From f0004479c8891037ac0d63adf1cb72a0bef49c24 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: David Bourgault <>
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2017 13:24:13 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Bug 19336: Add --maxfinesday option to

This is a functionality we have for some of our clients we want to push
to the community.

Adds the --maxfinesday argument to which creates or updates a
fine with the maximum amount set in the circulation rules after the
delay has passed.

./ --maxfinesdays 30
All item over 30 days late will have the maximal fine applied.

Here is a test plan I followed based on above.
Test plan:
1. Create circulation rule with Overdue fines cap set

2. Set finesMode systempreference to 'Calculate and charge'

3. Check out an item with the due date set 30 days ago

4. In Koha shell run ./ --maxfinesdays 30

5. There should now be a new fine in the accountlines table of the
amount set in overdue fines cap

Followed test plan, patch worked as intended

Signed-off-by: Alex Buckley <>
Signed-off-by: Chris Cormack <>
Signed-off-by: Kyle M Hall <>
 misc/cronjobs/ | 16 +++++++++++++---
 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/misc/cronjobs/ b/misc/cronjobs/
index c3b1b2c04d..6d08cd8394 100755
--- a/misc/cronjobs/
+++ b/misc/cronjobs/
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ my $output_dir;
 my $log;
 my $maxdays;
 my $verify_issue;
+my $maxfinesdays;
 my $command_line_options = join(" ",@ARGV);
 cronlogaction({ info => $command_line_options });
@@ -60,6 +61,7 @@ GetOptions(
     'o|out:s'   => \$output_dir,
     'm|maxdays:i' => \$maxdays,
     'i|verifyissue' => \$verify_issue,
+    'maxfinesdays=i' => \$maxfinesdays
 my $usage = << 'ENDUSAGE';
@@ -76,6 +78,7 @@ This script has the following parameters :
     -m --maxdays: how many days back of overdues to process
     -i --verifyissue: verify the issue before updating the fine in case the
                item is returned while the fines job is running
+    --maxfinesdays: number of days after which normal fine amount should jump to maximal amount
@@ -150,9 +153,16 @@ for my $overdue ( @{$overdues} ) {
-    my ( $amount, $unitcounttotal, $unitcount ) =
-      CalcFine( $overdue, $patron->categorycode,
-        $branchcode, $datedue, $today );
+    my ( $amount, $unitcounttotal, $unitcount);
+    if ( defined($maxfinesdays) && $maxfinesdays <= $datedue->delta_days( $today )) {
+        my $itype = $overdue->{itemtype} || $overdue->{itype};
+        my $data = C4::Circulation::GetIssuingRule( $borrower->{categorycode}, $itype, $branchcode );
+        $amount = $data->{overduefinescap};
+    }
+    if (!$amount) {
+        ( $amount, $unitcounttotal, $unitcount ) = CalcFine( $overdue, $borrower->{categorycode}, $branchcode, $datedue, $today );
+    }
     # Don't update the fine if today is a holiday.
     # This ensures that dropbox mode will remove the correct amount of fine.