Bugzilla – Attachment 163171 Details for
Bug 36305
Inventory tools need adjustments for CSRF
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Bug 36305: Tidy forms
Bug-36305-Tidy-forms.patch (text/plain), 37.81 KB, created by
Marcel de Rooy
on 2024-03-15 08:27:04 UTC
Bug 36305: Tidy forms
MIME Type:
Marcel de Rooy
2024-03-15 08:27:04 UTC
37.81 KB
>From 30c2214bdd99364059823984fec25f0cd3f40f70 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 >From: Kyle M Hall <kyle@bywatersolutions.com> >Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2024 12:00:52 -0400 >Subject: [PATCH] Bug 36305: Tidy forms >Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 > >Signed-off-by: David Nind <david@davidnind.com> > >Signed-off-by: Marcel de Rooy <m.de.rooy@rijksmuseum.nl> >--- > .../prog/en/modules/tools/inventory.tt | 625 +++++++++--------- > 1 file changed, 327 insertions(+), 298 deletions(-) > >diff --git a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/tools/inventory.tt b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/tools/inventory.tt >index 6634c6ce2a..2add52e253 100644 >--- a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/tools/inventory.tt >+++ b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/tools/inventory.tt >@@ -49,313 +49,342 @@ > <main> > [% INCLUDE 'messages.inc' %] > >- <h1>Inventory</h1> >- [% IF (moddatecount) %]<div class="dialog message">[% moddatecount | html %] items modified : datelastseen set to [% date | $KohaDates with_hours => 1 %]</div> >- <div class="dialog alert">Number of potential barcodes read: [% LinesRead | html %]</div>[% END %] >- [% IF (errorfile) %]<div class="dialog alert">[% errorfile | html %] can't be opened</div>[% END %] >- [% IF (err_length && err_length==1) %]<div class="dialog alert">There was 1 barcode that was too long.</div>[% END %] >- [% IF (err_length && err_length>1) %]<div class="dialog alert">There were [% err_length | html %] barcodes that were too long.</div>[% END %] >- [% IF (err_data && err_data==1) %]<div class="dialog alert">There was 1 barcode that contained at least one unprintable character.</div>[% END %] >- [% IF (err_data && err_data>1) %]<div class="dialog alert">There were [% err_data | html %] barcodes that contained at least one unprintable character.</div>[% END %] >- [% FOREACH error IN errorloop %] >- <div class="dialog alert"> >- [% error.barcode | html %] >- [% IF (error.ERR_BARCODE) %]: <span>Barcode not found.</span>[% END %] >- [% IF (error.ERR_WTHDRAWN) %]: <span>Item withdrawn.</span>[% END %] >- [% IF (error.ERR_ONLOAN_RET) %]: <span>Item was on loan. It was checked in before being marked as seen.</span>[% END %] >- [% IF (error.ERR_ONLOAN_NOT_RET) %]: <span>Item was on loan and could not be checked in.</span>[% END %] >- </div> >- [% END %] >- [% UNLESS op %] >- >- <form method="post" id="inventory_form" action="/cgi-bin/koha/tools/inventory.pl" enctype="multipart/form-data"> >- [% INCLUDE 'csrf-token.inc' %] >- <fieldset class="rows"> >- <legend>Use a barcode file</legend> >- <ol> >- <li><label for="uploadbarcodes">Barcode file: </label> <input type="file" id="uploadbarcodes" name="uploadbarcodes" /> >- <input type="button" id="resetuploadbarcodes" name="resetuploadbarcodes" value="Reset" /></li> >- </ol> >- </fieldset> >- <fieldset class="rows"> >- <legend>Or scan items one by one</legend> >- <ol> >- <li> >- <label for="barcodelist">Barcode list (one barcode per line): </label> >- <textarea rows="10" cols="30" id="barcodelist" name="barcodelist"></textarea> >- </li> >- </ol> >- </fieldset> >- <fieldset class="rows"> >- <legend>Parameters</legend> >- <ol> >- <li><label for="setdate">Set inventory date to:</label> <input type="text" id="setdate" name="setdate" value="[% today | html %]" class="flatpickr" /></li> >- <li><label for="compareinv2barcd">Compare barcodes list to results: </label><input type="checkbox" name="compareinv2barcd" id="compareinv2barcd" disabled /></li> >- <li><label for="dont_checkin">Do not check in items scanned during inventory: </label><input type="checkbox" name="dont_checkin" id="dont_checkin" disabled /></li> >- <li><label for="out_of_order">Check barcodes list for items shelved out of order: </label><input type="checkbox" name="out_of_order" id="out_of_order" disabled /></li> >- </ol> >- </fieldset> >- <fieldset class="rows"> >- <legend>Item location filters</legend> >- <ol><li> >- <label for="branch">Location: </label> >- <input type="radio" name="branch" value="homebranch"> Home library</input> >- <input type="radio" name="branch" value="holdingbranch"> Current library</input> >- </li><li> >- <label for="branchloop">Library: </label><select id="branchloop" name="branchcode" style="width:12em;"> >- <option value="">All libraries</option> >- [% PROCESS options_for_libraries libraries => Branches.all( selected => branchcode, unfiltered => 1, ) %] >- </select> >- </li> >- [% IF (authorised_values) %] >- <li> >- <label for="locationloop">Shelving location (items.location) is: </label> >- <select id="locationloop" name="location"> >- <option value="">Filter location</option> >- [% FOREACH value IN authorised_values %] >- [% IF (value.selected) %] >- <option value="[% value.authorised_value | html %]" selected="selected">[% value.lib | html %]</option> >- [% ELSE %] >- <option value="[% value.authorised_value | html %]">[% value.lib | html %]</option> >- [% END %] >- [% END %] >- </select> </li> >- [% END %] >- [% SET ccodes = AuthorisedValues.GetAuthValueDropbox('CCODE') %] >- [% IF ( ccodes.count > 0 ) %] >- <li> >- <label for="ccode">Collection code: </label> >- <select id="ccodeloop" name="ccode"> >- <option value="">Filter collection</option> >- [% FOREACH cc IN ccodes %] >- [% IF (ccode == cc.authorised_value) %] >- <option value="[% cc.authorised_value | html %]" selected="selected">[% cc.lib | html %]</option> >- [% ELSE %] >- <option value="[% cc.authorised_value | html %]">[% cc.lib | html %]</option> >- [% END %] >- [% END %] >- </select> >- </li> >- [% END %] >- <li> >- <label for="minlocation">Item call number between: </label> >- <input type="text" name="minlocation" id="minlocation" value="[% minlocation | html %]" /> (items.itemcallnumber) </li> >- <li><label for="maxlocation">...and: </label> >- <input type="text" name="maxlocation" id="maxlocation" value="[% maxlocation | html %]" /> >- <li> >- <label for="class_source">Call number classification scheme</label> >- <select name="class_source"> >- [% FOREACH class_source IN class_sources %] >- [% IF class_source.cn_source == pref_class %] >- <option value="[% class_source.cn_source | html %]" selected="selected">[% class_source.description | html %] (default)</option> >- [% ELSE %] >- <option value="[% class_source.cn_source | html %]">[% class_source.description | html %]</option> >+ <h1>Inventory</h1> >+ [% IF (moddatecount) %]<div class="dialog message">[% moddatecount | html %] items modified : datelastseen set to [% date | $KohaDates with_hours => 1 %]</div> >+ <div class="dialog alert">Number of potential barcodes read: [% LinesRead | html %]</div>[% END %] >+ [% IF (errorfile) %]<div class="dialog alert">[% errorfile | html %] can't be opened</div>[% END %] >+ [% IF (err_length && err_length==1) %]<div class="dialog alert">There was 1 barcode that was too long.</div>[% END %] >+ [% IF (err_length && err_length>1) %]<div class="dialog alert">There were [% err_length | html %] barcodes that were too long.</div>[% END %] >+ [% IF (err_data && err_data==1) %]<div class="dialog alert">There was 1 barcode that contained at least one unprintable character.</div>[% END %] >+ [% IF (err_data && err_data>1) %]<div class="dialog alert">There were [% err_data | html %] barcodes that contained at least one unprintable character.</div>[% END %] >+ [% FOREACH error IN errorloop %] >+ <div class="dialog alert"> >+ [% error.barcode | html %] >+ [% IF (error.ERR_BARCODE) %]: <span>Barcode not found.</span>[% END %] >+ [% IF (error.ERR_WTHDRAWN) %]: <span>Item withdrawn.</span>[% END %] >+ [% IF (error.ERR_ONLOAN_RET) %]: <span>Item was on loan. It was checked in before being marked as seen.</span>[% END %] >+ [% IF (error.ERR_ONLOAN_NOT_RET) %]: <span>Item was on loan and could not be checked in.</span>[% END %] >+ </div> > [% END %] >- [% END %] >- </select> >- </li> >- </ol> >- </fieldset> >- >- <fieldset class="rows" id="optionalfilters"> >- <legend>Optional filters for inventory list or comparing barcodes</legend> >- <span class="hint">Scanned items are expected to match one of the selected "not for loan" criteria if any are checked.</span> >- <br/> >- <div id="statuses" style="display: block;"> >- [% FOREACH status IN statuses %] >- [% IF (status.values) %] >- <fieldset style="float: left; padding: 5px; margin: 5px;text-align:right"> >- <legend>[% status.fieldname | html %]</legend> >- <ul id="statuses-[% fieldname | html %]" style="display: inline;"> >- [% FOREACH value IN status.values %] >- [% IF (value.lib) %] >- <li style="list-style: none;"> >- <label for="[% value.id | html %]"> >- [% IF ( status.fieldname == 'items.notforloan' && value.authorised_value == 0 && value.lib == '__IGNORE__' ) %] >- For loan >- [% ELSE %] >- [% value.lib | html %] >+ >+ [% UNLESS op %] >+ <form method="post" id="inventory_form" action="/cgi-bin/koha/tools/inventory.pl" enctype="multipart/form-data"> >+ [% INCLUDE 'csrf-token.inc' %] >+ <input type="hidden" name="op" value="do_it" /> >+ >+ <fieldset class="rows"> >+ <legend>Use a barcode file</legend> >+ <ol> >+ <li> >+ <label for="uploadbarcodes">Barcode file: </label> <input type="file" id="uploadbarcodes" name="uploadbarcodes" /> >+ <input type="button" id="resetuploadbarcodes" name="resetuploadbarcodes" value="Reset" /> >+ </li> >+ </ol> >+ </fieldset> >+ >+ <fieldset class="rows"> >+ <legend>Or scan items one by one</legend> >+ <ol> >+ <li> >+ <label for="barcodelist">Barcode list (one barcode per line): </label> >+ <textarea rows="10" cols="30" id="barcodelist" name="barcodelist"></textarea> >+ </li> >+ </ol> >+ </fieldset> >+ >+ <fieldset class="rows"> >+ <legend>Parameters</legend> >+ <ol> >+ <li><label for="setdate">Set inventory date to:</label> <input type="text" id="setdate" name="setdate" value="[% today | html %]" class="flatpickr" /></li> >+ <li><label for="compareinv2barcd">Compare barcodes list to results: </label><input type="checkbox" name="compareinv2barcd" id="compareinv2barcd" disabled /></li> >+ <li><label for="dont_checkin">Do not check in items scanned during inventory: </label><input type="checkbox" name="dont_checkin" id="dont_checkin" disabled /></li> >+ <li><label for="out_of_order">Check barcodes list for items shelved out of order: </label><input type="checkbox" name="out_of_order" id="out_of_order" disabled /></li> >+ </ol> >+ </fieldset> >+ >+ <fieldset class="rows"> >+ <legend>Item location filters</legend> >+ <ol> >+ <li> >+ <label for="branch">Location: </label> >+ <input type="radio" name="branch" value="homebranch"> Home library</input> >+ <input type="radio" name="branch" value="holdingbranch"> Current library</input> >+ </li> >+ >+ <li> >+ <label for="branchloop">Library: </label> >+ <select id="branchloop" name="branchcode" style="width:12em;"> >+ <option value="">All libraries</option> >+ [% PROCESS options_for_libraries libraries => Branches.all( selected => branchcode, unfiltered => 1, ) %] >+ </select> >+ </li> >+ >+ [% IF (authorised_values) %] >+ <li> >+ <label for="locationloop">Shelving location (items.location) is: </label> >+ <select id="locationloop" name="location"> >+ <option value="">Filter location</option> >+ [% FOREACH value IN authorised_values %] >+ [% IF (value.selected) %] >+ <option value="[% value.authorised_value | html %]" selected="selected">[% value.lib | html %]</option> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <option value="[% value.authorised_value | html %]">[% value.lib | html %]</option> >+ [% END %] > [% END %] >- </label> >- <input type="checkbox" name="status-[% status.fieldname | html %]-[% value.authorised_value | html %]" id="[% value.authorised_value | html %]" /> >- </li> >- [% END %] >- [% END %] >- </ul> >- </fieldset> >- [% END %] >- [% END %] >- </div> >- <ol> >- <li> >- <br/> >- <label for="datelastseen">Last inventory date:</label> >- <input type="text" id="datelastseen" name="datelastseen" value="[% datelastseen | html %]" class="flatpickr" /> >- (Skip records marked as seen on or after this date.) >- </li> >- <li> >- <label for="ignoreissued">Skip items on loan: </label> >- [% IF (ignoreissued) %] >- <input type="checkbox" id="ignoreissued" name="ignoreissued" checked="checked" /> >- [% ELSE %] >- <input type="checkbox" id="ignoreissued" name="ignoreissued" /> >- [% END %] >- </li> >- <li> >- <label for="ignore_waiting_holds">Skip items on hold awaiting pickup: </label> >- <input type="checkbox" id="ignore_waiting_holds" name="ignore_waiting_holds" /> >- </li> >- <li> >- <label>Item types: </label> >- <div class="branchselector"> >- <p><a href="#" id="checkallitemtypes"> <i class="fa fa-check"></i> Select all</a> | <a href="#" id="checknoneitemtypes"> <i class="fa fa-times"></i> Clear all</a></p> >- <div class="branchgridrow"> >- [% FOREACH itemtype IN itemtypes %] >- <div class="branchgriditem"> >- <input id="itemtype-[% itemtype.itemtype | html %]" class="branch_select" type="checkbox" name="itemtype-[% itemtype.itemtype | html %]" value="[% itemtype.itemtype | html %]" /> >- <label for="itemtype-[% itemtype.itemtype | html %]">[% itemtype.description | html %]</label> >+ </select> >+ </li> >+ [% END %] >+ >+ [% SET ccodes = AuthorisedValues.GetAuthValueDropbox('CCODE') %] >+ [% IF ( ccodes.count > 0 ) %] >+ <li> >+ <label for="ccode">Collection code: </label> >+ <select id="ccodeloop" name="ccode"> >+ <option value="">Filter collection</option> >+ [% FOREACH cc IN ccodes %] >+ [% IF (ccode == cc.authorised_value) %] >+ <option value="[% cc.authorised_value | html %]" selected="selected">[% cc.lib | html %]</option> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <option value="[% cc.authorised_value | html %]">[% cc.lib | html %]</option> >+ [% END %] >+ [% END %] >+ </select> >+ </li> >+ [% END %] >+ >+ <li> >+ <label for="minlocation">Item call number between: </label> >+ <input type="text" name="minlocation" id="minlocation" value="[% minlocation | html %]" /> (items.itemcallnumber) >+ </li> >+ <li> >+ <label for="maxlocation">...and: </label> >+ <input type="text" name="maxlocation" id="maxlocation" value="[% maxlocation | html %]" /> >+ <li> >+ <label for="class_source">Call number classification scheme</label> >+ <select name="class_source"> >+ [% FOREACH class_source IN class_sources %] >+ [% IF class_source.cn_source == pref_class %] >+ <option value="[% class_source.cn_source | html %]" selected="selected">[% class_source.description | html %] (default)</option> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <option value="[% class_source.cn_source | html %]">[% class_source.description | html %]</option> >+ [% END %] >+ [% END %] >+ </select> >+ </li> >+ </li> >+ </ol> >+ </fieldset> >+ >+ <fieldset class="rows" id="optionalfilters"> >+ <legend>Optional filters for inventory list or comparing barcodes</legend> >+ <span class="hint">Scanned items are expected to match one of the selected "not for loan" criteria if any are checked.</span> >+ <br/> >+ <div id="statuses" style="display: block;"> >+ [% FOREACH status IN statuses %] >+ [% IF (status.values) %] >+ <fieldset style="float: left; padding: 5px; margin: 5px;text-align:right"> >+ <legend>[% status.fieldname | html %]</legend> >+ <ul id="statuses-[% fieldname | html %]" style="display: inline;"> >+ [% FOREACH value IN status.values %] >+ [% IF (value.lib) %] >+ <li style="list-style: none;"> >+ <label for="[% value.id | html %]"> >+ [% IF ( status.fieldname == 'items.notforloan' && value.authorised_value == 0 && value.lib == '__IGNORE__' ) %] >+ For loan >+ [% ELSE %] >+ [% value.lib | html %] >+ [% END %] >+ </label> >+ <input type="checkbox" name="status-[% status.fieldname | html %]-[% value.authorised_value | html %]" id="[% value.authorised_value | html %]" /> >+ </li> >+ [% END %] >+ [% END %] >+ </ul> >+ </fieldset> >+ [% END %] >+ [% END %] > </div> >- [% IF loop.count() % 4 == 0 && !loop.last() %] >- </div> >- <div class="branchgridrow"> >- [% END %] >- [% END %] >- </div> >- </div> >- </li> >- >- </ol> > >- </fieldset> >- >- <fieldset class="rows"> >- <legend>Additional options</legend> >- <ol> >- >- <li> >- <label for="CSVexport">Export to CSV file: </label> >- <input type="checkbox" name="CSVexport" id="CSVexport" /> >- </li> >- </ol> >- <input type="hidden" name="op" value="do_it" /> >- </fieldset> >+ <ol> >+ <li> >+ <br/> >+ <label for="datelastseen">Last inventory date:</label> >+ <input type="text" id="datelastseen" name="datelastseen" value="[% datelastseen | html %]" class="flatpickr" /> >+ (Skip records marked as seen on or after this date.) >+ </li> >+ <li> >+ <label for="ignoreissued">Skip items on loan: </label> >+ [% IF (ignoreissued) %] >+ <input type="checkbox" id="ignoreissued" name="ignoreissued" checked="checked" /> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <input type="checkbox" id="ignoreissued" name="ignoreissued" /> >+ [% END %] >+ </li> >+ <li> >+ <label for="ignore_waiting_holds">Skip items on hold awaiting pickup: </label> >+ <input type="checkbox" id="ignore_waiting_holds" name="ignore_waiting_holds" /> >+ </li> >+ <li> >+ <label>Item types: </label> >+ <div class="branchselector"> >+ <p><a href="#" id="checkallitemtypes"> <i class="fa fa-check"></i> Select all</a> | <a href="#" id="checknoneitemtypes"> <i class="fa fa-times"></i> Clear all</a></p> >+ <div class="branchgridrow"> >+ [% FOREACH itemtype IN itemtypes %] >+ <div class="branchgriditem"> >+ <input id="itemtype-[% itemtype.itemtype | html %]" class="branch_select" type="checkbox" name="itemtype-[% itemtype.itemtype | html %]" value="[% itemtype.itemtype | html %]" /> >+ <label for="itemtype-[% itemtype.itemtype | html %]">[% itemtype.description | html %]</label> >+ </div> >+ [% IF loop.count() % 4 == 0 && !loop.last() %] >+ </div> >+ <div class="branchgridrow"> >+ [% END %] >+ [% END %] >+ </div> >+ </div> >+ </li> >+ </ol> >+ </fieldset> >+ >+ <fieldset class="rows"> >+ <legend>Additional options</legend> >+ <ol> >+ <li> >+ <label for="CSVexport">Export to CSV file: </label> >+ <input type="checkbox" name="CSVexport" id="CSVexport" /> >+ </li> >+ </ol> >+ </fieldset> >+ >+ <fieldset class="action"> >+ <input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" value="Submit" /> >+ </fieldset> >+ </form> >+ [% END %] > >- <fieldset class="action"><input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" value="Submit" /></fieldset> >- </form> >+ [% IF op %] >+ <form method="post" action="/cgi-bin/koha/tools/inventory.pl"> >+ [% INCLUDE 'csrf-token.inc' %] >+ <input type="hidden" name="minlocation" value="[% minlocation | html %]" /> >+ <input type="hidden" name="maxlocation" value="[% maxlocation | html %]" /> >+ <input type="hidden" name="location" value="[% location | html %]" /> >+ <input type="hidden" name="branchcode" value="[% branchcode | html %]" /> >+ <input type="hidden" name="datelastseen" value="[% datelastseen | html %]" /> >+ <input type="hidden" name="ccode" value="[% ccode | html %]" /> >+ >+ [% UNLESS uploadedbarcodesflag %] >+ <div><a href="#" class="checkall"><i class="fa fa-check"></i> Select all</a> <a href="#" class="clearall"><i class="fa fa-times"></i> Clear all</a></div> >+ [% END %] > >- [% END %] >- [% IF (op) %] >- <form method="post" action="/cgi-bin/koha/tools/inventory.pl"> >- [% INCLUDE 'csrf-token.inc' %] >- <input type="hidden" name="minlocation" value="[% minlocation | html %]" /> >- <input type="hidden" name="maxlocation" value="[% maxlocation | html %]" /> >- <input type="hidden" name="location" value="[% location | html %]" /> >- <input type="hidden" name="branchcode" value="[% branchcode | html %]" /> >- <input type="hidden" name="datelastseen" value="[% datelastseen | html %]" /> >- <input type="hidden" name="ccode" value="[% ccode | html %]" /> >- >- [% UNLESS uploadedbarcodesflag %] >- <div><a href="#" class="checkall"><i class="fa fa-check"></i> Select all</a> <a href="#" class="clearall"><i class="fa fa-times"></i> Clear all</a></div> >- [% END %] >+ <div class="page-section"> >+ <table id="inventoryt"> >+ <thead> >+ <tr> >+ [% UNLESS uploadedbarcodesflag %] >+ <th>Seen</th> >+ [% END %] >+ <th>Barcode</th> >+ <th>Call number</th> >+ <th>Library</th> >+ <th>Collection code</th> >+ <th class="anti-the">Title</th> >+ <th>Not for loan</th> >+ <th>Lost</th> >+ <th>Damaged</th> >+ <th>Withdrawn</th> >+ <th>Last seen</th> >+ <th>Problems</th> >+ </tr> >+ </thead> >+ <tbody> >+ [% FOREACH result IN loop %] >+ <tr> >+ [% UNLESS uploadedbarcodesflag %] >+ <td> >+ <input type="checkbox" name="SEEN-[% result.itemnumber | html %]" value="1" /> >+ </td> >+ [% END %] > >- <div class="page-section"> >- <table id="inventoryt"> >- <thead> >- <tr> >- [% UNLESS uploadedbarcodesflag %]<th>Seen</th>[% END %] >- <th>Barcode</th> >- <th>Call number</th> >- <th>Library</th> >- <th>Collection code</th> >- <th class="anti-the">Title</th> >- <th>Not for loan</th> >- <th>Lost</th> >- <th>Damaged</th> >- <th>Withdrawn</th> >- <th>Last seen</th> >- <th>Problems</th> >- </tr> >- </thead> >- <tbody> >- [% FOREACH result IN loop %] >- <tr> >- [% UNLESS uploadedbarcodesflag %] >- <td> >- <input type="checkbox" name="SEEN-[% result.itemnumber | html %]" value="1" /> >- </td> >- [% END %] >- <td> >- [% result.barcode | html %] >- </td> >- <td data-order="[% result.cn_sort | html %]"> >- [% result.itemcallnumber | html %] >- </td> >- <td> >- [% Branches.GetName( result.homebranch ) | html %] >- <span class="shelvingloc">[% result.location | html %]</span> >- </td> >- <td> >- <span class="ccode">[% result.ccode | html %]</span> >- </td> >- <td> >- <a href="/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=[% result.biblionumber | uri %]" class="openWin">[% result.title | html %]</a> >- [% IF ( result.author ) %] >- by <span class="author">[% result.author | html %]</span> >- [% END %] >- </td> >- <td> >- [% result.notforloan | html %] >- </td> >- <td> >- [% result.itemlost | html %] >- </td> >- <td> >- [% result.damaged | html %] >- </td> >- <td> >- [% result.withdrawn | html %] >- </td> >- <td data-order="[% result.datelastseen | html %]"> >- [% result.datelastseen | $KohaDates with_hours => 1 %] >- </td> >- <td> >- [% FOREACH problem IN result.problems %] >- [% IF problem.key == 'wrongplace' %] >- <span>Found in wrong place</span><br/> >- [% ELSIF problem.key == 'changestatus' %] >- [% IF result.notforloan %] >- <span>Item has unselected "Not for loan" status "[% result.notforloan | html %]"</span><br/> >- [% ELSE %] >- <span>Items has no "not for loan" status</span><br/> >+ <td> >+ [% result.barcode | html %] >+ </td> >+ >+ <td data-order="[% result.cn_sort | html %]"> >+ [% result.itemcallnumber | html %] >+ </td> >+ >+ <td> >+ [% Branches.GetName( result.homebranch ) | html %] >+ <span class="shelvingloc">[% result.location | html %]</span> >+ </td> >+ >+ <td> >+ <span class="ccode">[% result.ccode | html %]</span> >+ </td> >+ >+ <td> >+ <a href="/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=[% result.biblionumber | uri %]" class="openWin">[% result.title | html %]</a> >+ [% IF ( result.author ) %] >+ by <span class="author">[% result.author | html %]</span> >+ [% END %] >+ </td> >+ >+ <td> >+ [% result.notforloan | html %] >+ </td> >+ >+ <td> >+ [% result.itemlost | html %] >+ </td> >+ >+ <td> >+ [% result.damaged | html %] >+ </td> >+ >+ <td> >+ [% result.withdrawn | html %] >+ </td> >+ >+ <td data-order="[% result.datelastseen | html %]"> >+ [% result.datelastseen | $KohaDates with_hours => 1 %] >+ </td> >+ >+ <td> >+ [% FOREACH problem IN result.problems %] >+ [% IF problem.key == 'wrongplace' %] >+ <span>Found in wrong place</span><br/> >+ [% ELSIF problem.key == 'changestatus' %] >+ [% IF result.notforloan %] >+ <span>Item has unselected "Not for loan" status "[% result.notforloan | html %]"</span><br/> >+ [% ELSE %] >+ <span>Items has no "not for loan" status</span><br/> >+ [% END %] >+ [% ELSIF problem.key == 'not_scanned' %] >+ <span>Missing (not scanned)</span><br/> >+ [% ELSIF problem.key == 'checkedout' %] >+ <span>Still checked out</span><br/> >+ [% ELSIF problem.key == 'no_barcode' %] >+ <span>No barcode</span><br/> >+ [% ELSIF problem.key == 'out_of_order' %] >+ <span>Item may be shelved out of order</span><br/> >+ [% END %] >+ [% END %] >+ </td> >+ </tr> >+ [% END %] >+ </tbody> >+ </table> >+ </div> >+ >+ <div class="spacer"></div> >+ >+ [% UNLESS uploadedbarcodesflag %] >+ <div style="padding : .3em 0"><a href="#" class="checkall"><i class="fa fa-check"></i> Select all</a> <a href="#" class="clearall"><i class="fa fa-times"></i> Clear all</a></div> >+ <input type="submit" id="markseenandquit" class="btn btn-primary" value="Mark seen and quit" /> >+ <input type="submit" value="Mark seen and continue >>" id="markseenandcontinuebutton" /> >+ <input type="submit" value="Continue without marking >>" id="continuewithoutmarkingbutton" class="submit" /> > [% END %] >- [% ELSIF problem.key == 'not_scanned' %] >- <span>Missing (not scanned)</span><br/> >- [% ELSIF problem.key == 'checkedout' %] >- <span>Still checked out</span><br/> >- [% ELSIF problem.key == 'no_barcode' %] >- <span>No barcode</span><br/> >- [% ELSIF problem.key == 'out_of_order' %] >- <span>Item may be shelved out of order</span><br/> >+ </form> > [% END %] >- [% END %] >- </td> >- </tr> >- [% END %] >- </tbody> >- </table> >- </div> >- >- <div class="spacer"></div> >- [% UNLESS uploadedbarcodesflag %] >- <div style="padding : .3em 0"><a href="#" class="checkall"><i class="fa fa-check"></i> Select all</a> <a href="#" class="clearall"><i class="fa fa-times"></i> Clear all</a></div> >- <input type="submit" id="markseenandquit" class="btn btn-primary" value="Mark seen and quit" /> >- <input type="submit" value="Mark seen and continue >>" id="markseenandcontinuebutton" /> >- <input type="submit" value="Continue without marking >>" id="continuewithoutmarkingbutton" class="submit" /> >- [% END %] >- </form> >- >- >- [% END %] > > </main> > </div> <!-- /.col-sm-10.col-sm-push-2 --> >-- >2.30.2
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