[patch] Bug 17855: Redirect to the installer if installation process is not done yet
Bug-17855-Redirect-to-the-installer-if-installatio.patch (text/plain), 1.10 KB, created by Alex Buckley on 2017-04-18 03:51:03 UTC
Creator: Alex Buckley
Created: 2017-04-18 03:51:03 UTC
Size: 1.10 KB
Actions: View | Diff | Splinter Review
Attachments on bug 17855: 58657 | 58658 | 58659 | 58660 | 58661 | 58662 | 58663 | 58664 | 58665 | 58666 | 58667 | 58668 | 58669 | 58781 | 58782 | 58783 | 58784 | 58785 | 58792 | 58793 | 58794 | 58846 | 58860 | 58861 | 58862 | 58886 | 58892 | 58893 | 58894 | 58895 | 58896 | 58897 | 58898 | 58899 | 58900 | 58901 | 58902 | 58903 | 58904 | 58905 | 58906 | 58907 | 59037 | 59051 | 59140 | 59141 | 59174 | 59188 | 59277 | 59279 | 59280 | 59281 | 59628 | 59703 | 59705 | 59706 | 59707 | 59708 | 59709 | 59710 | 59711 | 59712 | 59742 | 59826 | 59830 | 59840 | 59841 | 59842 | 59856 | 59857 | 60092 | 61667 | 61668 | 61986 | 62186 | 62191 | 62192 | 62193 | 62220 | 62221 | 62222 | 62223 | 62231 | 62233 | 62234 | 62235 | 62236 | 62237 | 62238 | 62239 | 62240 | 62241 | 62242 | 62243 | 62251 | 62252 | 62253 | 62254 | 62255 | 62256 | 62257 | 62258 | 62259 | 62260 | 62261 | 62262 | 62263 | 62281 | 62282 | 62283 | 62284 | 62285 | 62286 | 62287 | 62288 | 62668 | 62669 | 62670 | 62671 | 62672 | 62673 | 62674 | 62675