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Bug 20062
Remove support for Internet Explorer 7 in the staff client
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Bug 20062: Remove support for Internet Explorer 7 in the staff client
Bug-20062-Remove-support-for-Internet-Explorer-7-i.patch (text/plain), 24.74 KB, created by
Owen Leonard
on 2018-01-22 15:56:29 UTC
Bug 20062: Remove support for Internet Explorer 7 in the staff client
MIME Type:
Owen Leonard
2018-01-22 15:56:29 UTC
24.74 KB
>From afbb47bac5827156c50ec1bc591885045946a589 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 >From: Owen Leonard <oleonard@myacpl.org> >Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2018 15:48:42 +0000 >Subject: [PATCH] Bug 20062: Remove support for Internet Explorer 7 in the > staff client > >This patch removes JavaScript files which were added to support Internet >Explorer 7. Templates which included the files have been modified >accordingly. > >To test, apply the patch and clear your browser cache if necessary. > >Perform a catalog search in the staff client and click through to view >one of the search results. The search results navigation menu in the >left-hand sidebar should work correctly. >--- > koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/shims/json2.js | 486 --------------------- > koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/shims/json2.min.js | 1 - > .../prog/en/modules/catalogue/results.tt | 3 - > .../prog/en/modules/cataloguing/addbiblio.tt | 3 - > .../prog/en/modules/cataloguing/additem.tt | 3 - > 5 files changed, 496 deletions(-) > delete mode 100644 koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/shims/json2.js > delete mode 100644 koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/shims/json2.min.js > >diff --git a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/shims/json2.js b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/shims/json2.js >deleted file mode 100644 >index d89ecc7..0000000 >--- a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/shims/json2.js >+++ /dev/null >@@ -1,486 +0,0 @@ >-/* >- json2.js >- 2013-05-26 >- >- Public Domain. >- >- NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. >- >- See http://www.JSON.org/js.html >- >- >- This code should be minified before deployment. >- See http://javascript.crockford.com/jsmin.html >- >- USE YOUR OWN COPY. IT IS EXTREMELY UNWISE TO LOAD CODE FROM SERVERS YOU DO >- NOT CONTROL. >- >- >- This file creates a global JSON object containing two methods: stringify >- and parse. >- >- JSON.stringify(value, replacer, space) >- value any JavaScript value, usually an object or array. >- >- replacer an optional parameter that determines how object >- values are stringified for objects. It can be a >- function or an array of strings. >- >- space an optional parameter that specifies the indentation >- of nested structures. If it is omitted, the text will >- be packed without extra whitespace. If it is a number, >- it will specify the number of spaces to indent at each >- level. If it is a string (such as '\t' or ' '), >- it contains the characters used to indent at each level. >- >- This method produces a JSON text from a JavaScript value. >- >- When an object value is found, if the object contains a toJSON >- method, its toJSON method will be called and the result will be >- stringified. A toJSON method does not serialize: it returns the >- value represented by the name/value pair that should be serialized, >- or undefined if nothing should be serialized. The toJSON method >- will be passed the key associated with the value, and this will be >- bound to the value >- >- For example, this would serialize Dates as ISO strings. >- >- Date.prototype.toJSON = function (key) { >- function f(n) { >- // Format integers to have at least two digits. >- return n < 10 ? '0' + n : n; >- } >- >- return this.getUTCFullYear() + '-' + >- f(this.getUTCMonth() + 1) + '-' + >- f(this.getUTCDate()) + 'T' + >- f(this.getUTCHours()) + ':' + >- f(this.getUTCMinutes()) + ':' + >- f(this.getUTCSeconds()) + 'Z'; >- }; >- >- You can provide an optional replacer method. It will be passed the >- key and value of each member, with this bound to the containing >- object. The value that is returned from your method will be >- serialized. If your method returns undefined, then the member will >- be excluded from the serialization. >- >- If the replacer parameter is an array of strings, then it will be >- used to select the members to be serialized. It filters the results >- such that only members with keys listed in the replacer array are >- stringified. >- >- Values that do not have JSON representations, such as undefined or >- functions, will not be serialized. Such values in objects will be >- dropped; in arrays they will be replaced with null. You can use >- a replacer function to replace those with JSON values. >- JSON.stringify(undefined) returns undefined. >- >- The optional space parameter produces a stringification of the >- value that is filled with line breaks and indentation to make it >- easier to read. >- >- If the space parameter is a non-empty string, then that string will >- be used for indentation. If the space parameter is a number, then >- the indentation will be that many spaces. >- >- Example: >- >- text = JSON.stringify(['e', {pluribus: 'unum'}]); >- // text is '["e",{"pluribus":"unum"}]' >- >- >- text = JSON.stringify(['e', {pluribus: 'unum'}], null, '\t'); >- // text is '[\n\t"e",\n\t{\n\t\t"pluribus": "unum"\n\t}\n]' >- >- text = JSON.stringify([new Date()], function (key, value) { >- return this[key] instanceof Date ? >- 'Date(' + this[key] + ')' : value; >- }); >- // text is '["Date(---current time---)"]' >- >- >- JSON.parse(text, reviver) >- This method parses a JSON text to produce an object or array. >- It can throw a SyntaxError exception. >- >- The optional reviver parameter is a function that can filter and >- transform the results. It receives each of the keys and values, >- and its return value is used instead of the original value. >- If it returns what it received, then the structure is not modified. >- If it returns undefined then the member is deleted. >- >- Example: >- >- // Parse the text. Values that look like ISO date strings will >- // be converted to Date objects. >- >- myData = JSON.parse(text, function (key, value) { >- var a; >- if (typeof value === 'string') { >- a = >-/^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})T(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2}(?:\.\d*)?)Z$/.exec(value); >- if (a) { >- return new Date(Date.UTC(+a[1], +a[2] - 1, +a[3], +a[4], >- +a[5], +a[6])); >- } >- } >- return value; >- }); >- >- myData = JSON.parse('["Date(09/09/2001)"]', function (key, value) { >- var d; >- if (typeof value === 'string' && >- value.slice(0, 5) === 'Date(' && >- value.slice(-1) === ')') { >- d = new Date(value.slice(5, -1)); >- if (d) { >- return d; >- } >- } >- return value; >- }); >- >- >- This is a reference implementation. You are free to copy, modify, or >- redistribute. >-*/ >- >-/*jslint evil: true, regexp: true */ >- >-/*members "", "\b", "\t", "\n", "\f", "\r", "\"", JSON, "\\", apply, >- call, charCodeAt, getUTCDate, getUTCFullYear, getUTCHours, >- getUTCMinutes, getUTCMonth, getUTCSeconds, hasOwnProperty, join, >- lastIndex, length, parse, prototype, push, replace, slice, stringify, >- test, toJSON, toString, valueOf >-*/ >- >- >-// Create a JSON object only if one does not already exist. We create the >-// methods in a closure to avoid creating global variables. >- >-if (typeof JSON !== 'object') { >- JSON = {}; >-} >- >-(function () { >- 'use strict'; >- >- function f(n) { >- // Format integers to have at least two digits. >- return n < 10 ? '0' + n : n; >- } >- >- if (typeof Date.prototype.toJSON !== 'function') { >- >- Date.prototype.toJSON = function () { >- >- return isFinite(this.valueOf()) >- ? this.getUTCFullYear() + '-' + >- f(this.getUTCMonth() + 1) + '-' + >- f(this.getUTCDate()) + 'T' + >- f(this.getUTCHours()) + ':' + >- f(this.getUTCMinutes()) + ':' + >- f(this.getUTCSeconds()) + 'Z' >- : null; >- }; >- >- String.prototype.toJSON = >- Number.prototype.toJSON = >- Boolean.prototype.toJSON = function () { >- return this.valueOf(); >- }; >- } >- >- var cx = /[\u0000\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g, >- escapable = /[\\\"\x00-\x1f\x7f-\x9f\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g, >- gap, >- indent, >- meta = { // table of character substitutions >- '\b': '\\b', >- '\t': '\\t', >- '\n': '\\n', >- '\f': '\\f', >- '\r': '\\r', >- '"' : '\\"', >- '\\': '\\\\' >- }, >- rep; >- >- >- function quote(string) { >- >-// If the string contains no control characters, no quote characters, and no >-// backslash characters, then we can safely slap some quotes around it. >-// Otherwise we must also replace the offending characters with safe escape >-// sequences. >- >- escapable.lastIndex = 0; >- return escapable.test(string) ? '"' + string.replace(escapable, function (a) { >- var c = meta[a]; >- return typeof c === 'string' >- ? c >- : '\\u' + ('0000' + a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4); >- }) + '"' : '"' + string + '"'; >- } >- >- >- function str(key, holder) { >- >-// Produce a string from holder[key]. >- >- var i, // The loop counter. >- k, // The member key. >- v, // The member value. >- length, >- mind = gap, >- partial, >- value = holder[key]; >- >-// If the value has a toJSON method, call it to obtain a replacement value. >- >- if (value && typeof value === 'object' && >- typeof value.toJSON === 'function') { >- value = value.toJSON(key); >- } >- >-// If we were called with a replacer function, then call the replacer to >-// obtain a replacement value. >- >- if (typeof rep === 'function') { >- value = rep.call(holder, key, value); >- } >- >-// What happens next depends on the value's type. >- >- switch (typeof value) { >- case 'string': >- return quote(value); >- >- case 'number': >- >-// JSON numbers must be finite. Encode non-finite numbers as null. >- >- return isFinite(value) ? String(value) : 'null'; >- >- case 'boolean': >- case 'null': >- >-// If the value is a boolean or null, convert it to a string. Note: >-// typeof null does not produce 'null'. The case is included here in >-// the remote chance that this gets fixed someday. >- >- return String(value); >- >-// If the type is 'object', we might be dealing with an object or an array or >-// null. >- >- case 'object': >- >-// Due to a specification blunder in ECMAScript, typeof null is 'object', >-// so watch out for that case. >- >- if (!value) { >- return 'null'; >- } >- >-// Make an array to hold the partial results of stringifying this object value. >- >- gap += indent; >- partial = []; >- >-// Is the value an array? >- >- if (Object.prototype.toString.apply(value) === '[object Array]') { >- >-// The value is an array. Stringify every element. Use null as a placeholder >-// for non-JSON values. >- >- length = value.length; >- for (i = 0; i < length; i += 1) { >- partial[i] = str(i, value) || 'null'; >- } >- >-// Join all of the elements together, separated with commas, and wrap them in >-// brackets. >- >- v = partial.length === 0 >- ? '[]' >- : gap >- ? '[\n' + gap + partial.join(',\n' + gap) + '\n' + mind + ']' >- : '[' + partial.join(',') + ']'; >- gap = mind; >- return v; >- } >- >-// If the replacer is an array, use it to select the members to be stringified. >- >- if (rep && typeof rep === 'object') { >- length = rep.length; >- for (i = 0; i < length; i += 1) { >- if (typeof rep[i] === 'string') { >- k = rep[i]; >- v = str(k, value); >- if (v) { >- partial.push(quote(k) + (gap ? ': ' : ':') + v); >- } >- } >- } >- } else { >- >-// Otherwise, iterate through all of the keys in the object. >- >- for (k in value) { >- if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(value, k)) { >- v = str(k, value); >- if (v) { >- partial.push(quote(k) + (gap ? ': ' : ':') + v); >- } >- } >- } >- } >- >-// Join all of the member texts together, separated with commas, >-// and wrap them in braces. >- >- v = partial.length === 0 >- ? '{}' >- : gap >- ? '{\n' + gap + partial.join(',\n' + gap) + '\n' + mind + '}' >- : '{' + partial.join(',') + '}'; >- gap = mind; >- return v; >- } >- } >- >-// If the JSON object does not yet have a stringify method, give it one. >- >- if (typeof JSON.stringify !== 'function') { >- JSON.stringify = function (value, replacer, space) { >- >-// The stringify method takes a value and an optional replacer, and an optional >-// space parameter, and returns a JSON text. The replacer can be a function >-// that can replace values, or an array of strings that will select the keys. >-// A default replacer method can be provided. Use of the space parameter can >-// produce text that is more easily readable. >- >- var i; >- gap = ''; >- indent = ''; >- >-// If the space parameter is a number, make an indent string containing that >-// many spaces. >- >- if (typeof space === 'number') { >- for (i = 0; i < space; i += 1) { >- indent += ' '; >- } >- >-// If the space parameter is a string, it will be used as the indent string. >- >- } else if (typeof space === 'string') { >- indent = space; >- } >- >-// If there is a replacer, it must be a function or an array. >-// Otherwise, throw an error. >- >- rep = replacer; >- if (replacer && typeof replacer !== 'function' && >- (typeof replacer !== 'object' || >- typeof replacer.length !== 'number')) { >- throw new Error('JSON.stringify'); >- } >- >-// Make a fake root object containing our value under the key of ''. >-// Return the result of stringifying the value. >- >- return str('', {'': value}); >- }; >- } >- >- >-// If the JSON object does not yet have a parse method, give it one. >- >- if (typeof JSON.parse !== 'function') { >- JSON.parse = function (text, reviver) { >- >-// The parse method takes a text and an optional reviver function, and returns >-// a JavaScript value if the text is a valid JSON text. >- >- var j; >- >- function walk(holder, key) { >- >-// The walk method is used to recursively walk the resulting structure so >-// that modifications can be made. >- >- var k, v, value = holder[key]; >- if (value && typeof value === 'object') { >- for (k in value) { >- if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(value, k)) { >- v = walk(value, k); >- if (v !== undefined) { >- value[k] = v; >- } else { >- delete value[k]; >- } >- } >- } >- } >- return reviver.call(holder, key, value); >- } >- >- >-// Parsing happens in four stages. In the first stage, we replace certain >-// Unicode characters with escape sequences. JavaScript handles many characters >-// incorrectly, either silently deleting them, or treating them as line endings. >- >- text = String(text); >- cx.lastIndex = 0; >- if (cx.test(text)) { >- text = text.replace(cx, function (a) { >- return '\\u' + >- ('0000' + a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4); >- }); >- } >- >-// In the second stage, we run the text against regular expressions that look >-// for non-JSON patterns. We are especially concerned with '()' and 'new' >-// because they can cause invocation, and '=' because it can cause mutation. >-// But just to be safe, we want to reject all unexpected forms. >- >-// We split the second stage into 4 regexp operations in order to work around >-// crippling inefficiencies in IE's and Safari's regexp engines. First we >-// replace the JSON backslash pairs with '@' (a non-JSON character). Second, we >-// replace all simple value tokens with ']' characters. Third, we delete all >-// open brackets that follow a colon or comma or that begin the text. Finally, >-// we look to see that the remaining characters are only whitespace or ']' or >-// ',' or ':' or '{' or '}'. If that is so, then the text is safe for eval. >- >- if (/^[\],:{}\s]*$/ >- .test(text.replace(/\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})/g, '@') >- .replace(/"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g, ']') >- .replace(/(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g, ''))) { >- >-// In the third stage we use the eval function to compile the text into a >-// JavaScript structure. The '{' operator is subject to a syntactic ambiguity >-// in JavaScript: it can begin a block or an object literal. We wrap the text >-// in parens to eliminate the ambiguity. >- >- j = eval('(' + text + ')'); >- >-// In the optional fourth stage, we recursively walk the new structure, passing >-// each name/value pair to a reviver function for possible transformation. >- >- return typeof reviver === 'function' >- ? walk({'': j}, '') >- : j; >- } >- >-// If the text is not JSON parseable, then a SyntaxError is thrown. >- >- throw new SyntaxError('JSON.parse'); >- }; >- } >-}()); >diff --git a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/shims/json2.min.js b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/shims/json2.min.js >deleted file mode 100644 >index 60c8c13..0000000 >--- a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/shims/json2.min.js >+++ /dev/null >@@ -1 +0,0 @@ >-if(typeof JSON!=="object"){JSON={}}!function(){"use strict";function f(n){return n<10?"0"+n:n}if(typeof Date.prototype.toJSON!=="function"){Date.prototype.toJSON=function(){return isFinite(this.valueOf())?this.getUTCFullYear()+"-"+f(this.getUTCMonth()+1)+"-"+f(this.getUTCDate())+"T"+f(this.getUTCHours())+":"+f(this.getUTCMinutes())+":"+f(this.getUTCSeconds())+"Z":null};String.prototype.toJSON=Number.prototype.toJSON=Boolean.prototype.toJSON=function(){return this.valueOf()}}var cx=/[\u0000\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g,escapable=/[\\\"\x00-\x1f\x7f-\x9f\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g,gap,indent,meta={"\b":"\\b"," ":"\\t","\n":"\\n","\f":"\\f","\r":"\\r",'"':'\\"',"\\":"\\\\"},rep;function quote(string){escapable.lastIndex=0;return escapable.test(string)?'"'+string.replace(escapable,function(a){var c=meta[a];return typeof c==="string"?c:"\\u"+("0000"+a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4)})+'"':'"'+string+'"'}function str(key,holder){var i,k,v,length,mind=gap,partial,value=holder[key];if(value&&typeof value==="object"&&typeof value.toJSON==="function"){value=value.toJSON(key)}if(typeof rep==="function"){value=rep.call(holder,key,value)}switch(typeof value){case"string":return quote(value);case"number":return isFinite(value)?String(value):"null";case"boolean":case"null":return String(value);case"object":if(!value){return"null"}gap+=indent;partial=[];if(Object.prototype.toString.apply(value)==="[object Array]"){length=value.length;for(i=0;i<length;i+=1){partial[i]=str(i,value)||"null"}v=partial.length===0?"[]":gap?"[\n"+gap+partial.join(",\n"+gap)+"\n"+mind+"]":"["+partial.join(",")+"]";gap=mind;return v}if(rep&&typeof rep==="object"){length=rep.length;for(i=0;i<length;i+=1){if(typeof rep[i]==="string"){k=rep[i];v=str(k,value);if(v){partial.push(quote(k)+(gap?": ":":")+v)}}}}else{for(k in value){if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(value,k)){v=str(k,value);if(v){partial.push(quote(k)+(gap?": ":":")+v)}}}}v=partial.length===0?"{}":gap?"{\n"+gap+partial.join(",\n"+gap)+"\n"+mind+"}":"{"+partial.join(",")+"}";gap=mind;return v}}if(typeof JSON.stringify!=="function"){JSON.stringify=function(value,replacer,space){var i;gap="";indent="";if(typeof space==="number"){for(i=0;i<space;i+=1){indent+=" "}}else if(typeof space==="string"){indent=space}rep=replacer;if(replacer&&typeof replacer!=="function"&&(typeof replacer!=="object"||typeof replacer.length!=="number")){throw new Error("JSON.stringify")}return str("",{"":value})}}if(typeof JSON.parse!=="function"){JSON.parse=function(text,reviver){var j;function walk(holder,key){var k,v,value=holder[key];if(value&&typeof value==="object"){for(k in value){if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(value,k)){v=walk(value,k);if(v!==undefined){value[k]=v}else{delete value[k]}}}}return reviver.call(holder,key,value)}text=String(text);cx.lastIndex=0;if(cx.test(text)){text=text.replace(cx,function(a){return"\\u"+("0000"+a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4)})}if(/^[\],:{}\s]*$/.test(text.replace(/\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})/g,"@").replace(/"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g,"]").replace(/(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g,""))){j=eval("("+text+")");return typeof reviver==="function"?walk({"":j},""):j}throw new SyntaxError("JSON.parse")}}}(); >\ No newline at end of file >diff --git a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/catalogue/results.tt b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/catalogue/results.tt >index 87ed564..a01a463 100644 >--- a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/catalogue/results.tt >+++ b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/catalogue/results.tt >@@ -619,9 +619,6 @@ > > [% MACRO jsinclude BLOCK %] > [% INCLUDE 'browser-strings.inc' %] >- <!--[if lt IE 9]> >- <script type="text/javascript" src="[% interface %]/lib/shims/json2.min.js"></script> >- <![endif]--> > <script type="text/javascript" src="[% interface %]/js/browser.js"></script> > <script type="text/javascript" src="[% interface %]/lib/jquery/plugins/jquery.fixFloat.js"></script> > <script type="text/javascript"> >diff --git a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/cataloguing/addbiblio.tt b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/cataloguing/addbiblio.tt >index 4b4516d..91785d2 100644 >--- a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/cataloguing/addbiblio.tt >+++ b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/cataloguing/addbiblio.tt >@@ -5,9 +5,6 @@ > <script type="text/javascript" src="[% interface %]/lib/jquery/plugins/jquery.fixFloat.js"></script> > <script type="text/javascript" src="[% interface %]/[% theme %]/js/cataloging.js"></script> > [% INCLUDE 'browser-strings.inc' %] >-<!--[if lt IE 9]> >-<script type="text/javascript" src="[% interface %]/lib/shims/json2.min.js"></script> >-<![endif]--> > <script type="text/javascript" src="[% interface %]/js/browser.js"></script> > <script type="text/javascript"> > //<![CDATA[ >diff --git a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/cataloguing/additem.tt b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/cataloguing/additem.tt >index 992f161..5907868 100644 >--- a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/cataloguing/additem.tt >+++ b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/cataloguing/additem.tt >@@ -9,9 +9,6 @@ > <script type="text/javascript" src="[% interface %]/[% theme %]/js/cataloging.js"></script> > [% INCLUDE 'columns_settings.inc' %] > [% INCLUDE 'browser-strings.inc' %] >-<!--[if lt IE 9]> >-<script type="text/javascript" src="[% interface %]/lib/shims/json2.min.js"></script> >-<![endif]--> > <script type="text/javascript" src="[% interface %]/js/browser.js"></script> > <script type="text/javascript"> > //<![CDATA[ >-- >2.1.4
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bug 20062