each element is a hashref containing >+a part of the search. >+ >+The hashref must contain a 'term', which is the string, and may contain other >+things to adjust how the search is performed: >+ >+=over 4 >+ >+=item field >+ >+the field to search on, as defined in the C<search_field> table. If >+unspecified, all fields will be searched over. >+ >+=item exact >+ >+do an exact, literal, phrase match rather than a tokenised search. This will >+also ignore things like truncation and fuzziness. >+ >+=back >+ >+The C<%options> may be: >+ >+=over 4 >+ >+=item and_or >+ >+either "and" or "or", and determines how multiple terms are combined. Default >+is "and." >+ >+=back >+ >+=head3 Returns >+ >+a query structure intended to be passed to elasticsearch. >+ >+=head3 Note >+ >+This is pretty limited, it's intended that more options be added as necessary >+to support new functionality. >+ >+=head3 Note 2 >+ >+This ultimately ought to be replaced with a query parser driver, but that code >+is not documented so it'll take a while to figure out. >+ >+=cut >+ >+sub build_query { >+ my ( $self, $search, %options ) = @_; >+ >+ my @match_parts; >+ >+ foreach my $s (@$search) { >+ my ( $m_type, $f_suffix, $query_name ); >+ >+ # This accounts for different naming of things based on our options >+ if ( $s->{exact} ) { >+ $m_type = 'term'; >+ $f_suffix = '.raw'; >+ $query_name = 'value'; >+ } >+ else { >+ $m_type = 'match'; >+ $f_suffix = ''; >+ $query_name = 'query'; >+ } >+ my $field = $s->{field} // "_all"; >+ my $m = { >+ $m_type => { >+ "$s->{field}$f_suffix" => { >+ $query_name => $s->{term}, >+ }, >+ }, >+ }; >+ push @match_parts, $m; >+ } >+ my $query; >+ if ( $options{and_or} && lc( $options{and_or} ) eq 'or' ) { >+ $query->{bool}{should} = \@match_parts; >+ } >+ else { >+ $query->{bool}{must} = \@match_parts; >+ } >+ return { query => $query }; >+} >+ >+=head2 build_string_query >+ >+ my $simple_query = $builder->build_string_query("hello", %options) > > This will build a query that can be issued to elasticsearch from the provided > string input. This expects a lucene style search form (see >@@ -72,9 +162,12 @@ according to these values. Valid values for C<direction> are 'asc' and 'desc'. > > =back > >+Note: This is mostly for compatibility, ideally it shouldn't get used >+much. >+ > =cut > >-sub build_query { >+sub build_string_query { > my ( $self, $query, %options ) = @_; > > my $stemming = C4::Context->preference("QueryStemming") || 0; >@@ -455,7 +548,7 @@ sub build_authorities_query_compat { > Converts the zebra-style sort index information into elasticsearch-style. > > C<@sort_by> is the same as presented to L<build_query_compat>, and it returns >-something that can be sent to L<build_query>. >+something that can be sent to L<build_string_query>. > > =cut > >@@ -492,7 +585,7 @@ sub _convert_sort_fields { > Converts zebra-style search index notation into elasticsearch-style. > > C<@indexes> is an array of index names, as presented to L<build_query_compat>, >-and it returns something that can be sent to L<build_query>. >+and it returns something that can be sent to L<build_string_query>. > > B<TODO>: this will pull from the elasticsearch mappings table to figure out > types. >diff --git a/Koha/SearchEngine/Elasticsearch/Search.pm b/Koha/SearchEngine/Elasticsearch/Search.pm >index 212a561..3db56fa 100644 >--- a/Koha/SearchEngine/Elasticsearch/Search.pm >+++ b/Koha/SearchEngine/Elasticsearch/Search.pm >@@ -74,20 +74,38 @@ an offset (i.e. the number of the record to start with), rather than a page. > > Returns > >+=over 4 >+ >+=item records >+ >+an array of hashrefs for each record. Each hashref contains C<marc>, which has >+a MARC::Record instance, and C<id>, which is the biblionumber of this record. >+ >+=item facets >+ >+facet data from Elasticsearch >+ >+=item hits >+ >+the total number of hits for this search >+ > =cut > > sub search { >- my ($self, $query, $page, $count, %options) = @_; >+ my ( $self, $query, $page, $count, %options ) = @_; > > my $params = $self->get_elasticsearch_params(); > my %paging; >+ > # 20 is the default number of results per page > $paging{limit} = $count || 20; >+ > # ES/Catmandu doesn't want pages, it wants a record to start from. >- if (exists $options{offset}) { >+ if ( exists $options{offset} ) { > $paging{start} = $options{offset}; >- } else { >- $page = (!defined($page) || ($page <= 0)) ? 0 : $page - 1; >+ } >+ else { >+ $page = ( !defined($page) || ( $page <= 0 ) ) ? 0 : $page - 1; > $paging{start} = $page * $paging{limit}; > } > $self->store( >@@ -101,7 +119,20 @@ sub search { > if ($@) { > die $self->process_error($@); > } >- return $results; >+ my @records; >+ $results->each( >+ sub { >+ # The results come in an array for some reason >+ my $marc_json = @_[0]->{record}; >+ my $marc = $self->json2marc($marc_json); >+ push @records, { marc => $marc, id => @_[0]->{_id} }; >+ } >+ ); >+ return { >+ records => \@records, >+ facets => $results->{facets}, >+ hits => $results->total >+ }; > } > > =head2 count >@@ -165,7 +196,7 @@ sub search_compat { > # consumers of this expect a name-spaced result, we provide the default > # configuration. > my %result; >- $result{biblioserver}{hits} = $results->total; >+ $result{biblioserver}{hits} = $results->{hits}; > $result{biblioserver}{RECORDS} = \@records; > return (undef, \%result, $self->_convert_facets($results->{facets}, $expanded_facet)); > } >diff --git a/opac/opac-browse.pl b/opac/opac-browse.pl >new file mode 100755 >index 0000000..9c6cf12 >--- /dev/null >+++ b/opac/opac-browse.pl >@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@ >+#!/usr/bin/perl >+ >+# This is a CGI script that handles the browse feature. >+ >+# Copyright 2015 Catalyst IT >+# >+# This file is part of Koha. >+# >+# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the >+# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software >+# Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later >+# version. >+# >+# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY >+# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR >+# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. >+# >+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along >+# with Koha; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., >+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. >+ >+use Modern::Perl; >+use CGI qw( -utf8 :standard ); >+ >+use C4::Auth; >+use C4::Context; >+ >+use Koha::ElasticSearch; >+use Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch::Browse; >+use Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch::QueryBuilder; >+use Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch::Search; >+ >+use JSON; >+use Unicode::Collate; >+ >+my $query = new CGI; >+binmode STDOUT, ':utf8'; >+ >+# This is the temporary entrance point to the API. Once bug #13799 is settled, >+# it should be ported to using that. >+my $api = $query->param('api'); >+ >+if ( !$api ) { >+ >+ # No parameters, so we just render the template. >+ >+} >+elsif ( $api eq 'GetSuggestions' ) { >+ my $fuzzie = $query->param('fuzziness'); >+ my $prefix = $query->param('prefix'); >+ my $field = $query->param('field'); >+ >+# Under a persistant environment, we should probably not reinit this every time. >+ my $browser = >+ Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch::Browse->new( { index => 'biblios' } ); >+ my $res = $browser->browse( $prefix, $field, { fuzziness => $fuzzie } ); >+ my $collator = Unicode::Collate->new(); >+ >+ # possible optimisation is to cache the collated values and do a straight >+ # cmp. >+ my @sorted = sort { $collator->cmp( $a->{text}, $b->{text} ) } @$res; >+ print header( >+ -type => 'application/json', >+ -charset => 'utf-8' >+ ); >+ print to_json( \@sorted ); >+} >+elsif ( $api eq 'GetResults' ) { >+ my $term = $query->param('term'); >+ my $field = $query->param('field'); >+ >+ my $builder = Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch::QueryBuilder->new( { index => 'biblios' } ); >+ my $searcher = Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch::Search->new( >+ { index => $Koha::ElasticSearch::BIBLIOS_INDEX } ); >+ >+ my $query = $builder->build_query( >+ [ { term => $term, field => $field, exact => 1 } ] ); >+ my $results = $searcher->search( $query, undef, 500 ); >+ my @output = _filter_for_output( $results->{records} ); >+ print header( >+ -type => 'application/json', >+ -charset => 'utf-8' >+ ); >+ print to_json( \@output ); >+} >+ >+# This is a temporary, MARC21-only thing that will grab titles, authors, >+# and subjects. This should probably be done with some templatey gizmo >+# in the future. >+sub _filter_for_output { >+ no warnings 'qw'; # it doesn't like the , in the qw >+ my ($records) = @_; >+ >+ my @author_marc = qw(100,a 110,a 111,a 700,a 710,a 711,a); >+ my @subjects_marc = >+ qw(600 610 611 630 648 650 651); >+ my @output; >+ foreach my $rec (@$records) { >+ my $marc = $rec->{marc}; >+ my $title; >+ { >+ # we do an ugly hack to fix up a little bit of bad formatting. >+ my ($t_a, $t_b, $t_c) = >+ (( $marc->subfield( 245, 'a' ) // '' ), >+ ( $marc->subfield( 245, 'b' ) // '' ), >+ ( $marc->subfield( 245, 'c' ) // '' )); >+ $t_a .= ' ' unless $t_a =~ / $/; >+ $t_b .= ' ' unless $t_b =~ / $/; >+ $title = $t_a . $t_b . $t_c; >+ } >+ my @authors; >+ foreach my $m (@author_marc) { >+ push @authors, ( $marc->subfield( split( ',', $m ) ) // () ); >+ } >+ my @subj_fields; >+ foreach my $m (@subjects_marc) { >+ # first collect all the fields >+ push @subj_fields, $marc->field($m); >+ } >+ # Now grab the a and x from each field and reformat it >+ my @subjects; >+ foreach my $s (@subj_fields) { >+ my @vals = (scalar($s->subfield('a')), $s->subfield('x')); >+ next unless @vals; >+ push @subjects, join( ' -- ', @vals ); >+ } >+ push @output, >+ { >+ id => $rec->{id}, >+ title => $title, >+ authors => \@authors, >+ subjects => \@subjects, >+ }; >+ } >+ return @output; >+} >diff --git a/t/Koha_SearchEngine_Elasticsearch_Browse.t b/t/Koha_SearchEngine_Elasticsearch_Browse.t >new file mode 100755 >index 0000000..d792734 >--- /dev/null >+++ b/t/Koha_SearchEngine_Elasticsearch_Browse.t >@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ >+#!/usr/bin/perl >+ >+# Copyright 2015 Catalyst IT >+# >+# This file is part of Koha. >+# >+# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the >+# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software >+# Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later >+# version. >+# >+# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY >+# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR >+# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. >+# >+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along >+# with Koha; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., >+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. >+ >+use Modern::Perl; >+ >+use Test::More; >+ >+use_ok('Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch::Browse'); >+ >+# testing browse itself not implemented as it'll require a running ES >+can_ok('Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch::Browse', >+ qw/ _build_query browse /); >+ >+subtest "_build_query tests" => sub { >+ plan tests => 2; >+ >+ my $browse = Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch::Browse->new({index=>'dummy'}); >+ my $q = $browse->_build_query('foo', 'title'); >+ is_deeply($q, { size => 1, >+ suggest => { >+ suggestions => { >+ text => 'foo', >+ completion => { >+ field => 'title__suggestion', >+ size => 500, >+ fuzzy => { >+ fuzziness => 1, >+ } >+ } >+ } >+ } >+ }, 'No fuzziness or size specified'); >+ >+ # Note that a fuzziness of 4 will get reduced to 2. >+ $q = $browse->_build_query('foo', 'title', { fuzziness => 4, count => 400 }); >+ is_deeply($q, { size => 1, >+ suggest => { >+ suggestions => { >+ text => 'foo', >+ completion => { >+ field => 'title__suggestion', >+ size => 400, >+ fuzzy => { >+ fuzziness => 2, >+ } >+ } >+ } >+ } >+ }, 'Fuzziness and size specified'); >+}; >+ >+done_testing(); >-- >2.1.4
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bug 14567