[patch] Bug 27946: Add article_request_fee to categories table and ARTICLE_REQUEST account debit type
Bug-27946-Add-articlerequestfee-to-categories-tabl.patch (text/plain), 5.42 KB, created by Agustín Moyano on 2021-08-05 15:35:32 UTC
Creator: Agustín Moyano
Created: 2021-08-05 15:35:32 UTC
Size: 5.42 KB
Actions: View | Diff | Splinter Review
Attachments on bug 27946: 120144 | 120145 | 120146 | 120147 | 122522 | 122529 | 122530 | 122531 | 122532 | 122552 | 123503 | 123504 | 123505 | 123506 | 123507 | 128660 | 128661 | 128662 | 128663 | 128664 | 128665 | 128868 | 128869 | 128870 | 128871 | 128872 | 128873 | 129141 | 129142 | 129143 | 129144 | 129145 | 129146 | 129147 | 129171 | 129172 | 129173 | 129174 | 129175 | 129176 | 129177