[patch] Bug 20340 - Ability to add and use authentication plugins
Bug-20340---Ability-to-add-and-use-authentication-.patch (text/plain), 7.94 KB, created by axel on 2019-04-23 13:23:59 UTC
Creator: axel
Created: 2019-04-23 13:23:59 UTC
Size: 7.94 KB
Actions: View | Diff | Splinter Review
Attachments on bug 20340: 72469 | 73089 | 73098 | 73106 | 88470 | 88472 | 88473 | 88474 | 88475 | 88476 | 88477 | 88478 | 88487 | 88488 | 88511 | 88512 | 88518 | 88519 | 88520 | 88521 | 88522 | 88523 | 88526 | 88527 | 91304 | 91305 | 91306 | 91307