Setting Up and using Edifact in Koha A brief guide to administering and using the Koha Edifact Interface: Setting Up; In Koha add the EAN/SAN for the library administration/acquisitions/EDI Eans In practice there is usually one code for the library system entered here. Add accounts for vendors you will be using Edifact with: administration/acquisitions/Vendor EDI Accounts When adding a vendor you will see the following Fields: Vendor : This will correspond to an existing bookseller record on your system Description : This is free text for your convenience identifying the account Transport: Set to indicate the means by which files will be transferred to and from the vendor Supported transports are: FTP ( the most common ) SFTP ( more secure ) FILE ( Instead of accessing a remote server the directories are understood to be located on the same server as the Koha system. Originally added to enable testing setups, this could also be used if a different, unsupported transport is required and an external script could add and retrieve files via these directories) Remote host: The name of the vendor's server e.g. Username: The username the vendor wishes you to use when logging into their host Password: The password to use with the above username Download directory: This is the directory on the vendor's host where you will find files the vendor is sending to you ( QUOTES and INVOICES ) Upload directory: This is the directory on the vendor's host where you will place files you are sending to the vendor ( ORDERS ) Qualifier: The type of identifier the vendor is identified by in edifact SAN: The vendor's identifier use in Edifact transactions The SAN, host name, login and directory details should all be provided by the vendor when setting up the service. There are then checkboxes (Quotes/Orders/Invoices enabled) If on this means transfer messages of this type between the vendor and the system and load the information on them. If not enabled they are ignored (e.g. if Invoices are disabled the vendor will probably still create them but we will never look for them or transfer them) When setting the library up the vendor will want to set up fields to include in the quotes etc. such as fund order is to be allocated to. Its important that these correspond to the values set up in the Koha system otherwise the information cannot be loaded into Acquisitions. There is a utility script misc/cronjobs/ It will transfer any waiting messages and load the incoming ones into koha Online Operation: In Acquisitions there is a new screen Edifact Messages Listed there are details of both incoming (QUOTE and INVOICE ) and outgoing (ORDER) messages. The raw message can be viewed by clicking on 'View message' The message status is set to 'new' for quotes and invoices when downloaded and updated to received when they have been loaded into acquisitions. Orders are set to 'Pending' on creation and updated to 'sent' once they have been transferred to the vendor. The column headed Details has links to the corresponding data for the message in the acquisitions system. The basket for quotes and orders (where each file corresponds to a single basket) or the invoice(s) for and invoice file ( Invoice transmissions typically include multiple invoice messages) On the Acquisions basket screen there is now a 'Create edifact order' option. This will generate an edifact message ordering the basket set to status 'Pending' and close the basket. The normal workflow is thus: Library connects to vendor and selects items they wish to order. Vendor prepares a QUOTE file with details Koha fetches quote and generates a basket from it. If orders are for bibs not already held by the library bibs are created from the brief descriptions in the message. If the system is set to create items on order (recommended) these are created now. Librarian inspects the basket and approves it with 'Create Edifact order' Order is created from basket and set to vendor On despatch Vendor generates Invoice message On receipt of invoice Koha creates an invoice record and receipts the order