From 78be628679c557b8d63878d3440565c8936f8799 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nick Clemens <>
Date: Fri, 13 Nov 2020 13:48:48 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Bug 26947: Add scheam-only option to koha-dump

This patch adds a new --schema-only optoin to the koha-dump script.

This can be used to generate a new kohastructure.sql file during the release, and later to
compare the DB structure of a koha instance to the kohastructure.sql file shipped with a version
to identify any missing constraints or other db structure issues

To test:
1 - debian/scripts/koha-dump kohadev
2 - Confirm db and configs are dumped correctly
3 - Apply patch
4 - debian/scripts/koha-dump --help
5 - Confirm new option is listed and makes sense
6 - debian/scripts/koha-dump --schema-only kohadev
7 - Confirm only schema is dumped and is not zipped
8 - debian/scripts/koha-dump kohadev
9 - Confirm entire db is dumped as before

Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
 debian/scripts/koha-dump | 69 +++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 1 file changed, 43 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)

diff --git a/debian/scripts/koha-dump b/debian/scripts/koha-dump
index 707a8dfe05..418fd9fe01 100755
--- a/debian/scripts/koha-dump
+++ b/debian/scripts/koha-dump
@@ -39,13 +39,17 @@ $scriptname
 This script dumps your Koha instance data for backup or migration.
+The schema only option can be used to compare your existing database schema
+to the expected Koha structure.
 $scriptname [--quiet|-q] [--exclude-indexes] instancename1 [instancename2...]
 $scriptname -h|--help
-    --exclude-indexes     Include Zebra indexes on the backup.
+    --schema-only         Dump only the database schema
+    --exclude-indexes     Include Zebra indexes on the backup
     --quiet|-q            Make the script avoid printing to STDOUT
-                          (useful for calling from another scripts).
+                          (useful for calling from another scripts)
     --help|-h             Display this help message
     --without-db-name     Do not include database name
@@ -69,44 +73,57 @@ dump_instance()
     backupdir="$( xmlstarlet sel -t -v 'yazgfs/config/backupdir' $kohaconfig || true )"
     [ -z "$backupdir" ] && backupdir="/var/spool/koha/$name"
-    [ "$quiet" = "no" ] && echo "* DB to $dbdump"
-    dbflag="--databases"
     [ "$without_db_name" = "yes" ] && dbflag=""
-    mysqldump $dbflag --host="$mysqlhost" \
-        --user="$mysqluser" --password="$mysqlpass" "$mysqldb" |
-        gzip > "$dbdump"
-    chown "root:$name-koha" "$dbdump"
-    chmod g+r "$dbdump"
-    instancefile="$name.conf"
+    if [ "$schema_only" = "yes" ]
+    then
+        schemadump="$backupdir/$name-schema-$date.sql"
+        [ "$quiet" = "no" ] && echo "* schema to $schemadump"
+        mysqldump $dbflag -d --host="$mysqlhost" \
+            --user="$mysqluser" --password="$mysqlpass" "$mysqldb" > "$schemadump"
+        chown "root:$name-koha" "$dbdump"
+        chmod g+r "$dbdump"
+    else
+        [ "$quiet" = "no" ] && echo "* DB to $dbdump"
+        mysqldump $dbflag --host="$mysqlhost" \
+            --user="$mysqluser" --password="$mysqlpass" "$mysqldb" |
+            gzip > "$dbdump"
+        chown "root:$name-koha" "$dbdump"
+        chmod g+r "$dbdump"
+        instancefile="$name.conf"
+        # Dump configs, logs, etc.
+        metadump="$backupdir/$name-$date.tar.gz"
+        [ "$quiet" = "no" ] && echo "* configs, logs to $metadump"
+        if [ "$exclude_indexes" = "yes" ]; then
+            excludes="--exclude=var/lib/koha/$name/biblios \
+                      --exclude=var/lib/koha/$name/authorities"
+        fi
-    # Dump configs, logs, etc.
-    metadump="$backupdir/$name-$date.tar.gz"
-    [ "$quiet" = "no" ] && echo "* configs, logs to $metadump"
+        tar -czf "$metadump" -C / $excludes \
+            "etc/koha/sites/$name" \
+            "etc/apache2/sites-available/$instancefile" \
+            "etc/apache2/sites-enabled/$instancefile" \
+            "var/lib/koha/$name" \
+            "var/log/koha/$name"
-    if [ "$exclude_indexes" = "yes" ]; then
-        excludes="--exclude=var/lib/koha/$name/biblios \
-                  --exclude=var/lib/koha/$name/authorities"
+        [ "$quiet" = "no" ] && echo "Done."
-    tar -czf "$metadump" -C / $excludes \
-        "etc/koha/sites/$name" \
-        "etc/apache2/sites-available/$instancefile" \
-        "etc/apache2/sites-enabled/$instancefile" \
-        "var/lib/koha/$name" \
-        "var/log/koha/$name"
-    [ "$quiet" = "no" ] && echo "Done."
 # Default values
 while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
     case "$1" in
+        --schema-only)
+            schema_only="yes"
+            shift ;;
             shift ;;