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>01312nam 22002172 45000010002000000030009000020050017000110080041000280200018000690400023000871000021001102450090001312600054002213000011002755200210002865200526004967000022010229350005010449600031010499610014010801NL-AmEBA20171003104218.0171003s2017 |||||||||||||| ||und a9781506340708 aNL-AmEBAcNL-AmEBA1 aThomas, David C.10aCross-Cultural Management :bEssential Concepts cThomas, David C.; Peterson, Mark F. aThousand Oaks, CA :bSAGE Publications Inc,c2017 a336 p. aThis text has a clear focus on the interactions of people from different cultures in organizational settings, helping readers to gain an understanding of the effect of culture across a variety of contexts.2 aUnderstanding the influence of culture on interpersonal interactions in organizational settings is now a fundamental requirement of effective international management. Cross-Cultural Management: Essential Concepts, Fourth Edition introduces readers to the fundamentals of cross-cultural management by exploring the influence of culture on interpersonal interactions in organizational settings and examining the ever-increasing number of cross-cultural management challenges that global managers face in today's workplace.1 aPeterson, Mark F. a o1q20170622uvsEUR 66.73 fballiauz01873nam 22002172 45000010002000000030009000020050017000110080041000280200018000690400023000871000026001102450143001362600042002793000129003215201110004507000021015607000024015819350005016059600031016109610014016412NL-AmEBA20171003104218.0171003s2016 |||||||||||||| ||und a9781138950528 aNL-AmEBAcNL-AmEBA1 aReiche, B. Sebastian.10aReadings and Cases in International Human Resource Management :b6th Edition cReiche, B. Sebastian; Stahl, Gunter K.; Mendenhall, Mark E. aLondon :bTaylor & Francis Ltd,c2016 a530 p. :b22 black & white illustrations, 11 black & white tables, 3 black & white halftones, 19 black & white line drawings2 aThe new edition of Readings and Cases in International Human Resource Management examines the interactions between people, cultures, and human resource systems in a wide variety of regions throughout the world. Taking account of recent developments in the international human resources management (IHRM) field, the sixth edition will enable students to meet the international challenges they will face in the workforce, and sensitize them to the complexity of human resource issues in the era of globalization. Features include: * New readings and case studies that account for recent changes in the field, positioned alongside "tried and true" material. * An increased focus on cross-cultural diversity and tools to bridge "social distance" between team members. * Supplemental material and teaching notes, available for download, to enhance instructors' abilities to use the readings and cases with their students. With well-known contributors and field experts, this is the ideal accompaniment for any class in international human resource management, organizational studies, or international business.1 aStahl, Gunter K.1 aMendenhall, Mark E. a o1q20170622uvsEUR 62.20 fballiauz03506nam 22002172 45000010002000000030009000020050017000110080041000280200018000690400023000871000022001102450114001322600047002463000011002935202884003047000025031887000024032139350005032379600032032429610014032743NL-AmEBA20171003104218.0171003s2015 |||||||||||||| ||und a9781292097879 aNL-AmEBAcNL-AmEBA1 aEiteman, David K.10aMultinational Business Finance, Global Edition cEiteman, David K.; Stonehill, Arthur I.; Moffett, Michael H. aHarlow :bPearson Education Limited,c2015 a616 p.2 aFor courses in International Finance. Authoritative, Comprehensive Coverage of Contemporary International FinanceRenowned for its authoritative, comprehensive coverage of contemporary international finance, Multinational Business Finance trains the leaders of tomorrow's multinational enterprises to recognize and capitalize on the unique characteristics of global markets. Because the job of a manager is to make financial decisions that increase firm value, the authors have embedded real-world mini-cases throughout to apply chapter concepts to the types of situations managers of multinational firms face. The Fourteenth Edition, now with MyFinanceLab, attempts to capture the rapid evolution of our global marketplace, taking a closer look at the types of organizations that permeate the widespread arena, competition and opportunities in emerging markets, and how financial leadership can integrate the strategic and financial challenges that global businesses face today. MyFinanceLab (R) not included. Students, if MyFinanceLab is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN and course ID. MyFinanceLab should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.MyFinanceLab is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment product designed to personalize learning and improve results. With a wide range of interactive, engaging, and assignable activities, students are encouraged to actively learn and retain tough course concepts. Please note that the product you are purchasing does not include MyFinanceLab. MyFinanceLab Join over 11 million students benefiting from Pearson MyLabs.This title can be supported by MyfinanceLab, an online homework and tutorial system designed to test and build your understanding. Would you like to use the power of MyfinanceLab to accelerate your learning? You need both an access card and a course ID to access MyfinanceLab. These are the steps you need to take: 1. Make sure that your lecturer is already using the system Ask your lecturer before purchasing a MyLab product as you will need a course ID from them before you can gain access to the system.2. Check whether an access card has been included with the book at a reduced cost If it has, it will be on the inside back cover of the book.3. If you have a course ID but no access code, you can benefit from MyfinanceLab at a reduced price by purchasing a pack containing a copy of the book and an access code for MyfinanceLab (ISBN:9781292097985)4. If your lecturer is using the MyLab and you would like to purchase the product...Go to www.myfinancelab.com to buy access to this interactive study programme. For educator access, contact your Pearson representative. To find out who your Pearson representative is, visit www.pearsoned.co.uk/replocator.1 aStonehill, Arthur I.1 aMoffett, Michael H. a o5q20170623uvsEUR 333.60 fballiauz01560nam 22001932 45000010002000000030009000020050017000110080041000280200018000690400023000871000022001102450092001322600047002243000011002715201034002829350005013169600031013219610014013524NL-AmEBA20171003104218.0171003s2015 |||||||||||||| ||und a9781292094793 aNL-AmEBAcNL-AmEBA1 aPinto, Jeffrey K.10aProject Management: Achieving Competitive Advantage, Global Edition cPinto, Jeffrey K. aHarlow :bPearson Education Limited,c2015 a568 p.2 aFor courses in project management. Project Management Fundamentals with Broad ApplicationsIn its Fourth Edition, Project Management: Achieving Competitive Advantage takes a contemporary, decisive, and business-oriented approach to teaching and learning project management. Blending current theory, contemporary case studies, and hands-on practice and research, Project Management offers students a full range of perspectives of the project management process. To promote a comprehensive, multi-industry understanding of the text, the author addresses project management theory within the context of a variety of successful organizations, whether they be publicly held, private, or nonprofit. Comprehensive case analysis and detailed exercises give students the tools to assess projects in real-time, equipping them with razor-sharp decision-making skills. Leveraging the latest project management technology, Project Management features just the right balance of real-world examples, cutting-edge theory, and practical exercises. a o1q20170216uvsEUR 55.41 fballiauz01732nam 22002412 45000010002000000030009000020050017000110080041000280200018000690400023000871000021001102450159001312600042002903000081003324400015004135200017004285200948004457000023013937000024014169350005014409600031014459610014014765NL-AmEBA20171003104218.0171003s2015 |||||||||||||| ||ita a9780415710534 aNL-AmEBAcNL-AmEBA1 aTarique, Ibraiz.10aInternational Human Resource Management :bPolicies and Practices for Multinational Enterprises cTarique, Ibraiz; Briscoe, Dennis R.; Schuler, Randall S. aLondon :bTaylor & Francis Ltd,c2015 a546 p. :b27 colour illustrations, 31 colour tables, 27 colour line drawings 0aGlobal HRM2 a5th edition.2 aThoroughly updated and expanded, the fifth edition of International Human Resource Management focuses on international human resource management (IHRM) within multinational enterprises (MNEs). The book has been designed to lead readers through all of the key topics of IHRM in a highly engaging and approachable way. In addition to the key topics and rich pedagogy students have come to expect, chapters have been updated, including an expanded chapter on Comparative and National Culture. Uncovering precisely why IHRM is important for success in international business, and how IHRM policies and practices function within the multinational enterprise, this comprehensive textbook provides an outstanding foundation for understanding the theory and practice of IHRM. It is essential reading for all students, instructors, and IHRM professionals. Instructor resources can be found at http://routledgetextbooks.com/textbooks/_author/globalhrm/.1 aBriscoe, Dennis R.1 aSchuler, Randall S. a o1q20170623uvsEUR 73.51 fballiauz
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