[patch] Bug 25630: Fix capitalization and terminology for Authorities and Cataloging system preferences
Bug-25630-Fix-capitalization-and-terminology-for-A.patch (text/plain), 12.19 KB, created by David Nind on 2020-06-24 09:27:57 UTC
Creator: David Nind
Created: 2020-06-24 09:27:57 UTC
Size: 12.19 KB
Actions: View | Diff | Splinter Review
Attachments on bug 25630: 105459 | 105460 | 105461 | 105462 | 105463 | 105464 | 105465 | 105466 | 105467 | 105468 | 106230 | 106231 | 106232 | 106233 | 106234 | 106235 | 106236 | 106237 | 106238 | 106239 | 106266 | 107058 | 107059 | 107060 | 107061 | 107062 | 107063 | 107064 | 107065 | 107066 | 107067 | 107068 | 108260 | 108261 | 108262 | 108263 | 108264 | 108265 | 108266 | 108267 | 108268 | 108269 | 108270 | 108910 | 108911 | 108912 | 108913 | 108914 | 108915 | 108916 | 108917 | 108918 | 108919 | 108920 | 109446 | 109447 | 109448 | 109449 | 109450 | 109451 | 109452 | 109453 | 109454 | 109455 | 109456