From 454b2fe091f3dfcb64317e70184b4fdd77250582 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonathan Druart
Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2023 12:13:05 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Bug 31383: Adjust and add tests
Sponsored-by: Rijksmuseum, Netherlands
Signed-off-by: Marcel de Rooy
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize
Koha/ | 34 ++++++------
t/db_dependent/Koha/AdditionalContents.t | 69 +++++++++++++++---------
t/db_dependent/Koha/Library.t | 62 +++++++++++++++------
t/db_dependent/Letters/TemplateToolkit.t | 44 +++++++++------
4 files changed, 136 insertions(+), 73 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Koha/ b/Koha/
index cd3b00b8968..a866aa71d0d 100644
--- a/Koha/
+++ b/Koha/
@@ -85,7 +85,9 @@ sub search_for_display {
$search_params->{category} = $params->{category} if $params->{category};
my $contents = $self->SUPER::search( $search_params, { order_by => 'number' } );
+ my @all_content_id = $contents->get_column('id');
+ my @translated_content_id;
if ( $params->{lang} ) {
my $translated_contents = Koha::AdditionalContentsLocalizations->search(
@@ -93,24 +95,22 @@ sub search_for_display {
lang => $params->{lang},
- my @all_content_id = $contents->get_column('id');
- my @translated_content_id = $translated_contents->get_column('additional_content_id');
- my $default_contents = Koha::AdditionalContentsLocalizations->search(
- {
- additional_content_id => [array_minus(@all_content_id, @translated_content_id)],
- lang => 'default',
- }
- );
- return Koha::AdditionalContentsLocalizations->search(
- {
- id => [
- $translated_contents->get_column('id'),
- $default_contents->get_column('id'),
- ]
- },
- );
+ @translated_content_id = $translated_contents->get_column('additional_content_id');
- return $contents->search( { lang => 'default' }, { order_by => 'number' } )->translated_contents;
+ my $default_contents = Koha::AdditionalContentsLocalizations->search(
+ {
+ additional_content_id => [array_minus(@all_content_id, @translated_content_id)],
+ lang => 'default',
+ }
+ );
+ return Koha::AdditionalContentsLocalizations->search(
+ {
+ id => [@translated_content_id, $default_contents->get_column('id')]
+ },
+ );
=head3 find_best_match
diff --git a/t/db_dependent/Koha/AdditionalContents.t b/t/db_dependent/Koha/AdditionalContents.t
index 67094cd48b4..f3a05c67ad9 100755
--- a/t/db_dependent/Koha/AdditionalContents.t
+++ b/t/db_dependent/Koha/AdditionalContents.t
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ my $builder = t::lib::TestBuilder->new;
subtest 'Koha::AdditionalContents basic test' => sub {
- plan tests => 5;
+ plan tests => 9;
@@ -45,29 +45,48 @@ subtest 'Koha::AdditionalContents basic test' => sub {
code => 'news_1',
location => 'staff_only',
branchcode => $library->{branchcode},
- title => 'a news',
- content => 'content for news 1',
+ my $content_1 = {
+ title => 'a news',
+ content => 'content for news 1',
+ lang => 'default',
+ };
+ $new_news_item_1->translated_contents([$content_1]);
my $new_news_item_2 = Koha::AdditionalContent->new(
category => 'news',
code => 'news_2',
location => 'staff_only',
branchcode => $library->{branchcode},
- title => 'another news',
- content => 'content for news 2',
- like( $new_news_item_1->idnew, qr|^\d+$|, 'Adding a new news_item should have set the idnew');
+ my $content_2 = {
+ title => 'another news',
+ content => 'content for news 2',
+ lang => 'default',
+ };
+ $new_news_item_2->translated_contents([$content_2]);
+ like( $new_news_item_1->id, qr|^\d+$|, 'Adding a new news_item should have set the id');
is( Koha::AdditionalContents->search->count, $nb_of_news + 2, 'The 2 news should have been added' );
- my $retrieved_news_item_1 = Koha::AdditionalContents->find( $new_news_item_1->idnew );
- is( $retrieved_news_item_1->title, $new_news_item_1->title, 'Find a news_item by id should return the correct news_item' );
- is( $retrieved_news_item_1->content, $new_news_item_1->content, 'The content method return the content of the news');
- $retrieved_news_item_1->delete;
+ my $retrieved_news_item_1 = Koha::AdditionalContents->find( $new_news_item_1->id )->translated_contents->next;
+ is( $retrieved_news_item_1->title, $content_1->{title}, 'Find a news_item by id should return the correct news_item' );
+ is( $retrieved_news_item_1->content, $content_1->{content}, 'The content method return the content of the news');
+ my $default_content = $new_news_item_2->default_localization;
+ is( $default_content->content, $content_2->{content}, 'default_localization return the default content' );
+ my $translated_content = { lang => 'nl-NL', content => 'translated_content' };
+ $new_news_item_2->translated_contents( [ $translated_content, $content_2 ] )->as_list;
+ $default_content = $new_news_item_2->default_localization;
+ is( $default_content->content, $content_2->{content}, 'default_localization still return the default content' );
+ my $retrieved_translated_content = $new_news_item_2->translated_content('en');
+ is( $retrieved_translated_content->content, $content_2->{content}, 'default content is returned for non-existing translated interface' );
+ $retrieved_translated_content = $new_news_item_2->translated_content('nl-NL');
+ is( $retrieved_translated_content->content, $translated_content->{content}, 'translated content is returned if it existsOB' );
+ $new_news_item_1->delete;
is( Koha::AdditionalContents->search->count, $nb_of_news + 1, 'Delete should have deleted the news_item' );
@@ -148,7 +167,7 @@ subtest '->author' => sub {
- $news_item = Koha::AdditionalContents->find($news_item->idnew);
+ $news_item = Koha::AdditionalContents->find($news_item->id);
is( ref($news_item), 'Koha::AdditionalContent', 'News are not deleted alongwith the author' );
is( $news_item->author, undef, '->author returns undef is the author has been deleted' );
@@ -176,11 +195,11 @@ subtest '->search_for_display' => sub {
published_on => $today,
category => 'news',
location => 'staff_and_opac',
- lang => 'default',
branchcode => undef,
number => 1,
+ $new_expired->translated_contents( [ { lang => 'default', content => ''} ] );
my $new_not_expired = $builder->build_object({
class => 'Koha::AdditionalContents',
value => {
@@ -188,11 +207,11 @@ subtest '->search_for_display' => sub {
published_on => $today,
category => 'news',
location => 'staff_and_opac',
- lang => 'default',
branchcode => undef,
number => 2,
+ $new_not_expired->translated_contents( [ { lang => 'default', content => '' } ] );
my $new_not_active = $builder->build_object({
class => 'Koha::AdditionalContents',
value => {
@@ -200,11 +219,11 @@ subtest '->search_for_display' => sub {
published_on => $tomorrow,
category => 'news',
location => 'staff_and_opac',
- lang => 'default',
branchcode => undef,
number => 3,
+ $new_not_active->translated_contents( [ { lang => 'default', content => '' } ] );
my $new_slip= $builder->build_object({
class => 'Koha::AdditionalContents',
value => {
@@ -212,11 +231,11 @@ subtest '->search_for_display' => sub {
published_on => $today,
category => 'news',
location => 'staff_only',
- lang => 'default',
branchcode => $library1->branchcode,
number => 4,
+ $new_slip->translated_contents( [ { lang => 'default', content => '' } ] );
my $new_intra = $builder->build_object({
class => 'Koha::AdditionalContents',
value => {
@@ -224,11 +243,11 @@ subtest '->search_for_display' => sub {
published_on => $today,
category => 'news',
location => 'staff_only',
- lang => 'default',
branchcode => $library2->branchcode,
number => 5,
+ $new_intra->translated_contents( [ { lang => 'default', content => '' } ] );
my $new_intra2 = $builder->build_object({
class => 'Koha::AdditionalContents',
value => {
@@ -236,11 +255,11 @@ subtest '->search_for_display' => sub {
published_on => $today,
category => 'news',
location => 'staff_only',
- lang => 'default',
branchcode => undef,
number => 5,
+ $new_intra2->translated_contents( [ { lang => 'default', content => '' } ] );
my $news = Koha::AdditionalContents->search_for_display({ location => 'staff_only' });
is($news->count, 1, "There is 1 news for all staff");
@@ -267,20 +286,22 @@ subtest 'find_best_match' => sub {
my $library01 = $builder->build_object({ class => 'Koha::Libraries' });
my $html01 = $builder->build_object({
class => 'Koha::AdditionalContents',
- value => { category => 'html_customizations', location => 'test_best_match', branchcode => undef, lang => 'default' },
+ value => { category => 'html_customizations', location => 'test_best_match', branchcode => undef },
+ my ( $default_content ) = $html01->translated_contents( [ { lang => 'default', content => '' } ] )->as_list;
my $params = { category => 'html_customizations', location => 'test_best_match', lang => 'nl-NL' };
- is( Koha::AdditionalContents->find_best_match($params)->idnew, $html01->idnew, 'Found all branches, lang default' );
+ is( Koha::AdditionalContents->find_best_match($params)->id, $default_content->id, 'Found all branches, lang default' );
my $html02 = $builder->build_object({
class => 'Koha::AdditionalContents',
- value => { category => 'html_customizations', location => 'test_best_match', branchcode => undef, lang => 'nl-NL' },
+ value => { category => 'html_customizations', location => 'test_best_match', branchcode => undef },
- is( Koha::AdditionalContents->find_best_match($params)->idnew, $html02->idnew, 'Found all branches, lang nl-NL' );
+ my ( $translated_content ) = $html02->translated_contents( [ { lang => 'nl-NL', content => '' } ] )->as_list;
+ is( Koha::AdditionalContents->find_best_match($params)->id, $translated_content->id, 'Found all branches, lang nl-NL' );
$params->{ library_id } = $library01->id;
$html02->branchcode( $library01->id )->store;
- is( Koha::AdditionalContents->find_best_match($params)->idnew, $html02->idnew, 'Found library01, lang nl-NL' );
+ is( Koha::AdditionalContents->find_best_match($params)->id, $translated_content->id, 'Found library01, lang nl-NL' );
# Note: find_best_match is tested further via $libary->opac_info; see t/db_dependent/Koha/Library.t
diff --git a/t/db_dependent/Koha/Library.t b/t/db_dependent/Koha/Library.t
index c6637ddfd92..5c16eedb543 100755
--- a/t/db_dependent/Koha/Library.t
+++ b/t/db_dependent/Koha/Library.t
@@ -101,22 +101,52 @@ subtest 'opac_info tests' => sub {
my $library01 = $builder->build_object({ class => 'Koha::Libraries' });
my $library02 = $builder->build_object({ class => 'Koha::Libraries' });
- my $html01 = $builder->build_object({
- class => 'Koha::AdditionalContents',
- value => { category => 'html_customizations', location => 'OpacLibraryInfo', branchcode => undef, lang => 'default', content => '1', expirationdate => undef },
- });
- my $html02 = $builder->build_object({
- class => 'Koha::AdditionalContents',
- value => { category => 'html_customizations', location => 'OpacLibraryInfo', branchcode => $library01->id, lang => 'default', content => '2', expirationdate => undef },
- });
- my $html03 = $builder->build_object({
- class => 'Koha::AdditionalContents',
- value => { category => 'html_customizations', location => 'OpacLibraryInfo', branchcode => $library01->id, lang => 'nl-NL', content => '3', expirationdate => undef },
- });
- my $html04 = $builder->build_object({
- class => 'Koha::AdditionalContents',
- value => { category => 'html_customizations', location => 'OpacLibraryInfo', branchcode => undef, lang => 'fr-FR', content => '4', expirationdate => undef },
- });
+ my $html01 = $builder->build_object(
+ {
+ class => 'Koha::AdditionalContents',
+ value => { category => 'html_customizations', location => 'OpacLibraryInfo', branchcode => undef, expirationdate => undef },
+ }
+ );
+ $html01->translated_contents(
+ [
+ {
+ lang => 'default',
+ content => '1',
+ }
+ ]
+ );
+ my $html02 = $builder->build_object(
+ {
+ class => 'Koha::AdditionalContents',
+ value => { category => 'html_customizations', location => 'OpacLibraryInfo', branchcode => $library01->id, expirationdate => undef },
+ }
+ );
+ $html02->translated_contents(
+ [
+ {
+ lang => 'default',
+ content => '2',
+ },
+ {
+ lang => 'nl-NL',
+ content => '3',
+ }
+ ]
+ );
+ my $html04 = $builder->build_object(
+ {
+ class => 'Koha::AdditionalContents',
+ value => { category => 'html_customizations', location => 'OpacLibraryInfo', branchcode => undef, expirationdate => undef },
+ }
+ );
+ $html04->translated_contents(
+ [
+ {
+ lang => 'fr-FR',
+ content => '4',
+ }
+ ]
+ );
# Start testing
is( $library01->opac_info->content, '2', 'specific library, default language' );
diff --git a/t/db_dependent/Letters/TemplateToolkit.t b/t/db_dependent/Letters/TemplateToolkit.t
index 7c38aef3d22..1c6fea8ee0a 100755
--- a/t/db_dependent/Letters/TemplateToolkit.t
+++ b/t/db_dependent/Letters/TemplateToolkit.t
@@ -80,8 +80,8 @@ my $hold = $builder->build_object(
my $news = $builder->build_object(
- class => 'Koha::AdditionalContents',
- value => { title => 'a news title', content => 'a news content' }
+ class => 'Koha::AdditionalContentsLocalizations',
+ value => { title => 'a news title', content => 'a news content', lang => 'default' }
my $serial = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Serials' } );
@@ -662,14 +662,22 @@ EOF
class => 'Koha::AdditionalContents',
value => {
- category => 'news',
- location => "slip",
- branchcode => $branchcode,
- lang => 'default',
- title => "A wonderful news",
- content => "This is the wonderful news.",
- expirationdate => undef,
- published_on => $one_minute_ago
+ category => 'news',
+ location => "slip",
+ branchcode => $branchcode,
+ expirationdate => undef,
+ published_on => $one_minute_ago
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ my $content = $builder->build_object(
+ {
+ class => 'Koha::AdditionalContentsLocalizations',
+ value => {
+ additional_content_id => $news_item->id,
+ lang => 'default',
+ title => "A wonderful news",
+ content => "This is the wonderful news.",
@@ -702,15 +710,17 @@ Date due: <>
+[% IF additional_contents.count %]
+[% FOR content IN additional_contents %]
[% content.title %]
[% content.content %]
+[% END %]
+[% END %]
reset_template( { template => $template, code => $code, module => 'circulation' } );
@@ -762,6 +772,7 @@ Date due: [% overdue.date_due | \$KohaDates %]
+[% IF additional_contents.count %]
[% FOREACH n IN additional_contents %]
@@ -771,6 +782,7 @@ Date due: [% overdue.date_due | \$KohaDates %]
[% END %]
+[% END %]
reset_template( { template => $tt_template, code => $code, module => 'circulation' } );
@@ -787,7 +799,7 @@ EOF
# There is too many line breaks generated by the historic syntax
$second_slip->{content} =~ s|\n\n\n|
- my $news_item_title = $news_item->title;
+ my $news_item_title = $content->title;
like( $first_slip->{content}, qr{$news_item_title} );
is( $first_tt_slip->{content}, $first_slip->{content}, );
is( $second_tt_slip->{content}, $second_slip->{content}, );