From 993f5e14d28934223cbe5bbc80f3121ef485dce7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nicole C. Engard A MARC Authority Record are used to ensure consitency across catalog records by providing a way to define the standard form of names for: Authority records are a way of controlling fields in your MARC records. Using authority records will provide you with control over subject headings, personal names and places. From the authorities page you can search for existing terms and the bibliographic records they are attached to. From the results you will see the authority record, how many bibliographic records it is attached to, and a delete link (if there are not bibliographic records attached). Clicking on the authority record summary will open the full record and the option to edit the record. IMPORTANT: To add authority records in bulk, contact your system administrator and tell them that they can use this script:
- misc/migration_tools/ There are three ways to add authorities to a record: Here are details on these options: The Bibliographic editor allows queries to the authority file at the add/edit stage of a record, so that cataloging staff can create the links between a bibliographic and authority record when they are cataloging. If you wish to provide access to authority records for a given subfield -- MARC 21's 700a subfield, for instance, to make sure an author's name is available in an added entry in its approved form -- you will need to create a subfield "9" for that tag (e.g. tag 700, subfield 9). This is done by adding the subfield via the 'Authority types' administration module. Koha uses subfield 9 to store the link between a bibliographic record and an authority record. When the catalogers are adding a record, they will see three dots (...) after the textbox of the 700a subfield (or any field you have chosen to add a subfield 9 to). Clicking on these dots will open a pop-up window allowing the cataloger to search your authority records for a standardized version of the author's name. If the desired name is found in your authority records, it can be automatically copied into the 700a subfield. (If the desired name is not found, the cataloger can enter the name manually.) Alternatively, the library can opt into the auto-detection of authority records when a record is saved. This is done by turning the 'BiblioAddsAuthorities' system preference on. A third option allows libraries to maintain their own authority records based on the dataset; many libraries prefer not to enable that option because it creates 'ghost' authority records in the system. It's up to the library (or group) which options to enable, or disable. To add a new authority record, choose the authority type from the 'New Authority' button. The form that appears will allow you to enter all of the necessary details regarding your authority record. To expand collapsed values simply click on the title and the subfields will appear. Authorities can be edited by clicking on the authority summary from the search results and then clicking the 'Edit' button above the record. Once you've made the necessary edits, simply click 'Save' and all of the records that use this authority record will be updated. To delete an authority record you first must make sure it's not linked to any bibliographic records. If it is not used by any bibliographic records a 'Delete' link will appear to the right of the record on the search results and as a button that appears after clicking on the summary of the authority record. Authority records are a way of controlling fields in your MARC records. Using authority records will provide you with control over subject headings, personal names and places. From the authorities page you can search for existing terms and the bibliographic records they are attached to. From the results you will see the authority record, how many bibliographic records it is attached to, and a delete link (if there are not bibliographic records attached). Clicking on the authority record summary will open the full record and the option to edit the record.
- This tool allows temporary reassignment of an item to another branch. If you work in a multi-branch system you can transfer items from one library to another by using the Transfer tool. To transfer an item Circulation is where items are check out and in to patrons. Some libraries use different nomeclature for these functions. Koha uses the following terms: Circulation functions can be accessed in several different ways. On the main page of the staff client there are some quick links in the center of the page to check items out, in or transfer them. For a complete listing of Circulation functions you can visit the Circulation page which is linked from the top left of every page or from the center of the main page. Before circulating your collection you will want to set your Global System Preferences, Basic Parameters and Patrons & Circulation Rules. While in Circulation you can jump between the tabs on the quick search box at the top of the screen by using the following hot keys: Tip: Mac users use the OPTION button in place of ALT To check an item out to a patron, first search for that patron using one of the many options. To begin the checkout process you must enter the patron barcode or part of their name. The checkout option appears in three main places: To check an item out to a patron, first search for that patron using one of the many options listed above. At the top of the Check Out screen is a box for you to type or scan the item's barcode into. Below the box for the barcode there may be options for you to override the default due date for the item. At the bottom of the page there is a summary of the patron's current checked out items along with the due date, items checked out today will appear at the top. At the bottom of the page there is a summary of the patron's current checked out items along with the due date and the list of items the patron has on hold Once you have checked out all of the items for the patron you can print them a receipt by clicking the Print buton at the top of the screen and choosing 'Print Slip' Also at the bottom of the page is the list of items the patron has on hold Once you have checked out all of the items for the patron you can print them a receipt by clicking the Print button at the top of the screen and choosing 'Print Slip' or 'Quick Slip'. If you choose 'Print Slip' it will print all of the items the patron has checked out, including those they checked out at an earlier date. Choosing 'Quick Slip' will print only the items that were checked out today. If there are notes on the patron record these will appear to the right of the checkout box If the patron has a hold waiting at the library that too will appear to the right of the check out box making it easy for the circulation librarian to see that there is another item to give the patron There are times when Koha will prevent the librarian from being able to check out items to a patron. When this happens a warning will appear notifying the librarian of why the patron cannot check items out. Circulation messages are short messages that librarians can leave for their patrons or their colleagues that will appear at the time of circulation. Circulation messages are set up as Authorized Values. To add or edit Circulation Messages you want to work with the BOR_NOTES value. To add a message, visit the patron's record. When on the patron's check out tab you will see a link to 'Add a new message' to the right of the check out box. When you click 'Add a new message' you will be asked to choose if the message is for the librarians or the patron and the message you would like to leave. Circulation messages meant for the staff will appear on the patron's checkout screen. Circulation messages meant for the patron will appear when they log into the OPAC. Sometimes checkouts will trigger warning messages that will appear in a yellow box above the check out field. These warnings need to be acknowledged before you will be able to continue checking items out. This page will show you all items that are overdue as of today. This report will list all items that are overdue at your library. The report can be filtered using the menu options found on the left of the report. Important: For libraries with a large patron base, this report may take a significant amount of time to run. A Pending Hold is a Hold that has been placed by a Patron that has not been "Filled". Where Filled means that the item is now ready for the Patron to pick up. This report indicates all the items that have Holds on them that are currently held on the library shelves or stack. This report will show you all of the items that have holds on them that are available at the library for pulling. This report will be generated based on a few system preferences: If neither 'RandomizeHoldsQueueWeight' or 'StaticHoldsQueueWeight' is set, the holds queue is statically ranked according to how they are pulled out of the system database. You can limit the results you see by using the Refine box on the left side of the page Locate the Item on the shelf and then in Circulation, scan or enter the barcode of the item to Check In the item. The item has now been "seen" by Koha and the status has changed. The item will now appear on the "Holds Awaiting Pickup" report. TIP: This report is only applicable if the ReserveNeedReturn system preference is on. This will show you the number of items you have to order for your library to meet your library's hold per item ratio. By default it will be set to the library needing 3 items per hold that has been placed. The report will tell you how many additional items need to be purchased to meet this quota. Hold ratios help with collection development. Using this report you will be able to see how many of your patrons have holds on items and whether you should buy more. By default it will be set to the library needing 3 items per hold that has been placed. The report will tell you how many additional items need to be purchased to meet this quota. Checking in items can be performed from various different locations To check an item in scan the barcode for the item into the box provided. A summary of all items checked in will appear below the checkin box If you are checking items in that were put in the dropbox while the library was closed you can check the 'Dropbox mode' box before scanning items. This will effectively roll back the returned date to the last date the library was open. You can also choose to forgive all overdue charges for items you are checking in by checking the 'Forgive overdue charges' box before scanning items. There are several messages that can appear when checking items in: This report depends on the system preference 'TransfersMaxDaysWarning'. If items are not transferred by the number of days defined in this preference a warning will be issued via the 'check this transfer' link. This report shows all the items from other libraries/branches that are in transit to your branch. The status of all these items is marked as "In Transit" Once the item has physically arrived in your branch, click "Receive Item". This will change the status of the item from "In Transit" to "Waiting". The item will now show on the "Holds Awaiting Pick Up" report. This report will list all of the items that Koha thinks are in transit to your library. If your transfers are late in arriving at your library you will see a message stating how late your items are. Important: An item is considered late based on the number of days you have entered in the TransfersMaxDaysWarning system preference. This report lists the next hold waiting (one per biblio) depending on how system preferences are set For optimum display and ease of picking items for holds, a superlibrarian will want to configure Keyword to
-MARC Mappings linking the keyword "subtitle" to 245$b, 245$p, 245$n, and 245$h. This report will show you all of the holds at your library. To generate this report, you must have the Build Holds Queue cron job running. List the holds that are ready & await for the patron to take them at the library This report will show all of the holds that are waiting for patrons to pick them up. This is a tool to export your bibliographic records in standard MARC communications format (ISO 2709). It exports only the basic bibliographic information with no holdings information other than any holdings information originally loaded into Koha using the bulkmarcimport tool. Koha comes with a tool that will allow you to export your bibliographic and/or holdings data in bulk. This can be used to send your records to fellow libraries, organizations or services; or simply for backup purposes. You are asked to provide a starting bibliographic record number and an ending number for the export. If you want to export all of your records, leave the start and end numbers blank. Records are downloaded to the workstation that requests the export and are saved in a file called "" Batches are made up of the barcodes you would like to print. Once in this tool you can search for the item records you would like to print out labels for. Batches can be created in one of two ways. The first is to click the 'Create Label Batch' link on the 'Staged MARC Management' page The other is to choose to create a new batch from the label creator tool You will be brought to an empty batch with an 'Add item(s)' button at the top of the page. Clicking 'Add item(s)' will open a search window for you to find the items you want to add to the batch. From the search results, click the check box next to the items you want to add to the batch and click the 'Add checked' button. You can also add items one by one by clicking the 'Add' link to the left of each item. Once you have added all of the items click the 'Done' button. The resulting page will list the items you have selected. To print your labels, click the 'Export Batch' button. To print only some of the labels, click the 'Export Item(s)' button. Either way you will be presented with a confirmation screen where you can choose your template and layout. You will then be presented with three download options: PDF, Excel, and CSV. After saving your file, simply print to the blank labels you have in your library. This section determines what data will appear on the labels(s). Choose one of the following two methods of entry: A layout is used to define the fields you want to appear on your labels. To add a new layout, you want to click on the 'Layouts' button at the top of your page and choose 'New Layout' Using the form that appears you can create a profile to fix any problems with your template. After saving, your layouts will appear on the 'Manage Layouts' page. A printer profile is where you setup adjustments for label offset and creep (also known as printer calibration). Depending upon the printer you use and even the tray within the printer you use, the text on labels may be offset so that it does not appear correctly on the labels.
-Even once the offset (usually measured from the upper left-hand corner) is correct, the text may appear to "creep" -print correctly on some labels, but slowly move off of other labels.
-A printer profile will allow you to provide a per printer per tray per label template correction for these symptoms.
-Authorities Help
What is a MARC Authority Record?
For more information about Authority Records with MARC 21 see the tutorial on the Library of Congress website
+Searching Authorities
+Adding an Authority Record
Altering Authorities Records
- Adding Authorities to a record
- Query authority file when adding/editing a record (during cataloging)
Auto-detection of authority records when a record is saved
-Library-maintained authority records
-Adding Authorities
+Editing Authorities
+Searching Authorities
+Circulation Transfers
diff --git a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/help/circ/circulation-home.tmpl b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/help/circ/circulation-home.tmpl
index df1f7e8..63bd956 100644
--- a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/help/circ/circulation-home.tmpl
+++ b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/help/circ/circulation-home.tmpl
@@ -1,18 +1,23 @@
+Circulation Help
-What can I do in Circulation?
+Check Out (Issues)
+Checking Out (Issuing)
+Checking Items Out
-Check Out Warnings
+Check Out Messages
Circulation Messages
-Check Out Warnings
diff --git a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/help/circ/overdue.tmpl b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/help/circ/overdue.tmpl
index 748f1b1..3a9a25e 100644
--- a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/help/circ/overdue.tmpl
+++ b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/help/circ/overdue.tmpl
@@ -2,8 +2,13 @@
This report offers a couple options for handing overdues:
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diff --git a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/help/circ/pendingreserves.tmpl b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/help/circ/pendingreserves.tmpl
index 38f782a..a06086f 100644
--- a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/help/circ/pendingreserves.tmpl
+++ b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/help/circ/pendingreserves.tmpl
@@ -1,17 +1,26 @@
-Pending Holds Help
+Holds to Pull
-What is a "Pending Hold"?
+How does an Hold come off this list?
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/help/circ/reserveratios.tmpl b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/help/circ/reserveratios.tmpl
index 658a54d..fee78a9 100644
--- a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/help/circ/reserveratios.tmpl
+++ b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/help/circ/reserveratios.tmpl
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-Hold ratios
+Hold Ratios
-Circulation Check In (Returns)
+Checking in (Returning)
+Checking Items In
Check In Warnings
+Check In Messages
+Transfers To Receive Help
-What is a Transfer To Receive?
-How do I process a Transfer To Receive?
-Transfers To Receive
+Holds Queue
Allows the library to specify a list of library location codes -- if used alone, it will rank the list statically, selecting the top-ranking available location to be added to the picklist.
If 'RandomizeHoldsQueueWeight' and 'StaticHoldsQueueWeight' are set, the list of library codes in the 'StaticHoldsQueueWeight' system preference are randomized rather than statically ranked. If RandomizeHoldsQueueWeight alone is set, the list of all available library codes is used to randomize the weight.
If neither 'RandomizeHoldsQueueWeight' or 'StaticHoldsQueueWeight' is set, the holds queue is statically ranked according to how they are pulled out of the system database.
+Holds awaiting pickup
+Holds Awaiting Pickup
-MARC Export
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/help/labels/label-edit-batch.tmpl b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/help/labels/label-edit-batch.tmpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05d6fbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/help/labels/label-edit-batch.tmpl
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Add a Batch
+Label Layouts
-Bibliographic Data to Print
+Enter a comma-separated list of fields to include on the label. You may select :
-Add a Layout
+Label Profiles
-What is a "Printer Profile"?
-How do I setup a Printer Profile?
-Creating a Printer Profile
A profile is a set of "adjustments" applied to a given template just prior to printing which compensates for anomalies unique and peculiar to a given printer (to which the profile is assigned). This means if you set a template up and then print a sample set of data and find that the items are not all aligned the same on each label, you need to set up a profile for each printer to make up for the differences in printing styles, such as the shifting of text to the left, right, top or bottom.
+ +If your labels are printing just the way you want, you will not need a profile.
+ +To add a new profile, you want to click on the 'Profiles' button at the top of your page and choose 'New Profile'
+ +Using the form that appears you can create a profile to fix any problems with your template.
+ +After saving, your profiles will appear on the 'Manage Profiles' page.
+ +Once you have saved your new profile, you can return to the list of templates and choose to edit the template that this profile is for.
+ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/help/labels/label-edit-template.tmpl b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/help/labels/label-edit-template.tmpl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..25c929d --- /dev/null +++ b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/help/labels/label-edit-template.tmpl @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ + + +A template is based on the label/card stock you are using. This might be Avery 5160 for address labels, Gaylord 47-284 for spine labels or Avery 28371 for your patron cards, just to give a couple of examples. These labels will include all of the information you will need for setting up a Koha, this information may be on the packaging, and if not it can usually be found on the vendor's website.
+ +To add a new template, you want to click on the 'Templates' button at the top of your page and choose 'New Template'
+ +Using the form that appears you can define the template for your sheet of labels or cards.
+ +After saving, your templates will appear on the 'Manage Templates' page.
+ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/help/labels/label-home.tmpl b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/help/labels/label-home.tmpl index e6f0492..dd3b179 100644 --- a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/help/labels/label-home.tmpl +++ b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/help/labels/label-home.tmpl @@ -1,19 +1,44 @@ -The Label Creator allow you to use layouts and templates which you design to print a nearly unlimited variety of labels including barcodes. Here are some of the features of the Label Creator module:
-The sequence of steps is:
A layout is where you define what will print on the label. For example for a spine label you may choose the Classification Number.
+At the top of each screen within the Label Creator, you will see a toolbar allowing quick access to relevant functions. The menu to the left of each screen also allows easy access to the different sections of the Label Creator. The breadcrumb trail near the top of each screen will give specific indication as to where you are within the Label Creator module and allow quick navigation to previously traversed sections. And finally, you can find more detailed information on each section of the Label Creator by clicking the online help link at the upper left-hand corner of every page.
-The developers of the Label Creator module hope you will find this an extremely useful tool in the course of your cataloging work. You are encouraged to submit any enhancement requests as well as any bugs via Koha Project Bugzilla.
-A layout template is the dimensions of the sheet you are using. You will need to either acquire the dimensions from the label supplier, or measure them accurately.
Layout Templates will need to be defined for each type of Label sheet or page you wish to print to.
+A template is based on the label/card stock you are using. This might be Avery 5160 for address labels, Gaylord 47-284 for spine labels or Avery 28371 for your patron cards, just to give a couple of examples. These labels will include all of the information you will need for setting up a Koha, this information may be on the packaging, and if not it can usually be found on the vendor's website.
-A label batch is where you take your Layout, Layout Template and merge with the items you wish to create the labels for.
Once the merge has been completed, a PDF will be generated that can be used to print the labels.
+A profile is a set of "adjustments" applied to a given template just prior to printing which compensates for anomalies unique and peculiar to a given printer (to which the profile is assigned). This means if you set a template up and then print a sample set of data and find that the items are not all aligned the same on each label, you need to set up a profile for each printer to make up for the differences in printing styles, such as the shifting of text to the left, right, top or bottom.
+ +If your labels are printing just the way you want, you will not need a profile.
+ +A layout is used to define the fields you want to appear on your labels.
+ +Batches are made up of the barcodes you would like to print. Once in this tool you can search for the item records you would like to print out labels for.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/help/labels/spinelabel-home.tmpl b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/help/labels/spinelabel-home.tmpl index 4239904..3e80656 100644 --- a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/help/labels/spinelabel-home.tmpl +++ b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/help/labels/spinelabel-home.tmpl @@ -2,10 +2,13 @@This tool allows you to enter a barcode to generate a printable spine label
+Tip: This tool does not use the label layouts or templates, it simply prints a spine label in the first spot on the label sheet.
+ +To use this tool you simply need the barcode for the book you'd like to print the spine label for.