[%# Modelled after opac-main.tt %] [% IF ( ! bodyid ); bodyid='default'; END; %] [% IF ( ! columns ); columns="one"; END; %] [% IF ( ! include_navigation ); include_navigation=false; END; %] [% USE raw %] [% USE AdditionalContents %] [% PROCESS 'i18n.inc' %] [% SET OpacNav = AdditionalContents.get( location => "OpacNav", lang => lang, library => logged_in_user.branchcode, blocktitle => 0 ) %] [% SET OpacNavBottom = AdditionalContents.get( location => "OpacNavBottom", lang => lang, library => logged_in_user.branchcode, blocktitle => 0 ) %] [% SET OpacNavRight = AdditionalContents.get( location => "OpacNavRight", lang => lang, library => branchcode ) %] [% SET OpacMainUserBlock = AdditionalContents.get( location => "OpacMainUserBlock", lang => lang, library => branchcode ) %] [% SET OpacLoginInstructions = AdditionalContents.get( location => "OpacLoginInstructions", lang => lang, library => branchcode ) %] [% INCLUDE 'doc-head-open.inc' %] [% IF ( LibraryNameTitle ) %][% LibraryNameTitle | html %][% ELSE %]Koha online[% END %] catalogue [% INCLUDE 'doc-head-close.inc' %] [% BLOCK cssinclude %][% END %] [% INCLUDE 'bodytag.inc' bodyid=bodyid bodyclass='scrollto'%] [% INCLUDE 'masthead.inc' %]
[% IF ( columns == "three_rightside_leftside" ) || ( columns == "two_leftside" ) %]
[% IF ( include_navigation ) %] [% END %]
[% END %] [% IF ( columns == "three_rightside_leftside" ) %] [% # Three-column layout with right and left sidebars %]
[% ELSIF ( columns == "two_rightside" ) %] [% # Two-column layout with right sidebar %]
[% ELSIF ( columns == "two_leftside" ) %] [% # Two-column layout with left sidebar %]
[% ELSE %]
[% END %] [% content %]
[% IF ( columns == "three_rightside_leftside" ) || ( columns == "two_rightside" ) %]
[%# FIXME: Add right sidebar content here %]
[% END %]
[% INCLUDE 'opac-bottom.inc' %] [% BLOCK jsinclude %][% END %]