From de19a598f9f9d313248681ea2ecbbd70fd7045c5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jonathan Druart <>
Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2012 16:05:40 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Bug 5336:Order search (search and UI enhancements)

You can now search orders by
- order status
- fund

New field aqorders.orderstatus, it can contains following values:
  0 => New
  1 => Ordered
  2 => Partial
  3 => Complete
  4 => Deleted

To test: Search and check if results are consistent in
 C4/                                  |  145 ++++++++++++++++----
 acqui/                                    |   18 ++-
 acqui/                                |   22 ++-
 installer/data/mysql/kohastructure.sql             |    1 +
 installer/data/mysql/             |   16 +++
 .../prog/en/modules/acqui/            |  100 ++++++++++----
 6 files changed, 240 insertions(+), 62 deletions(-)

diff --git a/C4/ b/C4/
index c766753..c334afd 100644
--- a/C4/
+++ b/C4/
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ use MARC::Record;
 use C4::Suggestions;
 use C4::Biblio;
 use C4::Debug;
-use C4::SQLHelper qw(InsertInTable);
+use C4::SQLHelper qw(InsertInTable UpdateInTable);
 use C4::Bookseller qw(GetBookSellerFromId);
 use C4::Templates qw(gettemplate);
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ BEGIN {
     require Exporter;
     @ISA    = qw(Exporter);
     @EXPORT = qw(
-        &GetBasket &NewBasket &CloseBasket &DelBasket &ModBasket
+        &GetBasket &NewBasket &CloseBasket &ReopenBasket &DelBasket &ModBasket
         &GetBasketAsCSV &GetBasketGroupAsCSV
         &GetBasketsByBookseller &GetBasketsByBasketgroup
@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ BEGIN {
+        &GetBiblioCountByBasketno
@@ -214,7 +215,7 @@ sub NewBasket {
-close a basket (becomes unmodifiable,except for recieves)
+close a basket (becomes unmodifiable, except for receives)
@@ -228,6 +229,48 @@ sub CloseBasket {
     my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
+    my @orders = GetOrders($basketno);
+    foreach my $order (@orders) {
+        $query = qq{
+            UPDATE aqorders
+            SET orderstatus = 1
+            WHERE ordernumber = ?;
+        };
+        $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
+        $sth->execute($order->{'ordernumber'});
+    }
+=head3 ReopenBasket
+  &ReopenBasket($basketno);
+reopen a basket
+sub ReopenBasket {
+    my ($basketno) = @_;
+    my $dbh        = C4::Context->dbh;
+    my $query = "
+        UPDATE aqbasket
+        SET    closedate=NULL
+        WHERE  basketno=?
+    ";
+    my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
+    $sth->execute($basketno);
+    my @orders = GetOrders($basketno);
+    foreach my $order (@orders) {
+        $query = qq{
+            UPDATE aqorders
+            SET orderstatus = 0
+            WHERE ordernumber = ?;
+        };
+        $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
+        $sth->execute($order->{'ordernumber'});
+    }
@@ -467,6 +510,7 @@ sub ModBasket {
     my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
     my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
@@ -1146,7 +1190,8 @@ The following keys are used: "biblionumber", "title", "basketno", "quantity", "n
 sub NewOrder {
     my $orderinfo = shift;
-#### ------------------------------
+    my $parent_ordernumber = shift;
     my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
     my @params;
@@ -1421,7 +1466,8 @@ sub ModReceiveOrder {
         # (entirely received)
             UPDATE aqorders
-            SET quantity = ?
+            SET quantity = ?,
+                orderstatus = 2
             WHERE ordernumber = ?
@@ -1448,7 +1494,7 @@ sub ModReceiveOrder {
     } else {
         $sth=$dbh->prepare("update aqorders
                             set quantityreceived=?,datereceived=?,invoiceid=?,
-                                unitprice=?,rrp=?,ecost=?
+                                unitprice=?,rrp=?,ecost=?,orderstatus=3
                             where biblionumber=? and ordernumber=?");
@@ -1498,7 +1544,8 @@ sub CancelReceipt {
             UPDATE aqorders
             SET quantityreceived = ?,
                 datereceived = ?,
-                invoiceid = ?
+                invoiceid = ?,
+                orderstatus = 1
             WHERE ordernumber = ?
         $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
@@ -1525,7 +1572,8 @@ sub CancelReceipt {
         $query = qq{
             UPDATE aqorders
-            SET quantity = ?
+            SET quantity = ?,
+                orderstatus = 1
             WHERE ordernumber = ?
         $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
@@ -1665,7 +1713,7 @@ sub DelOrder {
     my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
     my $query = "
         UPDATE aqorders
-        SET    datecancellationprinted=now()
+        SET    datecancellationprinted=now(), orderstatus=4
         WHERE  biblionumber=? AND ordernumber=?
     my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
@@ -2026,6 +2074,9 @@ sub GetHistory {
     my $basket = $params{basket};
     my $booksellerinvoicenumber = $params{booksellerinvoicenumber};
     my $basketgroupname = $params{basketgroupname};
+    my $budget = $params{budget};
+    my $orderstatus = $params{orderstatus};
     my @order_loop;
     my $total_qty         = 0;
     my $total_qtyreceived = 0;
@@ -2034,10 +2085,10 @@ sub GetHistory {
     my $dbh   = C4::Context->dbh;
     my $query ="
-            biblio.title,
-  ,
-	    biblioitems.isbn,
-        biblioitems.ean,
+            COALESCE(biblio.title,     deletedbiblio.title)     AS title,
+            COALESCE(,    AS author,
+            COALESCE(biblioitems.isbn, deletedbiblioitems.isbn) AS isbn,
+            COALESCE(biblioitems.ean,  deletedbiblioitems.ean)  AS ean,
@@ -2052,19 +2103,32 @@ sub GetHistory {
    as id,
-            aqorders.biblionumber
+            aqorders.biblionumber,
+            aqorders.orderstatus,
+            aqorders.parent_ordernumber,
+            aqbudgets.budget_name
+            ";
+    $query .= ", aqbudgets.budget_id AS budget" if defined $budget;
+    $query .= "
         FROM aqorders
         LEFT JOIN aqbasket ON aqorders.basketno=aqbasket.basketno
         LEFT JOIN aqbasketgroups ON
         LEFT JOIN aqbooksellers ON
-	LEFT JOIN biblioitems ON biblioitems.biblionumber=aqorders.biblionumber
+        LEFT JOIN biblioitems ON biblioitems.biblionumber=aqorders.biblionumber
         LEFT JOIN biblio ON biblio.biblionumber=aqorders.biblionumber
-    LEFT JOIN aqinvoices ON aqorders.invoiceid = aqinvoices.invoiceid";
+        LEFT JOIN aqbudgets ON aqorders.budget_id=aqbudgets.budget_id
+        LEFT JOIN aqinvoices ON aqorders.invoiceid = aqinvoices.invoiceid
+        LEFT JOIN deletedbiblio ON deletedbiblio.biblionumber=aqorders.biblionumber
+        LEFT JOIN deletedbiblioitems ON deletedbiblioitems.biblionumber=aqorders.biblionumber
+        ";
+    if ( C4::Context->preference("IndependentBranches") ) {
+        $query .= " LEFT JOIN borrowers ON aqbasket.authorisedby=borrowers.borrowernumber";
+    }
-    $query .= " LEFT JOIN borrowers ON aqbasket.authorisedby=borrowers.borrowernumber"
-    if ( C4::Context->preference("IndependentBranches") );
+    $query .= " WHERE 1 ";
-    $query .= " WHERE (datecancellationprinted is NULL or datecancellationprinted='0000-00-00') ";
+    $query .= " AND (datecancellationprinted is NULL or datecancellationprinted='0000-00-00') " if $orderstatus ne '4';
     my @query_params  = ();
@@ -2083,7 +2147,7 @@ sub GetHistory {
         $query .= " AND biblioitems.isbn LIKE ? ";
         push @query_params, "%$isbn%";
-    if ( defined $ean and $ean ) {
+    if ( $ean ) {
         $query .= " AND biblioitems.ean = ? ";
         push @query_params, "$ean";
@@ -2092,6 +2156,11 @@ sub GetHistory {
         push @query_params, "%$name%";
+    if ( $budget ) {
+        $query .= " AND aqbudgets.budget_id = ? ";
+        push @query_params, "$budget";
+    }
     if ( $from_placed_on ) {
         $query .= " AND creationdate >= ? ";
         push @query_params, $from_placed_on;
@@ -2102,6 +2171,11 @@ sub GetHistory {
         push @query_params, $to_placed_on;
+    if ( defined $orderstatus and $orderstatus ne '') {
+        $query .= " AND aqorders.orderstatus = ? ";
+        push @query_params, "$orderstatus";
+    }
     if ($basket) {
         if ($basket =~ m/^\d+$/) {
             $query .= " AND aqorders.basketno = ? ";
@@ -2137,9 +2211,9 @@ sub GetHistory {
         $line->{count} = $cnt++;
         $line->{toggle} = 1 if $cnt % 2;
         push @order_loop, $line;
-        $total_qty         += $line->{'quantity'};
-        $total_qtyreceived += $line->{'quantityreceived'};
-        $total_price       += $line->{'quantity'} * $line->{'ecost'};
+        $total_qty         += ( $line->{quantity} ) ? $line->{quantity} : 0;
+        $total_qtyreceived += ( $line->{quantityreceived} ) ? $line->{quantityreceived} : 0;
+        $total_price       += ( $line->{quantity} and $line->{ecost} ) ? $line->{quantity} * $line->{ecost} : 0;
     return \@order_loop, $total_qty, $total_price, $total_qtyreceived;
@@ -2603,6 +2677,31 @@ sub ReopenInvoice {
+=head3 GetBiblioCountByBasketno
+$biblio_count = &GetBiblioCountByBasketno($basketno);
+Looks up the biblio's count that has basketno value $basketno
+Returns a quantity
+sub GetBiblioCountByBasketno {
+    my ($basketno) = @_;
+    my $dbh          = C4::Context->dbh;
+    my $query        = "
+        SELECT COUNT( DISTINCT( biblionumber ) )
+        FROM   aqorders
+        WHERE  basketno = ?
+            AND (datecancellationprinted IS NULL OR datecancellationprinted='0000-00-00')
+        ";
+    my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
+    $sth->execute($basketno);
+    return $sth->fetchrow;
diff --git a/acqui/ b/acqui/
index 7eff6e4..f7dd4cb 100755
--- a/acqui/
+++ b/acqui/
@@ -177,18 +177,16 @@ if ( $op eq 'delete_confirm' ) {
     } else {
-    $template->param(confirm_close => "1",
-            booksellerid    => $booksellerid,
-            basketno        => $basket->{'basketno'},
-                basketname      => $basket->{'basketname'},
-            basketgroupname => $basket->{'basketname'});
+    $template->param(
+        confirm_close   => "1",
+        booksellerid    => $booksellerid,
+        basketno        => $basket->{'basketno'},
+        basketname      => $basket->{'basketname'},
+        basketgroupname => $basket->{'basketname'},
+    );
 } elsif ($op eq 'reopen') {
-    my $basket;
-    $basket->{basketno} = $query->param('basketno');
-    $basket->{closedate} = undef;
-    ModBasket($basket);
+    ReopenBasket($query->param('basketno'));
     print $query->redirect('/cgi-bin/koha/acqui/'.$basket->{'basketno'})
 } else {
     # get librarian branch...
diff --git a/acqui/ b/acqui/
index 971fc18..e9e4009 100755
--- a/acqui/
+++ b/acqui/
@@ -57,6 +57,8 @@ use C4::Output;
 use C4::Acquisition;
 use C4::Dates;
 use C4::Debug;
+use C4::Branch;
+use C4::Koha;
 my $input = new CGI;
 my $title                   = $input->param( 'title');
@@ -70,6 +72,9 @@ my $booksellerinvoicenumber = $input->param( 'booksellerinvoicenumber' );
 my $do_search               = $input->param('do_search') || 0;
 my $from_placed_on          = C4::Dates->new($input->param('from'));
 my $to_placed_on            = C4::Dates->new($input->param('to'));
+my $budget                  = $input->param( 'budget' );
+my $orderstatus             = $input->param( 'orderstatus' );
 if ( not $input->param('from') ) {
     # FIXME Dirty but we can't sent a Date::Calc to C4::Dates ?
     # We would use a function like Add_Delta_YM(-1, 0, 0);
@@ -110,21 +115,33 @@ if ($do_search) {
         basket => $basket,
         booksellerinvoicenumber => $booksellerinvoicenumber,
         basketgroupname => $basketgroupname,
+        budget => $budget,
+        orderstatus => $orderstatus,
 my $from_date = $from_placed_on ? $from_placed_on->output('syspref') : undef;
 my $to_date = $to_placed_on ? $to_placed_on->output('syspref') : undef;
+my $budgetperiods = C4::Budgets::GetBudgetPeriods;
+my $bp_loop = $budgetperiods;
+for my $bp ( @{$budgetperiods} ) {
+    my $hierarchy = C4::Budgets::GetBudgetHierarchy( $$bp{budget_period_id} );
+    for my $budget ( @{$hierarchy} ) {
+        $$budget{budget_display_name} = sprintf("%s", ">" x $$budget{depth} . $$budget{budget_name});
+    }
+    $$bp{hierarchy} = $hierarchy;
-    suggestions_loop        => $order_loop,
+    order_loop              => $order_loop,
     total_qty               => $total_qty,
     total_qtyreceived       => $total_qtyreceived,
     total_price             => sprintf( "%.2f", $total_price ),
     numresults              => $order_loop ? scalar(@$order_loop) : undef,
     title                   => $title,
     author                  => $author,
-    isbn		    => $isbn,
+    isbn                    => $isbn,
     ean                     => $ean,
     name                    => $name,
     basket                  => $basket,
@@ -132,6 +149,7 @@ $template->param(
     basketgroupname         => $basketgroupname,
     from_placed_on          => $from_date,
     to_placed_on            => $to_date,
+    bp_loop                 => $bp_loop,
     debug                   => $debug || $input->param('debug') || 0,
     uc(C4::Context->preference("marcflavour")) => 1
diff --git a/installer/data/mysql/kohastructure.sql b/installer/data/mysql/kohastructure.sql
index ca2f2b2..7e510f9 100644
--- a/installer/data/mysql/kohastructure.sql
+++ b/installer/data/mysql/kohastructure.sql
@@ -2914,6 +2914,7 @@ CREATE TABLE `aqorders` ( -- information related to the basket line items
   `claimed_date` date default NULL, -- last date a claim was generated
   `subscriptionid` int(11) default NULL, -- links this order line to a subscription (subscription.subscriptionid)
   parent_ordernumber int(11) default NULL, -- ordernumber of parent order line, or same as ordernumber if no parent
+  `orderstatus` tinyint(2) default 0, -- the current status for this line item
   PRIMARY KEY  (`ordernumber`),
   KEY `basketno` (`basketno`),
   KEY `biblionumber` (`biblionumber`),
diff --git a/installer/data/mysql/ b/installer/data/mysql/
index f3a90d8..c4b970f 100755
--- a/installer/data/mysql/
+++ b/installer/data/mysql/
@@ -6984,6 +6984,22 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES (
+$DBversion = "3.13.00.XXX";
+if ( C4::Context->preference("Version") < TransformToNum($DBversion) ) {
+    my $return_count;
+    $dbh->do("ALTER TABLE aqorders ADD COLUMN orderstatus tinyint(2) DEFAULT 0 AFTER parent_ordernumber");
+    $dbh->do("UPDATE aqorders SET orderstatus=1 WHERE basketno IN (SELECT basketno FROM aqbasket WHERE closedate IS NOT NULL)");
+    $dbh->do("UPDATE aqorders SET orderstatus=2 WHERE quantity > quantityreceived AND quantityreceived > 0");
+    $dbh->do("UPDATE aqorders SET orderstatus=3 WHERE quantity=quantityreceived");
+    $dbh->do("UPDATE aqorders SET orderstatus=4 WHERE datecancellationprinted IS NOT NULL");
+    print "Upgrade to $DBversion done (Add category ORDRSTATUS values in authorised_values table)\n";
+    SetVersion($DBversion);
 =head2 TableExists($table)
diff --git a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/acqui/ b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/acqui/
index 4132edb..2b5f30a 100644
--- a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/acqui/
+++ b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/acqui/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 [% USE KohaDates %]
 [% INCLUDE '' %]
-<title>Koha &rsaquo; Acquisitions &rsaquo; [% IF ( suggestions_loop ) %]Orders search &rsaquo; Search results[% ELSE %]Order search[% END %]</title>
+<title>Koha &rsaquo; Acquisitions &rsaquo; [% IF ( order_loop ) %]Orders search &rsaquo; Search results[% ELSE %]Order search[% END %]</title>
 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="[% themelang %]/css/datatables.css" />
 [% INCLUDE '' %]
 [% INCLUDE '' %]
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 [% INCLUDE '' %]
 [% INCLUDE '' %]
-<div id="breadcrumbs"><a href="/cgi-bin/koha/">Home</a> &rsaquo; <a href="/cgi-bin/koha/acqui/">Acquisitions</a> &rsaquo; [% IF ( suggestions_loop ) %]<a href="/cgi-bin/koha/acqui/">Orders search</a> &rsaquo; Search results[% ELSE %]Order search[% END %]</div>
+<div id="breadcrumbs"><a href="/cgi-bin/koha/">Home</a> &rsaquo; <a href="/cgi-bin/koha/acqui/">Acquisitions</a> &rsaquo; [% IF ( order_loop ) %]<a href="/cgi-bin/koha/acqui/">Orders search</a> &rsaquo; Search results[% ELSE %]Order search[% END %]</div>
 <div id="doc3" class="yui-t2">
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 	<div id="yui-main">
 	<div class="yui-b">
-		[% UNLESS ( suggestions_loop ) %]<form action="/cgi-bin/koha/acqui/" method="post">
+[% UNLESS ( order_loop ) %]<form action="/cgi-bin/koha/acqui/" method="post">
 <fieldset class="rows">
 	<legend>Search Orders</legend>
@@ -49,6 +49,35 @@
             <label for="basketgroupname">Basket group:</label>
             <input type="text" name="basketgroupname" id="basketgroupname" value="[% basketgroupname %]" />
+        <li>
+            <label for="orderstatus">Order Status: </label>
+            <select name="orderstatus" id="orderstatus">
+                <option value=""></option>
+                <option value="0">New</option>
+                <option value="1">Ordered</option>
+                <option value="2">Partial</option>
+                <option value="3">Complete</option>
+                <option value="4">Deleted</option>
+            </select>
+        </li>
+        <li>
+            <label for="fund">Fund: </label>
+            <select name="budget" id="fund">
+                <option value="">All funds</option>
+                [% FOREACH bp_loo IN bp_loop %]
+                    <optgroup label="[% bp_loo.budget_period_description %]">
+                    [% FOREACH h_loo IN bp_loo.hierarchy %]
+                        <option type="text" value="[% h_loo.budget_id %]" branchcode="[% h_loo.budget_branchcode %]">
+                            [% h_loo.budget_display_name %]
+                        </option>
+                    [% END %]
+                    </optgroup>
+                [% END %]
+            </select>
+        </li>
 		<li><label for="from">From: </label> 
         <input type="text" size="10" id="from" name="from" value="[% from_placed_on %]" class="datepickerfrom" />
 				<div class="hint">[% INCLUDE '' %]</div>
@@ -62,11 +91,12 @@
     <input type="hidden" name="do_search" value="1" />
 	<fieldset class="action"><input type="submit" value="Search" /></fieldset>
 	</form>[% END %]
-    [% IF ( suggestions_loop ) %]<h1>Search results</h1>
+    [% IF ( order_loop ) %]<h1>Search results</h1>
 	<div id="acqui_histsearch">
         <table id="histsearcht">
+                <th>Order line</th>
 				<th>Basket group</th>
                 <th>Invoice number</th>
@@ -75,41 +105,57 @@
 				<th>Placed on</th>
 				<th>Received on</th>
-				<th>Quantity ordered</th>
+                <th>Status</th>
+                <th>Quantity received</th>
+                <th>Pending order</th>
 				<th>Unit cost</th>
+                <th>Fund</th>
-			[% FOREACH suggestions_loo IN suggestions_loop %]
-				<tr>
-                    <td>[% suggestions_loo.basketname %] (<a href="[% suggestions_loo.basketno %]">[% suggestions_loo.basketno %]</a>)</td>
+            [% FOREACH order IN order_loop %]
+                <tr>
+                    <td>[% order.parent_ordernumber %]</td>
+                    <td>[% order.basketname %] (<a href="[% order.basketno %]">[% order.basketno %]</a>)</td>
-                        [% IF ( suggestions_loo.basketgroupid ) %]
-                            [% suggestions_loo.groupname %] (<a href="[% %]">[% suggestions_loo.basketgroupid %]</a>)
+                        [% IF ( order.basketgroupid ) %]
+                            [% order.groupname %] (<a href="[% %]">[% order.basketgroupid %]</a>)
                         [% ELSE %]
                         [% END %]
-                    <td>[% IF  suggestions_loo.invoicenumber  %]
-                        <a href="/cgi-bin/koha/acqui/[% suggestions_loo.invoiceid %]">[% suggestions_loo.invoicenumber %]</a>
-					    [% ELSE %]
-					        &nbsp;
-					    [% END %]
-					</td>
-                    <td>[% suggestions_loo.ordernumber %]</td>
-					<td><a href="/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/[% suggestions_loo.biblionumber %]">[% suggestions_loo.title |html %]</a>
-                        <br />[% %] <br /> [% suggestions_loo.isbn %]</td>
-					<td><a href="/cgi-bin/koha/acqui/[% %]">[% %]</a></td>
-					<td>[% suggestions_loo.creationdate | $KohaDates %]</td>
+                    <td>[% IF ( order.invoicenumber ) %]
+                            <a href="/cgi-bin/koha/acqui/[% order.invoiceid %]">[% order.invoicenumber %]</a>
+                        [% ELSE %]
+                            &nbsp;
+                        [% END %]
+                    </td>
+                    <td>[% order.ordernumber %]</td>
+                    <td>
+                        <a href="/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/[% order.biblionumber %]">[% order.title |html %]</a>
+                        <br />[% %] <br /> [% IF ( order.internalnotes ) %][% order.internalnotes %]<br />[% END %][% order.isbn %]</td>
+                    <td><a href="/cgi-bin/koha/acqui/[% %]">[% %]</a></td>
+                    <td>[% order.creationdate | $KohaDates %]</td>
+                    <td>
+                        [% IF order.datereceived %]
+                            [% order.datereceived | $KohaDates %]
+                        [% END %]
+                    </td>
-                        [% IF suggestions_loo.datereceived %]
-                            [% suggestions_loo.datereceived | $KohaDates %]
+                        [% SWITCH order.orderstatus %]
+                            [% CASE '0' %]New
+                            [% CASE '1' %]Ordered
+                            [% CASE '2' %]Partial
+                            [% CASE '3' %]Complete
+                            [% CASE '4' %]Deleted
                         [% END %]
-					<td>[% suggestions_loo.quantity %]</td>
-					<td>[% suggestions_loo.ecost %]</td>
-				</tr>
-			[% END %]
+                    <td>[% order.quantityreceived %]</td>
+                    <td>[% order.quantity %]</td>
+                    <td>[% order.ecost %]</td>
+                    <td>[% order.budget_name %]</td>
+                </tr>
+            [% END %]
 	</div>[% ELSE %][% END %]