Bugzilla – Attachment 75158 Details for
Bug 19181
Intranet and OPAC authentication selenium test
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Bug 19181: Add new tests
Bug-19181-Add-new-tests.patch (text/plain), 15.14 KB, created by
Tomás Cohen Arazi (tcohen)
on 2018-05-08 14:21:17 UTC
Bug 19181: Add new tests
MIME Type:
Tomás Cohen Arazi (tcohen)
2018-05-08 14:21:17 UTC
15.14 KB
>From a6bc5ed7c1f5e0cbef28f63432d493c841390082 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 >From: Jonathan Druart <jonathan.druart@bugs.koha-community.org> >Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2018 16:08:25 -0300 >Subject: [PATCH] Bug 19181: Add new tests > >This patch reuses the method newly added to Selenium.pm and improve >existing tests. > >Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <tomascohen@theke.io> >--- > t/db_dependent/selenium/authenticate.t | 166 ----------------------- > t/db_dependent/selenium/authentication.t | 131 ++++++++++++++++++ > t/lib/Selenium.pm | 17 ++- > 3 files changed, 147 insertions(+), 167 deletions(-) > delete mode 100644 t/db_dependent/selenium/authenticate.t > create mode 100644 t/db_dependent/selenium/authentication.t > >diff --git a/t/db_dependent/selenium/authenticate.t b/t/db_dependent/selenium/authenticate.t >deleted file mode 100644 >index 84ee33691a..0000000000 >--- a/t/db_dependent/selenium/authenticate.t >+++ /dev/null >@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@ >-#!/usr/bin/perl >- >-# This file is part of Koha. >-# >-# Copyright (C) 2017 Catalyst IT >-# >-# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it >-# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by >-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or >-# (at your option) any later version. >-# >-# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but >-# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of >-# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the >-# GNU General Public License for more details. >-# >-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License >-# along with Koha; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>. >- >-#This selenium test is to test authentication, by performing the following: create a category and patron (same as basic_workflow.t). Then the superlibrarian logs out and the created patron must log into the staff intranet and OPAC >- >-#Note: If you are testing this on kohadevbox with selenium installed in kohadevbox then you need to set the staffClientBaseURL to localhost:8080 and the OPACBaseURL to localhost:80 >- >-use Modern::Perl; >- >-use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday); >-use C4::Context; >-use C4::Biblio qw( AddBiblio ); # We shouldn't use it >- >-use Test::More tests => 9; >-use MARC::Record; >-use MARC::Field; >- >-my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; >-my $login = $ENV{KOHA_USER} || 'koha'; >-my $password = $ENV{KOHA_PASS} || 'koha'; >-my $staff_client_base_url = >- $ENV{KOHA_INTRANET_URL} || C4::Context->preference("staffClientBaseUrl") || q{}; >-my $base_url= $staff_client_base_url . "/cgi-bin/koha/"; >-my $opac_url = $ENV{KOHA_OPAC_URL} || C4::Context->preference("OPACBaseURL") || q{}; >- >- >-our $sample_data = { >- category => { >- categorycode => 'test_cat', >- description => 'test cat description', >- enrolmentperiod => '12', >- category_type => 'A' >- }, >- patron => { >- surname => 'test_patron_surname', >- cardnumber => '4242424242', >- userid => 'test_username', >- password => 'Password123', >- password2 => 'Password123' >- }, >-}; >- >-my $patronusername="test_username"; >-my $patronpassword="password"; >- >-our ( $borrowernumber, $start, $prev_time, $cleanup_needed ); >- >-SKIP: { >- eval { require Selenium::Remote::Driver; }; >- skip "Selenium::Remote::Driver is needed for selenium tests.", 20 if $@; >- >- $cleanup_needed = 1; >- >- open my $fh, '>>', '/tmp/output.txt'; >- >- my $driver = Selenium::Remote::Driver->new; >- $start = gettimeofday; >- $prev_time = $start; >- $driver->get($base_url."mainpage.pl"); >- like( $driver->get_title(), qr(Log in to Koha), ); >- auth( $driver, $login, $password ); >- time_diff("main"); >- >- $driver->get($base_url.'admin/categories.pl'); >- like( $driver->get_title(), qr(Patron categories), ); >- $driver->find_element('//a[@id="newcategory"]')->click; >- like( $driver->get_title(), qr(New category), ); >- fill_form( $driver, $sample_data->{category} ); >- $driver->find_element('//fieldset[@class="action"]/input[@type="submit"]')->click; >- >- time_diff("add patron category"); >- $driver->get($base_url.'/members/memberentry.pl?op=add&categorycode='.$sample_data->{category}{categorycode}); >- like( $driver->get_title(), qr(Add .*$sample_data->{category}{description}), ); >- fill_form( $driver, $sample_data->{patron} ); >- $driver->find_element('//button[@id="saverecord"]')->click; >- like( $driver->get_title(), qr(Patron details for $sample_data->{patron}{surname}), ); >- time_diff("add patron"); >- >- $driver->get($base_url.'/mainpage.pl?logout.x=1'); >- like( $driver->get_title(), qr(Log in to Koha), ); >- time_diff("Logout"); >- >- $driver->get($base_url."mainpage.pl"); >- like( $driver->get_title(), qr(Log in to Koha), ); >- patron_auth( $driver, $sample_data->{patron} ); >- time_diff("New patron logs into intranet"); >- >- $driver->get($base_url.'/mainpage.pl?logout.x=1'); >- like( $driver->get_title(), qr(Log in to Koha), ); >- time_diff("Logout of new patron from staff intranet"); >- >- $driver->get($opac_url); >- like( $driver->get_title(), qr(Koha online catalog), ); >- patron_opac_auth( $driver, $sample_data->{patron} ); >- time_diff("New patron logs into OPAC"); >- >- close $fh; >- $driver->quit(); >-}; >- >-END { >- cleanup() if $cleanup_needed; >-}; >- >-sub auth { >- my ( $driver, $login, $password) = @_; >- fill_form( $driver, { userid => $login, password => $password } ); >- my $login_button = $driver->find_element('//input[@id="submit"]'); >- $login_button->submit(); >-} >- >-sub patron_auth { >- my ( $driver,$patronusername, $patronpassword) = @_; >- fill_form( $driver, { userid => $patronusername, password => $patronpassword } ); >- my $login_button = $driver->find_element('//input[@id="submit"]'); >- $login_button->submit(); >-} >- >-sub patron_opac_auth { >- my ( $driver,$patronusername, $patronpassword) = @_; >- fill_form( $driver, { userid => $patronusername, password => $patronpassword } ); >- my $login_button = $driver->find_element('//input[@value="Log in"]'); >- $login_button->submit(); >-} >- >-sub fill_form { >- my ( $driver, $values ) = @_; >- while ( my ( $id, $value ) = each %$values ) { >- my $element = $driver->find_element('//*[@id="'.$id.'"]'); >- my $tag = $element->get_tag_name(); >- if ( $tag eq 'input' ) { >- $driver->find_element('//input[@id="'.$id.'"]')->send_keys($value); >- } elsif ( $tag eq 'select' ) { >- $driver->find_element('//select[@id="'.$id.'"]/option[@value="'.$value.'"]')->click; >- } >- } >-} >- >-sub cleanup { >- my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; >- $dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM categories WHERE categorycode = ?|, {}, $sample_data->{category}{categorycode}); >- $dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM borrowers WHERE userid = ?|, {}, $sample_data->{patron}{userid}); >-} >- >-sub time_diff { >- my $lib = shift; >- my $now = gettimeofday; >- warn "CP $lib = " . sprintf("%.2f", $now - $prev_time ) . "\n"; >- $prev_time = $now; >-} >diff --git a/t/db_dependent/selenium/authentication.t b/t/db_dependent/selenium/authentication.t >new file mode 100644 >index 0000000000..2591afa404 >--- /dev/null >+++ b/t/db_dependent/selenium/authentication.t >@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@ >+#!/usr/bin/perl >+ >+# This file is part of Koha. >+# >+# Copyright (C) 2017 Catalyst IT >+# Copyright 2018 Koha Development team >+# >+# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it >+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by >+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or >+# (at your option) any later version. >+# >+# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but >+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of >+# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the >+# GNU General Public License for more details. >+# >+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License >+# along with Koha; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>. >+ >+#This selenium test is to test authentication, by performing the following: create a category and patron (same as basic_workflow.t). Then the superlibrarian logs out and the created patron must log into the staff intranet and OPAC >+ >+#Note: If you are testing this on kohadevbox with selenium installed in kohadevbox then you need to set the staffClientBaseURL to localhost:8080 and the OPACBaseURL to localhost:80 >+ >+use Modern::Perl; >+use Test::More tests => 2; >+ >+use C4::Context; >+use Koha::AuthUtils; >+use t::lib::Selenium; >+use t::lib::TestBuilder; >+ >+my @data_to_cleanup; >+ >+SKIP: { >+ eval { require Selenium::Remote::Driver; }; >+ skip "Selenium::Remote::Driver is needed for selenium tests.", 2 if $@; >+ >+ my $builder = t::lib::TestBuilder->new; >+ my $s = t::lib::Selenium->new; >+ my $driver = $s->driver; >+ >+ subtest 'Staff interface authentication' => sub { >+ plan tests => 5; >+ my $mainpage = $s->base_url . q|mainpage.pl|; >+ $driver->get($mainpage); >+ like( $driver->get_title, qr(Log in to Koha), 'Hitting the main page should redirect to the login form'); >+ >+ my $password = Koha::AuthUtils::generate_password(); >+ my $digest = Koha::AuthUtils::hash_password( $password ); >+ my $patron = $builder->build_object({ class => 'Koha::Patrons', value => { flags => 0 }}); >+ $patron->update_password( $patron->userid, $digest ); >+ >+ # Patron does not have permission to access staff interface >+ $s->auth( $patron->userid, $password ); >+ like( $driver->get_title, qr(Access denied), 'Patron without permission should be redirected to the login form' ); >+ >+ $driver->get($mainpage . q|?logout.x=1|); >+ $patron->flags(4)->store; # catalogue permission >+ $s->auth( $patron->userid, $password ); >+ like( $driver->get_title, qr(Koha staff client), 'Patron with flags catalogue should be able to login' ); >+ >+ $driver->get($mainpage . q|?logout.x=1|); >+ like( $driver->get_title(), qr(Log in to Koha), 'If logout is requested, login form should be displayed' ); >+ >+ $patron->flags(1)->store; # superlibrarian permission >+ $s->auth( $patron->userid, $password ); >+ like( $driver->get_title, qr(Koha staff client), 'Patron with flags superlibrarian should be able to login' ); >+ }; >+ >+ subtest 'OPAC interface authentication' => sub { >+ plan tests => 6; >+ >+ my $mainpage = $s->opac_base_url . q|opac-main.pl|; >+ $driver->get($mainpage); >+ like( $driver->get_title, qr(Koha online catalog), 'Hitting the main page should not redirect to the login form'); >+ >+ my $password = Koha::AuthUtils::generate_password(); >+ my $digest = Koha::AuthUtils::hash_password( $password ); >+ my $patron = $builder->build_object({ class => 'Koha::Patrons', value => { flags => 0 }}); >+ $patron->update_password( $patron->userid, $digest ); >+ >+ # Using the modal >+ $driver->find_element('//a[@class="login-link loginModal-trigger"]')->click; >+ $s->fill_form( { muserid => $patron->userid, mpassword => $password } ); >+ $driver->find_element('//div[@id="loginModal"]//input[@type="submit"]')->click; >+ like( $driver->get_title, qr(Koha online catalog), 'Patron without permission should be able to login to the OPAC using the modal' ); >+ $driver->find_element('//div[@id="userdetails"]'); >+ like( $driver->get_title, qr(Your library home), 'Patron without permissions should be able to login to the OPAC using the modal'); >+ >+ $driver->find_element('//a[@id="logout"]')->click; >+ $driver->capture_screenshot('1.png'); >+ $driver->find_element('//div[@id="login"]'); # logged out >+ >+ # Using the form on the right >+ $s->fill_form( { userid => $patron->userid, password => $password } ); >+ $s->submit_form; >+ $driver->find_element('//div[@id="userdetails"]'); >+ like( $driver->get_title, qr(Your library home), 'Patron without permissions should be able to login to the OPAC using the form on the right'); >+ >+ $driver->find_element('//a[@id="logout"]')->click; >+ $driver->find_element('//div[@id="login"]'); # logged out >+ >+ >+ $patron->flags(4)->store; # catalogue permission >+ $s->fill_form( { userid => $patron->userid, password => $password } ); >+ $s->submit_form; >+ $driver->find_element('//div[@id="userdetails"]'); >+ like( $driver->get_title, qr(Your library home), 'Patron with catalogue permission should be able to login to the OPAC'); >+ >+ $driver->find_element('//a[@id="logout"]')->click; >+ $driver->find_element('//div[@id="login"]'); # logged out >+ >+ $patron->flags(1)->store; # superlibrarian permission >+ $s->fill_form( { userid => $patron->userid, password => $password } ); >+ $s->submit_form; >+ $driver->find_element('//div[@id="userdetails"]'); >+ like( $driver->get_title, qr(Your library home), 'Patron with superlibrarian permission should be able to login to the OPAC'); >+ >+ $driver->find_element('//a[@id="logout"]')->click; >+ $driver->find_element('//div[@id="login"]'); # logged out >+ >+ push @data_to_cleanup, $patron, $patron->category, $patron->library; >+ }; >+ >+ $driver->quit(); >+}; >+ >+END { >+ $_->delete for @data_to_cleanup; >+}; >diff --git a/t/lib/Selenium.pm b/t/lib/Selenium.pm >index 1ddab54e59..645cd8dd35 100644 >--- a/t/lib/Selenium.pm >+++ b/t/lib/Selenium.pm >@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ use Carp qw( croak ); > use C4::Context; > > use base qw(Class::Accessor); >-__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw(login password base_url selenium_addr selenium_port driver)); >+__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw(login password base_url opac_base_url selenium_addr selenium_port driver)); > > sub new { > my ( $class, $params ) = @_; >@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ sub new { > $self->{login} = $params->{login} || $config->{login}; > $self->{password} = $params->{password} || $config->{password}; > $self->{base_url} = $params->{base_url} || $config->{base_url}; >+ $self->{opac_base_url} = $params->{opac_base_url} || $config->{opac_base_url}; > $self->{selenium_addr} = $params->{selenium_addr} || $config->{selenium_addr}; > $self->{selenium_port} = $params->{selenium_port} || $config->{selenium_port}; > $self->{driver} = Selenium::Remote::Driver->new( >@@ -54,6 +55,7 @@ sub config { > login => $ENV{KOHA_USER} || 'koha', > password => $ENV{KOHA_PASS} || 'koha', > base_url => ( $ENV{KOHA_INTRANET_URL} || C4::Context->preference("staffClientBaseURL") ) . "/cgi-bin/koha/", >+ opac_base_url => ( $ENV{KOHA_OPAC_URL} || C4::Context->preference("OPACBaseURL") ) . "/cgi-bin/koha/", > selenium_addr => $ENV{SELENIUM_ADDR} || 'localhost', > selenium_port => $ENV{SELENIUM_PORT} || 4444, > }; >@@ -72,6 +74,19 @@ sub auth { > $login_button->submit(); > } > >+sub opac_auth { >+ my ( $self, $login, $password ) = @_; >+ >+ $login ||= $self->login; >+ $password ||= $self->password; >+ my $mainpage = $self->base_url . 'opac-main.pl'; >+ >+ $self->driver->get($mainpage); >+ $self->fill_form( { userid => $login, password => $password } ); >+ my $login_button = $self->driver->find_element('//input[@id="submit"]'); >+ $login_button->submit(); >+} >+ > sub fill_form { > my ( $self, $values ) = @_; > while ( my ( $id, $value ) = each %$values ) { >-- >2.17.0
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bug 19181
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