[patch] Bug 14539 - Koha::Objects->cast(). Introduction to cast() (ToObject), aka. make a Koha::Object from various input types and validate.
Bug-14539---KohaObjects-cast-Introduction-to-cast-.patch (text/plain), 16.80 KB, created by Lari Taskula on 2017-05-08 14:30:20 UTC
Creator: Lari Taskula
Created: 2017-05-08 14:30:20 UTC
Size: 16.80 KB
Actions: View | Diff | Splinter Review
Attachments on bug 14539: 41025 | 41063 | 41122 | 41157 | 41250 | 41530 | 63235 | 63236 | 63237 | 63243 | 63246