@@ -, +, @@ --- installer/data/mysql/de-DE/mandatory/userflags.sql | 19 ---- .../data/mysql/de-DE/mandatory/userpermissions.sql | 78 --------------- installer/data/mysql/es-ES/mandatory/userflags.sql | 19 ---- .../data/mysql/es-ES/mandatory/userpermissions.sql | 78 --------------- .../data/mysql/fr-FR/1-Obligatoire/userflags.sql | 21 ---- .../data/mysql/fr-FR/1-Obligatoire/userflags.txt | 1 - .../mysql/fr-FR/1-Obligatoire/userpermissions.sql | 78 --------------- .../mysql/fr-FR/1-Obligatoire/userpermissions.txt | 1 - installer/data/mysql/it-IT/necessari/userflags.sql | 23 ----- .../data/mysql/it-IT/necessari/userpermissions.sql | 78 --------------- .../data/mysql/nb-NO/1-Obligatorisk/userflags.sql | 40 -------- .../mysql/nb-NO/1-Obligatorisk/userpermissions.sql | 98 ------------------ installer/data/mysql/pl-PL/mandatory/userflags.sql | 20 ---- .../data/mysql/pl-PL/mandatory/userpermissions.sql | 78 --------------- .../ru-RU/mandatory/permissions_and_user_flags.sql | 105 -------------------- .../uk-UA/mandatory/permissions_and_user_flags.sql | 104 ------------------- 16 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 841 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 installer/data/mysql/de-DE/mandatory/userflags.sql delete mode 100644 installer/data/mysql/de-DE/mandatory/userpermissions.sql delete mode 100644 installer/data/mysql/es-ES/mandatory/userflags.sql delete mode 100644 installer/data/mysql/es-ES/mandatory/userpermissions.sql delete mode 100644 installer/data/mysql/fr-FR/1-Obligatoire/userflags.sql delete mode 100644 installer/data/mysql/fr-FR/1-Obligatoire/userflags.txt delete mode 100644 installer/data/mysql/fr-FR/1-Obligatoire/userpermissions.sql delete mode 100644 installer/data/mysql/fr-FR/1-Obligatoire/userpermissions.txt delete mode 100644 installer/data/mysql/it-IT/necessari/userflags.sql delete mode 100644 installer/data/mysql/it-IT/necessari/userpermissions.sql delete mode 100644 installer/data/mysql/nb-NO/1-Obligatorisk/userflags.sql delete mode 100644 installer/data/mysql/nb-NO/1-Obligatorisk/userpermissions.sql delete mode 100644 installer/data/mysql/pl-PL/mandatory/userflags.sql delete mode 100644 installer/data/mysql/pl-PL/mandatory/userpermissions.sql delete mode 100644 installer/data/mysql/ru-RU/mandatory/permissions_and_user_flags.sql delete mode 100644 installer/data/mysql/uk-UA/mandatory/permissions_and_user_flags.sql --- a/installer/data/mysql/de-DE/mandatory/userflags.sql +++ a/installer/data/mysql/de-DE/mandatory/userflags.sql @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(0,'superlibrarian','Zugriff auf alle Funktionen',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(1,'circulate','Medien ausleihen/zurückgeben',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(2,'catalogue','Katalogsuche verwenden (Dienstoberfläche)',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(3,'parameters','Administration und Systemparameter',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(4,'borrowers','Benutzer anlegen/ändern',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(5,'permissions','Berechtigungen für Benutzer vergeben',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(6,'reserveforothers','Vormerkungen für Benutzer setzen/ändern',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(9,'editcatalogue','Katalogdaten ändern (Titel- und Bestandsdaten ändern)',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(10,'updatecharges','Gebühren verwalten',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(11,'acquisition','Erwerbung und Verwaltung von Anschaffungsvorschlägen',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(12,'management','Zugriff auf Administration',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(13,'tools','Werkzeuge verwenden (Export, Import, Etikettendruck)',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(14,'editauthorities','Normdaten verwalten',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(15,'serials','Zugriff auf Abonnementverwaltung/Zeitschriftenmodul',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(16,'reports','Zugriff auf Reports',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(17,'staffaccess','Berechtigungen/Logins für Bibliotheksmitarbeiter vergeben',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(18,'coursereserves','Semesterapparate',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(19,'plugins', 'Koha Plugins', '0'); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(20,'lists', 'Listen', '0'); --- a/installer/data/mysql/de-DE/mandatory/userpermissions.sql +++ a/installer/data/mysql/de-DE/mandatory/userpermissions.sql @@ -1,78 +0,0 @@ -INSERT INTO permissions (module_bit, code, description) VALUES - ( 1, 'circulate_remaining_permissions', 'Übrige Ausleihberechtigungen'), - ( 1, 'override_renewals', 'Vormerksperren übergehen'), - ( 1, 'overdues_report', 'Überfälligkeiten-Report ausführen'), - ( 1, 'force_checkout', 'Ausleihsperren übergehen'), - ( 1, 'manage_restrictions', 'Kontosperre "Gesperrt" aufheben'), - ( 1, 'self_checkout', 'Perform self checkout at the OPAC. It should be used for the patron matching the AutoSelfCheckID'), - ( 3, 'parameters_remaining_permissions', 'Übrige Administrationsberechtigungen'), - ( 3, 'manage_circ_rules', 'Ausleihkonditionen verwalten'), - ( 6, 'place_holds', 'Vormerkungen für Benutzer setzen'), - ( 6, 'modify_holds_priority', 'Vormerkungspriorität verändern'), - ( 9, 'edit_catalogue', 'Katalogdaten bearbeiten (Titel- und Exemplardaten ändern)'), - ( 9, 'fast_cataloging', 'Schnellaufnahmen anlegen'), - ( 9, 'edit_items', 'Exemplare bearbeiten'), - ( 9, 'edit_items_restricted', 'Begrenze die Bearbeitung von Exemplaren auf die in SubfieldsToAllowForRestrictedEditing festgelegten Unterfelder (edit_items ist weiterhin erforderlich)'), - ( 9, 'delete_all_items', 'Alle Exemplare auf einmal löschen'), - (10, 'writeoff', 'Gebühren erlassen'), - (10, 'remaining_permissions', 'Verbleibende Berechtigungen für die Verwaltung von Gebühren'), - (11, 'vendors_manage', 'Lieferanten verwalten'), - (11, 'contracts_manage', 'Vereinbarungen verwalten'), - (11, 'period_manage', 'Etats verwalten'), - (11, 'budget_manage', 'Konten verwalten'), - (11, 'budget_modify', 'Konten verändern (keine Neuen anlegen, aber Bestehende ändern)'), - (11, 'planning_manage', 'Etatplanung verwalten'), - (11, 'order_manage', 'Bestellungen verwalten'), - (11, 'order_manage_all', 'Bestellungen aller Bibliotheken, unabhängig von Berechtigungen, verwalten'), - (11, 'group_manage', 'Bestellgruppen vewalten'), - (11, 'order_receive', 'Lieferungen verwalten'), - (11, 'budget_add_del', 'Konten hinzufügen/ändern, aber bestehende nicht ändern'), - (11, 'budget_manage_all', 'Alle Konten verwalten'), - (13, 'edit_news', 'Nachrichten für OPAC und Dienstoberfläche verfassen'), - (13, 'label_creator', 'Signaturschilder, Barcodeetiketten und Ausweise erstellen'), - (13, 'edit_calendar', 'Schließtage eintragen'), - (13, 'moderate_comments', 'Benutzerkommentare moderieren'), - (13, 'edit_notices', 'Benachrichtigungen verwalten'), - (13, 'edit_notice_status_triggers', 'Mahntrigger für überfällige Medien verwalten'), - (13, 'edit_quotes', '"Zitat des Tages" konfigurieren'), - (13, 'view_system_logs', 'Logs durchsuchen/einsehen'), - (13, 'inventory', 'Inventur durchführen'), - (13, 'stage_marc_import', 'MARC-Datensätze zwischenspeichern'), - (13, 'manage_staged_marc', 'MARC-Importe verwalten, auch Übernahme in Katalog und Import rückgängig machen'), - (13, 'export_catalog', 'Titel- und Exemplardaten exportieren'), - (13, 'import_patrons', 'Benutzerdaten importieren'), - (13, 'edit_patrons', 'Stapelbearbeitung von Benutzerdaten durchführen'), - (13, 'delete_anonymize_patrons', 'Inaktive Benutzer löschen und Ausleihhistorie anonymisieren (Benutzerausleihhistorie löschen)'), - (13, 'batch_upload_patron_images', 'Benutzerfotos einzeln oder im Stapel hochladen'), - (13, 'schedule_tasks', 'Aufgabenplaner verwenden'), - (13, 'items_batchmod', 'Stapelbearbeitung von Exemplaren durchführen'), - (13, 'items_batchmod_restricted', 'Begrenze die Stapelbearbeitung von Exemplaren auf die in SubfieldsToAllowForRestrictedBachmod festgelegten Unterfelder (items_batchmod ist weiterhin erforderlich)'), - (13, 'items_batchdel', 'Stapellöschung von Exemplaren durchführen'), - (13, 'manage_csv_profiles', 'CSV-Profile für Export verwalten'), - (13, 'moderate_tags', 'Von Benutzern vergebene Tags moderieren'), - (13, 'rotating_collections', 'Rotationsbestände verwalten'), - (13, 'upload_local_cover_images', 'Eigene Coverbilder hochladen'), - (13, 'manage_patron_lists', 'Benutzerlisten anlegen, bearbeiten und löschen'), - (13, 'marc_modification_templates', 'Templates für MARC-Modifikationen verwalten'), - (13, 'records_batchdel', 'Stapellöschung von Datensätzen (Titel und Normdaten)'), - (13, 'records_batchmod', 'Stapelbearbeitung von Datensätzen (Titel und Normdaten)'), - (15, 'check_expiration', 'Ablauf eines Abonnements prüfen'), - (15, 'claim_serials', 'Fehlende Hefte reklamieren'), - (15, 'create_subscription', 'Neue Abonnements anlegen'), - (15, 'delete_subscription', 'Bestehende Abonnements löschen'), - (15, 'edit_subscription', 'Bestehende Abonnements bearbeiten'), - (15, 'receive_serials', 'Zugang von Heften'), - (15, 'renew_subscription', 'Abonnements verlängern'), - (15, 'routing', 'Umlauflisten verwalten'), - (15, 'superserials', 'Abonnements aller Bibliotheken verwalten (nur relevant wenn IndependentBranches verwendet wird)'), - (16, 'execute_reports', 'SQL-Reports ausführen'), - (16, 'create_reports', 'SQL-Reports erstellen'), - (18, 'manage_courses', 'Semesterapparate anlegen, bearbeiten und löschen'), - (18, 'add_reserves', 'Semesterapparate anlegen'), - (18, 'delete_reserves', 'Semesterapparate löschen'), - (19, 'manage', 'Plugins verwalten (installieren/deinstallieren)'), - (19, 'tool', 'Werkzeug-Plugins verwenden'), - (19, 'report', 'Report-Plugins verwenden'), - (19, 'configure', 'Plugins konfigurieren'), - (20, 'delete_public_lists', 'Öffentliche Listen löschen') -; --- a/installer/data/mysql/es-ES/mandatory/userflags.sql +++ a/installer/data/mysql/es-ES/mandatory/userflags.sql @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(0,'superlibrarian','Access to all librarian functions',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(1,'circulate','Circulate books',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(2,'catalogue','View Catalog (Librarian Interface)',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(3,'parameters','Set Koha system parameters',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(4,'borrowers','Add or modify borrowers',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(5,'permissions','Set user permissions',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(6,'reserveforothers','Place and modify holds for patrons',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(9,'editcatalogue','Edit Catalog (Modify bibliographic/holdings data)',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(10,'updatecharges','Update borrower charges',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(11,'acquisition','Acquisition and/or suggestion management',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(12,'management','Set library management parameters',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(13,'tools','Use tools (export, import, barcodes)',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(14,'editauthorities','Allow to edit authorities',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(15,'serials','Allow to manage serials subscriptions',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(16,'reports','Allow to access to the reports module',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(17,'staffaccess','Modify login / permissions for staff users',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(18,'coursereserves','Course Reserves',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(19, 'plugins', 'Koha plugins', '0'); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(20,'lists', 'Lists', '0'); --- a/installer/data/mysql/es-ES/mandatory/userpermissions.sql +++ a/installer/data/mysql/es-ES/mandatory/userpermissions.sql @@ -1,78 +0,0 @@ -INSERT INTO permissions (module_bit, code, description) VALUES - ( 1, 'circulate_remaining_permissions', 'Remaining circulation permissions'), - ( 1, 'override_renewals', 'Override blocked renewals'), - ( 1, 'overdues_report', 'Execute overdue items report'), - ( 1, 'force_checkout', 'Force checkout if a limitation exists'), - ( 1, 'manage_restrictions', 'Manage restrictions for accounts'), - ( 1, 'self_checkout', 'Perform self checkout at the OPAC. It should be used for the patron matching the AutoSelfCheckID'), - ( 3, 'parameters_remaining_permissions', 'Remaining system parameters permissions'), - ( 3, 'manage_circ_rules', 'manage circulation rules'), - ( 6, 'place_holds', 'Place holds for patrons'), - ( 6, 'modify_holds_priority', 'Modify holds priority'), - ( 9, 'edit_catalogue', 'Edit catalog (Modify bibliographic/holdings data)'), - ( 9, 'fast_cataloging', 'Fast cataloging'), - ( 9, 'edit_items', 'Edit Items'), - ( 9, 'edit_items_restricted', 'Limit item modification to subfields defined in the SubfieldsToAllowForRestrictedEditing preference (please note that edit_item is still required)'), - ( 9, 'delete_all_items', 'Delete all items at once'), - (10, 'writeoff', 'Write off fines and fees'), - (10, 'remaining_permissions', 'Remaining permissions for managing fines and fees'), - (11, 'vendors_manage', 'Manage vendors'), - (11, 'contracts_manage', 'Manage contracts'), - (11, 'period_manage', 'Manage periods'), - (11, 'budget_manage', 'Manage budgets'), - (11, 'budget_modify', 'Modify budget (can''t create lines, but can modify existing ones)'), - (11, 'planning_manage', 'Manage budget plannings'), - (11, 'order_manage', 'Manage orders & basket'), - (11, 'order_manage_all', 'Manage all orders and baskets, regardless of restrictions on them'), - (11, 'group_manage', 'Manage orders & basketgroups'), - (11, 'order_receive', 'Manage orders & basket'), - (11, 'budget_add_del', 'Add and delete budgets (but cant modify budgets)'), - (11, 'budget_manage_all', 'Manage all budgets'), - (13, 'edit_news', 'Write news for the OPAC and staff interfaces'), - (13, 'label_creator', 'Create printable labels and barcodes from catalog and patron data'), - (13, 'edit_calendar', 'Define days when the library is closed'), - (13, 'moderate_comments', 'Moderate patron comments'), - (13, 'edit_notices', 'Define notices'), - (13, 'edit_notice_status_triggers', 'Set notice/status triggers for overdue items'), - (13, 'edit_quotes', 'Edit quotes for quote-of-the-day feature'), - (13, 'view_system_logs', 'Browse the system logs'), - (13, 'inventory', 'Perform inventory (stocktaking) of your catalog'), - (13, 'stage_marc_import', 'Stage MARC records into the reservoir'), - (13, 'manage_staged_marc', 'Managed staged MARC records, including completing and reversing imports'), - (13, 'export_catalog', 'Export bibliographic and holdings data'), - (13, 'import_patrons', 'Import patron data'), - (13, 'edit_patrons', 'Perform batch modification of patrons'), - (13, 'delete_anonymize_patrons', 'Delete old borrowers and anonymize circulation history (deletes borrower reading history)'), - (13, 'batch_upload_patron_images', 'Upload patron images in a batch or one at a time'), - (13, 'schedule_tasks', 'Schedule tasks to run'), - (13, 'items_batchmod', 'Perform batch modification of items'), - (13, 'items_batchmod_restricted', 'Limit batch item modification to subfields defined in the SubfieldsToAllowForRestrictedBatchmod preference (please note that items_batchmod is still required)'), - (13, 'items_batchdel', 'Perform batch deletion of items'), - (13, 'manage_csv_profiles', 'Manage CSV export profiles'), - (13, 'moderate_tags', 'Moderate patron tags'), - (13, 'rotating_collections', 'Manage rotating collections'), - (13, 'upload_local_cover_images', 'Upload local cover images'), - (13, 'manage_patron_lists', 'Add, edit and delete patron lists and their contents'), - (13, 'records_batchmod', 'Perform batch modification of records (biblios or authorities)'), - (13, 'marc_modification_templates', 'Manage marc modification templates'), - (13, 'records_batchdel', 'Perform batch deletion of records (bibliographic or authority)'), - (15, 'check_expiration', 'Check the expiration of a serial'), - (15, 'claim_serials', 'Claim missing serials'), - (15, 'create_subscription', 'Create a new subscription'), - (15, 'delete_subscription', 'Delete an existing subscription'), - (15, 'edit_subscription', 'Edit an existing subscription'), - (15, 'receive_serials', 'Serials receiving'), - (15, 'renew_subscription', 'Renew a subscription'), - (15, 'routing', 'Routing'), - (15, 'superserials', 'Manage subscriptions from any branch (only applies when IndependantBranches is used)'), - (16, 'execute_reports', 'Execute SQL reports'), - (16, 'create_reports', 'Create SQL Reports'), - (18, 'manage_courses', 'Add, edit and delete courses'), - (18, 'add_reserves', 'Add course reserves'), - (18, 'delete_reserves', 'Remove course reserves'), - (19, 'manage', 'Manage plugins ( install / uninstall )'), - (19, 'tool', 'Use tool plugins'), - (19, 'report', 'Use report plugins'), - (19, 'configure', 'Configure plugins'), - (20, 'delete_public_lists', 'Delete public lists') -; --- a/installer/data/mysql/fr-FR/1-Obligatoire/userflags.sql +++ a/installer/data/mysql/fr-FR/1-Obligatoire/userflags.sql @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -SET NAMES utf8; - -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(0,'superlibrarian','Accès à toutes les fonctions bibliothécaires, sans limite',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(1,'circulate','Circulation',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(2,'catalogue','Consultation du catalogue (interface professionnelle)',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(3,'parameters','Définition des paramètres de l''application',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(4,'borrowers','Gestion des lecteurs',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(5,'permissions','Définition des habilitations',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(6,'reserveforothers','Ajout et modifications des réservations des adhérents',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(9,'editcatalogue','fonctions de catalogage',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(10,'updatecharges','Gestion des pénalités financières',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(11,'acquisition','Gestion des acquisitions',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(12,'management','Gestion des paramètres (inutile normalement)',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(13,'tools','Outils (export, import, impression des codes à barres)',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(14,'editauthorities','Gestion des autorités',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(15,'serials','Gestion du module périodique',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(16,'reports','Accès aux statistiques',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(17,'staffaccess','Autorise les bibliothécaires à modifier les permissions d''autres bibliothécaires',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(18,'coursereserves','Course Reserves',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(19, 'plugins', 'Koha plugins', '0'); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(20,'lists', 'Lists', '0'); --- a/installer/data/mysql/fr-FR/1-Obligatoire/userflags.txt +++ a/installer/data/mysql/fr-FR/1-Obligatoire/userflags.txt @@ -1, +0,0 @@ -Les habilitations utilisateur --- a/installer/data/mysql/fr-FR/1-Obligatoire/userpermissions.sql +++ a/installer/data/mysql/fr-FR/1-Obligatoire/userpermissions.sql @@ -1,78 +0,0 @@ -INSERT INTO permissions (module_bit, code, description) VALUES - ( 1, 'circulate_remaining_permissions', 'Fonctions de circulation restantes'), - ( 1, 'override_renewals', 'Outrepasser les limites de renouvellement'), - ( 1, 'overdues_report', 'Executer le rapport de retards'), - ( 1, 'force_checkout', 'Forcer le prêt si une limitation existe'), - ( 1, 'manage_restrictions', 'Gérer les suspensions d\'un utilisateur'), - ( 1, 'self_checkout', 'Perform self checkout at the OPAC. It should be used for the patron matching the AutoSelfCheckID'), - ( 3, 'parameters_remaining_permissions', 'Paramètres du système restants'), - ( 3, 'manage_circ_rules', 'Gestion des règles de circulation'), - ( 6, 'place_holds', 'Réserver pour des adhérents'), - ( 6, 'modify_holds_priority', 'Modifier la priorité des réservations'), - ( 9, 'edit_catalogue', 'Ajouter et modifier des notices au catalogue'), - ( 9, 'fast_cataloging', 'Catalogage rapide'), - ( 9, 'edit_items', 'Modifier des exemplaires'), - ( 9, 'edit_items_restricted', 'Limit item modification to subfields defined in the SubfieldsToAllowForRestrictedEditing preference (please note that edit_item is still required)'), - ( 9, 'delete_all_items', 'Delete all items at once'), - (10, 'writeoff', 'Write off fines and fees'), - (10, 'remaining_permissions', 'Remaining permissions for managing fines and fees'), - (13, 'edit_news', 'Ecrire des nouvelles pour l''OPAC et l''interface professionnelle'), - (13, 'label_creator', 'Créer des étiquettes à partir des données du catalogues et des adhérents'), - (13, 'edit_calendar', 'Définir les jours de fermeture de la bibliothèque'), - (13, 'moderate_comments', 'Modérer les commentaires des adhérents'), - (13, 'edit_notices', 'Définir les notifications'), - (13, 'edit_notice_status_triggers', 'Définir les déclencheurs de notification de retard'), - (13, 'edit_quotes', 'Gérer les citations pour la fonctionnalité citation du jour'), - (13, 'view_system_logs', 'Parcourir les journaux de l''activité du système'), - (13, 'inventory', 'Réaliser les tâches de récolement'), - (13, 'stage_marc_import', 'Importer des notices MARC dans le réservoir'), - (13, 'manage_staged_marc', 'Gérer les notices du réservoir, les charger ou annuler leur chargement'), - (13, 'export_catalog', 'Exporter des notices bibliographiques et leurs exemplaires'), - (13, 'import_patrons', 'Importer des données d''adhérents'), - (13, 'edit_patrons', 'Modification par lot des lecteurs'), - (13, 'delete_anonymize_patrons', 'Supprimer les anciens adhérents et anonymiser l''historique des prêts (supprime l''historique des prêts des lecteurs'), - (13, 'batch_upload_patron_images', 'Charger sur le serveur les images des adhérents par lot ou un par un'), - (13, 'schedule_tasks', 'Planifier les tâches à exécuter'), - (13, 'marc_modification_templates', 'Manage marc modification templates'), - (11, 'vendors_manage', 'Gérer les fournisseurs'), - (11, 'contracts_manage', 'Gérer les contrats'), - (11, 'period_manage', 'Gérer les périodes'), - (11, 'budget_manage', 'Gérer les budgets'), - (11, 'budget_modify', 'Modifier les budgets (impossible de créer les lignes, mais possible de modifier celles qui existent'), - (11, 'planning_manage', 'Gérer de la planification des budgets'), - (11, 'order_manage', 'Gérer les commandes et les paniers'), - (11, 'order_manage_all', 'Manage all orders and baskets, regardless of restrictions on them'), - (11, 'group_manage', 'Gérer les commandes et les bons de commande'), - (11, 'order_receive', 'Gérer les réceptions'), - (11, 'budget_add_del', 'Ajouter et supprimer les budgets (mais pas modifier)'), - (11, 'budget_manage_all', 'Gérer tous les budgets'), - (13, 'manage_csv_profiles', 'Gérer les profils d''export CSV'), - (13, 'moderate_tags', 'Modérer les tags des adhérents'), - (13, 'rotating_collections', 'Gérer les collections tournantes'), - (13, 'items_batchmod', 'Modifier les exemplaires par lot'), - (13, 'items_batchmod_restricted', 'Limit batch item modification to subfields defined in the SubfieldsToAllowForRestrictedBatchmod preference (please note that items_batchmod is still required)'), - (13, 'items_batchdel', 'Supprimer les exemplaires par lot'), - (13, 'upload_local_cover_images', 'Téléchargement des images de couverture'), - (13, 'manage_patron_lists', 'Add, edit and delete patron lists and their contents'), - (13, 'records_batchdel', 'Perform batch deletion of records (bibliographic or authority)'), - (13, 'records_batchmod', 'Perform batch modification of records (biblios or authorities)'), - (15, 'check_expiration', 'Contrôler l''expiration d''un périodique'), - (15, 'claim_serials', 'Réclamer les périodiques manquants'), - (15, 'create_subscription', 'Créer de nouveaux abonnements'), - (15, 'delete_subscription', 'Supprimer un abonnement existant'), - (15, 'edit_subscription', 'Modifier un abonnement existant'), - (15, 'receive_serials', 'Bulletiner les périodiques'), - (15, 'renew_subscription', 'Renouveler les abonnements'), - (15, 'routing', 'Mettre en circulation'), - (15, 'superserials', 'Manage subscriptions from any branch (only applies when IndependantBranches is used)'), - (16, 'execute_reports', 'Lancer les rapports SQL'), - (16, 'create_reports', 'Créer les rapports SQL Reports'), - (18, 'manage_courses', 'Add, edit and delete courses'), - (18, 'add_reserves', 'Add course reserves'), - (18, 'delete_reserves', 'Remove course reserves'), - (19, 'manage', 'Manage plugins ( install / uninstall )'), - (19, 'tool', 'Use tool plugins'), - (19, 'report', 'Use report plugins'), - (19, 'configure', 'Configure plugins'), - (20, 'delete_public_lists', 'Delete public lists') -; --- a/installer/data/mysql/fr-FR/1-Obligatoire/userpermissions.txt +++ a/installer/data/mysql/fr-FR/1-Obligatoire/userpermissions.txt @@ -1, +0,0 @@ -Detailed staff user permissions --- a/installer/data/mysql/it-IT/necessari/userflags.sql +++ a/installer/data/mysql/it-IT/necessari/userflags.sql @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ -SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0; - -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(0,'superlibrarian','Accesso a tutte le funzioni bibliotecarie',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(1,'circulate','Libri per la circolazione',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(2,'catalogue','Visualizza il catalogo (interfaccia del bibliotecario)',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(3,'parameters','Imposta i parametri di Koha',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(4,'borrowers','Aggiungi o modifica gli utenti',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(5,'permissions','Imposta i permessi utente',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(6,'reserveforothers','Prenota i libri per gli utenti',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(9,'editcatalogue','Modifica il catalogo (modifica i dati bibliografici e titoli)',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(10,'updatecharges','Aggiorna le tariffe del prestito',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(11,'acquisition','Gestione delle acquisizioni e dei suggerimenti d\'acquisto',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(12,'management','Imposta i parametri della gestione della biblioteca',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(13,'tools','Usa i tools (export, import, barcodes )',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(14,'editauthorities','autorizza la modifica delle authorities',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(15,'serials','autorizza la gestione degli abbonamenti ai periodici',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(16,'reports','autorizza accesso al modulo dei reports',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(17,'staffaccess','modifica la login o i permessi degli staff users',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(18,'coursereserves','Modulo \'Testi per i corsi\'',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(19, 'plugins', 'Gestisci i plugins di Koha', '0'); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(20,'lists', 'Lists', '0'); - -SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1; --- a/installer/data/mysql/it-IT/necessari/userpermissions.sql +++ a/installer/data/mysql/it-IT/necessari/userpermissions.sql @@ -1,78 +0,0 @@ -INSERT INTO permissions (module_bit, code, description) VALUES - ( 1, 'circulate_remaining_permissions', 'Permessi rimanenti per la circolazione'), - ( 1, 'override_renewals', 'Sblocca i rinnovi bloccati'), - ( 1, 'overdues_report', 'Esegui report per prestiti scaduti'), - ( 1, 'force_checkout', 'Sblocca il prestito'), - ( 1, 'manage_restrictions', 'Gestisci restrizioni per utenti'), - ( 1, 'self_checkout', 'Perform self checkout at the OPAC. It should be used for the patron matching the AutoSelfCheckID'), - ( 3, 'parameters_remaining_permissions', 'Permessi rimanenti'), - ( 3, 'manage_circ_rules', 'Gestisci regole circolazione'), - ( 6, 'place_holds', 'Fai prenotazioni per gli utenti'), - ( 6, 'modify_holds_priority', 'Modifica priorità prenotazioni'), - ( 9, 'edit_catalogue', 'Cataloga (crea/modifica dati bibliografici e di copia)'), - ( 9, 'fast_cataloging', 'Catalogazione veloce'), - ( 9, 'edit_items', 'Crea/modifica copie'), - ( 9, 'edit_items_restricted', 'Limit item modification to subfields defined in the SubfieldsToAllowForRestrictedEditing preference (please note that edit_item is still required)'), - ( 9, 'delete_all_items', 'Delete all items at once'), - (10, 'writeoff', 'Cancellare multe e tariffe'), - (10, 'remaining_permissions', 'Permessi rimanenti per gestione multe e costi'), - (11, 'vendors_manage', 'Crea/modifica fornitori'), - (11, 'contracts_manage', 'Crea/modifica contratti'), - (11, 'period_manage', 'Gestisci scadenze budgets'), - (11, 'budget_manage', 'Crea/modifica budgets'), - (11, 'budget_modify', 'Modifica budget (non li crea ma modifica gli esistenti)'), - (11, 'planning_manage', 'Intervieni sulla pianificazione dei budgets'), - (11, 'order_manage', 'Gestisci ordini e raccoglitori'), - (11, 'order_manage_all', 'Gestisci ordini e raccoglitori, indipendentemente dalle restrizioni su di loro'), - (11, 'group_manage', 'Gestisci ordini e ordini d\'acquisto'), - (11, 'order_receive', 'Gestisci arrivi'), - (11, 'budget_add_del', 'Aggiungi e cancella budgets (senza modificarli)'), - (11, 'budget_manage_all', 'Gestisci tutti i budgets'), - (13, 'edit_news', 'Scrivi le news per l\'OPAC e per l\'interfaccia staff'), - (13, 'label_creator', 'Crea etichette da stampare e barcodes dal catalogo e dai dati degli utenti'), - (13, 'edit_calendar', 'Definisci i giorni di chiusura della biblioteca'), - (13, 'moderate_comments', 'Modera i commenti degli utenti'), - (13, 'edit_notices', 'Definisci le notifiche'), - (13, 'edit_notice_status_triggers', 'Imposta il messaggio o lo stato delle notifiche per le copie in ritardo'), - (13, 'edit_quotes', 'Modifica suggerimenti/citazioni per la feature corrispondente'), - (13, 'view_system_logs', 'Scorri i log di sistema'), - (13, 'inventory', 'Lavora sugli inventari (stocktaking) del tuo catalogo'), - (13, 'stage_marc_import', 'Opera sui Record MARC presenti nella zona di lavoro'), - (13, 'manage_staged_marc', 'Gestisci i record MARC in lavorazione, inclusi il completare e il cancellare gli import'), - (13, 'export_catalog', 'Esporta i dati bibliografici e di copia'), - (13, 'import_patrons', 'Importa i dati utente'), - (13, 'edit_patrons', 'Modifica utenti via batch'), - (13, 'delete_anonymize_patrons', 'Cancella i vecchi prestiti e rendi anonimo lo storico della circolazione (canella in lettura lo storico utenti prestito)'), - (13, 'batch_upload_patron_images', 'Aggiorna le foto utente in modalità batch o al momento'), - (13, 'schedule_tasks', 'Schedula i task'), - (13, 'items_batchmod', 'Abilita alla modifica batch delle copie'), - (13, 'items_batchmod_restricted', 'Limit batch item modification to subfields defined in the SubfieldsToAllowForRestrictedBatchmod preference (please note that items_batchmod is still required)'), - (13, 'items_batchdel', 'Abilita alla cancellazione via batch delle copie'), - (13, 'manage_csv_profiles', 'Gestisci i profili CSV di export'), - (13, 'moderate_tags', 'Modera i tag inseriti dagli utenti'), - (13, 'rotating_collections', 'Gestisci le collezioni circolanti (rotating collections)'), - (13, 'upload_local_cover_images', 'Carica copertine in locale'), - (13, 'manage_patron_lists', 'Aggiungi, modifica e cancella le liste utenti e i loro contenuti'), - (13, 'records_batchmod', 'Perform batch modification of records (biblios or authorities)'), - (13, 'marc_modification_templates', 'Gestisci le modifiche sulle griglie di catalogazione MARC'), - (13, 'records_batchdel', 'Perform batch deletion of records (bibliographic or authority)'), - (15, 'check_expiration', 'Controlla la scadenza di una risora in continuazione'), - (15, 'claim_serials', 'Richiedi i fascicoli non arrivati'), - (15, 'create_subscription', 'Crea un nuovo abbonamento'), - (15, 'delete_subscription', 'Cancella un abbonamento esistente'), - (15, 'edit_subscription', 'Modifica un abbonamento esistente'), - (15, 'receive_serials', 'Ricevi fascicoli'), - (15, 'renew_subscription', 'Rinnova un abbonamento'), - (15, 'routing', 'Crea/Manipola liste di distribuzione dei fascicoli ( routing list)'), - (15, 'superserials', 'Gestisci gli abbonamenti per ogni biblioteca(only applies when IndependantBranches is used)'), - (16, 'execute_reports', 'Esegui reports SQL'), - (16, 'create_reports', 'Crea reports SQL'), - (18, 'manage_courses', 'Aggiungi, modifica e cancella i corsi'), - (18, 'add_reserves', 'Aggiungi corsi riservati'), - (18, 'delete_reserves', 'Cancella corsi riservati'), - (19, 'manage', 'Gestisci plugins ( installa / disinstalla )'), - (19, 'tool', 'Usa i plugins di tipo strumento'), - (19, 'report', 'Usa i plugins di tipo report'), - (19, 'configure', 'Configura i plugins'), - (20, 'delete_public_lists', 'Delete public lists') -; --- a/installer/data/mysql/nb-NO/1-Obligatorisk/userflags.sql +++ a/installer/data/mysql/nb-NO/1-Obligatorisk/userflags.sql @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ --- --- Default classification sources and filing rules --- for Koha. --- --- Copyright (C) 2011 Magnus Enger Libriotech --- --- This file is part of Koha. --- --- Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the --- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software --- Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later --- version. --- --- Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY --- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR --- A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. --- --- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along --- with Koha; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., --- 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. - -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(0,'superlibrarian','Tilgang til alle bibliotekarfunksjoner',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(1,'circulate','Sirkulasjon',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(2,'catalogue','Søke i katalogen (internt)',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(3,'parameters','Endre Kohas systempreferanser',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(4,'borrowers','Legge til og endre lånere',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(5,'permissions','Endre brukerrettigheter',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(6,'reserveforothers','Reservere og endre reservasjoner for lånere',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(9,'editcatalogue','Endre katalogen (Endre bibliografiske poster og eksemplaropplysninger)',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(10,'updatecharges','Endre gebyrer for lånere',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(11,'acquisition','Innkjøp og/eller behandling av forslag',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(12,'management','Endre "library managament parameters"',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(13,'tools','Bruke verktøy (eksport, import, strekkoder)',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(14,'editauthorities','Tilgang til å endre autoriteter',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(15,'serials','Tilgang til å endre abonnementer',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(16,'reports','Tilgang til rapportmodulen',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(17,'staffaccess','Endre innlogging og rettigheter for bibliotekansatte',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(18,'coursereserves','Course Reserves',0); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(19, 'plugins', 'Koha plugins', '0'); -INSERT INTO `userflags` VALUES(20,'lists', 'Lists', '0'); --- a/installer/data/mysql/nb-NO/1-Obligatorisk/userpermissions.sql +++ a/installer/data/mysql/nb-NO/1-Obligatorisk/userpermissions.sql @@ -1,98 +0,0 @@ --- --- Permissions for Koha. --- --- Copyright (C) 2011 Magnus Enger Libriotech --- --- This file is part of Koha. --- --- Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the --- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software --- Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later --- version. --- --- Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY --- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR --- A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. --- --- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along --- with Koha; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., --- 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. - -INSERT INTO permissions (module_bit, code, description) VALUES - ( 1, 'circulate_remaining_permissions', 'Øvrige rettigheter for sirkulasjon'), - ( 1, 'override_renewals', 'Overstyre blokkerte fornyinger'), - ( 1, 'overdues_report', 'Execute overdue items report'), - ( 1, 'force_checkout', 'Force checkout if a limitation exists'), - ( 1, 'manage_restrictions', 'Manage restrictions for accounts'), - ( 1, 'self_checkout', 'Perform self checkout at the OPAC. It should be used for the patron matching the AutoSelfCheckID'), - ( 3, 'parameters_remaining_permissions', 'Øvrige rettigheter knyttet til systempreferanser'), - ( 3, 'manage_circ_rules', 'Endre sirkulasjonsregler'), - ( 6, 'place_holds', 'Foreta reservering for lånere'), - ( 6, 'modify_holds_priority', 'Endre rekkefølge på reserveringer'), - ( 9, 'edit_catalogue', 'Endre katalogen (Endre bibliografiske poster og eksemplaropplysninger)'), - ( 9, 'fast_cataloging', 'Hurtigkatalogisering'), - ( 9, 'edit_items', 'Endre eksmeplarer'), - ( 9, 'edit_items_restricted', 'Limit item modification to subfields defined in the SubfieldsToAllowForRestrictedEditing preference (please note that edit_item is still required)'), - ( 9, 'delete_all_items', 'Delete all items at once'), - (10, 'writeoff', 'Write off fines and fees'), - (10, 'remaining_permissions', 'Remaining permissions for managing fines and fees'), - (11, 'vendors_manage', 'Administrere leverandører'), - (11, 'contracts_manage', 'Administrere kontrakter'), - (11, 'period_manage', 'Administrere perioder'), - (11, 'budget_manage', 'Administrere budsjetter'), - (11, 'budget_modify', 'Endre budsjetter (kan ikke legge til kontolinjer, men endre eksisterende)'), - (11, 'planning_manage', 'Administrere budsjettplaner'), - (11, 'order_manage', 'Administrere bestillinger og kurver'), - (11, 'order_manage_all', 'Manage all orders and baskets, regardless of restrictions on them'), - (11, 'group_manage', 'Administrere bestillinger og kurv-grupper'), - (11, 'order_receive', 'Administrere bestillinger og kurver'), - (11, 'budget_add_del', 'Legge til og slette budsjetter (men ikke endre budsjetter)'), - (11, 'budget_manage_all', 'Administrere alle budsjetter'), - (13, 'edit_news', 'Legge ut nyhter i OPACen og det interne grensesnittet'), - (13, 'label_creator', 'Lage etiketter og strekkoder basert på bibliografiske poster og lånerdata'), - (13, 'edit_calendar', 'Definere dager da biblioteket er stengt'), - (13, 'moderate_comments', 'Behandle kommentarer fra lånere'), - (13, 'edit_notices', 'Definere meldinger'), - (13, 'edit_notice_status_triggers', 'Definere utløsere for meldinger og statusenderinger for for sent leverte dokumenter'), - (13, 'edit_quotes', 'Endre sitater for dagens sitat-funksjonen'), - (13, 'view_system_logs', 'Se Koha sine logger'), - (13, 'inventory', 'Foreta varetelling'), - (13, 'stage_marc_import', 'Importere MARC-poster til brønnen'), - (13, 'manage_staged_marc', 'Behandle lagrede MARC-poster, inkludert ferdigstilling og reversering av importer'), - (13, 'export_catalog', 'Eksportere bibliografiske data og beholdningsdata'), - (13, 'import_patrons', 'Importere låneropplysninger'), - (13, 'edit_patrons', 'Utføre satsvise endringer av lånere'), - (13, 'delete_anonymize_patrons', 'Slette utgåtte lånere og anonymisere lånehistorikk'), - (13, 'batch_upload_patron_images', 'Laste opp bilder av lånere enkeltvis eller en masse'), - (13, 'schedule_tasks', 'Planlegge oppgaver som skal kjøres'), - (13, 'items_batchmod', 'Utføre masseendringer av eksemplarer'), - (13, 'items_batchmod_restricted', 'Limit batch item modification to subfields defined in the SubfieldsToAllowForRestrictedBatchmod preference (please note that items_batchmod is still required)'), - (13, 'items_batchdel', 'Utføre masseslettinger av eksemplarer'), - (13, 'manage_csv_profiles', 'Administrere CSV eksportprofiler'), - (13, 'moderate_tags', 'Behandle tagger fra lånere'), - (13, 'rotating_collections', 'Administrere roterende samlinger'), - (13, 'upload_local_cover_images', 'Laste opp lokale omslagsbilder'), - (13, 'manage_patron_lists', 'Add, edit and delete patron lists and their contents'), - (13, 'records_batchmod', 'Perform batch modification of records (biblios or authorities)'), - (13, 'marc_modification_templates', 'Manage marc modification templates'), - (13, 'records_batchdel', 'Perform batch deletion of records (bibliographic or authority)'), - (15, 'check_expiration', 'Sjekke utløpsdato for et periodikum'), - (15, 'claim_serials', 'Purre manglende tidsskrifthefter'), - (15, 'create_subscription', 'Opprette abonnementer'), - (15, 'delete_subscription', 'Slette eksisterende abonnementer'), - (15, 'edit_subscription', 'Endre eksisterende abonnementer'), - (15, 'receive_serials', 'Heftemottak'), - (15, 'renew_subscription', 'Fornye abonnementer'), - (15, 'routing', 'Sirkulasjon'), - (15, 'superserials', 'Manage subscriptions from any branch (only applies when IndependantBranches is used)'), - (16, 'execute_reports', 'Kjøre SQL-rapporter'), - (16, 'create_reports', 'Opprette SQL-rapporter'), - (18, 'manage_courses', 'Add, edit and delete courses'), - (18, 'add_reserves', 'Add course reserves'), - (18, 'delete_reserves', 'Remove course reserves'), - (19, 'manage', 'Manage plugins ( install / uninstall )'), - (19, 'tool', 'Use tool plugins'), - (19, 'report', 'Use report plugins'), - (19, 'configure', 'Configure plugins'), - (20, 'delete_public_lists', 'Delete public lists') -; --- a/installer/data/mysql/pl-PL/mandatory/userflags.sql +++ a/installer/data/mysql/pl-PL/mandatory/userflags.sql @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -INSERT INTO userflags (bit, flag, flagdesc, defaulton) VALUES -(0,'superlibrarian','Dostęp do wszystkich ustawień',0), -(1,'circulate','Wypożyczanie i zwracanie pozycji',0), -(2,'catalogue','Dostęp do interfejsu bibliotekarza. Interfejs bibliotekarza, umożliwia przeglądanie katalogu.',0), -(3,'parameters','Zarządzanie utawieniami systemowymi (Panel administracyjny)',0), -(4,'borrowers','Dodawanie i modyfikowanie użytkowników',0), -(5,'permissions','Ustawianie uprawnień użytkownikom',0), -(6,'reserveforothers','Składanie i modyfikacja zamówień w imieniu użytkowników',0), -(9,'editcatalogue','Modyfikowanie katalogu (Modyfikacja rekordów bibliograficznych/egzemplarza)',0), -(10,'updatecharges','Zarządzanie należnościami',0), -(11,'acquisition','Gromadzenie oraz/lub zarządzanie propozycjami zakupu',0), -(12,'management','Ustawianie zarządzania biblioteką (wycofane)',0), -(13,'tools','Narzędzia (rozwiń w celu barziej szczegółowego nadawania uprawnień)',0), -(14,'editauthorities','Modyfikacja haseł wzorcowych',0), -(15,'serials','Zarządzanie prenumeratami',0), -(16,'reports','Zezwól na dostęp do modułu raportów',0), -(17,'staffaccess','Pozwolenie na modyfikacje uprawnień innych pracowników',0), -(18,'coursereserves','Kursy',0), -(19, 'plugins', 'Wtyczki Koha', '0'), -(20,'lists', 'Lists', '0'); --- a/installer/data/mysql/pl-PL/mandatory/userpermissions.sql +++ a/installer/data/mysql/pl-PL/mandatory/userpermissions.sql @@ -1,78 +0,0 @@ -INSERT INTO permissions (module_bit, code, description) VALUES - ( 1, 'circulate_remaining_permissions', 'Pozostałe uprawnienia udostępniania'), - ( 1, 'override_renewals', 'Pozwolenie na ominięcie zablokowanego odnawiania wypożyczeń'), - ( 1, 'overdues_report', 'Uruchamianie raportu o przetrzymanych egzemplarzach'), - ( 1, 'force_checkout', 'Pozwolenie na wypożyczenie, pomimo ograniczeń'), - ( 1, 'manage_restrictions', 'Zarządzanie ograniczeniami dla kont'), - ( 1, 'self_checkout', 'Perform self checkout at the OPAC. It should be used for the patron matching the AutoSelfCheckID'), - ( 3, 'parameters_remaining_permissions', 'Pozostałe ustawienia systemowe'), - ( 3, 'manage_circ_rules', 'Zarządzanie zasadami wypożyczeń'), - ( 6, 'place_holds', 'Składanie zamówień w imieniu użytkownika'), - ( 6, 'modify_holds_priority', 'Modyfikacja kolejki rezerwacji'), - ( 9, 'edit_catalogue', 'Modyfikowanie katalogu (Modyfikacja rekordów bibliograficznych/egzemplarza)'), - ( 9, 'fast_cataloging', 'Szybkie katalogowanie'), - ( 9, 'edit_items', 'Modyfikowanie egzemplarzy'), - ( 9, 'edit_items_restricted', 'Ograniczenie edycji egzemplarzy do pól zdefiniwanych w ustawieniach SubfieldsToAllowForRestrictedEditing (uprawienia edit_item również są wymagane)'), - ( 9, 'delete_all_items', 'Usuwanie wszystkich egzemplarzy naraz'), - (10, 'writeoff', 'Anulowanie należności'), - (10, 'remaining_permissions', 'Pozostałe uprawnienia do zarządzania należnościami'), - (11, 'vendors_manage', 'Zarządzanie dostawcami'), - (11, 'contracts_manage', 'Zarządzanie kontraktami'), - (11, 'period_manage', 'Zarządzanie funduszami'), - (11, 'budget_manage', 'Zarządzanie budżetem'), - (11, 'budget_modify', 'Modyfikowanie budżetu (nie można dodać, ale można modyfikować istniejący)'), - (11, 'planning_manage', 'Zarządzanie planowaniem budżetu'), - (11, 'order_manage', 'Zarządzanie zamówieniami i koszykami'), - (11, 'order_manage_all', 'Zarządzanie zamówieniami i koszykami, niezależnie od ich ustawień'), - (11, 'group_manage', 'Zarządzanie zamówieniami i grupami koszyków'), - (11, 'order_receive', 'Zarządzanie zamówieniami i koszykami'), - (11, 'budget_add_del', 'Dodawanie i usuwanie budżetów (bez modyfikacji)'), - (11, 'budget_manage_all', 'Zarządzanie wszystkimi budżetami'), - (13, 'edit_news', 'Tworzenie i publikowanie wiadomości w interfejsie bibliotekarza i OPAC'), - (13, 'label_creator', 'Tworzenie drukowalnych etykiet i kodów kreskowych z katalogu i danych użytkowników'), - (13, 'edit_calendar', 'Definiowanie dni, w których biblioteka jest nieczynna'), - (13, 'moderate_comments', 'Moderowanie komentarzy użytkowników'), - (13, 'edit_notices', 'Definiowanie powiadomień'), - (13, 'edit_notice_status_triggers', 'Ustawianie wyzwalaczy powiadomień/blokad dla egzemplarzy przetrzymanych'), - (13, 'edit_quotes', 'Modyfikowanie cytatów w funkcji cytat dnia'), - (13, 'view_system_logs', 'Przeglądanie logów systemowych'), - (13, 'inventory', 'Przeprowadzanie skontrum'), - (13, 'stage_marc_import', 'Import rekordów MARC do rezerwuaru'), - (13, 'manage_staged_marc', 'Zarządzanie zaimportowanymi rekordami, finalizacja importu lub wycofanie rekordów'), - (13, 'export_catalog', 'Eksport rekordów bibliograficznych i egzemplarza'), - (13, 'import_patrons', 'Importowanie czytelników'), - (13, 'edit_patrons', 'Modyfikacja grupowa użytkowników'), - (13, 'delete_anonymize_patrons', 'Usuwanie użytkowników i usuwanie historii wypożyczeń'), - (13, 'batch_upload_patron_images', 'Łasowanie zdjęcia użytkownika, grupowo lub pojedyńczo'), - (13, 'schedule_tasks', 'Planowanie uruchamiania zadań'), - (13, 'items_batchmod', 'Grupowa modyfikacja egzemplarzy'), - (13, 'items_batchmod_restricted', 'Ograniczenie grupowej edycji egzemplarzy do pól zdefiniwanych w ustawieniach SubfieldsToAllowForRestrictedBatchmod (uprawienia items_batchmod również są wymagane)'), - (13, 'items_batchdel', 'Grupowe usuwanie egzemplarzy'), - (13, 'manage_csv_profiles', 'Zarządzanie profilami eksportu do CSV'), - (13, 'moderate_tags', 'Zarządzanie tagami'), - (13, 'rotating_collections', 'Zarządzanie kolekcjami czasowymi'), - (13, 'upload_local_cover_images', 'Ładowanie obrazu okładek'), - (13, 'manage_patron_lists', 'Dodawanie, modyfikacja i usuwanie list użytkowników i ich zawartości'), - (13, 'marc_modification_templates', 'Zarządzanie szablonami modyfikacji marc'), - (13, 'records_batchdel', 'Grupowe usuwanie rekordów (bibliograficznych lub haseł wzorcowych)'), - (13, 'records_batchmod', 'Perform batch modification of records (biblios or authorities)'), - (15, 'check_expiration', 'Sprawdzanie daty wygaśnięcia prenumeraty'), - (15, 'claim_serials', 'Składanie reklamacji na brakujący numer'), - (15, 'create_subscription', 'Tworzenie nowej prenumeraty'), - (15, 'delete_subscription', 'Usuwanie prenumeraty'), - (15, 'edit_subscription', 'Modyfikacja istniejącej prenumeraty'), - (15, 'receive_serials', 'Odbiór czasopism'), - (15, 'renew_subscription', 'Odnawianie prenumeraty'), - (15, 'routing', 'Zarządanie obiegiem'), - (15, 'superserials', 'Zarządzanie prenumeratą w każdej filii (ma zastosowanie tylko gdy używamy opcji IndependentBranches)'), - (16, 'execute_reports', 'Uruchamianie raportów SQL'), - (16, 'create_reports', 'Tworzenie raportów SQL'), - (18, 'manage_courses', 'Dodawanie, modyfikacja i usuwanie kursów'), - (18, 'add_reserves', 'Add course reserves'), - (18, 'delete_reserves', 'Remove course reserves'), - (19, 'manage', 'Zarządzanie wtyczkami ( instalacja / deinstalacja )'), - (19, 'tool', 'Użyuwanie wtyczek narzędzi'), - (19, 'report', 'Używanie wtyczek raportów'), - (19, 'configure', 'Konfiguracja wtyczek'), - (20, 'delete_public_lists', 'Delete public lists') -; --- a/installer/data/mysql/ru-RU/mandatory/permissions_and_user_flags.sql +++ a/installer/data/mysql/ru-RU/mandatory/permissions_and_user_flags.sql @@ -1,105 +0,0 @@ -TRUNCATE userflags; - -INSERT INTO userflags (bit, flag, flagdesc, defaulton) VALUES - (0, 'superlibrarian', 'Доступ ко всем библиотечным функциям',0), - (1, 'circulate', 'Оборот книг',0), - (2, 'catalogue', 'Просмотр каталога (интерфейс библиотекаря)',0), - (3, 'parameters', 'Установка системных настроек Koha',0), - (4, 'borrowers', 'Внесение и изменение посетителей',0), - (5, 'permissions', 'Установка привилегий пользователя',0), - (6, 'reserveforothers','Резервирование книжек для посетителей',0), - (9, 'editcatalogue', 'Изменение каталога (изменение библиографических/локальных данных)',0), - (10,'updatecharges', 'Обновление оплат пользователей',0), - (11,'acquisition', 'Управление поступлениями и/или предложениями',0), - (12,'management', 'Установка параметров управления библиотекой',0), - (13,'tools', 'Использование инструментов (экспорт, импорт, штрих-коды)',0), - (14,'editauthorities', 'Разрешение на изменение авторитетных источников',0), - (15,'serials', 'Разрешение на управление подпиской периодических изданий',0), - (16,'reports', 'Разрешение на доступ к модулю отчетов',0), - (17,'staffaccess', 'Смена имени(логина)/привилегий для работников библиотеки',0), - (18,'coursereserves', 'Course Reserves',0), - (19,'plugins', 'Koha plugins', '0'), - (20,'lists', 'Lists', '0') -; - -TRUNCATE permissions; - -INSERT INTO permissions (module_bit, code, description) VALUES - ( 1, 'circulate_remaining_permissions', 'Remaining circulation permissions'), - ( 1, 'override_renewals', 'Override blocked renewals'), - ( 1, 'overdues_report', 'Execute overdue items report'), - ( 1, 'force_checkout', 'Force checkout if a limitation exists'), - ( 1, 'manage_restrictions', 'Manage restrictions for accounts'), - ( 1, 'self_checkout', 'Perform self checkout at the OPAC. It should be used for the patron matching the AutoSelfCheckID'), - ( 3, 'parameters_remaining_permissions', 'Remaining system parameters permissions'), - ( 3, 'manage_circ_rules', 'manage circulation rules'), - ( 6, 'place_holds', 'Place holds for patrons'), - ( 6, 'modify_holds_priority', 'Modify holds priority'), - ( 9, 'edit_catalogue', 'Edit catalog (Modify bibliographic/holdings data)'), - ( 9, 'fast_cataloging', 'Fast cataloging'), - ( 9, 'edit_items', 'Edit Items'), - ( 9, 'edit_items_restricted', 'Limit item modification to barcode, status and note (please note that edit_item is still required)'), - ( 9, 'delete_all_items', 'Delete all items at once'), - (10, 'writeoff', 'Write off fines and fees'), - (10, 'remaining_permissions', 'Remaining permissions for managing fines and fees'), - (11, 'vendors_manage', 'Manage vendors'), - (11, 'contracts_manage', 'Manage contracts'), - (11, 'period_manage', 'Manage periods'), - (11, 'budget_manage', 'Manage budgets'), - (11, 'budget_modify', 'Modify budget (can''t create lines, but can modify existing ones)'), - (11, 'planning_manage', 'Manage budget plannings'), - (11, 'order_manage', 'Manage orders & basket'), - (11, 'order_manage_all', 'Manage all orders and baskets, regardless of restrictions on them'), - (11, 'group_manage', 'Manage orders & basketgroups'), - (11, 'order_receive', 'Manage orders & basket'), - (11, 'budget_add_del', 'Add and delete budgets (but cant modify budgets)'), - (11, 'budget_manage_all', 'Manage all budgets'), - (13, 'edit_news', 'Написание новостей для электронного каталога и интерфейса библиотекарей'), - (13, 'label_creator', 'Создание печатных наклеек и штрихкодов из каталога и с данными о пользователях'), - (13, 'edit_calendar', 'Определение дней, когда библиотека закрыта'), - (13, 'moderate_comments', 'Регулировка комментариев от посетителей'), - (13, 'edit_notices', 'Определение сообщений'), - (13, 'edit_notice_status_triggers', 'Установка триггеров сообщений/статусов для просроченных экземпляров'), - (13, 'edit_quotes', 'Edit quotes for quote-of-the-day feature'), - (13, 'view_system_logs', 'Просмотр протоколов системы'), - (13, 'inventory', 'Проведение инвентаризации(анализа) Вашего каталога'), - (13, 'stage_marc_import', 'Заготовка МАРК-записей в хранилище'), - (13, 'manage_staged_marc', 'Управление заготовленными МАРК-записями, в том числе дополнения и обратный импорт'), - (13, 'export_catalog', 'Экспортирование библиографической информации и данных о единицах хранения'), - (13, 'import_patrons', 'Импорт данных о посетителях'), - (13, 'edit_patrons', 'Perform batch modification of patrons'), - (13, 'delete_anonymize_patrons', 'Удаление пользователей с протерминованим периодом регистрации и анонимизация истории обращения (изъятие история чтения пользователей)'), - (13, 'batch_upload_patron_images', 'Загрузка изображений посетителей партиями или всех сразу'), - (13, 'schedule_tasks', 'Планирование задач к выполнению'), - (13, 'items_batchmod', 'Perform batch modification of items'), - (13, 'items_batchmod_restricted', 'Limit batch item modification to item status (please note that items_batchmod is still required)'), - (13, 'items_batchdel', 'Perform batch deletion of items'), - (13, 'manage_csv_profiles', 'Manage CSV export profiles'), - (13, 'moderate_tags', 'Moderate patron tags'), - (13, 'rotating_collections', 'Manage rotating collections'), - (13, 'upload_local_cover_images', 'Upload local cover images'), - (13, 'manage_patron_lists', 'Add, edit and delete patron lists and their contents'), - (13, 'records_batchmod', 'Perform batch modification of records (biblios or authorities)'), - (13, 'marc_modification_templates', 'Manage marc modification templates'), - (13, 'records_batchdel', 'Perform batch deletion of records (bibliographic or authority)'), - (15, 'check_expiration', 'Check the expiration of a serial'), - (15, 'claim_serials', 'Claim missing serials'), - (15, 'create_subscription', 'Create a new subscription'), - (15, 'delete_subscription', 'Delete an existing subscription'), - (15, 'edit_subscription', 'Edit an existing subscription'), - (15, 'receive_serials', 'Serials receiving'), - (15, 'renew_subscription', 'Renew a subscription'), - (15, 'routing', 'Routing'), - (15, 'superserials', 'Manage subscriptions from any branch (only applies when IndependantBranches is used)'), - (16, 'execute_reports', 'Execute SQL reports'), - (16, 'create_reports', 'Create SQL Reports'), - (18, 'manage_courses', 'Add, edit and delete courses'), - (18, 'add_reserves', 'Add course reserves'), - (18, 'delete_reserves', 'Remove course reserves'), - (19, 'manage', 'Manage plugins ( install / uninstall )'), - (19, 'tool', 'Use tool plugins'), - (19, 'report', 'Use report plugins'), - (19, 'configure', 'Configure plugins'), - (20, 'delete_public_lists', 'Delete public lists') -; - --- a/installer/data/mysql/uk-UA/mandatory/permissions_and_user_flags.sql +++ a/installer/data/mysql/uk-UA/mandatory/permissions_and_user_flags.sql @@ -1,104 +0,0 @@ -TRUNCATE userflags; - -INSERT INTO userflags (bit, flag, flagdesc, defaulton) VALUES - (0, 'superlibrarian', 'Доступ до усіх бібліотечних функцій',0), - (1, 'circulate', 'Обіг книжок',0), - (2, 'catalogue', 'Перегляд каталогу (інтерфейс бібліотекаря)',0), - (3, 'parameters', 'Встановлення системних налаштувань Koha',0), - (4, 'borrowers', 'Внесення та зміна відвідувачів',0), - (5, 'permissions', 'Встановлення привілеїв користувача',0), - (6, 'reserveforothers','Резервування книжок для відвідувачів',0), - (9, 'editcatalogue', 'Редагування каталогу (зміна бібліографічних/локальних даних)',0), - (10,'updatecharges', 'Оновлення сплат користувачів',0), - (11,'acquisition', 'Управління надходженнями і/чи пропозиціями',0), - (12,'management', 'Встановлення параметрів керування бібліотекою',0), - (13,'tools', 'Використання інструментів (експорт, імпорт, штрих-коди)',0), - (14,'editauthorities', 'Дозвіл на редагування авторитетних джерел',0), - (15,'serials', 'Дозвіл на керування підпискою періодичних видань',0), - (16,'reports', 'Дозвіл на доступ до модуля звітів',0), - (17,'staffaccess', 'Зміна імені(логіну)/привілеїв для працівників бібліотеки',0), - (18,'coursereserves', 'Course Reserves',0), - (19,'plugins', 'Koha plugins', '0'), - (20,'lists', 'Lists', '0') -; - -TRUNCATE permissions; - -INSERT INTO permissions (module_bit, code, description) VALUES - ( 1, 'circulate_remaining_permissions', 'Remaining circulation permissions'), - ( 1, 'override_renewals', 'Override blocked renewals'), - ( 1, 'overdues_report', 'Execute overdue items report'), - ( 1, 'force_checkout', 'Force checkout if a limitation exists'), - ( 1, 'manage_restrictions', 'Manage restrictions for accounts'), - ( 1, 'self_checkout', 'Perform self checkout at the OPAC. It should be used for the patron matching the AutoSelfCheckID'), - ( 3, 'parameters_remaining_permissions', 'Remaining system parameters permissions'), - ( 3, 'manage_circ_rules', 'manage circulation rules'), - ( 6, 'place_holds', 'Place holds for patrons'), - ( 6, 'modify_holds_priority', 'Modify holds priority'), - ( 9, 'edit_catalogue', 'Edit catalog (Modify bibliographic/holdings data)'), - ( 9, 'fast_cataloging', 'Fast cataloging'), - ( 9, 'edit_items', 'Edit Items'), - ( 9, 'edit_items_restricted', 'Limit item modification to barcode, status and note (please note that edit_item is still required)'), - ( 9, 'delete_all_items', 'Delete all items at once'), - (10, 'writeoff', 'Write off fines and fees'), - (10, 'remaining_permissions', 'Remaining permissions for managing fines and fees'), - (11, 'vendors_manage', 'Manage vendors'), - (11, 'contracts_manage', 'Manage contracts'), - (11, 'period_manage', 'Manage periods'), - (11, 'budget_manage', 'Manage budgets'), - (11, 'budget_modify', 'Modify budget (can''t create lines, but can modify existing ones)'), - (11, 'planning_manage', 'Manage budget plannings'), - (11, 'order_manage', 'Manage orders & basket'), - (11, 'order_manage_all', 'Manage all orders and baskets, regardless of restrictions on them'), - (11, 'group_manage', 'Manage orders & basketgroups'), - (11, 'order_receive', 'Manage orders & basket'), - (11, 'budget_add_del', 'Add and delete budgets (but cant modify budgets)'), - (11, 'budget_manage_all', 'Manage all budgets'), - (13, 'edit_news', 'Написання новин для електронного каталогу та інтерфейсу бібліотекарів'), - (13, 'label_creator', 'Створення друкованих наклейок і штрих-кодів з каталогу та з даними про користувачів'), - (13, 'edit_calendar', 'Визначення днів, коли бібліотека закрита'), - (13, 'moderate_comments', 'Регулювання коментарів від відвідувачів'), - (13, 'edit_notices', 'Визначення повідомлень'), - (13, 'edit_notice_status_triggers', 'Встановлення тригерів повідомлень/статусів для прострочених примірників'), - (13, 'edit_quotes', 'Edit quotes for quote-of-the-day feature'), - (13, 'view_system_logs', 'Перегляд протоколів системи'), - (13, 'inventory', 'Проведення інвентаризації(аналізу) Вашого каталогу'), - (13, 'stage_marc_import', 'Заготівля МАРК-записів у сховище'), - (13, 'manage_staged_marc', 'Керування заготовленими МАРК-записами, в тому числі доповнення та зворотній імпорт'), - (13, 'export_catalog', 'Експортування бібліографічної інформації та даних про одиниці зберігання'), - (13, 'import_patrons', 'Імпортування даних про відвідувачів'), - (13, 'edit_patrons', 'Perform batch modification of patrons'), - (13, 'delete_anonymize_patrons', 'Вилучення користувачів з протермінованим періодом реєстрації та анонімізація історії обігу (вилучення історія читання користувачів)'), - (13, 'batch_upload_patron_images', 'Завантаження зображень відвідувачів партіями чи усіх за раз'), - (13, 'schedule_tasks', 'Планування задач до виконання'), - (13, 'items_batchmod', 'Perform batch modification of items'), - (13, 'items_batchmod_restricted', 'Limit batch item modification to item status (please note that items_batchmod is still required)'), - (13, 'items_batchdel', 'Perform batch deletion of items'), - (13, 'manage_csv_profiles', 'Manage CSV export profiles'), - (13, 'moderate_tags', 'Moderate patron tags'), - (13, 'rotating_collections', 'Manage rotating collections'), - (13, 'upload_local_cover_images', 'Upload local cover images'), - (13, 'manage_patron_lists', 'Add, edit and delete patron lists and their contents'), - (13, 'records_batchmod', 'Perform batch modification of records (biblios or authorities)'), - (13, 'marc_modification_templates', 'Manage marc modification templates'), - (13, 'records_batchdel', 'Perform batch deletion of records (bibliographic or authority)'), - (15, 'check_expiration', 'Check the expiration of a serial'), - (15, 'claim_serials', 'Claim missing serials'), - (15, 'create_subscription', 'Create a new subscription'), - (15, 'delete_subscription', 'Delete an existing subscription'), - (15, 'edit_subscription', 'Edit an existing subscription'), - (15, 'receive_serials', 'Serials receiving'), - (15, 'renew_subscription', 'Renew a subscription'), - (15, 'routing', 'Routing'), - (15, 'superserials', 'Manage subscriptions from any branch (only applies when IndependantBranches is used)'), - (16, 'execute_reports', 'Execute SQL reports'), - (16, 'create_reports', 'Create SQL Reports'), - (18, 'manage_courses', 'Add, edit and delete courses'), - (18, 'add_reserves', 'Add course reserves'), - (18, 'delete_reserves', 'Remove course reserves'), - (19, 'manage', 'Manage plugins ( install / uninstall )'), - (19, 'tool', 'Use tool plugins'), - (19, 'report', 'Use report plugins'), - (19, 'configure', 'Configure plugins'), - (20, 'delete_public_lists', 'Delete public lists') -; --