[patch] Bug 15705: Add --send-notices to the cronjob script
Bug-15705-Add---send-notices-to-the-cronjob-script.patch (text/plain), 3.89 KB, created by Jonathan Druart on 2017-05-03 16:31:27 UTC
Creator: Jonathan Druart
Created: 2017-05-03 16:31:27 UTC
Size: 3.89 KB
Actions: View | Diff | Splinter Review
Attachments on bug 15705: 47470 | 47471 | 47472 | 50336 | 50337 | 50338 | 50341 | 50342 | 50344 | 50345 | 50346 | 50680 | 50681 | 50682 | 50683 | 50732 | 50733 | 56756 | 56757 | 56758 | 56759 | 56760 | 56798 | 56799 | 56981 | 56983 | 57741 | 57742 | 57743 | 57744 | 57745 | 57746 | 57747 | 61080 | 61081 | 61082 | 61083 | 61084 | 61085 | 61086 | 61495 | 61496 | 61497 | 61498 | 61499 | 61500 | 61501 | 61739 | 62072 | 63036 | 63037 | 63138 | 63139 | 63140 | 63141 | 63142 | 63143 | 63144