Bugzilla – Attachment 91921 Details for
Bug 21180
Allow Talking Tech outbound script to limit based on patron home library branchcode
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Bug 21180: Allow Talking Tech outbound script to limit based on patron home library branchcode
Bug-21180-Allow-Talking-Tech-outbound-script-to-li.patch (text/plain), 6.51 KB, created by
Kyle M Hall (khall)
on 2019-08-02 11:55:01 UTC
Bug 21180: Allow Talking Tech outbound script to limit based on patron home library branchcode
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Kyle M Hall (khall)
2019-08-02 11:55:01 UTC
6.51 KB
>From fe4f7ebdf62cc90377c968e39e0fd5dddf1d88e9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 >From: Martha Fuerst <mfuerst@hmcpl.org> >Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2018 12:51:39 -0400 >Subject: [PATCH] Bug 21180: Allow Talking Tech outbound script to limit based > on patron home library branchcode > >A library system has requested the ability to limit which patrons are sent to Itivia for phone notices. > >Test Plan: >1) Enable phone notices for two patrons with overdues >2) Run the misc/cronjobs/thirdparty/TalkingTech_itiva_outbound.pl with the new --patron-branchcode option >3) Note only the patron whose homebranch you specified is in the output file > >Signed-off-by: Kyle M Hall <kyle@bywatersolutions.com> > >Signed-off-by: Christopher Brannon <cbrannon@cdalibrary.org> >--- > .../thirdparty/TalkingTech_itiva_outbound.pl | 50 +++++++++++++++---- > 1 file changed, 40 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-) > >diff --git a/misc/cronjobs/thirdparty/TalkingTech_itiva_outbound.pl b/misc/cronjobs/thirdparty/TalkingTech_itiva_outbound.pl >index d1ff3925fd..da64ffe921 100755 >--- a/misc/cronjobs/thirdparty/TalkingTech_itiva_outbound.pl >+++ b/misc/cronjobs/thirdparty/TalkingTech_itiva_outbound.pl >@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ use C4::Overdues; > use Koha::Calendar; > use Koha::DateUtils; > use Koha::Patrons; >+use Koha::Libraries; > > sub usage { > pod2usage( -verbose => 2 ); >@@ -59,6 +60,7 @@ my $library_code; > my $help; > my $outfile; > my $skip_patrons_with_email; >+my $patron_branchcode; > > # maps to convert I-tiva terms to Koha terms > my $type_module_map = { >@@ -74,14 +76,15 @@ my $type_notice_map = { > }; > > GetOptions( >- 'o|output:s' => \$outfile, >- 'v' => \$verbose, >- 'lang:s' => \$language, >- 'type:s' => \@types, >- 'w|waiting-hold-day:s' => \@holds_waiting_days_to_call, >- 'c|code|library-code:s' => \$library_code, >+ 'o|output:s' => \$outfile, >+ 'v' => \$verbose, >+ 'lang:s' => \$language, >+ 'type:s' => \@types, >+ 'w|waiting-hold-day:s' => \@holds_waiting_days_to_call, >+ 'c|code|library-code:s' => \$library_code, > 's|skip-patrons-with-email' => \$skip_patrons_with_email, >- 'help|h' => \$help, >+ 'pb|patron-branchcode:s' => \$patron_branchcode, >+ 'h|help' => \$help, > ); > > $language = uc($language); >@@ -89,6 +92,11 @@ $library_code ||= ''; > > pod2usage( -verbose => 1 ) if $help; > >+if ($patron_branchcode) { >+ die("Invalid branchcode '$patron_branchcode' passed in -pb --patron-branchcode parameter") >+ unless Koha::Libraries->search( { branchcode => $patron_branchcode } )->count; >+} >+ > # output log or STDOUT > my $OUT; > if ( defined $outfile ) { >@@ -108,11 +116,11 @@ foreach my $type (@types) { > > my @loop; > if ( $type eq 'OVERDUE' ) { >- @loop = GetOverdueIssues(); >+ @loop = GetOverdueIssues( $patron_branchcode ); > } elsif ( $type eq 'PREOVERDUE' ) { >- @loop = GetPredueIssues(); >+ @loop = GetPredueIssues( $patron_branchcode ); > } elsif ( $type eq 'RESERVE' ) { >- @loop = GetWaitingHolds(); >+ @loop = GetWaitingHolds( $patron_branchcode ); > } else { > print "Unknown or unsupported message type $type; skipping...\n" > if ( defined $verbose ); >@@ -214,11 +222,22 @@ consortium purposes and apply library specific settings, such as > prompts, to those notices. > This field can be blank if all messages are from a single library. > >+=item B<--patron-branchcode> B<--pb> >+ >+OPTIONAL >+ >+Limits the the patrons to generate notices for based on the patron's home library. >+Items and holds from other libraries will still be included for the given patron. >+ > =back > > =cut > > sub GetOverdueIssues { >+ my ( $patron_branchcode ) = @_; >+ >+ my $patron_branchcode_filter = $patron_branchcode ? "AND borrowers.branchcode = '$patron_branchcode'" : q{}; >+ > my $query = "SELECT borrowers.borrowernumber, borrowers.cardnumber, borrowers.title as patron_title, borrowers.firstname, borrowers.surname, > borrowers.phone, borrowers.email, borrowers.branchcode, biblio.biblionumber, biblio.title, items.barcode, issues.date_due, > max(overduerules.branchcode) as rulebranch, TO_DAYS(NOW())-TO_DAYS(date_due) as daysoverdue, delay1, delay2, delay3, >@@ -234,6 +253,7 @@ sub GetOverdueIssues { > AND ( (TO_DAYS(NOW())-TO_DAYS(date_due) ) = delay1 > OR (TO_DAYS(NOW())-TO_DAYS(date_due) ) = delay2 > OR (TO_DAYS(NOW())-TO_DAYS(date_due) ) = delay3 ) >+ $patron_branchcode_filter > GROUP BY items.itemnumber > "; > my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); >@@ -256,6 +276,10 @@ sub GetOverdueIssues { > } > > sub GetPredueIssues { >+ my ( $patron_branchcode ) = @_; >+ >+ my $patron_branchcode_filter = $patron_branchcode ? "AND borrowers.branchcode = '$patron_branchcode'" : q{}; >+ > my $query = "SELECT borrowers.borrowernumber, borrowers.cardnumber, borrowers.title as patron_title, borrowers.firstname, borrowers.surname, > borrowers.phone, borrowers.email, borrowers.branchcode, biblio.biblionumber, biblio.title, items.barcode, issues.date_due, > issues.branchcode as site, branches.branchname as site_name >@@ -269,6 +293,7 @@ sub GetPredueIssues { > WHERE ( TO_DAYS( date_due ) - TO_DAYS( NOW() ) ) = days_in_advance > AND message_transport_type = 'phone' > AND message_name = 'Advance_Notice' >+ $patron_branchcode_filter > "; > my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); > $sth->execute(); >@@ -281,6 +306,10 @@ sub GetPredueIssues { > } > > sub GetWaitingHolds { >+ my ( $patron_branchcode ) = @_; >+ >+ my $patron_branchcode_filter = $patron_branchcode ? "AND borrowers.branchcode = '$patron_branchcode'" : q{}; >+ > my $query = "SELECT borrowers.borrowernumber, borrowers.cardnumber, borrowers.title as patron_title, borrowers.firstname, borrowers.surname, > borrowers.phone, borrowers.email, borrowers.branchcode, biblio.biblionumber, biblio.title, items.barcode, reserves.waitingdate, > reserves.branchcode AS site, branches.branchname AS site_name, >@@ -295,6 +324,7 @@ sub GetWaitingHolds { > WHERE ( reserves.found = 'W' ) > AND message_transport_type = 'phone' > AND message_name = 'Hold_Filled' >+ $patron_branchcode_filter > "; > my $pickupdelay = C4::Context->preference("ReservesMaxPickUpDelay"); > my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); >-- >2.20.1 (Apple Git-117)
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