[patch] Bug 3534: (QA Follow-up) Fix the return value for the new format, it should be a hashref, not a string
Bug-3534-QA-Follow-up-Fix-the-return-value-for-the.patch (text/plain), 806 bytes, created by Kyle M Hall (khall) on 2019-02-07 16:19:59 UTC
Creator: Kyle M Hall (khall)
Created: 2019-02-07 16:19:59 UTC
Size: 806 bytes
Actions: View | Diff | Splinter Review
Attachments on bug 3534: 1396 | 50090 | 50091 | 50092 | 50093 | 50362 | 50410 | 50413 | 50414 | 50665 | 50666 | 50729 | 51382 | 51389 | 51445 | 51446 | 51960 | 51961 | 52192 | 52584 | 52585 | 52586 | 52934 | 52935 | 52936 | 52937 | 53109 | 53152 | 53171 | 53172 | 53173 | 53174 | 53175 | 84851