[patch] Bug 17762: DB changes - Add new 'lang' columns to letter and borrowers tables
Bug-17762-DB-changes---Add-new-lang-columns-to-let.patch (text/plain), 4.13 KB, created by Nick Clemens (kidclamp) on 2017-05-05 20:21:28 UTC
Creator: Nick Clemens (kidclamp)
Created: 2017-05-05 20:21:28 UTC
Size: 4.13 KB
Actions: View | Diff | Splinter Review
Attachments on bug 17762: 58133 | 58134 | 58135 | 58136 | 58137 | 58138 | 58139 | 58140 | 58141 | 58525 | 59452 | 59453 | 59454 | 59455 | 59456 | 59457 | 59458 | 59459 | 59460 | 59461 | 61614 | 61615 | 61616 | 61617 | 61618 | 61619 | 61620 | 61621 | 61622 | 61623 | 61624 | 63199 | 63200 | 63201 | 63202 | 63203 | 63204 | 63205 | 63206 | 63207 | 63208 | 63209 | 63210 | 63211