From 6e1528dd93f158cef1f8ac4f35015c09f593e2e5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Kenza Zaki Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 14:58:39 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] needs unit tests Unit tests are wrap in a transaction. To test: prove t/db_dependent/Branch.t t/db_dependent/Branch.t .. 1/36 Using a hash as a reference is deprecated at t/db_dependent/Branch.t line 207. t/db_dependent/Branch.t .. ok All tests successful. Files=1, Tests=36, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.02 usr 0.02 sys + 0.13 cusr 0.01 csys = 0.18 CPU) Result: PASS --- t/db_dependent/Branch.t | 297 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-- 1 file changed, 290 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/t/db_dependent/Branch.t b/t/db_dependent/Branch.t index cc19f21..ffa2346 100644 --- a/t/db_dependent/Branch.t +++ b/t/db_dependent/Branch.t @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ use Modern::Perl; use C4::Context; use Data::Dumper; -use Test::More tests => 6; +use Test::More tests => 36; use C4::Branch; @@ -30,6 +30,29 @@ BEGIN { use lib $FindBin::Bin; use_ok('C4::Branch'); } +can_ok( + 'C4::Branch', qw( + GetBranchCategory + GetBranchName + GetBranch + GetBranches + GetBranchesLoop + GetBranchDetail + get_branchinfos_of + ModBranch + CheckBranchCategorycode + GetBranchInfo + GetCategoryTypes + GetBranchCategories + GetBranchesInCategory + ModBranchCategoryInfo + DelBranch + DelBranchCategory + CheckCategoryUnique + mybranch + GetBranchesCount) +); + # Start transaction my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; @@ -39,8 +62,127 @@ $dbh->{RaiseError} = 1; # clear the slate $dbh->do('DELETE FROM branchcategories'); -my @category_types = GetCategoryTypes(); -is_deeply(\@category_types, [ 'searchdomain', 'properties' ], 'received expected library category types'); +# Start test + +my $count = GetBranchesCount; +like( $count, '/^\d+$/', "the count is a number" ); + +#add 2 branches +my $b1 = { + add => 1, + branchcode => 'BRA', + branchname => 'BranchA', + branchaddress1 => 'adr1A', + branchaddress2 => 'adr2A', + branchaddress3 => 'adr3A', + branchzip => 'zipA', + branchcity => 'cityA', + branchstate => 'stateA', + branchcountry => 'countryA', + branchphone => 'phoneA', + branchfax => 'faxA', + branchemail => 'emailA', + branchurl => 'urlA', + branchip => 'ipA', + branchprinter => undef, + branchnotes => 'noteA', + opac_info => 'opacA' +}; +my $b2 = { + branchcode => 'BRB', + branchname => 'BranchB', + branchaddress1 => 'adr1B', + branchaddress2 => 'adr2B', + branchaddress3 => 'adr3B', + branchzip => 'zipB', + branchcity => 'cityB', + branchstate => 'stateB', + branchcountry => 'countryB', + branchphone => 'phoneB', + branchfax => 'faxB', + branchemail => 'emailB', + branchurl => 'urlB', + branchip => 'ipB', + branchprinter => undef, + branchnotes => 'noteB', + opac_info => 'opacB', +}; +ModBranch($b1); +is( ModBranch($b2), undef, 'the field add is missing' ); + +$b2->{add} = 1; +ModBranch($b2); +is( GetBranchesCount, $count + 2, "two branches added" ); + +#Test DelBranch + +is( DelBranch( $b2->{branchcode} ), 1, "One row affected" ); +is( GetBranchesCount, $count + 1, "branch BRB deleted" ); + +#Test GetBranchName +is( GetBranchName( $b1->{branchcode} ), + $b1->{branchname}, "GetBranchName returns the right name" ); + +#Test GetBranchDetail +my $branchdetail = GetBranchDetail( $b1->{branchcode} ); +$branchdetail->{add} = 1; +$b1->{issuing} = undef; # Not used in DB +is_deeply( $branchdetail, $b1, 'branchdetail is right' ); + +#Test Getbranches +my $branches = GetBranches; +is( scalar( keys %$branches ), + GetBranchesCount, "GetBranches returns the right number of branches" ); + +#Test ModBranch + +$b1 = { + branchcode => 'BRA', + branchname => 'BranchA modified', + branchaddress1 => 'adr1A modified', + branchaddress2 => 'adr2A modified', + branchaddress3 => 'adr3A modified', + branchzip => 'zipA modified', + branchcity => 'cityA modified', + branchstate => 'stateA modified', + branchcountry => 'countryA modified', + branchphone => 'phoneA modified', + branchfax => 'faxA modified', + branchemail => 'emailA modified', + branchurl => 'urlA modified', + branchip => 'ipA modified', + branchprinter => undef, + branchnotes => 'notesA modified', + opac_info => 'opacA modified' +}; + +ModBranch($b1); +is( GetBranchesCount, $count + 1, + "A branch has been modified, no new branch added" ); +$branchdetail = GetBranchDetail( $b1->{branchcode} ); +$b1->{issuing} = undef; +is_deeply( $branchdetail, $b1 , "GetBranchDetail gives the details of BRA"); + +#Test categories +my $categories = GetBranchCategories; +my $count_cat = scalar( keys $categories ); + +my $cat1 = { + add => 1, + categorycode => 'CAT1', + categoryname => 'catname1', + codedescription => 'catdesc1', + categorytype => 'cattype1', + show_in_pulldown => 1 +}; +my $cat2 = { + add => 1, + categorycode => 'CAT2', + categoryname => 'catname2', + categorytype => 'catype2', + codedescription => 'catdesc2', + show_in_pulldown => 1 +}; my %new_category = ( categorycode => 'LIBCATCODE', @@ -49,21 +191,162 @@ my %new_category = ( categorytype => 'searchdomain', show_in_pulldown => 1, ); + ModBranchCategoryInfo({ add => 1, %new_category, }); +ModBranchCategoryInfo($cat1); +ModBranchCategoryInfo($cat2); + +$categories = GetBranchCategories; +is( scalar( keys $categories ), $count_cat + 3, "Two categories added" ); +delete $cat1->{add}; +delete $cat2->{add}; +delete %new_category->{add}; +is_deeply($categories, [ $cat1,$cat2,\%new_category ], 'retrieve all expected library categories (bug 10515)'); + +#test GetBranchCategory +my $cat1detail = GetBranchCategory( $cat1->{categorycode} ); +delete $cat1->{add}; +is_deeply( $cat1detail, $cat1, 'CAT1 details are right' ); my $category = GetBranchCategory('LIBCATCODE'); is_deeply($category, \%new_category, 'fetched newly added library category'); +#Test DelBranchCategory +my $del = DelBranchCategory( $cat2->{categorycode} ); +is( $del, 1, 'One row affected' ); + +$categories = GetBranchCategories; +is( scalar( keys $categories ), $count_cat + 2, "Category CAT2 deleted" ); + +my $cat2detail = GetBranchCategory( $cat2->{categorycode} ); +is( $cat2detail, undef, 'CAT2 doesnt exist' ); + $category = GetBranchCategory(); is($category, undef, 'retrieve library category only if code is supplied (bug 10515)'); -my $categories = GetBranchCategories(); -is_deeply($categories, [ \%new_category ], 'retrieve all expected library categories (bug 10515)'); +#Test CheckBranchCategoryCode +my $check1 = CheckBranchCategorycode( $cat1->{categorycode} ); +my $check2 = CheckBranchCategorycode( $cat2->{categorycode} ); +like( $check1, '/^\d+$/', "CheckBranchCategorycode returns a number" ); + +$b2->{CAT1} = 1; +ModBranch($b2); +is( GetBranchesCount, $count + 2, 'BRB added' ); +is( + CheckBranchCategorycode( $cat1->{categorycode} ), + $check1 + 1, + 'BRB added to CAT1' +); + +#Test GetBranchInfo +my $b1info = GetBranchInfo( $b1->{branchcode} ); +$b1->{categories} = []; +is_deeply( @$b1info[0], $b1, 'BRA has no categories' ); + +my $b2info = GetBranchInfo( $b2->{branchcode} ); +my @cat = ( $cat1->{categorycode} ); +delete $b2->{add}; +delete $b2->{CAT1}; +$b2->{issuing} = undef; +$b2->{categories} = \@cat; +is_deeply( @$b2info[0], $b2, 'BRB has the category CAT1' ); + +ModBranchCategoryInfo({add => 1,%$cat2}); +$categories = GetBranchCategories; +is( scalar( keys $categories ), $count_cat + 3, "Two categories added" ); +$b2 = { + branchcode => 'BRB', + branchname => 'BranchB', + branchaddress1 => 'adr1B', + branchaddress2 => 'adr2B', + branchaddress3 => 'adr3B', + branchzip => 'zipB', + branchcity => 'cityB', + branchstate => 'stateB', + branchcountry => 'countryB', + branchphone => 'phoneB', + branchfax => 'faxB', + branchemail => 'emailB', + branchurl => 'urlB', + branchip => 'ipB', + branchprinter => undef, + branchnotes => 'noteB', + opac_info => 'opacB', + CAT1 => 1, + CAT2 => 1 +}; +ModBranch($b2); +$b2info = GetBranchInfo( $b2->{branchcode} ); +is( + CheckBranchCategorycode( $cat2->{categorycode} ), + $check2 + 1, + 'BRB added to CAT2' +); +push( @cat, $cat2->{categorycode} ); +delete $b2->{CAT1}; +delete $b2->{CAT2}; +$b2->{issuing} = undef; +$b2->{categories} = \@cat; +is_deeply( @$b2info[0], $b2, 'BRB has the category CAT1 and CAT2' ); + +#Test GetBranchesInCategory +my $brCat1 = GetBranchesInCategory( $cat1->{categorycode} ); +my @b = ( $b2->{branchcode} ); +is_deeply( $brCat1, \@b, 'CAT1 has branch BRB' ); + +my $b3 = { + add => 1, + branchcode => 'BRC', + branchname => 'BranchC', + branchaddress1 => 'adr1C', + branchaddress2 => 'adr2C', + branchaddress3 => 'adr3C', + branchzip => 'zipC', + branchcity => 'cityC', + branchstate => 'stateC', + branchcountry => 'countryC', + branchphone => 'phoneC', + branchfax => 'faxC', + branchemail => 'emailC', + branchurl => 'urlC', + branchip => 'ipC', + branchprinter => undef, + branchnotes => 'noteC', + opac_info => 'opacC', + CAT1 => 1, + CAT2 => 1 +}; +ModBranch($b3); +$brCat1 = GetBranchesInCategory( $cat1->{categorycode} ); +push( @b, $b3->{branchcode} ); +is_deeply( $brCat1, \@b, 'CAT1 has branch BRB and BRC' ); +is( + CheckBranchCategorycode( $cat1->{categorycode} ), + $check1 + 2, + 'BRC has been added to CAT1' +); + +#Test CheckCategoryUnique +is( CheckCategoryUnique('CAT2'), 0, 'CAT2 exists' ); +is( CheckCategoryUnique('CAT_NO_EXISTS'), 1, 'CAT_NO_EXISTS doesnt exist' ); + +#Test GetCategoryTypes +my @category_types = GetCategoryTypes(); +is_deeply(\@category_types, [ 'searchdomain', 'properties' ], 'received expected library category types'); $categories = GetBranchCategories(undef, undef, 'LIBCATCODE'); -is_deeply($categories, [ { %new_category, selected => 1 } ], 'retrieve expected, eselected library category (bug 10515)'); +is_deeply($categories, [ {%$cat1}, {%$cat2},{ %new_category, selected => 1 } ], 'retrieve expected, eselected library category (bug 10515)'); + +#TODO later: test mybranchine and onlymine +# Actually we cannot mock C4::Context->userenv in unit tests + +#Test GetBranchesLoop +my $loop = GetBranchesLoop; +is( scalar(@$loop), GetBranchesCount, 'There is the right number of branches' ); + +# End transaction +$dbh->rollback; -$dbh->rollback(); --