[patch] Bug 18438 - Implemented data-dismiss="modal" attribute on 'Confirm hold' and 'confirm' buttons so when they are cliked the modal box dissapears and any warning messages that were hidden by the box are now visible.
Bug-18438---Implemented-data-dismissmodal-attribut.patch (text/plain), 5.64 KB, created by Alex Buckley on 2017-04-19 02:44:20 UTC
Creator: Alex Buckley
Created: 2017-04-19 02:44:20 UTC
Size: 5.64 KB
Actions: View | Diff | Splinter Review
Attachments on bug 18438: 62349 | 62350 | 62422 | 62444 | 62445 | 62446 | 62708 | 62955 | 63002 | 63003 | 63004 | 63005 | 63006 | 63007 | 63371 | 63372 | 63458 | 63549