From 8227cb79c9dd1819b6e3d267e9adf626f030d001 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: David Cook <>
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2023 03:22:22 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Bug 31427: Get auto renewal errors before other renewal

This patch changes CanBookBeRenewed so that automatic renewal
errors pop up before other renewal errors. This means that a book
will be considered "auto_too_soon" before things like "too_many" or
"restricted". (Otherwise, you'll get an email saying you can't renew
a book the day after using your last auto renewal, even though the
earliest renewal isn't available until later.)

Test plan:
0. Apply patch
1. prove t/db_dependent/Circulation.t
2. prove t/db_dependent/Holds.t
3. prove t/db_dependent/Koha/Account/Line.t
4. prove t/db_dependent/Koha/Account.t

Additional tests:
5. Go to http://localhost:8081/cgi-bin/koha/admin/
6. Change to "block"
7. Go to http://localhost:8081/cgi-bin/koha/admin/
8. Change to "according to patron messaging preferences"
9. Go to http://localhost:8081/cgi-bin/koha/admin/
10. Set "Automatic renewal" to "Yes" and "No renewal before" to 4
11. Go to http://localhost:8081/cgi-bin/koha/circ/
12. Checkout 39999000001310 with a due date 4 days in the future
13. Add a manual restriction
14. Run `perl ./misc/cronjobs/`
15. Note that it says something like the following:
Issue id: 1237 for borrower: 51 and item: 73 would not be renewed. (auto_too_soon)

Instead of something like the following:
Issue id: 1237 for borrower: 51 and item: 73 would not be renewed. (restriction)

Signed-off-by: Sam Lau <>
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
 C4/ | 26 ++++++++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/C4/ b/C4/
index 109809d4b99..651fdb497b1 100644
--- a/C4/
+++ b/C4/
@@ -3000,6 +3000,20 @@ sub CanBookBeRenewed {
     # override_limit will override anything else except on_reserve
     unless ( $override_limit ){
         my $branchcode = _GetCircControlBranch( $item, $patron );
+        ( $auto_renew, $soonest ) = _CanBookBeAutoRenewed({
+            patron     => $patron,
+            item       => $item,
+            branchcode => $branchcode,
+            issue      => $issue
+        });
+        return ( 0, $auto_renew, { soonest_renew_date => $soonest } ) if $auto_renew =~ 'auto_too_soon' && $cron;
+        # cron wants 'too_soon' over 'on_reserve' for performance and to avoid
+        # extra notices being sent. Cron also implies no override
+        return ( 0, $auto_renew  ) if $auto_renew =~ 'auto_account_expired';
+        return ( 0, $auto_renew  ) if $auto_renew =~ 'auto_too_late';
+        return ( 0, $auto_renew  ) if $auto_renew =~ 'auto_too_much_oweing';
         my $issuing_rule = Koha::CirculationRules->get_effective_rules(
                 categorycode => $patron->categorycode,
@@ -3036,18 +3050,6 @@ sub CanBookBeRenewed {
             return ( 0, 'overdue');
-        ( $auto_renew, $soonest ) = _CanBookBeAutoRenewed({
-            patron     => $patron,
-            item       => $item,
-            branchcode => $branchcode,
-            issue      => $issue
-        });
-        return ( 0, $auto_renew, { soonest_renew_date => $soonest } ) if $auto_renew =~ 'auto_too_soon' && $cron;
-        # cron wants 'too_soon' over 'on_reserve' for performance and to avoid
-        # extra notices being sent. Cron also implies no override
-        return ( 0, $auto_renew  ) if $auto_renew =~ 'auto_account_expired';
-        return ( 0, $auto_renew  ) if $auto_renew =~ 'auto_too_late';
-        return ( 0, $auto_renew  ) if $auto_renew =~ 'auto_too_much_oweing';
     if ( C4::Context->preference('UseRecalls') ) {