[patch] Bug 8732: Allowing biblio level itemtypes to display instead of MARC ones
Bug-8732-Allowing-biblio-level-itemtypes-to-displa.patch (text/plain), 22.01 KB, created by Chris Cormack on 2013-10-05 02:19:27 UTC
Creator: Chris Cormack
Created: 2013-10-05 02:19:27 UTC
Size: 22.01 KB
Actions: View | Diff | Splinter Review
Attachments on bug 8732: 12029 | 12047 | 12614 | 12722 | 12870 | 16453 | 16454 | 21820 | 21821 | 53470 | 53471 | 91885 | 92383 | 103488 | 103548 | 106831 | 106836 | 106848 | 106948 | 107705 | 107706 | 107707 | 107709 | 108322 | 108441 | 108764 | 108765 | 108766 | 108767 | 108768 | 108769 | 108770