From 08fc96202696ff2d3a2280bc0fce6b7ff2709ef9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kyle M Hall <>
Date: Wed, 7 Oct 2015 12:26:37 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Bug 14610 - Add unit tests

Signed-off-by: Kyle M Hall <>

Signed-off-by: Jennifer Schmidt <>
 t/db_dependent/ArticleRequests.t |  176 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 176 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 t/db_dependent/ArticleRequests.t

diff --git a/t/db_dependent/ArticleRequests.t b/t/db_dependent/ArticleRequests.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7d48ffa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/db_dependent/ArticleRequests.t
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+# This file is part of Koha.
+# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Koha; if not, see <>.
+use Modern::Perl;
+use POSIX qw(strftime);
+use Test::More tests => 49;
+use Koha::Database;
+use Koha::Biblio;
+use Koha::Borrower;
+use Koha::Branch;
+    use_ok('Koha::ArticleRequest');
+    use_ok('Koha::ArticleRequests');
+    use_ok('Koha::ArticleRequest::Status');
+my $schema = Koha::Database->new()->schema();
+my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
+$dbh->{RaiseError} = 1;
+$dbh->do("DELETE FROM issuingrules");
+my $biblio = Koha::Biblio->new()->store();
+ok( $biblio->id, 'Koha::Biblio created' );
+my $biblioitem = $schema->resultset('Biblioitem')->new(
+    {
+        biblionumber => $biblio->id
+    }
+ok( $biblioitem->id, 'biblioitem created' );
+my $item = Koha::Item->new(
+    {
+        biblionumber     => $biblio->id,
+        biblioitemnumber => $biblioitem->id,
+        itype => $schema->resultset('Itemtype')->search()->next()->itemtype(),
+    }
+ok( $item->id, 'Koha::Item created' );
+my $branch   = Koha::Branches->search()->next();
+my $category = $schema->resultset('Category')->next();
+my $patron   = Koha::Borrower->new(
+    {
+        categorycode => $category->id,
+        branchcode   => $branch->id,
+    }
+ok( $patron->id, 'Koha::Borrower created' );
+my $article_request = Koha::ArticleRequest->new(
+    {
+        borrowernumber => $patron->id,
+        biblionumber   => $biblio->id,
+        itemnumber     => $item->id,
+    }
+$article_request = Koha::ArticleRequests->find( $article_request->id );
+ok( $article_request->id, 'Koha::ArticleRequest created' );
+is( $article_request->status, Koha::ArticleRequest::Status::Open, 'New article request has status of Open' );
+is( $article_request->status, Koha::ArticleRequest::Status::Processing, '$ar->process() changes status to Processing' );
+is( $article_request->status, Koha::ArticleRequest::Status::Completed, '$ar->complete() changes status to Completed' );
+is( $article_request->status, Koha::ArticleRequest::Status::Canceled, '$ar->complete() changes status to Canceled' );
+is( $article_request->biblio->id,   $biblio->id, '$ar->biblio() gets corrosponding Koha::Biblio object' );
+is( $article_request->item->id,     $item->id,   '$ar->item() gets corrosponding Koha::Item object' );
+is( $article_request->borrower->id, $patron->id, '$ar->borrower() gets corrosponding Koha::Borrower object' );
+my $ar = $patron->article_requests();
+is( ref($ar),      'Koha::ArticleRequests', '$patron->article_requests returns Koha::ArticleRequests object' );
+is( $ar->next->id, $article_request->id,    'Returned article request matches' );
+is( $patron->article_requests_current()->count(), 1, 'Open request returned for article_requests_current' );
+is( $patron->article_requests_current()->count(), 1, 'Processing request returned for article_requests_current' );
+is( $patron->article_requests_current()->count(), 0, 'Completed request not returned for article_requests_current' );
+is( $patron->article_requests_current()->count(), 0, 'Canceled request not returned for article_requests_current' );
+is( $patron->article_requests_finished()->count(), 0, 'Open request returned for article_requests_finished' );
+is( $patron->article_requests_finished()->count(), 0, 'Processing request returned for article_requests_finished' );
+is( $patron->article_requests_finished()->count(), 1, 'Canceled request not returned for article_requests_finished' );
+$ar = $biblio->article_requests();
+is( ref($ar),      'Koha::ArticleRequests', '$biblio->article_requests returns Koha::ArticleRequests object' );
+is( $ar->next->id, $article_request->id,    'Returned article request matches' );
+is( $biblio->article_requests_current()->count(), 1, 'Open request returned for article_requests_current' );
+is( $biblio->article_requests_current()->count(), 1, 'Processing request returned for article_requests_current' );
+is( $biblio->article_requests_current()->count(), 0, 'Completed request not returned for article_requests_current' );
+is( $biblio->article_requests_current()->count(), 0, 'Canceled request not returned for article_requests_current' );
+is( $biblio->article_requests_finished()->count(), 0, 'Open request returned for article_requests_finished' );
+is( $biblio->article_requests_finished()->count(), 0, 'Processing request returned for article_requests_finished' );
+is( $biblio->article_requests_finished()->count(), 1, 'Canceled request not returned for article_requests_finished' );
+my $rule;
+$rule = $schema->resultset('Issuingrule')
+  ->new( { categorycode => '*', itemtype => '*', branchcode => '*', article_requests => 'yes' } )->insert();
+ok( $biblio->can_article_request($patron), 'Record is requestable with rule type yes' );
+is( $biblio->article_request_type($patron), 'yes', 'Biblio article request type is yes' );
+ok( $item->can_article_request($patron),   'Item is requestable with rule type yes' );
+is( $item->article_request_type($patron), 'yes', 'Item article request type is yes' );
+$rule = $schema->resultset('Issuingrule')
+  ->new( { categorycode => '*', itemtype => '*', branchcode => '*', article_requests => 'bib_only' } )->insert();
+ok( $biblio->can_article_request($patron), 'Record is requestable with rule type bib_only' );
+is( $biblio->article_request_type($patron), 'bib_only', 'Biblio article request type is bib_only' );
+ok( !$item->can_article_request($patron),  'Item is not requestable with rule type bib_only' );
+is( $item->article_request_type($patron), 'bib_only', 'Item article request type is bib_only' );
+$rule = $schema->resultset('Issuingrule')
+  ->new( { categorycode => '*', itemtype => '*', branchcode => '*', article_requests => 'item_only' } )->insert();
+ok( $biblio->can_article_request($patron), 'Record is requestable with rule type item_only' );
+is( $biblio->article_request_type($patron), 'item_only', 'Biblio article request type is item_only' );
+ok( $item->can_article_request($patron),   'Item is not requestable with rule type item_only' );
+is( $item->article_request_type($patron), 'item_only', 'Item article request type is item_only' );
+$rule = $schema->resultset('Issuingrule')
+  ->new( { categorycode => '*', itemtype => '*', branchcode => '*', article_requests => 'no' } )->insert();
+ok( !$biblio->can_article_request($patron), 'Record is requestable with rule type no' );
+is( $biblio->article_request_type($patron), 'no', 'Biblio article request type is no' );
+ok( !$item->can_article_request($patron),   'Item is not requestable with rule type no' );
+is( $item->article_request_type($patron), 'no', 'Item article request type is no' );