Bugzilla – Attachment 75698 Details for
Bug 17168
Add a command line script for updating patron category based on status
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Bug 17168: (follow-up) Tidy, clean params/options, use date tools
Bug-17168-follow-up-Tidy-clean-paramsoptions-use-d.patch (text/plain), 15.51 KB, created by
Nick Clemens (kidclamp)
on 2018-05-31 10:56:45 UTC
Bug 17168: (follow-up) Tidy, clean params/options, use date tools
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Nick Clemens (kidclamp)
2018-05-31 10:56:45 UTC
15.51 KB
>From 90aff4c8337fe513328a537f36a2fc0302ac200c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 >From: Nick Clemens <nick@bywatersolutions.com> >Date: Thu, 31 May 2018 10:55:18 +0000 >Subject: [PATCH] Bug 17168: (follow-up) Tidy, clean params/options, use date > tools > >--- > Koha/Patrons.pm | 23 ++-- > misc/cronjobs/update_patrons_category.pl | 176 +++++++++++++++++-------------- > t/db_dependent/Patrons.t | 10 +- > 3 files changed, 118 insertions(+), 91 deletions(-) > >diff --git a/Koha/Patrons.pm b/Koha/Patrons.pm >index 1c855a8..ca18189 100644 >--- a/Koha/Patrons.pm >+++ b/Koha/Patrons.pm >@@ -236,15 +236,22 @@ sub search_patrons_to_update { > > my $cat_from = Koha::Patron::Categories->find($params->{from}); > $search_params->{categorycode}=$params->{from}; >- if ($params->{ao} || $params->{au}){ >- my ($y,$m,$d) = Today(); >- if( $cat_from->dateofbirthrequired && $params->{au} ) { >- my ($dy,$dm,$dd) =Add_Delta_YMD($y,$m,$d,-$cat_from->dateofbirthrequired,0,0); >- $search_params->{dateofbirth}{'>'} = $dy."-".sprintf("%02d",$dm)."-".sprintf("%02d",$dd); >+ if ($params->{ageover} || $params->{ageunder}){ >+ if( $cat_from->dateofbirthrequired && $params->{ageunder} ) { >+ my $date_after = output_pref({ >+ dt => dt_from_string()->subtract( years => $cat_from->dateofbirthrequired), >+ dateonly => 1, >+ dateformat => 'sql' >+ }); >+ $search_params->{dateofbirth}{'>'} = $date_after; > } >- if( $cat_from->upperagelimit && $params->{ao} ) { >- my ($dy,$dm,$dd) =Add_Delta_YMD($y,$m,$d,-$cat_from->upperagelimit,0,0); >- $search_params->{dateofbirth}{'<'} = $dy."-".sprintf("%02d",$dm)."-".sprintf("%02d",$dd); >+ if( $cat_from->upperagelimit && $params->{ageover} ) { >+ my $date_before = output_pref({ >+ dt => dt_from_string()->subtract( years => $cat_from->upperagelimit), >+ dateonly => 1, >+ dateformat => 'sql' >+ }); >+ $search_params->{dateofbirth}{'<'} = $date_before; > } > } > if ($params->{fine_min} || $params->{fine_max}) { >diff --git a/misc/cronjobs/update_patrons_category.pl b/misc/cronjobs/update_patrons_category.pl >index c49cb0c..e426803 100644 >--- a/misc/cronjobs/update_patrons_category.pl >+++ b/misc/cronjobs/update_patrons_category.pl >@@ -47,20 +47,20 @@ update_patrons_category.pl -f=categorycode -t=categorycode > update_patrons_category.pl --help | --man > > Options: >- --help brief help message >- --man full documentation >- -ao update if over maximum age for current category >- -au update if under minimuum age current category >- -fo=X update if fines over X amount >- -fu=X update if fines under X amount >- -rb=date update if registration date is before given date >- -ra=date update if registration date is after a given date >- --field name=value where <name> is a column in the borrowers table, patrons will be updated if the field is equal to given <value> >- -v verbose mode >- -confirm commit changes to db, no action will be taken unless this switch is included >- -b <branchname> only deal with patrons from this library/branch >- -f <categorycode> change patron category from this category >- -t <categorycode> change patron category to this category >+ --help brief help message >+ --man full documentation >+ -ao --ageover update if over maximum age for current category >+ -au --ageunder update if under minimuum age current category >+ -fo=X --fineover=X update if fines over X amount >+ -fu=X --fineunder=X update if fines under X amount >+ -rb=date --regbefore update if registration date is before given date >+ -ra=date --regafter update if registration date is after a given date >+ -d --dbfield name=value where <name> is a column in the borrowers table, patrons will be updated if the field is equal to given <value> >+ -v -verbose verbose mode >+ -c --confirm commit changes to db, no action will be taken unless this switch is included >+ -b --branch <branchname> only deal with patrons from this library/branch >+ -f --from <categorycode> change patron category from this category >+ -t --to <categorycode> change patron category to this category > > =head1 OPTIONS > >@@ -74,52 +74,52 @@ Print a brief help message and exits. > > Prints the manual page and exits. > >-=item B<-v> >+=item B<--verbosse | -v> > > Verbose. Without this flag set, only fatal errors are reported. > >-=item B<--confirm> >+=item B<--confirm | -c> > > Commit changes. Unless this flag set is, the script will report changes but not actually execute them on the database. > >-=item B<-b> >+=item B<--branch | -b> > > changes patrons for one specific branch. Use the value in the > branches.branchcode table. > >-=item B<-f> >+=item B<--from | -f> > > *required* defines the category to update. Expects the code from categories.categorycode. > >-=item B<-t> >+=item B<--to | -t> > > *required* defines the category patrons will be converted to. Expects the code from categories.categorycode. > >-=item B<-ao> >+=item B<--ageover | -ao> > > Update patron only if they are above the maximum age range specified for the 'from' category. > >-=item B<-au> >+=item B<--ageunde | -au> > > Update patron only if they are below the minimum age range specified for the 'from' category. > >-=item B<-fo=X> >+=item B<--fineover=X | -fo=X> > > Supply a number and only account with fines over this number will be updated. > >-=item B<-fu=X> >+=item B<==fineunder=X | -fu=X> > > Supply a number and only account with fines under this number will be updated. > >-=item B<-rb=date> >+=item B<--regbefore=date | -rb=date> > > Enter a date in ISO format YYYY-MM-DD and only patrons registered before this date wil be updated. > >-=item B<-ra=date> >+=item B<--regafter=date | -ra=date> > > Enter a date in ISO format YYYY-MM-DD and only patrons registered after this date wil be updated. > >-=item B<--field column=value> >+=item B<--field column=value | -d column=value> > > Use this flag to specify a column in the borrowers table and update only patrons whose value in that column matches the value supplied (repeatable) > >@@ -148,10 +148,10 @@ C<update_patron_categories.pl> -f=<categorycode> -t=<categorycode> -v - Process > # These variables are set by command line options. > # They are initially set to default values. > >-my $help = 0; >-my $man = 0; >-my $verbose = 0; >-my $doit = 0; >+my $help = 0; >+my $man = 0; >+my $verbose = 0; >+my $doit = 0; > my $au; > my $ao; > my $min_dob; >@@ -167,46 +167,59 @@ my $branch_lim; > my %fields; > > GetOptions( >- 'help|?' => \$help, >- 'man' => \$man, >- 'v' => \$verbose, >- 'confirm' => \$doit, >- 'f=s' => \$fromcat, >- 't=s' => \$tocat, >- 'ao' => \$ao, >- 'au' => \$au, >- 'fo=s' => \$fine_min, >- 'fu=s' => \$fine_max, >- 'rb=s' => \$reg_bef, >- 'ra=s' => \$reg_aft, >- 'b=s' => \$branch_lim, >- 'field=s' => \%fields >+ 'help|?' => \$help, >+ 'man' => \$man, >+ 'v|verbose' => \$verbose, >+ 'c|confirm' => \$doit, >+ 'f|from=s' => \$fromcat, >+ 't|to=s' => \$tocat, >+ 'ao|ageover' => \$ageover, >+ 'au|ageunder' => \$ageunder, >+ 'fo|finesover=s' => \$fine_min, >+ 'fu|finesunder=s' => \$fine_max, >+ 'rb|regbefore=s' => \$reg_bef, >+ 'ra|regafter=s' => \$reg_aft, >+ 'b|branch=s' => \$branch_lim, >+ 'd|field=s' => \%fields > ) or pod2usage(2); > pod2usage(1) if $help; > pod2usage( -verbose => 2 ) if $man; > >+warn "v $verbose c $doit f $fromcat t $tocat"; >+warn Data::Dumper::Dumper(%fields); >+exit; >+ > if ( not $fromcat && $tocat ) { #make sure we've specified the info we need. >- print "Must supply category from and to (-f & -t) please specify -help for usage tips.\n"; >+ print >+"Must supply category from and to (-f & -t) please specify -help for usage tips.\n"; > exit; > } > >-($verbose && !$doit) and print "No actions will be taken (test mode)\n"; >+( $verbose && !$doit ) and print "No actions will be taken (test mode)\n"; > >-$verbose and print "Will update patrons from $fromcat to $tocat with conditions below (if any)\n"; >+$verbose >+ and print >+"Will update patrons from $fromcat to $tocat with conditions below (if any)\n"; > > my %params; > >-if ( $reg_bef || $reg_aft ){ >+if ( $reg_bef || $reg_aft ) { > my $date_bef; > my $date_aft; >- if (defined $reg_bef) {eval { $date_bef = dt_from_string( $reg_bef, 'iso' ); };} >- die "$reg_bef is not a valid date before, aborting! Use a date in format YYYY-MM-DD.$@" >- if $@; >- if (defined $reg_aft) {eval { $date_aft = dt_from_string( $reg_aft, 'iso' ); };} >- die "$reg_bef is not a valid date after, aborting! Use a date in format YYYY-MM-DD.$@" >- if $@; >- $params{dateenrolled}{'<='}=$reg_bef if defined $date_bef; >- $params{dateenrolled}{'>='}=$reg_aft if defined $date_aft; >+ if ( defined $reg_bef ) { >+ eval { $date_bef = dt_from_string( $reg_bef, 'iso' ); }; >+ } >+ die >+"$reg_bef is not a valid date before, aborting! Use a date in format YYYY-MM-DD.$@" >+ if $@; >+ if ( defined $reg_aft ) { >+ eval { $date_aft = dt_from_string( $reg_aft, 'iso' ); }; >+ } >+ die >+"$reg_bef is not a valid date after, aborting! Use a date in format YYYY-MM-DD.$@" >+ if $@; >+ $params{dateenrolled}{'<='} = $reg_bef if defined $date_bef; >+ $params{dateenrolled}{'>='} = $reg_aft if defined $date_aft; > } > > my $cat_from = Koha::Patron::Categories->find($fromcat); >@@ -218,42 +231,49 @@ $params{"me.branchcode"} = $branch_lim if $branch_lim; > > if ($verbose) { > print "Conditions:\n"; >- print " Registered before $reg_bef\n" if $reg_bef; >- print " Registered after $reg_aft\n" if $reg_aft; >+ print " Registered before $reg_bef\n" if $reg_bef; >+ print " Registered after $reg_aft\n" if $reg_aft; > print " Total fines more than $fine_min\n" if $fine_min; > print " Total fines less than $fine_max\n" if $fine_max; >- print " Age below minimum for ".$cat_from->description."\n" if $au; >- print " Age above maximum for ".$cat_from->description."\n" if $ao; >- if (defined $branch_lim) { >+ print " Age below minimum for " . $cat_from->description . "\n" if $ageunder; >+ print " Age above maximum for " . $cat_from->description . "\n" if $ageover; >+ if ( defined $branch_lim ) { > print " Branchcode of patron is $branch_lim\n"; > } > } > >-while (my ($key,$value) = each %fields ) { >+while ( my ( $key, $value ) = each %fields ) { > $verbose and print " Borrower column $key is equal to $value\n"; >- $params{"me.".$key} = $value; >+ $params{ "me." . $key } = $value; > } > >-my $target_patrons = Koha::Patrons->search_patrons_to_update({ >- from => $fromcat, >+my $target_patrons = Koha::Patrons->search_patrons_to_update( >+ { >+ from => $fromcat, > search_params => \%params, >- au => $au, >- ao => $ao, >- fine_min => $fine_min, >- fine_max => $fine_max, >- }); >-my $patrons_found = $target_patrons->count; >+ ageunder => $ageunder, >+ ageover => $ageover, >+ fine_min => $fine_min, >+ fine_max => $fine_max, >+ } >+); >+my $patrons_found = $target_patrons->count; > my $actually_updated = 0; >-my $testdisplay = $doit ? "" : "WOULD HAVE "; >-if ( $verbose ) { >- while ( my $target_patron = $target_patrons->next() ){ >- my $target = Koha::Patrons->find( $target_patron->borrowernumber ); >- $verbose and print $testdisplay."Updated ".$target->firstname." ".$target->surname." from $fromcat to $tocat\n"; >+my $testdisplay = $doit ? "" : "WOULD HAVE "; >+if ($verbose) { >+ while ( my $target_patron = $target_patrons->next() ) { >+ my $target = Koha::Patrons->find( $target_patron->borrowernumber ); >+ $verbose >+ and print $testdisplay >+ . "Updated " >+ . $target->firstname . " " >+ . $target->surname >+ . " from $fromcat to $tocat\n"; > } > $target_patrons->reset; > } >-if ( $doit ) { >- $actually_updated = $target_patrons->update_category({to=>$tocat}); >+if ($doit) { >+ $actually_updated = $target_patrons->update_category( { to => $tocat } ); > } > > $verbose and print "$patrons_found found, $actually_updated updated\n"; >diff --git a/t/db_dependent/Patrons.t b/t/db_dependent/Patrons.t >index 0e842c0..3420b49 100755 >--- a/t/db_dependent/Patrons.t >+++ b/t/db_dependent/Patrons.t >@@ -168,10 +168,10 @@ subtest "Update patron categories" => sub { > $builder->build({source=>'Accountline',value => {amountoutstanding=>5.01,borrowernumber=>$adult2->{borrowernumber}}}); > > is( Koha::Patrons->search_patrons_to_update({from=>$c_categorycode})->count,3,'Three patrons in child category'); >- is( Koha::Patrons->search_patrons_to_update({from=>$c_categorycode,au=>1})->count,1,'One under age patron in child category'); >- is( Koha::Patrons->search_patrons_to_update({from=>$c_categorycode,au=>1})->next->borrowernumber,$child1->{borrowernumber},'Under age patron in child category is expected one'); >- is( Koha::Patrons->search_patrons_to_update({from=>$c_categorycode,ao=>1})->count,1,'One over age patron in child category'); >- is( Koha::Patrons->search_patrons_to_update({from=>$c_categorycode,ao=>1})->next->borrowernumber,$child3->{borrowernumber},'Over age patron in child category is expected one'); >+ is( Koha::Patrons->search_patrons_to_update({from=>$c_categorycode,ageunder=>1})->count,1,'One under age patron in child category'); >+ is( Koha::Patrons->search_patrons_to_update({from=>$c_categorycode,ageunder=>1})->next->borrowernumber,$child1->{borrowernumber},'Under age patron in child category is expected one'); >+ is( Koha::Patrons->search_patrons_to_update({from=>$c_categorycode,ageover=>1})->count,1,'One over age patron in child category'); >+ is( Koha::Patrons->search_patrons_to_update({from=>$c_categorycode,ageover=>1})->next->borrowernumber,$child3->{borrowernumber},'Over age patron in child category is expected one'); > is( Koha::Patrons->search_patrons_to_update({from=>$a_categorycode,search_params=>{branchcode=>$branchcode2}})->count,1,'One patron in branch 2'); > is( Koha::Patrons->search_patrons_to_update({from=>$a_categorycode,search_params=>{branchcode=>$branchcode2}})->next->borrowernumber,$adult2->{borrowernumber},'Adult patron in branch 2 is expected one'); > is( Koha::Patrons->search_patrons_to_update({from=>$a_categorycode,fine_min=>5})->count,1,'One patron with fines over $5'); >@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ subtest "Update patron categories" => sub { > is( Koha::Patrons->search_patrons_to_update({from=>$a_categorycode,search_params=>{'sort1'=>'quack'}})->next->borrowernumber,$adult1->{borrowernumber},'One adult patron with a quack is expected one'); > > is( Koha::Patrons->find($adult1->{borrowernumber})->guarantees->count,3,'Guarantor has 3 guarantees'); >- is( Koha::Patrons->search_patrons_to_update({from=>$c_categorycode,au=>1})->update_category({to=>$a_categorycode}),1,'One child patron updated to adult category'); >+ is( Koha::Patrons->search_patrons_to_update({from=>$c_categorycode,ageunder=>1})->update_category({to=>$a_categorycode}),1,'One child patron updated to adult category'); > is( Koha::Patrons->find($adult1->{borrowernumber})->guarantees->count,2,'Guarantee was removed when made adult'); > > is( Koha::Patrons->find($inst->{borrowernumber})->guarantees->count,1,'Guarantor has 1 guarantees'); >-- >2.1.4
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